National Geographic Book Explains Canada (Washington when upper and Lower Canada merged. Che well-known cities vied to be chosen capital of the federated colony. Bytown, a losing community of 10,000 people, resolved to try for the honor. Since the name lacked glamor, the town fathers changed It to Ottawa an Intriguing Indian word with a lilt to it. In 1857, to everyone's aston ishment. Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as the capital. The town lay, suitably centered between Upper and Lower Canada and Wrecks (Continued from Page 1) crashed into the rear of It. Mcl haul had sent a passen ger In his truck to a service station a I out three-tenths of a mile away and was waiting for his return, Coen said. Monroe was charged with fail ure to decrease sneed In time to avoid an accident. At 7:55 a.m. Thursday, a pickup truck operated by Br en da May Spencer, 17, of Aber deen Rt. 1, skidded on wet pave ment near Tlmberland on N.C. 211, went down a slight em bankment, and crashed Into a utility pole, Coen said. The pickup truck attempted to pass a school bus when t went into a skid, Coen said. Two other students were In the truck. They were Debora Rena Mayes, g, and Sherry Claydeen Spencer, 11, both of Aberdeen Kt. 1. Brenda Spen cer and Debora Mayes were admitted to Moore Memorial Hospital, but were not believed to be seriously Injured, Coen sAd. Saturday afternoon at 5:20, three cars crashed In an ac cordian - type rear - end acci dent on L'.S. 40. dent on U.S. 401 near the Ca tholic church, Coen said. All three drivers were from outside this area. They were Sgt. Caesar Lamar brown, 20, Fort Meade, Md., James Thom as Baskms, 16. Cheraw, S, C and Pfc. Ronald Everett Smith, 21, Fort Bragg. Coen said the three cars were traveling south when Smith stopped behind a Jeep which was attempting to make a turn off the highway. The Basklns vehicle stopped behind Smith, and the Brown car plowed Into It, knocking it Into the rear of the Smith car, Coen said. brown was charged with fail ure to decrease speed In time to avoid an accident and Smith was charged wlthjmproper reg istration, Coen said. Tuesday night, an unidenti fied man apparently was struck by a hit-run driver on 401 By pass at the Intersection of Rae-ford-Vass Road, Coen said. The man, who appeared to be atiout 65, was one of sev eral persons living In a house trailer nearby, Coen said, and had been across the road to get water from a store. He said the man's grandson started to the store and saw his grandfather crawling off the hijliway. He had a broken ankle, Coen said. The trailer has been at that location for about a month, Coen said, and is occupied by palm readers, Coen said the man was to have been Identified Wednesday morning when he went to Hlgh-smith-Ralney Hospital In Fay ettevllle to complete his re port. Faulty MUFFLERS ARE Hazardous! (particularly for winter driving ) Niven's Esso 10 Minute Muffler Check M3y Save Your Life! Iffy Esso far enough away from the A merlcan frontier to discourage Invasion by the former enemy. "The Yanks wouldn't even be able to find it." muttered Ot tawa's disappointed rivals. This Is one of many Illumi nating anecdotes in the National Geographic Society's new book) "Exploring Canada From Sea to Sea." The boundless diversity of Canada unfolds In Its 308 pages and more than 200 full-color photographs. A large map of Canada Is Included with each book. The nine authors of'Explor Ing Canada" cover everything from Manitoba's Fltn Flon Trout Festival to changing the guard on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, from Toronto's mod ernistic city hall to Jasper, Alberta, where a bull moose once took over the water hole on the golf course. Jules Billard captures the flavor of Montreal! whose 2, 500,000 citizens enjoy life with a Gallic flair in superb res taurants, lovely parks, and dis cotheques. ' Howard La Fay flew to t logging camp deep In Quebec The forest, tie learned, no long er echoes the crack of woods men's axes. La Fay watched a monstrous new timber cut ter at work: McDuffie (Continued from Page 1) Town board also voted to move the polling place downstairs from the second floor of town hall. It