INSIDE-OUT view from the rear of ? seven-ship formation of Army helicopters shows the Saigon River twisting acre as the Vietnamese countryside. The helicopters are airlifting troops of Company A, 2d Battalion, 14th Infantry, 25 Infantry Division from Fire Support Base I'atton II to Trang Bang. This Is The Law By Robert E. Las May a husband in North Carolina obtain alimony from his wife? Yes. This is possible under a law enacted by the 1967 General Assembly. In order to be awarded a court decree for support and maintenance the party seeking alimony must qualify as a "dependent spouse" and must prove that the other spouse has committed one of the listed statutory grounds for alimony. Either the husband or the wife may be a "dependent spouse." The statute defines "dependent spouse" as "a spouse, whether husband or wife, who is actually substantially dependent upon the^ither spouse for his or her maintenance or support or is substantially in need of maintenance and support from the other spouse." The spouse from whom the alimony is obtained is designated in the statute as the "supporting spouse." And as if to lilt the scales of justice slightly in favor of the wife, the statute adds: "A husband is deemed to be the supporting spouse unless he is incapable of supporting his wife." Mas permanent alimony be awarded in connection with an absolute divorce proceeding"' Yes. The 1967 statute expressly so provides. Heretofore Pennsylvania and North Carolina were the only states not allowing permanent alimony to be awarded in an Thomas Ray Bullard, Route 1, Pembroke, worthless check of S60.74 to J. I. Hubbard. 90 days in the county jail, suspended upon restitution of the check and the payment of the costs of court. Randolph Mclntyre. Route 1, Raeford, non-support, 90 days in the Hoke County Jail, assigned to work under the supervision of the North Carolina Department of Corrections. Clinton White, Route 2, Raeford, waived preliminary ? hearing in District Court on charges of robbery with firearms. He was bound over to the Hoke County Superior Court for action by the Grand Jury. His bond was set at 4 S5.000. Doris Jean l^e. Route 1, Raeford, unsafe movement, costs of court. David A. Quick, Raeford, failure to file a report, judgment suspended upon payment of the costs of court and complance of filing the report. Robert Louis McMillan, Route 3, Raeford, non-support, prayer for judgment continued until February 13, 1970. James Neal and Fitzhugh Wayne Byrd. both of Scotland County, affray, at the close of the State's evidence the defendant's motion for non-suit was granted by the court. Glenn Currie Gibson, Raeford, was found innocent prof careless and reckless driving. John Lee Hines, Wakulla, larceny. Stale takes a nol pros. Harold Hampton McEacliern, Hoke County, N.C.G.S. 14-105, State takes a nol pros. , Johnnie Pridgen, Route I, Red Springs, failure to decrease speed In order to avoid an accident, SI0 fine and the costs of court. John Joseph Woods, Laurinburg, speeding 70/60, SI0 fine and costs of court. Ronald Murray McFadgion, Route I, Raeford, unsafe movement, SI0 fine and costs action for absolute divorce. Now Pennsylvania stands alone. May permanent alimony be obtained in an absolute divorce proceeding by a dependent spouse on the ground that the two spouses have lived separate and apart for a period of one year? No. Although separation for one year is a ground for absolute divorce it has not been listed as a ground for permanent alimony. Among the statutory grounds for alimony, briefly stated, a re adultery abandonment, indignities' cruelty, and wilful failure to provide the dependent spouse with necessary subsistence according to his or her means and condition so as to render the condition of the dependent spouse intolerable and the life of the dependent spouse burdensome. May a court order for permanent alimony be obtained in a civil action other than divorce? Yes. This is customarily done by a civil action known as "alimony without divorce." There are two types of divorces: absolute and front bed and board. The latter is in effect nothing more than a judicial separation. Alimony may be obtained in connection with both types of divorces if ?cou Continued fi of court. E-5 James J. Broomfield, Fort Bragg, not guilty of driving