'4 The Ne ws - Journal The Hoke County Newt—^EtUblithed 1928 Jhe Hoke Coont^ Journal—^EttahKakail 1908 r . u.— VOLUME LV. NO. U THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1961 'rAEFORD, N. C. 10 PAGES Ite PER COPY RJt 1 addenda... By The Editor Principal Dewey Huggins was telling me yesterday that the schools ,will probaUy make up the lost time by running on the Friday before Easter and a cou ple of Saturdays during the tem, assuming no more days have to be lost because of weather. Eas ter Monday is still to be a holiday, he told ine the county board bad decided. Unless, that is. The Town board held its meet ing Monhay night with Mayor pro- tem Marion Gatlin ppsidi while Mayor Alfred^ Cole is get ting over an illness at Moore Me morial Hospital. In addition to their action favoring the sub- divisional planning proposition explained elsewhere, they renew ed the license'ef the two taxicab companies. Rose and Wright, and adoped a resolution on the Hoke County Jubilee May 14-19. This resolution deals with the sale of articles relating to the Jubflee by persons or firms not connected with the Jubilee gpr- poratmn and is prints In its entir^ in this issue. It boils down to the idea that noirelties, hats, ties,, etc., should be left to the corporation to sell so it can pay its way. I don’t believe anyone will mind going along with that, and don’t think the board did either—it was just to let people know the corporation wants this little business. Pat, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Macko, is getting to be something of a TV star, I am told. She has appeared on Jim Thornton’s show over WTVD on Saturday night and is to appear again next Saturday. Paul Long, bait, tackle and tall story man hereabouts, says UtPt be is having "his Golden Jubilee on March 31, but that ha’ll be glad to' wait and have it with ,the whole county ift■Mar.'That’s.one I would like to wait about 20 years t^ have willi somebody, of anybody. , A. P. Hassell, Jr., who has suc ceeded Horapa Godfrey as chief N- C. administrative officer of the ASC is a brother of Mrs A. K. Stevens, Jr., of this coun ty. He has been with this agency and its alphabetical'predecessors since 1936, and was second in command to Godfrey in the State office. I believe thgl our leading ar ticle this week will be real news to most people in the jpounty, for McPhaul’s intentions were cer tainly a well-kept secret. Outside of the mendbefs of the board and T. B. Lestir, mighty few people seem to have heard it ahead of time. If .they had there would have been more applicants fof Injuries Fatal oke County Man the job. They did hire a migh^ sprinnci,, good man in T. B. Lester, I know for sure and certain, from a good many years of military and per sonal associations, both on and off of active duty. If you don’t ordinarily read "Field and Strean^” you ought to Pet out an^ buy yourself a cow of the February issue and rn-H Tom Cameron’s article en tifio/f “The World’s Best Tarpon F’'’iir'’?’’ It is about his trin to Costa Rica last year and is illus trated with several color pic tures. I am certain you will en joy it, and want to congratulate 'Pom on getting to be a writer for a nationally distributed mag azine. > i around ..town With Sam Morris Neil Senter ,chairman of the "Brothers of the Brush” com mittee of the Hoke County Jubil ee announces in an ad this week that a meeting will be held at the courthouK • next Monday night concerning the* rules and regulations of this part of the celebration. Since calling a couple of names last week about the ap pearance of hair on the face it would be impossible to call at tention to any certain one this week. The race is on and as the pro from the comparty putting on the jubilee stated some peo ple, look better now than before. So make it a point to be at the courthouse Monday night and do your part to make the jubilee a success. (Cdntb^ed-On Page 6) A Hoke County man injured in a wreck on January 31 died in Scotland Memorial Hospital at 2:00 o’clock Tuesday morning to become the county’s first traf fic fatality of 1961, and another injured Sunday is in critical con dition. James Lee Locklear, 46, was injured at about 6:00 p.m. on January 3l on the Wire Road about one mile east of Antioch, not far from his home. Locklear was driving his 1952 Ford east at an apparently high rate of speed and lost control rounding a curve. The car hit a trep apd Locklear suffered a crushed chest and other injuries which catued his death in » week. He was accom panied by his brother, Junior Locklear, who was not seriously injured. Investigation was by State Highway Patrolmen W. T. Herbui. 