will be set up in the area customarily occupied by the fire truck. A number of citizens have complained in recent elections that the climb of stairs to the second floor was too hard on elderly pe ople and persons with heart conditions and other ailments. The board also voted to ac cept Hoke Planning Board's re commendation to rezone a lot on Maxwell Street to permit a house trailer to set up there. Voting (Continued from JPagt 1) the remainder of the registra tion. Boundaries of the new pre cinct are defined, in legal terms, In a Board of Elections advertisement on Page t of this issue of The News-Journal. Generally speaking, the southern boundary of the pre cinct Is the northern town lim its of Raeford. The eastern and northern boundaries are formed by Rockflsh Creek. It then comes southward along Baker Road to Aberdeen Cut off at Upchurch High School, then down the paved road from In front of the school toward the West Prospect underpass, making a Junction with the northern town limits. WE NOW HAVE Dig Boy Tomato Plants - Pepper Plants Cabbage Plants COMPLETE LINE OF FERTILIZERS - SEEDS - INSECTICIDES In Variety GARDEN & LAWN IMPLEMENTS HOES, RAKES TRIMMERS OTHER LAWN and GARDEN ACCESSORIES Don't Watte Space That Can Be Used For A Garden Or Lose Value On Your Property By Neglecting Your Lawn The Johnson Company "A single mechanic operated the harvester, as it lurched on caterpillar treads toward a stately 90-year-old spruce. Two great metal clamps locked the lower trunk in a lethal embrace. Suddenly the clamps shot upward: their cutting edges amputated every branch. A quick slice sent the crown of the tree toppling. Another hydraul ic shears at the bottom severed the trunk at ground leveL" Ralph Gray took the "mus keg express" from Winnipeg all the way north to Churchill on Hudson Bay. Friends told him It would be a unique rail road experience: "You can sip refreshments In the lounge while watching the sun and the last three cars sink slowly into the muskeg." The noted Canadian writer Alan Phillips describes the Chi nook, phenomenal wind from the west that sweeps across the Canadian Rockies: "It screams through the passes, reaching speeds as high as 100 miles an hour. "Exploring Canada From Sea to Sea" may be obtained only by direct order from the Na tional Geographic Society, Dept. 405, Washington, D. C. 20036: cost, J4.25, plus 25 cents for postage and handling. Read I John 3:1-8 If we aay we have committed no sin, we make him out to be a liar, and then his word has no place In us. (I John 1:10 Ntb) Several yeara ago, I suffered some severe lacerations In a motorcycle accident. I went to a doctor to seek relief from my pain, but In treating my wounds he made my pain more intense. He first scrubbed my wounds with soap and water. Not until he had scrubbed out all the grease and road dirt did the doc tor bind up my broken skin. It was painful treatment, but if the doctor had spared me that pain, my wounds could have caused Infection and more pain. The healing of the Great Phy sician Is something like that. It hurts to know ourselves as sinners. But we must have con fidence In him that He can do for us what needs to be done. Unless God's word of Judgment first washes awayour self-deception, we can never know the healing, the Joy, the life that His mercy and forgiveness can bring, PRAYER: Dear Father, grant us the courage to accept Thy Judgment of us as sinners. May Thy word of grace find a place In us to heal and save us; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Savior. Amen. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If we are to have God's mercy, we must be willing to listen to His Judgment, Daniel L. Olson (California) COPYRIGHT THE UPPER ROOM EVERYTHING for GARDENING and LAWN ENTHUSIASTS AZALEAS Ready To Bloom DUSTERS and SPRAYERS GRADUATE Carolyn R. Du. pree, daughter of Judgt and Mrs. J. E. Duprra of Raeford, received her bachelor of arts degree in elementary education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro on Jan uary 26. MlaaDupree presently la working for Cumberland County school system as a third grade teacher at Cumberland Mills School, Senler (Continued from Page 1) for