THENIWS JOURNAL RALFOKD. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JANUARY JO, 1969 PAGE 3 1969 Heart Fund Campaign Starts Here Saturday, Feb. 1 H - tVy"1""-' .' ?, ?!. RAH - yariw chterlwdm are doing a good job of cheering vn the Hoke High winning are enjovin 'g it, too. Martha A mi Stewart, f ront center, is chief. Others are, left to right, front. Jo hack row. Dorothy Mcljiuchlin, Cathy Keaton, Gloria Baker and Miljred Robinson. The team mm 33 in a game with Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Gales Harris of Chapel Hill visited his grandmother Mrs. bliabeth Dearen Saturday night. Stephen Amnions left Tuesday to attend the State Highway Conferences for three day s in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mckenzie and family of Shannon were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jackson and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hull and daughter Paula of Dallas were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Korbis and daughter Carolyn and son Elbert, Sunday on their way to Methodist College, Fayetteville, where Paula will enter for the next semester. Miss Elise Hall of Glade Valley School spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hall and her . sister Sally Lou. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McMillan and son Douglas of Greensboro spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Brill. Charles, Debbie, Lynn and David Osborne of Wagram spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James E. Osborne Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Jackson and daughters Marcia, Cheryl and Charlene of Parkton were dinner guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson, Sunday. Mrs. T.C. Chason is spending this week visiting her sisters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Pcrryman and Mrs. Mary Hampton in Asheboro. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Conoly of Red Springs, Mrs. Margaret Hamilton of Lumbcrton, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Willi ford of Fayetteville and Mr. and Mrs. John Cudd of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. A.F.Tolar,Sund.iy. Miss Jean Cobb of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro is spending between semester break with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fredenck Cobb and her sister Freda. Mis. Virginia Bounds of Raleigh and Red Springs visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Schell. Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Jones and son David visited Geddie's Dr. R.M. Jordan On University Adult Committee Dr. Riley M. Jordan of Raeford has been named a member of the Adult Committee of the Wake Forest University Board of Trustees. Dr. Jordan is I Raeford physician who attended Wake Forest College. He is head of The Raeford Medical Group. He and his family reside on Fulton Street. Girl Scouts are looking for the most interesting, active, enthusiastic, dependable people in town to be leaders, consultants, council or neighborhood committee members, and to fill a host of other responsible posts in Girl Scouting. Can you help? Call Girl Scouts at K.U.57J7 Ra leigh or ak an Girl Scout leader. i) Lumber Bridge BY PAM SUMMER Wild Geese Refuge in Wadesboro and his brother in law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Preston Brooks in Pine Bluff, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Cudd of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Williford of Favetteville and Joe V. Williford of Durham visited Miss Millie Williford, Sunday. Mrs. J.W. Hough Sr. and Mrs. Jon Tyner and children Cathy, Monica and Wayne spent the weekend in Charlotte visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hough Jr. and children Donna and Bob and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hough and children Jeneal, Dawn and Edmund and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bryan and children Lynn and Teresa visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bryan and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor in Lumbcrton, Sunday. Miss Lois Sumner spent the weekend with her sisters Mrs. Henry Crawford and Miss Elizabeth Sumner in Rowland. Misses Ruth, Ruby and Carolyn Forbis visited Mr. and Mrs. Alton Potter and Mrs. Mela Parker near Raeford, Monday. Miss Henrietta Bullard of Charlotte spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bullard. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sumner and children Pam and Johnnie visited her mother, Mrs. Ethel Gibson and her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Mcrrette Gibson and children Joy and Ricky near Rockfish, Sunday. Several of the young people are home from different colleges for the semester break Morris Marley, Walter Marley Jr. and Mike Chason from N.C. Stale University, Raleigh. Steve Chason and Carolyn Forbis are home from Pembroke College. Mrs. Jon Tyner visited her mother in law, Mrs. Ted Tyner at Duke Hospital in Durham, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gresham and children Lynn, Stephen and Dana of Virginia Beach, Va. spent last weekend with her brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McGougan and sons Danny, Joe, Charles and Vance and her father, Ernest McGougan. Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner and daughters Sharon and Susan of Lumberton visited her father, J.M. McGougan and her aunt Miss Vera McGougan, Sunday. Mrs. D.L. Boyles of Pinnacle is spending several weeks with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Boyles. Mrs. Howard Andrews and children Donna, Gary and Lynn of Goldshoro spent the weekend wiih her parents Mr and Mrs. M.C. Boyles. Mrs. N.H.G. Balfour is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs.Sheha Dail and sons, Scot and Scan in Raleigh. Mrs. Floyd Turner and Mrs. Ella Allen of Fayetteville visited Mr. and Mrs. Howaid Livingston and childicn Wanc, Charles, and new baby djughter Tammy. Salu:day. Mis. B. Smith returned to her home in Fayetteville alter spending last week with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Howird Livingston and children. Miss Connie Taslor spent fiom Thuivlay until Sunday with her biotherin-law anil sister. Mr. and Mis. Wavnc -mM - ;.v V... J-V; Beasley and children Teresa and Wayne in Fayetteville. Henry Thompson is attending a short course on Modern Farming for North Carolinans involved in agriculture in Raleigh last week and this week. Henry was chosen as one of the young farmers from Robeson County. Mrs. Maggie Covington spent the weekend with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jon Evans and daughters Allison and Susan Russell in Lumberton. Mrs. John Brown and daughter Cynthia spent the weekend with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Luby Allen Jackson in Newton Grove. 1 : i . i m jjk mm MtA Quotation lyitcmi give Information on listed and over-the-counter Debbie Nettle handles a call Fred Little checks stock 1 ' V. ' V. junior varsity team and they A nn Davis and Bert Pope and lust night by a score of 53 to Smith New Personnel Mgr. A former Raeford man, Fred Smith, has assumed duties as personnel manager for the Robeson and Butler Plants of Burlington Yarn Company in St. Pauls. He succeeds Charles Norlander, who tiansferred to High Point to assume duties as personnel manager at the company's llillcrest Plant. Smith was assistant personnel director at Raeford Plant prior to assuming his present position. CARD OF THANKS The thoughtfulncss and sympathy extended by our friends and neighbors during our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. The family of Floyd M. Seals 38C Powell, Kistler & Co. is people, too. Computers, electronics, telephones, teletypes and com fortable offices are all indispensible to a modern bro kerage firm like Powell, Kistler & Co. But, for all their speed and accuracy, the machines are no substitute for people . . . people like our account executives who must make the kind of judgments that machines just aren't capable of in working towards your investment goals. And every Powell, Kistler office is fully staffed with people who live and serve in the community. It takes people to give "Personalized Service to Individ ual Investors". Bob Stovall discusses Investment with a customer Powell, Kistler & Co. Mtmfori Sru York tii Amirictt Sloik CxtktKfl PtRSONALIZIO StKVICl TO INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS IN THI CAROLINA! 110 Old Street, Fayette.. lie, N. C. 43-61t The 1969 Heart Fund Campaign will open here and throughout the state on Saturday, February 1, and will continue through Februaiy 2H, it was announced by Mrs. Bobby McNeill, Hoke Heart Association President. Guy Named N.C. Director For USBA Henry B. King, President of thyUnited States Brewers Association announced recently the appointment of B.L. Guy to the position of State Director for the USBA in North Carolina. Mr. Guy, a native of North Carolina, has been with the Brewers Association for five years and has served as Field Representative and Assistant State Director. Working out of the North Carolina Office located in Raleigh, he has assisted James A. Stutts, who is District Director of the South Central area of the United States, in spearheading industry programs of public relations, community relations and market expansion throughout the State. A graduate of Atlantic Christian College and U.S. Army veteran, he was a field supervisor with the North Carolina Board of Paroles before joining the USBA in April, 1964. Previously, he was a Probation Officer with the North Carolina Probation Commission and a public school teacher in Raleigh. In an nouncing the promotion, Mr. King pointed out that USBA, the nation's oldest trade association, is involved with all segments of the brewing industry in North Carolina in service programs for the industry and the public. These activities