CM ournai The Hoke County News- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOLUME LXII NUMBER 40 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ft PER YEAR 10 PER COPY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1968 1 ir ;;: " i r-; ' f f...;:r,:, .- 1 f " ' 1 Ir H v J ... f 212 Pints Collected BLOODMOBILE-- rhU scene shows that people of Raeford and vicinity are bent on saving the Hoke County blood program. This crowded condition last Friday was a happy sight to Clyde Upchurch, Red Cross blood program chair man, who worked diligently to get the word around that blood donations were a must in order to save the program and to make free blood available to local citizens when ever It is needed. The line formed at extreme right ex tended across the room and down die length of a long hall. Civil Term Of Court In Session Judge D. B. Herring granted three divorces in District Civil Court and tried other cases which had not been completed to the final detail by Tuesday night. The only cases brought to conclusion before press time were divorce actions of Gladys Moore versus William McKoy Moore; Rosemary Roper versus William Henry Roper, an Ruth Shaw Gibson versus Pete Gib son. The court was tied up all day Tuesday on a case in which Hoke-Scotland Tractor Co. had entered suit against Harvey W. Lee, and wife. Betty H. Lee, charging that the defendants owed for a piece of equipment. The Jury returned a verdict in favor of the Lees; ruling had not been signed by Judge Herring Wednesday morning. The Jury also returned a ver dict awarding Julian H. Wright and Louise G. Wright $425 in a suit against R. L. Hales. The Wrights claimed that the de fendant failed to live up to the provisions of a lease. TAGS EXPIRING Today (Thursday) is the last day 1967 state and town license tags are valid, officers warned motorists, urging them to get their plates at the local license agency. Chamber of Commerce building, Campus Avenue, next door to City Cleaners. BreakIn Case Goes To Superior Court Five men charged with break- lng and entering Breeden's Store and receiving $420 worth of merchandise and money were bound over to Hoke County Su perior Court by Judge George Stuhl, who held District Court last week, and were placed un der a $1,000 bond each. Clayton Eugene Parks of Rae ford, Charles Wayne Lee of Raeford Rt. 2, Grady Lee, Ter ry Waterson, and Jlmmle Lee of Fayettevllle were charged with breaking Into Breeden's Store at Lumber Bridge on Jan uary 29, and carrying out wine, clgaretts and other Heme by the case. Other district court and mag istrate's court Judgements were as follows: Jerry D.Johnson, Fort Bragg, public drunkeneaa, 20 day or costa of court, David Reed Holland, Shannon, Intentionally setting fire to woodland, four months or $50 and costs and probation for two years. Glenn Currle Gibson, Raeford Rt. 2, driving drunk, eight months, or $200 and costs. Must operate no vehicle for two years. Appeal noted. Bond aet at $400. Ronald William Cochran Jr., Fort Bragg, driving drunk, six months or $100 and costs. Must operate no vehicle for 12 mon ths. Appeal noted, bond $150. James Ardell Leggett, Rae ford, driving drunk and driving while license Is suspended. First count, four months, sus pended on payment of $100 fine and costs. Must operate no vehicle for 12 months. Second count, six months or $200 and costs. Robert Wesley Galney, Sted man Rt. L driving too fast un der existing conditions, coats, Alvester Walton, Fayette vllle, hit and run, 60 days or $15 and costs, Mark McEachern Hlnes, Laurlnburg, driving without va lid operators license, not guilty. Delia Pierce, Hoke County, child neglect, leaving children, ages 5, 8, 10, and 13 unattend ed and without proper care. Prayer for Judgment continued. George Allen Dobbins, Rae ford assault, 00 days or costs. Must not molest wife for two years. Barthona Ray, Raeford Rt. 1, failure to decrease speed In time to avoid accident, $10 and costs. William T. Clark, Hoke Coun ty, worthless check, 30 days or restitution of $2 check and costs. Second offense, worthless check, restitution of $3,37 check and costs. Jack Aubry Tucker, Raeford, speeding 75 In 60 zone, $25 and costs, Tony Lineal Baldwin, Rae ford, failure to see before start ing from direct line that move ment could be made In aafety, $10 and costs. Hoy Edward Brady. I'.orU v!l, Improper passing $10 and costs. Chester Carter, Raeford, worthless check, restitution of $5 check and costs of court. Freston Robinson, Raeford, drunkeness