four years of study at UNC. Students from throughout the country compete. This year, a record 104 award? were made. As a student, Senter is vice president of the senior class, chief marshal, co-captainofthe basketball and baseball teams, and attended N. C. Governor's School (a summer program for exceptionally gifted students). Morehead awards first were presented in 1951. They are granted on the basis outstand ing merit as reflected in aca demic ability, character and leadership. Need is not a factor. Announcement of the annual awards were made by Huuh G. Chatham of Elkin, chairman of the board of trustees, John Motley Morehead Foundation. Senter's accomplishment was greeted with pride and praise at Hoke High School, where prin cipal Rtz Autry, faculty, and friends extended their con gratulations. Officers (Continued from Page 1) ered. Charged with breaking and entering and larceny in that case are George Walker 36, of Raeford: Charles Jiles, 29, of Lumberton; Neil McGeach ey, 30, of rural Hoke County, and Fred McGeachey, 19, of Raeford. All four are Negro. Stanton's department alsohas recovered a typewriter stolen during a January break-in a' the hiti school. The machine was located In a Bennettsville, BIRDDOGS FOR SALE 6 PUPPIES Make Us An Offer! CALL 875-2997 After 5 P.M. FOR SALE: Beautifully wooded acreage residential lots In Blue Springs Township. Neill L. McFadyen. tfc Taylor Column Continued from page 2 Most large dally newspapers with Sunday editions accept for publication a certain amount of poetry. Here, merit is an important measure of the poem's chances of making it into print. They rarely deal with "In memoriam" material. There ought to be some way to encourage young poets, fur certainly they will be discour aged If none of their deatlile-s verse is printed. Actually, there are a number of poetry magazines and other publica tions that offer a market (al though sometimes there i? no pay), but submissions from bona fide poets quickly claim most of their space. If you are a household poet, bless you. Keep writing (and crying, if poetry moves you to tears). Just don't write on rhe walls of "Hls'n and "Her'n." rhat i sacred space. Pearly Gates A morning glory of Alining white which will bloom all summer long can grace our Harden. " The imaginative name in the title ubove is lhal of a morning glory. As you can guess, its flower color is shining while Morning glories give so much for so litlle. They bloom from July until frost and are c.isiK ?rown from seeds pl.inied in ull sun. A spot protected from hiph winds is ideal and rich soil is to be avoided so vines do not produce excessive foliage. Vines grow H feet and more high, provide shade as well as flowers. . v QBUS - Jfa,. I. ! - T I I. I. . HI. I. I i : You HWE MORE" GOING For You When You Heal Alth Jack Hiay at QUALITY MOTORS, Hams Avenue, ftaetord. 43C KOH SAIl: 19 yards lollshed Cotton, h loral design uith pea corks. Includes turquoise, LTffii, unite and ,ol(l. 3G,f wide. Nuit.ihle tor slti'coer or drap eries, bau'dln. Mis. Carlton Nlven. 4j-44l r OK SAL k: riatlorin Counter Scales, like new. See Sam Mor ris, Lick son lress. llione IJ75 2121. tl I'liH sAi.I : I sed stove - Clean and in ood condition. $r,0.00 Call 87"-S717. 43-44C SOUHY SAL is now a merry fc;al. She used Hue Lustre ru? and upholstery cleaner. Rent ele trie slumpooer jil, Hae'ord Hdve. 4S-41C HI. AITIFY YOLH GKOUNLS with douHe, white lloweimr peach trees. 4-5 ft. tall $1.00 Mrs. II, L. Gatlln. Jr. 4a-441 McDonald';; Tire Recapping now sellin; Monarch and Goodyear new tires. Wheel Balancing. Road .service. Call 375-207;). tic Nut serv Stock. Hants i Seeds, etc. IT'S SI KING I LAS TING TI.Mr.. rtnte today for 1 lantin; Guide c ataloy, in color, offered by Virginia's lareest growers oi Iruit trees, mil trees, yrape vines, berry plants, and land-sc-ipiii!? plant material. Sales people wanted. AA NhSllORO Ni:i(Sl ik:S. Aaynesboro, Vir ginia 22'.1(j. 43-40C WE CAN ARRANGE weekly pay ment on y.tur automobile re pairs tires and accessories. Raeicr Auto Company. t:c AI AKTMKNT L OR RENT: kurnished -downstairs, private entrance. Call 875-3791 after C p.m. tfc YOUR ''POAIi TO StXCLSS". DO you have