2 Wrecks Thursday .On 401 near the Diner at 2:00 o’clock las't Thursday a 1961 Chev rolet operated by Rodney R. Keenan,' white of 82d Aviation Co., Fort Bragg, entered the high way in the path of a southbound tractor-trailer truck. Witnesses state that the car did not stop when leaving Harris Avenue pnd entering the highway. The Chevrolet was. demolish ed and swept down the highway, and Keenan suffered contusion and abrasions, but rio serious in jury. His passettger, JasM^: Wil son, same address, was thrown from the car, suffering lacera tions of the head. He was taken with careless and reckless driv ing. Also along was Glenft C. Gib son of Route one, Shannon, whose father owned the truck. Jones said that Locklear :^d from the scene'and had no drwer’s license. Both were hospitalized with non-critical injudies, ,^d the truck wap practically destroyed. Sunday, February T On Sunday at 6:30 p.m. on U. S. 401 south at Connell Oil Co; Timothy V. McPhatter, colored of Raeford Route 1, had stopped in the right lane, heading south, waiting for traffic'tf clear so he could turn into the kation. Needham McBryde, colored, 79, of Route One, dfiving a 19^2 Ford, approached from the rear and ran into McPhatter’s 1958 Chevrolet at what Investigating Highway Patrolman J. E. Dupree estimated to have been about 30 miles an hour. Dupree said McBryde told him that he “just didn’t see the car until he was about*ten feet from it” Dan Ferguson, passenger in McBryde’s car was taken to Cape Fear Hospital with neck injuries and has been taken to Memprial Hospital in Chapel Hill where he is on the critical list. There were no other injuries. McBryde is charged with reck less driving with trial awaiting the results of his injury. License Plates On Sale Until 5:00 Saturday The sale of 1961 auto license tags will go until 5:00 o’clock Sat urday, February 11, at the Rae ford Chamber of Commerce office in the Bank if Raeford building, Phil Rieg, Chamber manager, said this week. . The office usually closes at noon on Saturdays, but is being kept open due to, the 11th being the last Satrday before the deadline,^ for having 1961 plates on cars. Sales are made from. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on other days. The manager saail the sale of plates is running well al)ead of last year and that- he expects an extra large crowd for the laat three days before the deadline on Wednesday of next week. Two Under $500 Bonds For Entering Mill, Stealing Grain Board Hires Lester To Succeed McPhaul County, Town BoardrTo Job In Meetbg County ComnusnonerM Meet On Mondmy \“J. W. McPhaul printed his resigtiation to the baaed to enter private ^siness in Raeford. Realizing Ae Mii for a training period by his replacement, the redgnati(m% to be effective at the pleasure of the board.” S& read the official ininutes of Mtmday’s session oFfise Hoke County board of conunissionecs, and while the ml*' of*R^ort^d short, they indicate an active day for this boed. wpdklr thp Rpv I In addition to accepting'McPhaul’s resignation with refrets At the meetings of commissioners Hoke County this week the Rev. W. B. Heyward, thairman of the j they.hired a replacement for him, hired a new dog wafden commjmty plaiming board, ap-^Qj. county and took care of other matters of o^qatf peared in the interest of legis-' f i lation granting authority to the business, planning board to approve the plats of future subdivisions with in a one-mile radius of Raeford. Both boards agreed to help sponsor