THE NEWS-JOURNAL, RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, APRIL It, 1861 PAGE U Registrars Horse Show Continued from Senior Equitation, Saddle But; 13, Juvenile t-Galted; 14. Ju- venlle Walking Horaa; IB, Ladles 8-Oalted (Amateur). f SATURDAY 7 P.M. 16. Local Pleasure Horaea; 17. $50 3-Gelted Pony Champlon ahlp Stake; It. $50 Fine Har neaa Champlonahlp Stake; it. $50 Roadater Ponlea (50" and under); to. Measure Pony Champlonahlp Stake (English a Weatem)j 21. Equitation Cham plonahlp, Saddle Seat; 22. $100 3-Galted Championship; $3. $50 Champlonahlp Harnesa Pony Stake; 34. $50 Fleeaure Horse Champlonahlp Stake; 15. $50 Roadater pony Championship rStake, (47 A under); 29. $50 5-Galttd Pony Champlonahlp SUke; 27. $100 Walking Horae Champlonahlp Stake; 25. $100 3-Galted Championship Stake. RING NO. 2 Western Championships SATURDAY 1 l.M. 1. Open Halter, Stallion 4 Geld ings; (A) Open Halter, Mares; 2, Western Measure-Ladles; 3. Western Pleasure - Gents; 4, Local Western -Go-As-You Please; 5. Open Potato Race; t. Pole Bending (IS yeara and under); 7. poleBendlng(Adults); t. Barrell Race (IS yeara and under); I. Barrel Race (Adults); 10. Ring Spearing - Open; 11. Barrel Crawl - Open; 12. West ern Pick - up; Two Trophies Double Entry; 13. Musical Sacks; 14. Egg and SpoonOpen; 15. Pony Express; 16. pony Race (15 years and under); (1 pony In ring at a time) 17. Horse race Guard Continued from page 1 . rioting and looting which broke out over the state the night after King was gunned down in Memphis, Tenn., as he stood on the balcony outside his motel room. Gov. Dan K. Moore, who ordered the Guard Into the affray, was high In his praise of the troops, as well as of state patrolmen and other civilian authorities. Reports Indicated damage was extensive In Wilmington and several other North Carolina cities, but nothing to compare with mat sustained In a number 4 of northern metropolitan areas. Hardest hit during the riots ap peared to Baltimore and Wash ington. Dickson said his men were armad with rifles. chineguns and tear gas, but did not lire a snoi auring me iuur day stay In the coastal city. They were Bred upon several times by snipers, according to reports, and used tear gas on several occasions. Reports from local Guards men who spent the four days In Wilmington Indicated most of the trouble came from young Negroes, some apparently as young as 11 and 13 years. Store windows, were broken and considerable looting took place, mostly before the Guard was called out, according to re ports. About IS fires of in cendiary origin also were reported. ITD(UrD(SDlAlg) Chevrolet's new Torque-Drive. Nobody offors anything pnc. Torqut Dnvt doet away with th clutch pedal. Most of th shifting, too. And for th most conomy, it's available exclu sively on all Comoro sixes and Chevy U EM page 1 (1 horse In the ring at a time); It, Drink RaceOpen, SATURDAY 7 P.M. Trophy Claaaaa Entry Ft $3.00 SUkt Claaaaa, Entry Faa $3.00 It. Open Western t ieasure; 20. Potato Race - Open; 21. Pole Bending Open Stake; 22. Bar rel Crawl Open; 23. Pony Expreea Open; 24. Barrel Race-Open; 25. Drink Race Open; 26. Western Oo-Aa-You-Pleaae; 27. RtngSpearlngStake; 28. Weatern Plck-Up-Stake; 29. Local Pleasure Horses; (Only horses and riders In Hoke Coun ty); 30. Horse Race Stake. Citizens Continued from page t within the town limits, and reg istered on the town books, will be eligible to cast ballots Sat urday. The voting booth will be at the fire station, next door to the town office and In the town hall building. Mra. Kate Blue Covington, registrar, said a number of people showed up at town hall last Saturday, asking to be reg istered. The registration period had ended the prevloua Satur day, she explained, although a story In The News-Journal er roneously said April 13 was the last day the books were open. That day, ahe said, was set aalde as challenge day. The polling place will be open between 6:30 a.m. and 6:30p.m. Garden BY M. E. A