&w^ journal The Hoke County News- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOLUME LXII NUMBER 22 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA 14 PER YEAR lOe PER COPY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, IW Five Departments Compete Hoke Volunteer Firemen PRACTICING—When a homerun hitter In baseball warms up in the on-deck circle, he usually swings a leaded bat, or several regular sticks. The extra weight makes the regular bat seem * lighter. Raeford Volunteer firemen appear to be doing the same thing as they “rescue" Craw ford Thomas Jr, from the second story of the fire station in practice for Wednesday afternoon’s volunteer fire department competition here. Coming down the ladder with Thomas Is Buster Jackson, while Doc Ivey (back to camera) and John Scott Poole look one. The photograph was arranged as a gag for benefit of firemen of the fire departments which contested. Phil Diehl Civil Term Set Heads SCAP Directors Philip Diehl, Raeford attor ney, was elected chairman of the board of directors for Sand hills Community Action Pro gram, Inc., at the annual meet ing In Southern Pines last Tues day. Diehl, who succeeds James R. Fout of Raeford, served as sec retary-treasurer for the organ ization for two terms. He has been active in the organization I from its beginning and was in strumental in the four-county merger. Other officers elected were Dr. J. S. Simmons of Sanford, president: Frank Ledbetter of Troy, vice president, and Earl Raynor of Carthage, secretary- treasurer. The board commended Fout for his “devoted service to the program,’’ and thanked him for his many contributions. In District Court Hoke County District Court will begin a civil term Monday at 10 a. m., with some 20 cases on docket. It will be the second civil session held since the new dis trict court system came into effect here nearly a year ago. Judge D. B. Herring of Fay etteville will preside. The court has Jurisdiction In certain civil cases involving judgments of no more than $5,- 000. Included on the docket are the following divorce cases: Linda Lee Llsenby versus James Earl Llsenby. Arthur Graham versus Lillie Belle Shaw Graham. Brenda C. Plauger, a minor, by her next friend, Cyrus J. Falrcloth, versus Anderson Plauger, Floyd Ray Mansfield versus Peggy Joyce Mansfield. David Bratcher versus Sadie Bethea Bratcher, Coming up for motion is the case of Bodenheimer Furniture Co., Inc., versus Mrs. Bracey Bell. Coming up for judgment, Bry an N. Galloway versus Milner Hotels. Coming up for trial are; See COURT, Page 9 Willcox Heads Young Demos Palmer Willcox, young Rae ford attorney, has been elected president of Hoke County Young Democrats Club. He succeeds James Sinclair, who was elected secretary- treasurer of the club for the coming year. Bobby McNeill, Raeford na tive and a law partner of Will cox and Charles Hostetler, was named vice president of the group. Stage ‘‘Shindig Street Attention Is Called To Crews If you passed through Rae ford late yesterday and con cluded that the whole town had been ablaze and the flames doused by firemen, you had good reason for your con clusion. There w-as no fire — except those started by firemen — but volunteer firemen from five Raeford and Hoke County fire departments were in town. The occasion was a series of contests, sponsored by Rae- ford-Hoke Chamber of Com merce, to draw attention to National Fire Prevention Week. Taking part in the games — all of which measured efficiency of firefighters — were the Rae ford, North Raeford, Hillcrest, Rockflsh and Puppy Creek de partments. A sixth Hoke de partment, Stonewall, did not compete because its members are mostly farmers and were busy during the middle of the week. . The four-event program was to have begun at 3:30 p. m. (after the World Series game was concluded on television) and was to have Included a res cue race, with firemen hoisting a ladder and bringing a ‘‘vic tim’’ out of the second story of Raeford Town Hall; a barrel- filling contest, seeing which de- ' partment could fill a 55-gallon