in a public place, costs. See COURT. Fage 3 Serviceman Is Struck By Truck A Ft. Bragg serviceman' was seriously injured when struck by a car on U S 401 north of here early Sunday morning. Sp4 Thomas Peters, 26, 407th Service Supply Co., was re ported In critical condition Monday by authorities at Wo mack Army Hospital. Peters was taken to Cape Fear Valley Hospital at Fay ettevllle following die accident and men was transferred to Wo mack. The accident was Investigated by State Trooper E.M. Roberts, who said the young man was walking across the highway to ward Virgil's Drive-in when a truck driven by Charlie W.Wil liams of Beulaville struck him. Roberts quoted Williams as saying lights of an oncoming vehicle blinded him. No charges have been lodged, Roberts said, pending comple tion of the investigation. MEN TO MEET Men of Raeford Methodist, Raeford Presbyterian and First Baptist churches will hold a Joint meeting Tuesday at 6:30 at Raeford Methodist Church. J. E. Byrd will "cater" the supper, provided by First Bap tist Church. Huge Turnout Saves Hoke Blood Program Some 35 Donors Delayed Hoke County's Red Cross blood program has been saved by a miraculous turnout of blood do nors, according to Clyde E. Upchurch Jr., president of the local chapter. Faced with loss of credit at Piedmont Carolines Regional Blood Bank In Charlotte, the local chapter staeed a concert ed drive to surpass Us 100 plnt quota at Friday's visit of the Red Cross bloodmobile. From 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. a total of 212 pints of blood were collected and 35 donors were turned away after the bloodmobile ran out of con tainers. 'The response to the cam paign was tremendous,'' Up church said. "Most significant, there were 112 first-time do nors. The success of this effort enables Hoke County to remain in good standing with piedmont Caroltnas Regional Blood Center, and we can be assured that any Hoke Countlan who needs a transfusion at a hospital whether It be lo cally or In San Francisco will be able to get it Imme diately." Hoke had faced loss of pri vileges to borrow blood after contributions here lagged far behind loans made by the blood center. On two previous blood mobile visits during the cur rent fiscal year (July 1 to June 30), only 99 pints of bjood had been collected. Upchurch and others gave a lion's share of the credit to the splendid operation of the bloodmobile Friday to Mrs. Sam Homewood and Mrs. Ralph Barnhart, who pushed the pro gram and enlisted a team of volunteer workers to man the bloodmobile. N.C. Sanatorium at McCain furnished doctors for the visit and Dr. R.M, Jordan of Rae ford manned the examination facilities while a delayed McCain doctor was en route to the bloodmobile clinic at Rae ford Methodist Church. As expected, most of the do nors came from local industrial plants. Burlington Industries produc ed 112 donors, Raeford Turkey Farms had 36, state employes at the sanatorium at McCain furnished 29. There were 14 students, nine donors from downtown business establish ments, four from UnlRoyal. The remainder of the 212 were housewives, Upchurch aald. Col. W.L. (Rube) Poole Ends Long Career At 81 Funeral services were held here Friday afternoon for William Lawrence (Rube) Poole, tl, who died Thursday afternoon at Moore Memorial Hospital in Unehurat after suffering heart attack earlier In the day at his home. A retired businessman and farmer, Colonel Poole acquired that military rank upon leaving active duty after serving In two world vara. He waa commander of Raeford'e National Guard unit a Coaat Artillery battery --Just before It waa federalized In September, 1940. Two daya before the local unit went away to war, Poole, then a captain, waa promoted to major and given command of the battalion of which the Rat ford unit waa a part. He had served In World War I as a first sergeant In the 30th Division, seeing combat In France. After the wa: he was Instrumental In or denizing a National Guard machlnegun company In Raeford and aerved as Its first executive o. fleer under Capt. K. B. Lewis, commanding uilicer. When the Raeford unit was shipped to the Caribbean during the early days of World War I!, Colonel Foole remained behind to command training battalions at Fort Euatla, Va and was commanding officer of Fort Taylor, Fla., before being returned to Inactive status In Feb ruary, 1943. Before World War D, he owned and operated an insurance agency and appliance dealership here and served as secretary-treasurer of Raeford