the project, the minute of the county board stating ‘The board felt that this recommend ation is vital to the future land mvelopment and throughfarc plan of property around Raeford.” In approving the request, the boards offered their support and cooperation in the project. The meeting was set for the court room at the courthouse at 5:00 o’clock on the afternoon of Fn- day^ebruary 17. Rabi^ Clbics Start Monday, Dr. K. M. Lewis ^ Dr. Clifton Davenport, Hoke County health director, this week calls the attention of the people of the county to the requirements of the state laws on vaccinating dogs for rabies and ^announces ihat Dr. K. M. Lewis,' veterinar ian of Red Ssfings, will conduct a series of cHnief in the va^ow communities of the county start- T. B. LESTER ■ T. B. Uester, who will go to work Monday as Hoke County’s third accountant in its 50 years of history, has a variety of exper ience to qualify him for the job. Bom in Florence, S. C.. he is the son of Mrs. 'T. B. Lester, Sr. now of Newberry, S. C., and the late Mr. L^ter, Who was a dairy farmer, bookkeeper for Hoke Oil and Fertilizer Company and coun- commiasioner. Lester is 48 years of age. A graduate of Raeford High School, Lester attended N. C. State College. He worked as a ^f--—■ Gifi Com- * pAny and was office manager for with the hours andipUces.he may be iocaterf, is given in an ad- bertisement in the issue, aqd Dr. Darenpotl urged the #^0- T. B. Lester, staff admisthAFA- tire assistant for the local Na- tional Guard battalion for the past doaen years, was emplsf- ed to replace .WePhanC ah though the first poMic ward of his decision to qnit th« county was at Monday’s awh- ing. According to the minutes “An interview was deld with Mr. T. B. Lester Jr., with regailf to replacing John W. Me- Phaul. A motion was made hjr C. C. Conoly, seconded by J. Blue .thit T. B. Lester, Jr.’, he employed as county accountant, tax superivsor. purchasing agent and clerk of the board to fill the unexpired term of the present accountant. The salary approved is $6,000 annually plus travel ex penses. It was further agre^ that Mr. Lester would begin his training program .Monday. Feb. 13, 1961 and' the oath of office would be administered when pro per bond has been secured and approved. This motion unani mously carried.’ McPhaul has been county ac countant since. December 1, 1^, after the* dlBth of J. A. .McG^ an in October coming to the county’s ^mploy from ten years with Helw Oil A Fertilizer Coat- pany. He has operated a tax aad was not seriously injured. Keenan, whose home is in Sea Bright, N. J. was found guilty of reckless driving in recorder’s icourt Tuesday. The truck was operated by Cy rus J. Messimer of St. Petersburg, Fla. Patrolman J. E. Dupree in vestigated. In another wreck at 11;30 Thursday night when a 1950 Ford pickup coming toward Raeford from the Red Springs road couldn’t make the curve entering Raeford, turned over, hopped and skipped 340 feet and came to rest upright. Raeford Policeman Robert Jones investigated and charged Bobby Locklear of Route two After skipping last week’s session due to Superior Coint Judge Harry Greene and the staff of Hoke County recorder’s court had a fairly busy day Tues day, although they managed to adjourn the session before 4:00 o’clock. Two colored men of Raeford Route One, James Thomas Be thea and David Bethea, pled guilty of breaking into J. C. Wright’s feed mill and stealing more than ten tons of shelled corn at a value of $250. The court found probable cause as to the pair and bond was fixed at $500 each for their appearance at the next term of Superior Court. In connection with the same case Archie Billinger, colored, pled guilty of larceny and was 'placed under an appearance bond of $100 for Superior Court. Mamie and Fraqkie Little, colored, pled not guilty of pos session of tax paid whiskey, beer and non tax paid whiskey (2 pints. 