regular spray andor dust program Is the best Insurance you have to protect your plants from the ravages of Insect and disease pests. It is not possible to have roses, for example, with per fect foliage and flowers or un damaged vegetables (beans, to matoes, sweet corn, etc.) unless you do follow a regular sche dule. You will remember that we have two general classes of In sects: those that chew their food and require what we term stomach poison; and those that have sucking mouth parte, requiring a contact poison. By comparison, the chewing Insects are more easily con trolled than the sucking because you can aee evidence of damage. When this Is discovered any good stomach poison will knock them out. On the other hand, the sucking Insects are sneaky and you may have severe foliage Injury be fore you know It. Aphlds, spider mites and lacebugs are the worst offenders In this group. Again, they like to bask In the shade of a leaft (underside) and siphon the delectable Juices from the plant parts, much like you would enjoy a chocolate milk shake or a cool lemonade through a straw while resting under the shade of the old apple tree. Don't forget, they are "sneaky." Why not buy an inexpensive hand lens so you can see what's crawling. To conyrol them, you must use a contact poison. Contact In this case has meaning because the spray must cover the body of lilt it at th Nova 4- and 6-cylinder models. Look how simple it is. You accelerate in 1 st; then shift to Hi for cruising. That's oil. If you like, you can even start in Hi. And accelerate from standstill to cruising speed. It's just a little slower that way. info mid Only Chevrolet has it. Continued from page 1 Following la a complete list of registrars and polling places, where registrars may be found on Saturday. Allendale, WJ.. Roper, Com munity Building. Antloch, Mrs. Herbert GlUls, Community Building. Asiemont, Harry Thornberg, Community Building. Buchan, Mrs. Joe Odom. Odom's station. Blue Springs, James Hendrlx, McNeill Building. Puppy Creek, Mrs. Almeta Parker, Community Building. Raeford No. 1, Mrs. Mary Matherly, Courthouse. Raeford No. 2, Mrs. John Davis, county office building across street from post office. Raeford No. 3, Mrs. Earl Conoly, Hlllcrest Fire Station. Raeford No. 4, Mrs. Bruce Conoly, Civic Center. Raeford No. 5, Miss Doris McAllister, Upchurch School. Rockfish, B.B. Bostic, Com munity Buildln0. Stonewall, Mrs. T.W.. Jones, Community Building. Time GARDNER the Insect and clog his res piratory system if It Is to be effective; thus the Importance of thoroughly spraying or dust ing, the undersides of the leaves. There are so many effective chemical formulations on the market that to name them would be Impractical. Some control only sucking Insects; others only chewing Insects; while some formulations are effective against both types. Then, too, formulations are available which combine chemicals for the control of both Insects and diseases - all purpose rose sprays and dusts are examples. The Important thing. It seems to me, Is to go to your garden supply dealer, tell him your troubles, then read, carefully, the Instructions for proper use on the container. Adjust your trl-focals so that you will not overlook the fine print. Vandalism Continued from page I The other 10 defendants In clude: Eruce Dilllon, 16, Raeford; Steve Duncan, 16, Raeford; Jo seph E. Eupree Jr., 16, Rae ford; Robert Harrell Jr., 16 Raeford; tavld Hendrlx, 16, Raeford Rt. 1; Ihllllp Arnold McMllllan, 16, Raeford; Tom my McNeill, 16, Red Springs Rt. I; Steve Murray, 16, Rae ford; Nick Nicholson, 16, Rae ford; Ronnie Huff, 16, Aberdeen Rt. 1. fetf gfoKfr 65 FOR RENTi S bedrooms, fur nished or unfurnished, air conditioned house. Call $75 3439. tfc FOR SALEt 1963 Cuahman Eagle Scooter. Like new with side car. Call Tommy Macko after 4: 30 p.m. 17 5-! 182. 4C FOR SALE: 163 Corvalr Series 700. Extra Clean $389. Phone 875-2739 tfc FOR SALE) Chas. M. Stiff Piano. Reasonable, McLean Flower Shop. Phone' (75-3876. 