THE NEWS-JOURNAL, RAEFOKD, NORTH CAROLINA PAGE I THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1968 PICK M1 JNJ 1 V 15 CI WEIL INCLUDE PADDING ll lixt!). AND INSTALLATION! I MY10M Plu J 11 iNSTALLED 1 1 $q, I0 Continuous fUoment feS Cumuloh Nylon Hal cr- s-hR8 I ri i i ,, , '''" K? 90 Days Same As Cash Just Say "Charge II" For Free Etlimales CM 485-5865 Webbs Carpet Co. 2825 RAEFORD RD. OPEN 9 A.M. TO ( P.M. MON.FRI. I A.M. TO t P.M. fTTTTTSTZTTTTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIIIIIi: YOUR PRICE CEEI TTTTTIIIIIIIllIIUj AND THE RAEFORD VOL. I. TiWhtt SclMol 5hall I Sar my Aoa fly Dauthurt This la a question that one heart lmoat daily. Many a good and wise father it turning thim question over gain and agin in hit tnmd, bringing all hia powers of thought, saoctihed by bia heart's prayer, to hear upon it, lor he realizes keenly that it it really am important question, involving it net of the deepest interest alike to himself and hit children. Often the nun ta made sometimes ruined not In college, but in the preparatory or The Raeford Institute Newsbearer in 1900 Early Raeford Newspaper Carried Socials. Comment BY LICY GRAY Tt EULl S A lot ot water has rone over the dam in the past six decades and in some Instances even the dam is pone, A 68-year-o;d newspaper printed at the Raelord Insti tute In February, 190:)- I'rlngs to mind other change whirh, to the distress of many, has taken place only recently. It leaves one to wonder what course the eld timers would have taken If the Supreme Court had ruled religion out of their schools. Their forefathers and ours) experienced crucial con flict to give us freedom of re ligion, sixty-seven years ao. that fact had not been forgot ten. An excerpt from an article entitled. ' To ,Vhat School Shall I Send My Son?" states that in selecting a school a parent should 1 "careful to note the relli'lous otportunitles offered. Of course, no w ise father would, for one moment, think of send ing his children to any school where they would lie denied the privilege of hearing the word of God. In almost all of our schools attendance upon divine worship Is required. "But in some schools, God's word Is honored and given a prominent place in the course, in others, it isn't. Any school that does not seek to develop the rellflous nature of your child, that does not feed the soul as well as the mindofyour child, does not, in the high and true sense, educate him." It was unheard of for Wash ington to hand down any orders as to how or whether a school should haverelu'ious teachings, or for that matter whether any other certain subject should or shouldn't I tautlit. The first issue of the "hae ford Cadet'' was published by the Fuphemean and Thallan Lit erary Societies, t. S. W.Dam eron was editor-in-chief and vV. M. McFadyenand Miss Mary McDuffie were associate edi tors. K. D. Dickson was busi ness manafer. The price of the publication was 2 cents a month. Lending itself to the field of politics, one article, which may seem a little vague at this late date, reads thusly: ROBERTS VOTED OUT 'On the evening of January 25th, at the close of the three days' debate, the House ex cluded Roberts by a vote of 278 to 50. The resolution declaring Roberts entitled to be sworn in and then expelled was over whelmed, 244 to 81. "We consider Mormomsm one of the most pernicious doc trines ever inculcated among our people. True, Its propa gation among the intelligent is very limited; but its progress among the less informed is as tounding. V.'e rejoice thai the House has taken the stand it has In regard to this matter, and we hope our government will not be disturbed with an other such case." Until 1890, this church sanc tioned plural marriages. This and some other unusual doc trines adhered to In the earlv years of the church may have caused persons of other de nominations to share the opinion of the Raeford Cadet writer. Today, however, the Mormon church Is a major denomina tion and several of Its members have held high governmental positions. F. S. Roystor Guano Co. Announces The Appointment Of Jimmy Warnor As Their Agent In of Raeford, N. C. carrying a full line ROYSTER FERTILIZERS Includina famous BONANZA. Also Royster Chem Pest Chemicals and Insecticides and Royster Bounty Seed. He will be located in former McLauch lin Co. Warehouse opposite Upchurch Milling and Storage Co., South Main St., Raeford, N. C, and can also be contacted at his home - Phone 875-2033. MF.NS