Savings and Loan Association. When he went away to military service, the loan as sociation position waa assumed by his wife, who died two years ago. She aerved aa sec retary -treasurer for 23 years before retiring shortly before her death. Colonel Poole aerved as clerk of Hoke Su perior Court from 1919 to 1930, and waa chair man of Hoke Boa rdof Electioneer many years. He was an elder In Raeford Presbyterian Church and for many years sang In the choir and taught a Sunday School class there. He owned a farm northeast of Raeford and had an Interest In the soil that continued until his death. His reputation aa a baseball player -- and later as a coach and manager spread across North Carolina. Aa a young man, he played See COL. POOLE. Page 4 w , rr- i fijgaayv-- f ' V'.-; ) ; 11 fit Script! H ii rin.!i:i...--..lltlf!ii-. i Jjji TEAL WARREN TUTTLE Teal, Warren, Tuttle Win Jaycee Awards Franklin Teal was named "Young Man of the Year" for 1967 In Raeford by local Jaycees, who held their annual honors and awards banquet here Tuesday night. Teal, 35, Is secretary-treasurer of Raeford Savings and Loan Association, a member of the town board of commission ers, and headed the Hoke United Fund Campaign year before last Homer Tuttle, a Jaycee sparkplug, was given the "Jay cee ol the Year" award tor being involved in virtually ev ery project of the local Junior Chamber of Commerce." "Young Farmer of the Year" award went to David Warren, Raelord Rt. 3, who was de scribed by Farm Agent W. S. Young as "a high caliber young farmer who is using the scien tific approach toward solving farm problems." Phil Diehl, Jaycee president, presided at the dinner meeting at Jiffyburger No, 2. It was a "bosses night" affair, but not many bosses showed up. Jim Fout, manager of Rae-ford-Hoke Chamber of Com merce, presented the award to Teal. Diehl made the presen tation to Tuttle and Youngmade the young farmer award. Describing North Carolina agriculture today, Young said it is a hntbed of vitality and activity, in which creativity, ideas and innovations arc See AWARDS, Pace 11 Hales, Rogers Enter Race For County Commissioner COL. W. L. (RUBE) FOOLE Two candidates filed tor county commissioner, one for the school board, and several for other offices as the dead line neared for getting on ttie ballot for the May Democratic primary in Hoke County. Seeking nomination in the pri mary as Democratic candidates for county commissioner are R. L. (Lud) Hales of Raeford and Elias Rogers of Antioch. Already a candidate is J. A. Webb of Ashley Heights, an In cumbent. Two seats on the five man commission are to be filled In the November election, the one filled by Webb and Tom McBryde, who was appointed to the board. Dr. R. M. Jordan, vice chair man of the board of education, filed for reelection. He has served several terms on the board. Other candidates for two seats on the board of educa tion are lvery McNair, incum bent Robert L. (Bobby) Gibson, and Wade Locklear. The two Incumbent state senators in the Hoke-Cumberland senatorial district N. H. McGeachy of Favetteville and John T. Henley of Hope Mills have filed for reelection. Mc Geachy paid his filing fee last week and Henley got into the race officially this week. Hales, 50, operates Hoke Texaco Service tr,i au;ed car 1st on Aberdeen Road near the western town limits of Raeford. This is his first venture into politics. He grew up in the Wayside community, was graduated from Seventy-! irst High School in Cumberland County, and over the years operated a service station-grocery store In Rae ford and sold automobiles. He is married to the former Edna Marie Wilkes of Hoke County. They have three sons, two of whom are associatedwith their father in business. Rogers, an Ind:an, last year became the first non-white per son ever elected to office in Lumbee River Electric Mem bership Corporation, winning a seat on the board after a heat ed battle with the organization which ruled several dozen Rogers ballets invalid at the annual election. When Rogers threatened court actioi,, RA atturneys In Raleiti advi-.ed the elections committee to rcc insider the ballots, T!ie re-ult was that Risers was elected Irstead of Mrs. J, M. Andrews of I'oKc Cxinty ai director frci;- their area. Dr. Jordan, a Raeford phy sician, is a native of Hol'e County a; d a graduate of Wale Forest t. i: verity a id 3owmr Grav School nf edicine. lie See I-.ACt, P:;e 11 1 I - DM. R. M. JORDAN V M V4 (LUD) HALES

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