THE NEW8-JOURNAL, PAGE 1 RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1868 Stonewall Report By MRS. HAROLD CIMSOX We- mm cm be k wmrnmn You can see the top side of the meat but not the bottom. So you wonder. The steak looks Rood, but is the bottom all bone and fat? It's a problem... a problem we've given a lot of thought. We think we have the answer. We have a policy. We put the best side down. The side you don't see is guaranteed to be equal to or better than the side you can see. Simplv? ARC Effrrtivt No nvr mamhlf fir ml rniir Sxrt- hw n Is this a good reason A&P "OUR FINEST QUALITY" REG. OR FRENCH STYLE -AtaiPlfflM ft R? A RIO i 9-oz A&P REGULAR OR CRINKLE CUT FRENCH-FRIED POTATOES 5 MARVEL ICE MILK A&P PIE SHELLS JANE PARKER TASTY CAKE DONUTS SUAIID CINNAMON aotsiH afaa. Pkgi. A&P LIGHT MEAT CHUNK mm? A&P TROPICAL PUNCH, GRAPE 4 46-OZ. CANS it SUNNYFIELD REGULAR PANCAKE MIX 2 ALL FLAVORS ANN PAGE LAYER CAKE MIXES 2 WISCONSIN BENCH CURED SHARP CHEESE WISCONSIN AMERICAN CHEDDAR l.'.ILD CHEESE for shopping A & P? COPYRIGHT t 1966. THE GREAT ATLANTIC JANE PARKER DUTCH APPLE OR BLACKBERRY PIES JANE PARKER SLICED WHEAT BREAD 45c CIACKIO OR WHOU WHEAT ORANGE, OR DRINK c Lb. Pkg. 25c 69c 49c 59c Pkgs. Lb. Lb. (6,(0) 3)3) It's one of many. A PACIFIC TEA CO INC 2 1-Lb 8 Oz. Pkg 2 loa 139c Special Offer! NrfeU Woman's Day Encyclopedia of Cookery VOL. 1 ON SALI THIS WIIK only .Volum212 S149 each. , Pkgs. Q JjC "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF t3" rw? mf r n WEEK 'SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY STOCK YOUR Gat tHa eat In Hi maat. Stack yaur iraaiar with "SuM'-KifW" famaui quality hnvy cam tad f During Hia Ml wa will cut yaur aurchaMi ta your ipacificatiana, wrap I inarfcar aapar, and mark the caataatt an aach aurckata. Or, if yau aoiira, yaur inaat will ka wraaaad la fraetar aapar at a additional cat auHiciant mly ta ccvar tka cart at tka traaiar aaar. Plata yaur ardar tkit weak, yau may pick it up latar . . . Raatamkar that evary purckaM it tully p uarantaad ta plaaM yau. ARM CHUCK-43c FOREQUARTER t "43c "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF "SUPIR-RISHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BONELESS RIB LB. T-BONE STEAKS SHOULDER STEAKS CHUCK ROAST irtir43c CHUCK "SUPER-RIGHT" BONELESS STEW BEEF 59c Par Lb. FIRM, RIPE, GOLDEN BAHAMAS NEW CROP! FLORIDA RED BLISS POTATOES 5 SWEET, JUICY, FLORIDA ORANGES 5 & CAULIFLOWER BROCCOLI PRICES IN THIS AD ARE EFF. Thru SAT., MAR. 9th 1 mm i CORN-FED BEEF 325 TO 375 LB. AVG. LB. FREEZER! 160 Lb. OF a "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF C SIRLOIN (J C 99c PORTERHOUSE STEAKS " 99e r 53c CUBED CHUCK T'il" 89c Lb. Cop'n John's Flounder Fillets Cop'n John's Ocean Perch Dinner Cop'n John's Haddock Fish Dinner Cop'n John's Oyster Stew "MOUTH-SMACKING" WINESAP ft 39c APPLES LARGE SIZE, 55c PINEAPPLES - 39c 39c 35C r i-i-i PIAT L NAT FERTILIZER HUMUS MOSS MB. BAG 0) Q 1 C 4f a "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF HINDQUARTERS 59 to 185 Abg. LB. ROAST TtfrGc ptf 49c Pkg. Pkg. v. Lbs. 3 45c FRESH 50-1 -lb. bog $1.5 lb. bog $1.7 ft. bola 100-1 - 6-cu. 3-LB. BAG The Ephesus 3ptist W.M.U. observed the Week of Prayer for home missions. The meet ing was held at the home of Mrs. H. S. Carroll with Mr?. Hunter Carol Ha-.en hostess, on Tuesday nlht with Mrs. Woodrow Hayes andonWednes day niht at Ephesus BaptUt Church. The ladies attending the workshop for the tote bavs were Mrs. Woodrow Hayes, Mrs. H. A. McKenzie, Mrs. r.W.Jones. Mrs. Earl Volar, Mrs. Marty Jackson, Mrs. Dave Hendilx and Mrs. Chester Beasley. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hendrix and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomas and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker of Rockingham on Sunday. Linwood Hayes, a student at N. C. State University, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Hayes. Mr. and Mrs.Howard Living ston and son, Wayne and Char les, visited Mrs. Livingston's mother, Mrs. Mae smith, in Fayetteville on Sunday. Mrs. IreneGrant entered Wo mack Hospital on Sunday and underwent surgery on Sunday. The Arabia Home Demon stration met with Mrs. Clifford Bostic on Tuesday with seven members present. Mrs. J. A. Jones gave the demonstration on "Cash In On Your Time". Cherry a-la-mode was served. T. C. Jones, Chairman of the Hoke County Commissioners, returned home from Moore Memorial Hospital on Friday after being a patient for sev eral weeks. He Is improving. The Rev. Hilton Willetts, former past of Ephesus Bap tist Church, has accepted the pastorate of the LaGrange Bap tist Church near Kins ton. Earl Tolar is a patient at Highsmith-Rainey Memorial Hospital with pluerisy. Miss Susan Howard, a stu dent at Meredith College in Raleigh, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ar chie Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Max well and son, Dwayne, of Green ville spent the weekend with Malcolm's father, H. C. Max well. Frank McMillan has been ill with pluerisy for several days. Mrs. Walter Parks and Mrs. Harley Adams were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. William son and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jones on Sunday. Mrs. Leans Cook and Mr. and How Would You SpendExtraCash? RALEIGH Think you know how the other half of the fam ily thinks? Try this