under the influence, and wnthout a valid operator's license. Guilty of careless and reckless driving, six months in the Hoke County Jail, with capias and, or commitment to issue at anytime during the next two years on motion of the prosecutor or the court, SI00 fine and costs of court. James Henry Jones, Route I. Raeford, driving at a speed greater than was reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing, 60 days in the Hoke County Jail, sentence suspended upon payment of SIO fine and costs of court. James Alvtn Cooper Wilmington, improper passing' prayer for judgment continued X, Paymem ?f ,he cos,s of Tony Hill Andrews l ayetteville, trespass, 90 days in the Hoke County Jail, with capias and. or committment to issue at anytime during the next two years on motion of the prosecutor or the court pay the costs of court. William Douglas Evans, rayetteville, without a valid operator's license, 60 days in the county jail, suspended upon payment of a SIO fine and the costs of court. James Thomas White, Route . Lumber Bridge, driving too for the exis.ting conditions. 60 days m the county jail, suspended upon Payment of SIO fine and Yhe costs of court. Steve Adams, Fayetteville trespass. 90 days in the Hoke County Jail, capias and, or committment to issue at anytime during the next two years on motion of the prosecutor or the court, costs of court. Ronda Spencer Strickland, Kaelord, was found not guilty of littering. 6 y Krwin Harold Eaton. Burlington, unsafe movement, prayer for judgment continued upon payment of the costs of court. there arc alleged and proved statutory grounds for alinrony. It is a criminal offense for a husband to wilfully neglect or rt Vi6 to suPP?rl his wife or children less than eighteen years of age. May a person obtain an absolute divorce if his or her spouse becomes a habitual drunkard or excessive user of alcohol or drugs? Not in North Carolina. It is, however, a ground for absolute divorce in all but eielit states. Under a North Carolina statute the innocent spouse may obtain a divorce from bed and board or alimony if the defendant "becomes an excessive user of alcohol or drugs so as to render the condition of the other spouse intolerable and the life of that spouse burdensome." The North Carolina statute does not require, as do the habitual - user statutes in a number of other states, that the defendant has been an excessive user of alcohol or of drugs for a specified period of time. Furthermore, as the consequence of a 1967 amendment, the North Carolina statute does not require that the plaintifT in an action Ipr divorce from bed and board (as distinguished from an action for absolute divorce) set forth in his or Iter complaint that the grounds set forth therein have existed for at least six months IT? rom page I Dancy P. Avery, alias Jamet L. Johnson, Milton. \.Y, without valid operator',1 license, defendant called anc ?ailed to appear The couri ordered his S90 bond forfeited Archie Melvin, Hokr County, worthless check o S39.00 to William Lupo, 3( days in the county jail suspended upon restitution anc payment of the costs of court ?ennie Jeromi: Fd wards Moke County, worthless died of S20 to D.H. DeVane. 3( days in the county jail, capia: and or committment to issue a any time during the next thre< years on motion of tin prosecutor or the court restitution and costs of court Bennie Jerome F.d wards worthless check of *14 t< Berder Nivens, 30 days in tin county jail, capias and o commitment to issue' a anytime during the next threi years on motion of tin prosecutor or the court restitution and costs of court This sentence to begin at tin expiration of the abov, sentence. Bennie Jeronte Fd wards worthless check of S30 t? Bernard Bray, 30 days in th county jail, capias and, o commitment to issue a anytime during the next Hire, years on motion of th prosecutor or the court restitution and costs of court This sentence to begin at th expiration of the abov sentence. Magistrate Court fi-7 Albert Moore, Foi Bra88. speeding 70/60. S5 fin and costs of court. Jethro Lee Young, Route I ivaetord, driving too fast fc the existing conditions, cost of court. James Allen Southcrland Route I, Raeford, failure t< have a valid operator's license and traveling at a speed greate than was reaswable anc prudent