include community relations, litter prevention, self-regulation, cooperation with the military and law enforcement officials, and working toward prevention of purchases by minors. yjr c xxmsm nn W,iin. uiuiiiw.iiii,'Jii'i'wf s tmmm m i- ummmmm 1 , 1 ' J l .... zp j y f pl T :4w 11 Jf -v-j Lai" Jf fey nocks Customer, and account executives watch the action in The appointment of Mrs. Ed Mm r. iv as Campaign Chairman was disclosed. City chaiiman is Mike Wood and Rural chairman is Wendell Young. Wood reported that the key committee chaiimeu in the month-long campaign will include: Bobby Conoly, treasurer; William McDonald, Business Days, Mis. G rover Owens, Special Events; Jerry Goa, Heart Sunday; Mrs. Harry McLean. publicilV. The 1969 I lea it Fund goal in Hoke County is SI.XSO. as reported by Mrs . Mm ray. "The American male comes in various sizes, shapes, and conditions. But stalislics show that a great many of these lovable unsuspecting Americans have one thing in common, they are headed for the kind of trouble that can spell heart allack. Fortunately, there are some steps that can be taken to reduce the risks and one of these steps is underscored in 'I at To Your Heart's Content' ", said Mrs. Murray. "Your Heart Association has just purchased a copy of the Amencan Heart Association film 'Fat To Your Heart's Content.' " This film is played for humor with a light bouncy touch that hits the high spots in the importance of diet and takes saturated fats and cholesterols to I ask for their part in helping set the stage for heart attack. However, the most important point it makes is that one doesn't have to take the fun out of food. The film, narialed by Tony Randall, is in color and runs for thirteen minutes. It is extremely well produced and would make an excellent film for showing to church groups, civic clubs, adult education groups, and business and professional clubs. Mrs. Murray said. It is available for showing CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone for their gifts and kindnesses shown to us when our home was destroyed by fire. Cliff McMillan and family 38P John C Williams tr.nsn-Hs an ijiiiuwM(LiMlwiaaiwaa''.yi .jpmwwwa i 1 I id; - 1 " i a-. Office Manager. Dave McDuffcc f" vVk 1 rStf? I s t a - m -j u OFFICES: Favetteville. Charlotte, High Point, Kinston, Raleigh, N. C, Myrtle Beach. S. C, New York City ( ALL IS COLLI CI on request and may be obtained by contacting Mis. Harrv McLean. Apart from the usual Balloon Days. Mrs. J B Riddle heads a committee which is preparing a benefit card party on Monday, February 17. from K:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at McLauchlin School cafeteria. Door pnes will be awaided as will prizes lor high score at each table. Players are Scouling Observes Birthday The next big event in scouting is the annual observance of Anniversary Week to be celebrated Februaiy 7-1 3 at which time, all units will try to make the public and scouting families familiar with the program. Open houses and Blue and Gold Banquets for cub scouts and their parents will be held. The Boy Scout Show for scouts, cubs and explorers of the Cape Fear Area Council has been postponed from February 15, until October 18. The new date was set because sickness in many units has kept boys from being able to make preparations. F. E. Stanley, chairman for the Scout Show has urged all scouting units to start now with preparation for the fall event. Fayetteville'! modern offices. -4 'JP 'order J. H. Austin 'I ii INSURANCE kj) : ;! SINCE 1950 fiV '' !; y AUTO, FIRE, LIFE VjfV i! (rl CASUALTY T !j ij -S j. h. AUSTIN ;! ! j 215 N. Main Street Phone 875 - 3667 ; i Ralph Hnggard and Luther Thompson confer requested to bung their own cards. Relieshnieiils will be served. Admission will be S I .00 each and may be obtained at the door or in advanced sales. Reseived tables aie also available. Seiving with Mrs. Riddle are Mis. Bobby Carter. Mis. Paul Buinetl and Mrs. Al Brown. Baptists YWA To Meet Feb. 6 The Young Woman's Auxiliary of the Robeson Baptist Association will meet on Thursday night, Februaiy 6. at 7:30 at the Godwin Heights Baptist Church in Lumberton. Presiding at the meeting will be Pierce Mclnlyre of Lumberton. president of the associalional YWA. Girls from various churches in the association will paiticipate on the program which is designed to provide information, inspiration and fellowship. The featured speaker will be Mis. James Sides of Wadesboro. Her husband is pastor of the First Baptist Chinch there and she is in frequent demand as a speaker who illustiates her remarks with a "chalk talk." She will be introduced by Miss Ina Page of Route I, Nichols, S. C, associational YWA director. All young ladies of YWA age in the churches in the association are urged to attend. Also invited are YWA leaders, pastors and WMU directors. At the conclusion of the meeting, refreshments will be served by the hostess church. mM'-, ...... . J I 2-f -wrvjiicirtwiiyiLjAjL oifi O.