an AVON Repre sentative calling on you regu larly'.1 II you don't perhaps it is an open territory which could oiler you an excellent earning opportunity. M.trt now for hi Christmas proMts. No exper ience necessary. Lart time. A l lie Mrs. f-.etty l.dwards, k.O. box 441, ChailSourn. N.C, or call Co' lect 654-5781. Chadlmurn af ter C p.m. 43-4CC If your wife may be the loser! Bad drying weather can be embarrassing for the man going places. With an electric dryer, your wardrobe is wear-ready all the lime regardless of the weather. Electric drying reduces ironing time for the wife and makes permanent press gar ments ready to wear. And because an electric dryer is flameless. clothes dry fluffy-soft and Odor-free. An electric clothes dryer is economical it costs less to buy tMan comparable flame-type models and operates for only a nickel per aver age load of clothes See the line of electric dryers at your ap pliance dealer's today. You can't lose with Carolina A" '"..stof THE NEWS-JOURNAL, RAtf-'OKD, NORTH CARQLUUl,. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1968 PAGE U, v TRICK LOAD PAINT SALE: Present Lay Vogue is to finish walls and ceilings with Vinyl Latex and the woodwork with matching color In ALK YD Semi Gloss Fuilsh. For A Limited Time Only $4.49 Gallon. WOOD FURNITURE COMPANY, RAt ford, nc, tfc FOH RENT: Brick house 5 miles from Raeford on Aber doen Road, W. M. Ridge, 43C FOR SA1.E: Pure Blood Beadle Pup. N. I.. McFadyen. ttc HELP WANTED: Brick Mas ons - Must be well experienced. Good salary. Contact John Harmon with Ea le Construc tion Company on McCain, N. C. Fly-Pass - Hwy. Project - dur ing day or at Ta'iglewood Motel in Raeford, X. C, at r:ij;hu 42-43C HOUSE FOR SALE: 3 bed room, bath, kitchen and den. 207 Adams Street, Call 87.'j 2247. Assume original mort ga.;e, tic TAX Rk TURNS FILF.D: State andor federal Income tax re turns tiled after 5 p.m. Con tact Jim Taylor. The News Journal. Telephone 5-2121. WANTED TO BUY : Farms and Woodland in Hoke County P!ea3e write full details. W. D. "Pea-Vine" Reynolds, Ma sonic Building, Lumberton N. C. tfc WELL DRILLING - WATER PUMP SALES AND REPAIR. 2 inch and 4 inch wells. All work guaranteed. FINANCING ARRANGED. McFADYEN WELL CO RAEFORD, PHONE NIGHT 875-3604 tfc. FOR SALE 1965 Rambler In Good Condition $600 Phone SAM COPPER 875-3896 plays the an Electric Dryer! Power & Light Company o ".A tr"Vr,9 Public ut'i'l, c.mptn. " 5 A.", I CR SA1 E: House by owner on Bethel Road. Call Frank Teal. Phone 875-3213. tfc SAVE Money on our Truck Load PAINT SALE: For beauty and economy use the fine washable Non - Drip type Interior FU . rushes. Anyone can apply the -1 finishes easily, quickly and pel- '. fectly with brush or rolleriFdr- I," A Limited Time Only 4.4"f'' Gallon. WOOD FURNITURE v COMPANY', Raeford, N.C; tp'' FOR SALE: 3 Bedroom, den, living room, Kitchen, dining room, brick dwelling, air con ditioned and electric heat. Call for appointment. 875-2210. tfc FACED WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM? Perhaps Alco" " holies Anonymous can hlp. . Write to Post Office Box 514 . or call 875-2025. Weekly meet- ' lugs open to the public Wednesday 8:15 p. m. Cote '. Building, Raeford. SINGER SEWING MACHINE model 66. Equip! with ziz zai;, buttonhole, darns, mend and etc. Guaranteed. Pay last 4 payments of $8.13 eaefc or rash balance of $28.40, Can 1 seen In this area. Wrlte'v Mr. Cooper, Service Credit Dept. Drawer 908, Asheuoro, N. C. tfc GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASION! Birthdays, weddings, annlver saries . . . visit our newiy' enlarged glassware departments WOOD'S FURNITURE "OHm PAN Y, 112 L. El wood AwnteJ -Raeford. pt" $12.00 - Exterminate for recJ-tiV es, wajerbugs, silverflsh, rats, ants. SPECIAL free wrermite," 'treatment Phone Wl 4-2474." Aberdeen, N. c. or 369-2528. Wagram, N. C. tfp . - . E. . service iL. Sales And Repairing. -(EC-Of T.V. Antennas . I. Moseley Cal1 A. Bracey I 875-2400 87S-2600 MANCHESTER WOOD YARD WILL BUY PULFWOOD Contact WELDON GORE PH. 875-377 ; v V "tSCTI .en ..ra id c. j.'. and one a j V Al CAMiTS AVU RAITrcRD, N. C. Phone 875-3550 Raeford

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