7 cans and one jar). Both were found guilty and sentence for each defendant was sijc months in the women’s division of State prison, suspended on payment of $100 andcosts and two years good behavior by each. Wesley W. Ray, white of Fort Bragg, pied guilty of having no Blames Profit Dip On U.S. ‘ Wilmington, Del. — Stockhold ers Of Burlington Industries, Inc., were told Thursdy that Wash ington “has turned a deaf ear to pleas for fair play” on the part of the textile industry, j J. Spencer Love of, Greens boro, chairman and president of Burlington, said the rising flood of low-priced imports of textiles “has wiped out the position of reasonable balance between sup^ ply and demand which the tex-^ tile industry has just recently been able to achieve.” Last week Burlington, the world’s largest textile manufac turer, announced that earnings for the first quarter of'lts cur rent fiscal year were 46 cents per common share, compared with 88 cents for the same quar ter a year ago. , “It is estimated that about 13 million will be added to our >ivor| force during the next 10 years,” Love said. - . ' driver’s license and driving on lection of the county s people, the wrong side of the road not T**® requires that all ^gs in passing. Road sentence of 601 months of age shaU days was suspended on payment Vacciimted a^inst rabies, an in which Br Lewis will aPP®". .^inburgh and White Tex MUls, bookkeeping office which XU. ._j _ ^ jjg plans to move soon to Entering Federal service with . building on Main Street to be the National Guard when it was i vacated by Niven Appliance Corn- called in 1940, he served as an Pa^y- and lo handle office eq"h>- ple of the county to w^erate j^rttactor in Antiaircraft Schodt ^^th a Fayetteville with the program, both-, to com- Cwnp Davis and in Europe Itrm. ply with the law and for the pro of $100 and costs. Frederick Nash Davit, white of sUrting. in March the county will have ^ dog warden, .Leslie R. no driver’s license and to. pass ing on a hill crest. Judgment was suspended on payment of $25 and costs. James S. Floyd, whiti of Greensboro, pled not guilty of speeding 80 in a 55 mph zone. He (Continued on Page 6) 0 Mrs. A. 1C Currie Dies In Dunn; Is Buried Here Sun. Nil ■> II Thursday At Dinen Neither Occupant Seriously Hurt Funeral service for Mrs. A. K. Currie was conducted at the Raeford Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock by the pastor, the Rev,. W. B. Heyward, and the Rev Leslie Tucker, pastor of the First Pres byterian Church of Dunn. Burial was in Raeford cemetery. Mrs. Currie had been in fail ing health for several years, and died on Friday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leon McKay, in Dunn. Death was caused by a heart attack. The former Ella Mae Poole, she was born in Jackson Springs, Moore Conty, a daughter of the late Mr. .and Mrs. D. Scott Poole. She moved here with her family in 1905 when her father began ooeration- of the newspaoer, “Facts and Figures.” Her hus band die^ in 1950. Mrs. Currie taught for many years in the schools here. She was a charter member of the Rae ford Woman’s Club and the Cha'minade Music ,Club, and had served' as president of both or ganizations as well as of Jhe Raeford XJDC chapter. Slie was active in the devel opment of the Hoke County Pub lic Library and had retired last Raeford pled guilty of having 'vho is to help people with jir ibkios-Boused by dogs and to check dogxNfor ) vaccination tags. Dr. LjWis is well known to people of the county, having practiced in Red Springs for ipany years, and under the new plan dog owners wil pay him $1 at the time the dog is vaccina ted, if done at a clinic. 0 Cub Scout Awards To Be Made At Den Meetings (^amp Davis and in Europe during the war. When the Nation al. Glianl unit was reorganized here in 1947 he became the local battalion’s executive officer as a major, and since that time has also been the battalion’s staff ad ministrative officer on a full time basis. He is a member of the board of steward^ of the Raeford Methodist Church, is married to the for mer Lorena Andrews of Raeford, and they have one Andrea. 