under the condition! exisiting, 525 Fine and costs ol court. Donald Wayne Jackson Kaeford, speeding 45/35, 55 fine and costs of court Luther Patrick Jackson Raeford, speeding 50/35. SIC 'ine and costs of court. I MUKSDAY. JANUARY I .V I''70 PAGE I FOR SALE: I 1968 Apache FOR SALE: 1966 Plymouth PAPER HANGING: Call LAND CLEARING. Dirt FOR SALE: 200' X 20C MESA Camping Trailer. Sleeps Sport Fury. 4 speed William H. Morse, Box 216, Hauling, Street Work. Front residential lot located on E 6, SI ,000. See Bill Tanner, 512 transmission, 4 barrel Pine Bluff, N.C. Phone End Loader, Batxh'cAt Donaldson Street. Priced ti E. 6th Ave. Phone before 5:30 carburator, 383 cubic inch 281-3158 or 281-3249 after 6 Bulldozer rentals. Experienced sell. Sec Harold L.Gillisor cal 875-3731, after 5:30 motor. One owner, call operators. Call us collect 875-2431 or 875-2412. , r ... - - 875-3340. 875-4319 after 5 o'clock. tfc 425-4212 - W.R. King & Son, tf, 35-36P 35-36P Inc Well drilling. All work ,fc l969 TOUCH O'MATE FOR SALE: House on 528 t. WE CAN ARRANGE, weekly guaranteed. Phone 875-3604, SEWING MACHINE. Cabinc 6th Ave. No equity, assume payments on your automobile McFadyen Well Co. Availahle xi r it like new. Zig - Zags, make low payments. Phone repairs, tires and accessories. "c 81 8 . .ou' 8 its* or buttonholes antf fancy stitclie 875-4385 after5p.m. Raefprd Auto Company. ? d cnt " * r i d 'V?d without attachments. So me on tfc tfc FOR RENT: Modern RENT A CAR. RAEFORD vantcd to Hiush 5 payments c ,,,. , .... , unfurnished apartment. Call "y'D. Maui Street, Phone :9 50 ner month For fu Bt gentle, be kind, to that jqciil L. McFadyen, Jr., 875-21.5, Dealer License No. letails call 692 ? 3348 i FOR SALE: <6 room house, 2 expensive carpet, clean with 875-3604. 1303. acres land. Contact Sain Blue Lustre. Rent electric tfc tfc McRae:. Phone 875-2605. sliampooer SI. Raeford Hdwe. Pno coc. cdictt Dumn ,fc 34 - 38C SINGER ZIG ZAG SLANT FOR SAl?: SPINET PIANO. O'MATIC SEWING RcsP??*lblc P3^ wanted to ioutheru Pines collect tf FOR SALE: John Deere 2 row YULE get more out of one of MACHING. Monograms, satin take "ver low 1010 tractor. Phone 875 - these used cars because we sell finished stitches and makes 8 luiu tractor, rnone no - u?u v?> -t ?n ....u _ , i(,?iiu u/rii? 2719. QUALITY and ECONOMY at buttonholes without do 36C QUALITY MOTORS, Harris attachments. Someone wanted Urcait Manager, r.O. Box 641, Avenue, Raeford. to finish payment of $12.15 Matthews, N.Carolina. FOR SALE: 20 acres land 34 - 38C for 5 months. For full details 33-36P located on Blue's road in RF4,rrv ?" 69l 3348 Sou,hern FACED WITH A DRINKING Quewhiffle township. Phone AVON CALLING. BEAUTY Pines collect. PRORI c m 1 p r i< m n c w.r, o - ,r.1, a IS nt)R HliCINhA<; Mak* it .r- . . V D > E M r e r " a P S before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. IS OUR BUSINESS . Make it tfc Alcoholics Anonymous ran 81 ? 3340 vours ?? become <in AVON l.i p n q*jc aoic mj l,i tfc REPRESENTATIVE. No FOR SALE: Oil Heater, 8500 JfJPu.Sf" experience necessary. Own BTU, wall thermostat control. pu?llf FOR RENT: House Smiles hours. High earning potential. Phone 875 - 4119 after 5 pa,f,,'rH ' ?C Hwy. W.M. Ridge, Rt. 3, collect after 6 p.m. or write Raeford, Mrs. Betty Edwards P. O. Box 34 - 38C PART-TIME SALESMEN [^t ine show you how to make LET S FACE IT , u ' ? r -i . . ... Good Monev serving customers If-your family had- everything m Hoke Qq- wifh Rawleigh thdi/ ttronlad 1/1x11 vi/niilri nnl r\.? ... . * _ ... . they wanted, you would not bo ,,roducts Write E.A. Walton, P. reading this ad; If-you have a 0 Box 755Si Richmond Va. car, for limited travel; If-you ' ' ts.17r are between 22 and 40; If-you have a burning desire to make FOR SALE: 15 acres wood SI00 per week in your spare Und, I mile from city limits, time: If-you don't mind railing pa|| 875 - 2230 on four or five qualified 35. 