DISCBNDO AUTIIR." RAKKOKI). N. C, FEBRUARY, igoo. two is that which every father wishes for his ton a complete and harmoni ous development of the entire man let us try and furnish some niggentiont that mav prove helpful in determining what school he wilt patronize: i. He should he careful to note the religious opportunities offered. Of courxe no wie father would, for one moment, think of tending his children to any school where they would be denied the privilege of hearing the word of God. In almost all of our schools attendance upon divine wor- RAMBLING RAEFORD REPORTS "Miss Henrietta Adams of Blscoe was the puest of Miss Flora Lamont during the month. "Miss f rauds Dickson at tended the Gala Day entertain ment at Southern Fines on the 22nd. Dr. George Graham, of War saw, w ill locale here soon. He will practice with Dr. A. P, Dickson. "Miss Christiana MacFad yen, of Red Sprints Seminary Faculty, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neill McFadyen, a short tune since. "Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Upchurch gave a party the 24th, in honor of their niece, Miss t thelJohn snu, who is spending sometime with them, A joint meeting of the two literary societies was held Fri day, the lOtli, A debate, an oration, vocal music and reci tations made up the exercises. Those who hxik part were Misses Mary McDuffie, Minnie Rarkley, J earl McKeithan, Eva McFadven, Mamie Johnson, R. A. Wrichl, David Harris. Tom Bulla, Ed Cameron. Make Mc Keithan, Tom Dickson, Angus Keith. Stirling Currie, William McFadven, John McDuffie, M. .. Harris, E. S, W. Dameron and 1. 11. l.ritt, A number of people from the village were present." A social event of the month was written up as follows: "A pretty and interesting wedding took place ut the home of the bfide's mother, Mrs. l.sabel Lamont, on the 7th of Februa ry . The ront ra ctinj- pa r ties were Miss Malcolm Isabel Lamont and Y,rs. James G. Adams of Blscoe, N. C. "The bridal party, preceded by the bridemaids. Miss Flora Lamont and Miss May Mr Lauchlln, sister, and cousin respectively of the bride, en tered the drawing-room and arranged themselves in a semi circle under a large floral ball, "There they were rfiet bv the Hev, R, A'. Alexander, whoper formed the marriage ceremony. As the brtdal party entered the drawing-room, Mendels sohn's weddine march was ren dered sweetly by Miss Henriet ta Adams, a sister of the groom. The bride is a daughter of the late Malcolm Lamont, and a niece of the Hon. J. W. Mc Lauchlin, She is one of Cum berland's most lovely and charming younp women. "The bridal presents were numerous and handsome, many Cooper To Visit Pembroke rhc Rev. Cone - Cooper, pa' tor of HaeforJ Presbyterian Churih. will speak at special services to he held at Pem hrjke State College, March 4-3. IV.C. is inaujratin j a new schedule for Relii.iu.- Em phasis Week, and the Rev. Mr. Cooper will speak on Monday and Tuesday at 10 a.m., on Wednesday and Thursday at 11 a in., and on Friday at noon. Classes will be dismissed to allow students to attend ser vices. Monday afternoon, an open house will permit students to meet the Tresbyterian preach er. The home economics de partment will assist in the re ception. Thai nit,-ht, he will speak to the Imerfaith Council. CADET. No. i. fell! Thia ia the history, not of one, but of many a father's son; heme H ii wise to take thia into the reckoning and select the place moat free from vicious and hurtful influence, as no boy can be supplied with an omni present "pious body guard." y The healthfulneaa of the place in a matter of no secondary importance. , If the school U unfortunately located from thia point of view, however many and great may be tha advantages of fered in other respects, they arc not deserving of consideration. The phys coming from friends at a dis tance. The rroom is a popular business young man of this place and Alierdeen. "Immediately after the cere mony, amid congratulations and best wishes of a large circle ol friends, the happy couple left on the 4 o'clock train torAI erdeen, where a reception was given them." In an ad the periodical car ried. It was indicated that there was no permanent dentist in Raeford. The ad stated: "Dr. L. L. Dameron, Jr, E radical Operative and Mechanical Dentist, will lie at Raeford until almut March lDth. 1900. Office in cottage near Auman Hotel." The newspaper was loaned to The News-Journal by Mrs. H. L. Gatlln. DI-SYSTON systemic insecticide protects