0 Dollar Days Although it ^as not generally known that McPhaul intended to submit his resignation to the county, he told The News-Jour nal yesterday that interest in the job had been expressed by one other person in addition to Les ter,, so the news was not com pletely a secret. He did not name the other applicant No- public notice was given that the job 'was vacant, and it was not vacant fiiK daughter, as long as a day. Dog Warden Hired ' ’ — ■ Dr. Clifton Davenport, county health officer, appeared before the board and advised that the Due to the cancellation of the January Pack meeting of the Cub , “poUar Days Homer McGuin, actin-g president of the Raeford Merchants Assoc iation division of the Chamber of Coiemerce, announced this w^k that the merchants will have i specials on Fri- Scouts, the awards will be made at den meetings this week by the den mothers, according to Jack Autry, pack master. Awards that will be presented are; Bobcat, Rudolph Hendrix; Wolf with gold and silver arrow points, Ronnie Petler; Wolf, Heb- er Pittman, Steve Duncan and Lin Webb; Bear, Mike and Randy Bag- by; Lion, Ronnie Cameron, Wayne Branch, Brownie Davis. Mike Jordan and Jasper Clark; Lion with gold arrow point, Tonuny Autry; 1 year service star. Willie Lentz, George McFadyen, Joe Crossweli and Jeff Boyd. day, Saturday and Monday, Feb ruary 17, 18 and 20. Price re ductions on special items will be featured In most stores. At the meeting of the division held Tuesday plans were discus sed for the Easter promotions and for the “Old Fashion Bargain Days” to be held in connection with the Hoke County Golden Jubilee in May. The Merchants Aesociation div ision received with regret the "esignation of A L. West as its Tsident West has left the em ploy of Macks 5, 10 & 25 cent store, where he was manager. board of trustees. She had been active in the Prwligtorliii (Tiurch, serving as Sunday geheol teacher, itotiin in Ihe eha*. and holding several tifVRW to the Woman of tha Ctouh. Surviving are Bar SMtobtef Mrs. KcKav; mm toelhar, W., L. Poole of RaetoHb Atone Miton,. Mrs. Luke BetlMM aiadl I Maude Poole of HaefctoA anj| Basketball Tean Record Now 7-2 LJLIrkw “■ ’’ dog warden program could be «t- ministered with the funds hi tha (Continued on Page 8) 0_ Mrs. W. J. McQutofto Dies On Tuesday, . Funeral Wednesdajr a noiH»nei«nee idetory as well. The Hoke giris won two of the three ganee they played during year after serving 25 yean on itrf the weak. Tha Hoke -boys are Funeral services for 'Mrs. Adh Hoke High School’s boys bas-j On Monday night in Laurin- Barnard McQuage, 91. were beM ketball team added two more | burg both teams woo again, the Wednesday at 3 pjn. at Ato conference victories to their j boys 3S-St and the girls 52-26. Raeford. Presbyterian Ctanto' ripcord for the aaaaaB and added | PhRIto* waa top man wjth 17, conducted by the Rav. W. B. T now in second place in District 4 at least, and fossjhly >n first. H«re m Saimntoy night tha Mate hupa wt Wadashaga ton and won the conference contaat, Gidn and PhiUte M tte aaaetog «Nh IS patoto each M- lowte to Vntenh with 14 Mc- Phanl with S and. Byrd'jriih S. Tha Hoka ^lAa won thair gwaa over Mrs. J. Hugh Late gf Wltoto*! Neill score 94 Cidbswlh Oah ton, D. C.; and ttote griniitoM- Un 9 and Canhday 4 Hoko was ren. lk«Bt ail tha way. foBnwod by Byrd 13, Guin 11, MePtewl 9, Up±urch 7 anil Huff man tMitee led 23-14 at half- tknn to toe girls game McNeill had 21, Cuiaday 20, CMbreth 6, WooAaB 3 and Gatlin '2. Afitoto Ammn HigV School ni^ tte BuekE did it but tte girls were tl-dC For too boys 21, FhiMiiii 16. Vp- MrPhanl mti Byrd 8 Skipper 1. ITto Hoke sr, bate be- fMatototodaUtha htoiteSi at amAdnLWaa h Gatlto with 4 Canal* t ward, assisted by the Bov. Jete Glenn. Burial was in BatonC Cemetery. She died Tuesday nianii|g || the Raeford Rest Home. Sh^toid been in declining heelih number of yeofi Survivors inefuda tor I William J. Message: one ter, Mrs. Maitor Itoyhue af ! tgoaaery, Ain; ftto Frank VcQimet «l Square, Pa., oh ettevilU. Him. Ctonia Wadsabotn Ajtter waa by IMMII with 21 Norweed and Mrs. & M. I Ctotoeth 7 and Raeford; ae4 torn iran.

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