sometime. Imagine that your family's income has just gone up 50 per cent. Then, without any discussion, you and your mate write down what you would do with the extra money. Compare notes. You may find you've been taking too much for granted, point out extension home economics specialists. North Carolina State University. Social researchers at the Un iversity of Michigan tried this type of test on couples and didn't find much spontaneous agreement when it came to mo ney matters. With 10 possible choices of what they would do with more money, only 36 per cent of the husbands and wives picked the same area of spending. But when couples did agree, the researchers found they agreed most about family se curity. Thirty - two couples, more than one out of three in the sample, said they wanted to "salt the money away." The researchers didn't ask them to specify, but families adding to their security usually follow a pattern of increasing their bank accounts, adding to their life insurance, buying saving bonds and similar investments. In addition to the couples who agreed on this point, 16 hus bands and 21 wives independent ly picked the security area. "So perhaps there is some truth to the notion that women think more about possible troublesome rimes," the home economists point out. Who is more likely to want to move to better house? More husbands than wives, the researchers found. What about buying a new car? Wives were more auto-cons ci- 28376 is our Zip Code in Raoford Um II In your return add rata en avary tartar you writ. Ttion others anil be abta to Zip thatr mall to you. Kirs. Bill Cook and daughters were guesfe of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barnes on Sunday. K!i. and Mrs. Jack Davis and daughter, Patricia, and Ray mond Maxwell were suests of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Jones on Monday. Mrs. John Frank Pearce, Mrs. Lida Pearce and son, Michael, and daughter, Linda, of Bc.'mettsvllle. S. C. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brewer on Sunday. E3 Leslie Irion, Jr. of Oceania Base, Va. spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. arid Mis. Leslie Irion, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore of West End celebrated their golJen anniversary at their home Sunday March 3rd. Over 300 Iriends and relatives attended. It was given by their children: Mrs. Mabel Foster of Dundarrach, Mrs. OthaMor gan. Mrs. Ha:el Williamson, Mrs. Fay Williams, Misses Carolyn and Gretel Moore and Alvin and Billy Moore. Mrs. T. W. Jones returned home on Thursday from Highsmith-Rainey Memorial Hos pital where she had been a patient for several days, she is improving. Greg Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil 1 A. Jackson, is a patient atMooreMemorialHos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Layton Wil liamson. Charlie and A. C. Williamson of Lumberton, Mrs. Lulna Williamson ol Harts ville.f and daughters, Nancy and Debra. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. William son and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Williamson. Miss Mamie Livingston spent several days with her aunt, Mrs. Will Rackiey, in Smith field. Mrs. Sally McBryde.whowas hurt in a fall at her home, is a patient in Scotland Memorial Hospital. The community's heartfelt ! sympathy goes out to the family of Mrs. Flora Conoly who died on Saturday. The Sunday morning message at Sandy Grove Methodist Church was given by TomCam eron. Sr., a lay speaker and businessman of Raeford. His text was "Thereupon Choose Life That You May Live." Mrs. Leslie Irion, Sr. visited with Mrs. Irene and Ada Bled soe of Fayetteville on Friday. ous than husbands, according to the report The couples were also asked how they feel about shopping in general. "It is clear that wives are more likely to report they 1 like to shop and husbands are more likely to report shopping is a bother," researchers found. Read Revelation 5:11-14 When my eye too in this sight I fell at his feet like a dead man. And then he placed his right hand upon me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last, the liv ing one. I am he who was dead, and now you see me alive for timeless ages! I hold in my hand the keys of death and the grave. (Revelation 1:17-18. Phil lips) We grasp the greatness of God by contemplating His won derful creation. We compre hend His boundless love when we consider the Savior He sent us. We perceive His measure less mercies when we feel the forgiveness of our sins. We marvel at His matchless wis dom when we ponder the pre cision of the universe. Many have glimpsed God's holiness, but few have related their experiences. Isiah, E'.e kiel, Paul, John are among those who have told unforgettable ex periences. Seeing the One so infinitely good and perfect com manded of these men of God their fullest powers of adora tion. There followed a com plete surrender and an unre served willingness to do God's will, whatever the cost. PRAYER: O holy Father, take our lives and let them be con secrated wholly to Thee. Our finite minds cannot compre hend Thee fully, but through Thy Son we have learned to know Thee as our Father, and In that relationship we find our rest In the nane of Thy Son we thank Thee. Amen. THOUGHT FOR THE DAT; God's holiness commands our fullest adoration and reverence. Roberta B. West (Montana) Copyright--THE UPPER ROOM