THE NEWS-JOURNAL, RAEFOIiD, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1668 pAGE 7 Scots Win SE3-A Conference Cage Title ) Bucks Eliminated In Semifinal Round Scotland (Laurlnburg) High School claimed the Southeast, ern 3-A basketball tournament title Saturday night with an easy 83-68 victory over Clinton. The Scots gained the finals by outscorlng Hoke High's Bucks, 65-54, In Friday night's semifinals. Clinton beat Rock Ingham In the semifinals, 62-58. Raeford survived the opening round of play by defeating Pem broke, a newcomer to the con ference, 66-52. Other first round scores were: Scotland 64, Lumberton 59; Clinton 61, Hamlet 57; Rockingham 71, Dunn 55. Scotland will represent the conference In the state 3-A tournament Wednesday through Saturday at Durham High School. Experts give them small chance of winning the state title. It was the first tournament in several years bringing to gether all teams of the con ference. In recent years, the conference has had eastern and western division tournaments, with the winner of both tourna ments qualifying for the state tournament, This year, the conference was permitted only one representative In the state playoffs. The Bucks trailed the Scots by 15 points at halftime in the 'semifinals. They made a strong effort to make up the lost ground, but could close the gap no closer than 11 points. Bill Senter was top scorer for the Bucks, netting 15polnts, ' and was the only Raeford play er with more than 10 points. Richard McNeill and Danny Walters hit nine points apiece and Willie McKoy and Butch Womble scored eight points each. Mike Peele was tops for the Scots with 22 points. Raeford eliminated Pem broke easily Thursday night, going ahead early in the first period, holding a 32-23 lead at halftime, and continuing to dominate the game in the final two quarters, a Senter collected 13 points, Richard McNeill and Walters had 12 apiece, Jeff McNeill scored nine, Tommy Baker had eight and Womble collected six. Substitutes Sammy Prince, 4 Larry Baker and Willie Mc- Koy netted two points each. The box scores: ' Basketball Is completely over for everyone at HHS. Practice for track and baseball will soon begin. The J. V.s finished with a really fine record. Last Mon day night, they played their first game in the tournaments. The I.umberton J. V. was over come by our J. V. 42-36. Tues day, the Baby Bucks returned to Clinton to take part in the semifinals. The boys fell to the Dunn Green Waves, 43-41. Last Thursday, the Raeford Bucks slaughtered the Pem broke Eagles, 66-52. Friday night they returned to Lum berton to challenge the Scots of Scotland High School. The School News WEST HOKE By Mrs. G. R. Jones The West Hoke drill team presented an inspiring assem bly program during a recent assembly. Boys and girls per cormed many activities that fere in keeping with the physi al fitness requirements for Presidential Fitness Ccrti cate. Calvin McNeill, a local udent, gave some inlorma n regarding the aims of good y-ical fitness activities. Ipil? at this school are given dly activities that provideen jhx'nt as well as develop the by. he school nlee club, under thable direction of Mrs. Ki. G.lorrison, rendered several en.'able selections Including "Gen Cathedral," "Rise l p, O In Of God," "Blue Moon," andAround The World." T 4th District IYT.A. was pos tned because of bad weath er. will be announced later wheihe pro&ram will be held. The cond 6rade class, under the Section of their teacher and ii rested parents, boarded tralin Farkton, and went to Kayettille. Thia was an In terest trip for all the chil dren, (any had never ridden a train, pie excursion was a part of eir unit on "trains." FINALS SCOTLAND (83) Falrley 34, Belcher 17, Peele 15, Stack 9, Malloy S, Levlner 3, Calhoun 1, White, Lee, Greene, Amnions, Johnson, McMillan, Mltcher. CLINTON (68) Johnson 18, Kltchln 15, Klrven 3, Packard 13, Bell 8, Shlpp 8, Fann L Moore, Hill, Falson, Spell. SEMIFINALS RAEFORD (54) Senter 15, R. McNeill 9, Walters 9, Mc Koy 8, Womble 8, T. Baker 3, J. McNeill 2, Prince, L. Baker, SCOTLAND (65) Peele 22, Stack 10, Belcher 8, Calhoun 8, Levlner 6, Falrley 5, Mal loy 2, Lee 2, Mltchner, Mc Millan, Johnson, Greene, White. ROCKINGHAM (58) Chalk 23, Rlggln 12. Walters 11, Adams 6, Walker 6, Mc Kenzle, Lampley, Welch. CLINTON (62) Packard 20, Shlpp 10, Kitchen 9, Klrvln 9, Johnson 6, Bell 6, Spell 2. Fann. QUARTERFINALS RAEFORD (66) -- Senter 13, R. McNeill 12, Walters 12. J. McNeill 9, T. Baker 8, Womble 6 Prince 2, L. Baker 2, Mc Koy 2, Frahm, PEMBROKE (52) -- Maynor 17, C. Chavls 10, Hewlngton 7. G. Chavls 4. Jacobs 2. Graham 2. G. Sampson I, Locklear, S. Sampson, C. Graham. ROCKINGHAM (71) Chalk 22, Walker 17, Walters 13, Rlgglns 9, Adams 5, Brothers 3. Lamp ley. Welch. DUNN (55) Ennis 14, Butler 11, Byrd 7, Whitman 6, Raynor 6, Rose 4, Law rence 3, Strickland 2, Stephens 2, Mc Arthur, Burch, Henry, Snipes. HAMLET (57) Winchester 15, Rassette 14, ftulnn 12, Adiemy 8, Cooke 8, Knopp. CLINTON (61) Packard 17, Johnson 15, Kitchen 13, Klr ven 9, Bell 4, Shlpp 3, Par sons, LUMBERTON (59) Drls coll 25, A. Bullock 9, Wlllough by 8, Blanton 8, Gane 5, Brltt 4, Price, Lovette, M. Bullock. SCOTLAND (64) Belcher 20, Peele 17, Falrley 16, La vlner 10, Calhoun 1, Stack. WHAT5 WHAT at HOKE HIGH BY GWEN ANDERSON Bucks fell, 65-54. Students at HHS really did their best to push the Bucks to the top. Thursday was ac claimed as "Red and White Day." The whole student body seemed to be a sea of reds and white. Mr. Autry had an nounced that anyone not wear ing reds and white would be fined a very stiff fine, one nickel. It was really great. This Friday, approximately 50 members of the Hoke Coun ty High School Mixed Chorus will trek to Wilmington to com pete. This year the chorus er tn th of competition. Mrs. Agnes Fage, along with several West Hoke teachers, visited Fayettevllle city schools to observe reading practices, plus other language arts areas. We believe such visits taken by our teacher will help them become more able to Improve the educational program at this school. We also invite others to visit this school to observe the many activities we use to meet the needs of our pupils. Cut general F. T. A. met Monday, March 4, for an open house. Parents were invited to visit their childrens' rooms to discuss teacher-parent re lations concerning their child's progress, etc It was high lighted by an address by the Rev. Leroy Hersley, who spoke to the parents after the open hou5e- Our school stands ready al ways to serve you. Visit us soon. THISIST0UI Kolt Injejrt Prttectltl PLAY LAST GAMES -- These threeHokeHighSchool basket ball players ended their high school careers last week when the Bucks competed in the Southeastern 3-A Tournament at I.umberton. Co-captains of the 1967-68 team, they are, left All-Stars Score 4 Victories An all-star team selected at the end of the regular season some weeks ago in Raeford Church Boys Basketball Lea gue is undefeated in post-season competition with teams from other towns, a league spokes man has announced. Included in the four -game winning streak are three victories over the Red Springs team and a single win over I.umberton. The most recent victory was that over Lumberton, scored February 28 at Lumberton. Da vid Wood was high scorer with 17 points, followed by Russell Davis with 15. Final game of the season will be between Raeford and berton here Friday night. Members of Die all-star ag gregation include Jerry Tucker, Anderson Hostetler, Russell Davis, Frank Williamson, Da vid Wood, Donnie Smith, Hill Poole, Mack McNeill, Benny Walters, Sammy Young and Sam Homewood. Coaches are Tom Richer, Dewey Andrews, Dave Russell and Chan Roberts. Hoke Students On Deans' Lists Several Hoke County students in colleges and universities have been named to the dean's list of distinguished students at their respective institutions. They Include Richard Neeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Neeley, Highway 401 north, a sophomore at Davidson College. At Pembroke State College, these students from Hoke were on the dean's list: Mrs. Christine A. Cothrau, Alice C. Rowland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rowland of Raeford: Mrs. Odcll Ann Womble, Raeford; Mrs. Bettie B. Wright, Raeford. Hoke 4-H'ers Meet March 22 Achievement program for 4-H'ers will be held Friday. March 22. at the Hoke Civic Center, Mrs. Ellen Willis, home agent, has announced. Farents of the boys and girls also are Invited to attend the meeting. Froject winners will be an nounced and awards will be given. The annual 4-H dress revue has been planned for Friday, April 19. Therewlllbeseparate categories for girls 9-11, girls 11-13. and girls 14-19. The younger group will make aprons, and skirls and plain dresses. Older seamstresses will model skirts dresses with sleeves and blouses, as well as suits. I- -Mm ? ' ' -, to right. Tommy Baker, Bill Center and Butch Womble, Other seniors on the .squad incluJcd I.arry Uaker, Dan:iy Walters and Willie McCoy. All TU. r . NO EXTRA COST J JJr PROTEIN I fHOSPHOIUS M,rt UCTOSI owey UNITS I - Moiripierij !'y: ' U muY ... Milk from Jersey cows naturally has more protein, calcium, phosphorus than milk from other cows, making All-Jersey a bettermilk. And since it costs no more, a betterbuy. We think you'll think bettertastmg, too. Or we wouldn't have switched. All-Jersey: the bettermilk from the betterdairy: Montgomery. Hoke Team Wins Title Raeford Gunners, a team of local young liaskettiall players, has won the regular season championship In the Men's In dustrial Basketball League of Fayettevllle. The team posted a 10-2 re gular season mark to edge out two others with 9-3 slates In the nine team league. Raeford Turkey Farms, only other Hoke County team In the leapue. was one "of the teams tied for second place. The league tournament will be?in tonight, with the Gunners drawing a hye because of their regular season standings. Members of the squad include Tim McKoy. James Koper, Len zie Morrison 1 rvett (rq) Hol linijsworth, James Pierre, Joe McKinnon. Johnny Long and Henry lllue. SUPPORT RED CROSS help us help I US 1 I 'J J 1