barrel with water the fastest; dousing an oil fire in a pit, and moving a barrel with a stream of water. Results of the competition were not available until late Wednesday afternoon, but win ners In each of the four cate gories were to receive certi ficates of achievement. Doc Ivey, chairman of the special events committee of the chamber of commerce, Neill A. McDonald and Ralph Barn hart were coordinators of the program. Wyatt Upchurch, president of the chamber of commerce, said the affair was arranged to pro vide entertaining and beneficial competition between the five fire departments, and to show chamber appreciation of their efforts. The five departments, plus the one at Stonewall, provide almost complete coverage of Raeford and Hoke County. As soon as departments are or- See FIREMEN. Page 9 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ I V. Vi I'; ^ Vi- , . WhrijH 15 ris»ii», HOLTIff ■ i)/L IOPliT • lOUTH ft Mtm u WINNER — This booth, prepared by Rockflsh Community Development Club, tied with three others for fourth place at State Fair in Raleigh this week. The club received a $300 award tor the booth, which symbolically depicts how Rockflsh hoped to “fish" for an industry so the com munity can employ its youthsat home. L. E. McLauchlln Jr., Hoke specialist in Duroc swine, won a number of awards for animals he showed rtOw Ml:. Included were a fim« pteec ui Lv’ March boar class, ninth place in February gilts, and seventh and eighth places in March gilts. The March boar class had more than 50 entries. Boy F alls Off Truck Members of his family re ported Monday that Andrew Morrison was progressing nicely in Cape Fear Valley Hos pital following an accident which occurred near his home Satur day. The seven-year-old child suf fered a head Injury when he fell from the back end of a truck where he had climbed without the knowledge of the driver, Willie Maynor. According to J. D. Robinson, highway patrolman, the child perched himself on the tailgate of the pick-up as it was about to pull out of Maynor’s yard on Scull Road north of Raeford. When the vehicle reached the drive at the Morrison home, he apparently tried to drop off, but fell Instead. He was rushed to the Raeford Medical Group , Brooding Sow Mauls 71-Year-Old Farmer A 71-year-old Hoke County farmer was badly mauled by a sow when he entered her pen Sunday morning to remove four dead pigs. R. F. Clark, who lives on Raeford Rt, 1, sustained serious bites on both arms and legs, plus a fractured arm, a member of his family said. The sow had given birth to nine pigs a few days before the incident, Clark said. Sometime Saturday night, something got into the pen and killed four of the pigs. Clark told relatives he did not believe the sow accidentally killed her own pigs, because there were signs that a prowling animal or animals had been in the vicinity. Clark said that he and a young nephew had gone to the pen Saturday afternoon and found both sow and pigs undisturbed. The sow paid absolutely no attention to them, he said. Sunday morning, however, the hog attacked Clark the moment he entered the pen, knocking him to the ground and chewing on his arms and legs. Fortunately, Clark had Uken a pitchfork into the pen with him and finally was able to scare the hog away after jabbing her in the face and eyes repeatedly with the pitchfork. Clark was taken to Raeford Medical Group by his daughter, Mrs. Homer Tuttle, who Mrs. Clark summoned by telephone. He was treated there and returned to his home. Woman Is Shot In Chest Indian Male Held In Jail A 63-year-old Indian man, Luther Edmund Locklear, Red Springs Rt. 3, has been arrested by Hoke County officers on charges of shooting a Shannce Rt. 1 Indian woman Monday afternoon. Sheriff Dave Barrington identified the victim as Cath erine Jacobs, about 48, who was wounded in the upper right chest, apparently with a .38 caliber pistol bullet. She was taken to Southeastern General Hospital in Lumberton. Barrington said his investi gation indicated that the shoot ing took place at the home of Boss