49C FOR SALE: 3 Acre lots near Southern Pines 4 Aberdeen $995.00. $265.00 down. Call 276-2914-Laurlnburg,N.C. 49C VACATION PLANS AHEAD7 Earn a good Income cloae to home. Friendly, pleaaant and profitable work quickly puta $$ In your pocketa repreaentlng Avon Cosmetics. Write Mrs, Betty Edwards, P.O. Box 441, Chadbourn, N.C. or call 654 5781 Chadbourn Collect after 6 p.m. 49-51C WANTED: Industrial Nurse. We are aeeklng RN for part time employment Monday through Friday, Experience desirable good pay - all replies con fidential. RAE Magnet Wire Company, P. O, Box 1226, Laurlnburg, N.C. 49-52C PIANO IN STORAGE: Beauti ful spinet stored locally. Reported like new. Responsi ble party can take a big saving on low payment balance. Write Ellis Music Co. Panama City, Fla. 32401. 49C Card of Thanks We would like to thank every one who has been so kind to us during David's recent ill ness. We are grateful for all your cards, visits, calls, letters and gifts. But most of all for your prayers In our behalf. Your kindness and concern will always be remembered. May God bless all of you. Avery and Helen Connell 49C Card of Thanks We wish toexpressour heart felt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards, and floral offerings received during Illness and passing of our loved one. The Family of W. B. W!llls48C Janey Burns Funeral Today Funeral services for Mrs. Janey Burns, 7L who died Mon day In Raleigh, will be conducted today at Crumpler Funeral Chapel by the Rev. C. A. Coop er, burial will be In the Rae ford City Cemetery. Surviving are one son, Clar ence Burns of Raeford; seven grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. The shift lever is conveniently located on the steering column, and there's a selector quadrant with easy-to-read indications: Park-R-N-Hi-1 st. Only your Chevrolet dealer has it-clutchless driving at only $68.65. FOR SALE) Amplifier - 25 Watta, 2 channel Tremolo, 12" H, D, Speaker $70. Phone 875-2740. 49-50P The MARION HOLLINGS WORTH Hated In the Fayette, vllle Obaerver Court news and over the radio recently la not the man who worka at Unl Royal in Raeford. 49F LANDSCAPING, SEPTIC Tank Installation, Tractor Work, Dirt Hauling. Clarence Turbevllle, Route 1, Red Springs, N, C, Phone 843-5783. 49-521- WE CAN ARRANGE weekiy pay ments on your automobile re pairs, Ores and accessories. Raeford Auto Company. tfc 112.00 - Exterminate for roach es, waterbugs, sllverflsh, rats, ants. SPECIAL free wtermlte treatment. Phone Wl 4-2474, Aberdeen, N. C. or 369-2522 Wagram, N. C. tfc FOR RENT: Newly Remodeled house near Five Points. Four large rooms, newcabinets.slnk, floors reflnlshed, new curtains, painted throughout. Ready to move in. Contact Mrs. Maude Calloway, Phone 875-2655. tfc HELP WANTED - Male or Fe male - Wonderful Money-saving Bargain Specials for yuur customers help you make a Big Success as a Rawleiji Products Dealer IN HOKE COUNTY. Write RawleighDept.NCD-470-801 A. Richmond, Va. 47-50P DRAIN AND SEPTIC TANK SANITATION: Quick John for Drain and Septic tank troubles. New, exclusive enzyme Bac terial formular di6est solids, grease, paper, etc. End back ups, odors, pumpin, dicing. Harmless to plumbing Non caustic, non-poisonous, com pletely safe. Ask for and In sist on Quick John at most stores or send $3.95 for one pound can prepaid, money back grarantee, to Master Products Co., Box 531,Fayetteville,N.C. 28302. 47-50C SUPER stuff, sure nufl That's Blue Lustre for cleaning russ and upholstery. Rent electric shampooer $1. Raeford Hdwe. 47-50C Springtime is fun time time to do things and go places. Maybe a flying trip to Waikikl Beach or a simple picnic with the family. An electric dishwasher will help you go. In barely ten minutes you can load it, start it and forget it. Then you're free I An electric dishwasher provides other benefits, too. It scrubs your grimiest pots and plates with scalding hot detergent water, rinses the dirt and bacteria down the drain with more scalding water and then dries them in hot air to make each piece safe for your family to use again. Join the women who have more TRUCK LOAD PAINT SALE: Present Day Vogue la to finish walls and callings with Vinyl Latex and the woodwork with matching color InALKYDSeml Gloaa Finish. For A Limited Time Only $4.49 Gallon. WOOD FURNITURE COMPANY, RAE ford, nc. tfc WELL DRILLING WATER PUMP SALES AND REPAIR. 