cotton against early-season aphids, thrips and mites ...for up to 8 weeks! , ; . When you apply "DI-SYSTON insecticide at planting time, you get built-in protection against aphids, mites and thrips during the critical seedling stage . . . and DI-SYSTON goes on killing the plant-stunting pests so that strong stalks can develop to support the bolls. DI-SYSTON insecticide is systemic ... it is absorbed by the roots and moves throughout the plant to protect against piercing and suck ing insects, but won't destroy the beneficial in sect populations. And since it's inside, it can't wash off or blow away. Apply DI-SYSTON any way you wish . . . Use the granular or the liquid formula tion at planting time AMES WMw mm in It tskes something CALE YAR BOROUGH 'Montego Cyclont 500 nl high performance chtmpionl" 3 When It comes to high performance car, Cale Yar borough really knows what he's talking about. And he knows he's got hia hands full when he takes the wheel of our Montego Cyclone 500 fastback. Because thia car it really loaded. Jukt look: 390 GT V 8 325 Horse power Engine BE A Raeford Auto Co.ES N. Main Street RAEFORD MILITARY INSTITUTE lrtfksrs tar aa? Colltfft Is IM ta. Tumi ry . coaMdsnsf Um t4mU(M offttvd. ScMs il Hull, Art, llKltiM mt ImImsi. Apply fnr Catalog I J. W. ROBERTS. DR. A. P. DICKSON, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, PATENT MEDICINES. SfhfN, Sum, but n Fancy and Toilet Article, M M Ml bm teal It InuWl. RABFOED, N. C. J. V. McLAUCHUR. OamaraU Mtc1hti1e EARPOED, N C For Moat Artraotlva ar(aln Cll! Ml MOORE BROS., KAIPORO, M. C Qmaral rctLatnclle cash Buyaaa. cash saLiaaa. Always as the Prwrt af tfcs Pvecscsles When oar boms sad trauta srv ta the procwion th .) 1avl Our bora, art wH kept and fr! thrfort food vm Sinf ! and double (mom Cotnaatrrt rms will find it to thmr a IvanUge lo at a. b foe hinaif Team farniahrd day cw night oa abort notice. Pnrra to tuit th. ttntaa. JOHN A. McKKlTHAN. Kartord, V C. Dr. L L DAMERON, Jr. PRACTICAL OPERATIVE and MECHANICAL DENTIST. COMPLETE WITH ADS special to be a winner... Mercury's got it! MONTEGO CYCLONE 500 Dual Exhaust System Performance Handling Package Blackout Grille Blackout Taillight Motif Fastback Roof Design GT Roof Pillar Chevron Dual Body Tape Stripes Unique GT Turbine Wheel Covers Cyclone 500 Identification 390 GT Engine Plaque Wide-Tread F70 Tires Bucket Seats with Comfort-Weave Vinyl (either black or parchment trim) WINNERI BUY A WINNERI Dealer Lie. 130J Reading Programs ' Explored A sroup of Hoke County teach ers ".pent last Thursday inFay etteville observing two reading programs. The group observed the utili zation 01 the new McGraw-Hill programmed reading material in Lucille Souders School and the "Open lllrhways" reading material by Scott-Foresman in I-aullne Jones School, Mrs. Atiies Page, Hoke su pervisor of Instruction, said ''this meaningful experience ex tended the participants' know ledge of innovations in develop mental reading programs, and showed how every student can have a feelinc of success In school, regardless of his read ing level. If he is properly motivated and challenged," Attending from Hoke County were Mrs, Mary Locklear and Mrs. Hernlce Lowry of Hawk EyeSchool; Mrs. Corene Bald win, Burlington School: Mrs, Hazeltne Hayes and Miss Bon zle Dobbins, West Hoke School; Mrs. Funlce Torrey and Mrs, Artlcla Raye. Upchurch School, and Mrs. Hanna Springs and Mrs, Leona Coleman, Scurlock School. Revival Set Special spiritual revival ser vices will be held March 10-14 at Antloch Presbyterian Church. Services will begin each night at 7:30, with the Rev. B.t. Dotson. pastor of First Pres byterian Church, Carthage, as guest speaker. Pastor of the Antloch church Is the Rev. Ben Ferguson. Plant cottonseed that has been treated with DI-SYSTON UsetheDI SYSTON Super X insecticide fungicide combination Apply fertilizer that has been impregnated with Dl SYSTON insecticide Mix Dl SYSTON L.C. with your liquid fer tilizer See your Chemagro dealer today for com plete information on effective, low-cost DI-SYSTON insecticide. ' . "Rcfilttrtd tridm,rh of Olin Mithitton Chtmtcl Corporation. CHEMAGRO CORPORATION e i i s c 3 8 Racing Coral Exterior Paint Motif Leather-like Vinyl Steer ing Wheel Cover Unique Cyclone Interior Trim 100 Nylon Carpeting Checkered Flag Victory Plaque Wood-toned Instrument Panel Front Passenger , Shoulder Belts Tinted Backlight Window Ventless Side Windows MERCURY'S GOT IT! THE 0AYT0NA WINNERI 1