Jones, where the Jacobs woman resides. It culminated an argument between Locklear, the Jacobs woman, and a third party, whom the sheiiff did nut identify. Locklear was being held Tuesday without bond m Scot land County jail, pending the Improvement or worsening of the victim’s condition. He is tentatively charged with as sault with a deadly weapon with Intent to kill and will be tried in Hoke Superior Court. Barrington Indicated bond likely would be asked for Lock lear Tuesday afternoon at a magistrate’s hearing. He said he will seek to have bond set at no less than $5,000, depend ing upon condition of the woman at the time of the hearing. Barrington and Deputies Jesse Lee and Harvey Young Investigated the incident, which occurred Monday at 3:30 to 4 p. m. Locklear voluntarily sur rendered to officers at the home of George Wilson, on whose farm Locklear is a tenant farm er, Barrington said. Meanwhile, the sheriff re ported the theft of about $350 in cigarettes, beer and other goods from the Walter Parks store in Dundarrach sometime See SHOOTING, Page 9 Five Persons Hurt In Serious Wrecks Sunday And Monday WRECKl.D PICKUP--J.H, Mc.4nulty, Raeford welding shop operator, and Mrs. McAnulty wore in the pickup truck, just behind the car in the foreground, when it rammed a loaded tiactor- traller Monday afternoon near the turkey processing plant. The truck was coming up the grade on Highway 20 just south of the armory, ofllcers said, and the McAnult) pickup hit it from be hind and wedged under it. i- r V: ■ ^ I • zVIn t, . ■t . -i N •» V • %. ^ r WOMAN WAV HlRT-.Mr*. salh Ho:- Clark. 5f, ufH,, involved in a head-on cullislan latr .siwiriai after m Mrs. Clark was taken tr Scotland Memorial Hospital, as Johnni Prldjen, '6, ol Red ikirlnis Kt, 2, the driver, and !iird, *as drlter of lie ‘ r Beihf I I'huri h were two persons m Wila Hrid ;« s oi th‘ r41. „!uf h on Hawk t v H i1, the other -nil; - - efo i d. Five persons were injured, rwo of them seriously, in rwo automobile accidents durim^the weekend and at the first of the week in Hoke County. J- H. Mc.Vulty, Raeford Welder and his wife, Tiny, were injured Monday t i.:ht when Mc Anulty's pickup tr-ck was in volved in a rcar-e d collision will a tractor-trail?r loaded '‘^Iti turkeys ot Highway 20 ear the tovrn limits. Mr' , Me A ult). who was still recuperating: from a troken hip a''d Unable to walk without use a "walker," is ;' \foore Memorial t!ospi:a'.w;t’. injuries sustained in the wreck and corr- pliv-atiO' s of iter former iurts. n!ty wa' treated over- I’■ t at tie :pital and re- r ■.'■tc'lly released TuesJav. L. arotfier accident, Mrs. Rose Clark, -z', ol Uae- 'r ‘ wa- i, jurc'i w''e, t car was Iriviin. a.>d adorer ve' ■ .vv. ‘ ear d CJu, ast 'Ufida> ait-rricKKt. Driver ot t‘v - ‘ .'tier -41 was . -6, ot Red M Rt. 2 4jv1 a pasxr^r :ar, i'o.a HnOyer., 4.‘>, Kao Oi J. M (:.a;v Wo idnUtlrC at -Otiinf i.ji 'oroital in a-.jf> • tor tre.itme t o' 'o. e tjnifad ’eadi.ijuru-s, according to State Hi^way Patrolman E. W. Coen. Pridgen was treated and re leased at the hospital and V'iola Bridges was admitted. Coc;- said it appeared at the scene of dfe accident that she had a broken leg and elbow. Raeford Policeman James West invested t>.e crash in which the Mc.Arultys were Involved. r''e wreck happened at 5:50 p. m. Wes' said the Mc.AnuItv ve- icle "ran under" the rear e”J of the tractor trailer, op erated by Wilbur Roberts, S3, ■: Faisot-, and ownej :?y Nash Johnson ard Soi s ol Rose HiL. r‘’e truck appare tiy had pilled onto the '\v-rwav from Reaves Street a“d was coming 'jp the hill toward town. W’est said the driver told him he was moving at aKjtit 2l' miles per nour tr third gear. The frort cart jf MeA.nviIty’s pickup cac was s.aared off at Ch? level .'f tne » ritsuield and tne vehic.c wcUgeU under the nsary tractor trailer. fiewe Rescue squad w as sum moned to the ''Cene asi Raeford Vrbu;a!X:e Service c.-ansported Mr. aid Mrs. VcAr-jiry (o the n.’vpital. Roberts apparently wa- 'j- ’’urt. accorqj-g to West, ■e «aid Mrs. Clark ap- Sev WHiCliV, Page 9