2 Inch and 4 Inch wells. All work guaranteed. FINANCING ARRANGED. McFADYEN WELL CO, RAEFORD, PHONE NIGHT 875-3604 tfc FOR SALE: 8 roomframehouse on Green Street - Call 875 2773 after 4:00 p.m. tfc FACED WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM? Perhaps Alco holics Anonymous can help. Write to Tost Office Box 514 or call 875-2025. Weekly meet ings open to the public -Wednesday 8:15 p. m. Cole Building, Raeford. FOR SALE: Blue, 1061 Ford excellent condition with extra pair snow grip tires. Call 875-2312. 48-49P MANCHESTER WOOD YARD WILL BUY FULPW'OOD Contact Wl LDON GORE PH. 875-3797 FHA RESALES J Interested Brokers may obtain complete listings from FHA, 324 West Market Street, J Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 SELECT YOUR HOME IN ABERDEEN 1001 SAUNDERS AVENUE - 5 Room, 1 Bath, Asbestos Shingle, New Gas Wall Furnace $200 Cash $6,650 WATCH FOR THE FHA "FOR SALE" SIGN Other Properties Available - See the Licensed Broker of Your Choice. Reasonable Cost of "Obtaining Financing" "Closing Costs, except Prepaid items" paid by FHA Financing for all approved mortgagors assured except for "As Is All Cash" sales. FHA properties are offered for sale to qualified purchasers wlJiout regard to the prospective purchaser's race, color, creed or national origin. Purchasers should contact the real estate broker of their choice. Offers to purchase may be submitted direct to FhA when the purchaser cannot secure the services of a qualified broker. The local FHA office la located at 324 West Market Street, Greensboro, N. C. 1) H RPI SINGER: Sewing Machine cab inet model. ZIG-ZAGLR, But tonholer, Etc. Loral person can finish payments $10.00 monthly or cash balance $39.90. See locally write: "National's Fi nancing Dept.", Adjuator, Ni chols, Drawer 280, Asheboro, N. C. 46-S0C FOR SALE: Platform Counter Scales, like new. See Sam Mor ris, Dickson Frees. Phone 875 2121. U CARPENTER CREWS WANT ED: Must have tools and trans portation. Apply at Jim Walter Corporation, Hwy. 301 s. Fay ettevllle or call Collect 483 0389 between 8 & 10 a.m. 43-49C RENTAL CAR: Rental Cars Available Now. Call us, or come In when you need to RENT A CAR. RAEFORD Al.'TO. Main Street, Phone 875-2125, Dealer License 1303. tfc WANTED: One male replace ment, two years employment guaranteed, no experience ne cessary, must like the outdoor life, CONTACT - LCPL LAR RY W. PITTMAN, PHU BAI, SOUTH VIETNAM, CO U.S. MARINE COR IS 45-51P J. G. Hughes, Jr. ANTIQUES AND GIFTS Parkton, N. C. ..Have (Electric Dishwashers! fun going places and doing things. Buy an electric dishwasher. Choose from portable or built-in models at your electric appliance store this week. Carolina Power FOR SALE: 1967 Ford Falcon Low Milage. Assume Loan $1650.00 Call 875-2789. 49-61C SAVE Money on our Truck Load PAINT SALEt For beauty and economy use the fine washable Non - Drip type Interior Fi nishes. Anyone can apply these finishes eaally, quickly and per fectly with brush or roller. For A Limited Time Only $4.49 Gallon. WOOD FURNITURE COMPANY. Raeford, N.C. tfc Raeford Antenna Service Sales And Kepalring Of T.V. Antennas J. Moaeley cu A. Bracey B7 3-Z4UO eVB-ZOOO AUCTION Beautiful, New 10 room, brick home over looking pri vate lake on 40 acre tract. Joins exclusive Whispering Pines near Plnehurst and Southern Pines In the heart of Moore County's golf and horse country. Must be sold April 20 at 2 p.m. Sealed bids accepted now. Write Owner, P.O. Box 685, Or Call 692-2926, Southern Pines, N.C. cAway You Qo! Light Company Mfg. License 110