3g? appointments per week: This ALIGNMENT SERVICE AT BOBBY CARTER'S TIRE SERVICE S. MAIN ST. run KfclN I : House 0 miles nuun. iujii mhiuis pitmni. . ...... Ruildino from Raeford on Aberdeen Call immediately 654 - 4062 He. WHEEL tfc 441, Chadboum, N. C WHEEL AEINEMENT NEW TIRES and RECAPPING McRONALPS TIRE RECAP. SERVICE PHONE 875-2079 114 RACKET ALLEV & STEWART STREET 3-R00M APARTMENTS FOR RENT Air ConditioMd RaefouJ Hotel Building Sm Ernest Cartwright, Mgr. or Phone 878-3055 Day 875-3492 Night COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE AT BOBBY CARTER'S TIRE SERVICE S. MAIN ST. ad is intended for you. For an interview, call (collect): Mr. Frank George, 299-0901. Greensboro, N.C. 36-37C SMONEYS LADIES If you have a pleasant voice and don't mind speaking with the general public, over the telephone, in the privacy of your own home, we need two part-time women to conduct survey work in the local area. For an interview, call (collect): Mr. Al Johnson, 299-0901. Greensboro, N.C. 36-37C FOR RENT: The Myrtle or James Quick farm. 79 acres open land. 24.5 A cotton, 1.98 A tobacco - 351.2 lbs., wheat - 3.3A, corn-12A. If interested, contact 875-3178. 36-38 P FOR RENT OR SALE: House. Financing arranged. Call Frank Teal. 875 - 3213. 36C James A. Hord. Jr.. Route I. Raeford, speeding 70/60, S5 fine and costs of court. Donald Gray Moscr, Raeford, worthless check of SI 2.36 to Walter Parks, restitution and costs of court. E-4 Arthur Herbert Toothman, Ft. Bragg, speeding 75/60, SI5 fine and costs of court. Frances McRae Foster, Rt. 1, Raeford, speeding 45/35, S5 line and costs of court. E-5 Joseph Stanley Armstrong, Ft. Bragg, speeding 70/60, S5 line and costs of court. Thomas Williams. Fayettcville, public drunk, S6 jail fee and costs of court. William Nash Smith, Lumber Bridge, inspection violation, costs of court. Emma Jones Woods, Rt. 1, Red Springs, speeding 60/45. SI 5 and costs of court. Henry Lee Lloyd, Rt. I, Red Springs, exceeding 35 in a 35 mph zone, costs of court. Thomas Wayne Evans, Favetteville, speeding 71/60, S7 fine and costs of court. Ronald Lee Dial. Pembroke, speeding 70/60, S5 and costs of court. Francis Blake Harris. RouteJ 2, Raeford, stop sign violation, costs of court. Robert Angus Pittman, Rt. 2, Raeford, stop sign violation, costs of court. James William Ross. Rt. 3. Raeford, stop sign violation, costs of court. Patricia Conwell Haines. F a y e 11 e ville, inspection violation, costs of court. E-6 J.P. Conly Hollyfield, Ft. Bragg, speeding 70/60, S5 fine and costs of court. David Lewis Wilson, Davidson, speeding 70/60, S5 fine and costs of court. Sp. 4 Julius Hampton. Jr.. Ft. Bragg, speeding v0/60, S5 fine and costs of court. Alton Eugene Odom. Rt. 2. Raeford. public drunk. S6 jail fee and costs of court. Sidney G. Turner, Rockfish, worthless check of SI5 to Walter Parks, restitution and costs of court. Leonard J. Ray, worthless check of SI6.23 to Walter Parks, restitution and costs of court. List Your Property Give In Your Poll The Law Requires That You Do This During The Period From Jan. 2 thru Jan. 31,1970 Notice is hereby given all persons owning Real or Personal Properly that they appear before the taxlister for their township during the month of January and make return to him of all pro|>erty for purposes of taxation. Ml male persons are required to give in their poll, if their ages are between 21 and 50. failure to list in January will suhjeel taxpayer to penalty. All property owned January I. 1970 must be listed. WHAT TO LIST: RKAI. KSTATE . MOTOR VEHICLES . . . Ml taxable real property, including buildings automobilcn and trucks in your possession and improvements' and machinery or registered in your name. Mortgages do not permanently affixed to the Rea'l Estate. * hanS? ,he ownership or afleot the listing. Also house trailers, airplanes, scooters and motorcycles. HOUSEHOLD, KITCHEN Fl RMTLRE. ?'ARM IKQl IPMKNT, V ARM SIPPI.IF.S STOCK, HX1LRKS, Kyi IPMKVI ... Houwhold tllrniliirc ,nd pHxk mcludin, ?d,?., (i.d^d ui electrical appliances and tools of trade. AM r- . , . Ml ? r , . i* . i .. lutnilure, tixtures grrods in iiriMess, raw tarming equipment. swine, liyestock, poultry, , . , . . h ' ,? r j c ? . , materials and samples. I arm supplies and farm products produced 1 prior to 1969. ' OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY ... Radios, televisions, air conditioners, guns. TANGIBLE PROPER IT NOT bicycles, jewelry, diamonds ty pcwrit^rs, ' ,5 j boats and motors, golf equipment and office Prepared To Report Your Farm Cen*is. equipment. SCHEDI LE OK PLACES TO LIST OTHER THAN TAXLISTER S RESIDENCE ALLLNDALL TOWNSHIP MissUill;: Mcbtuchlin QUEWHIFELL TOWNSHIP Mrs. C. G. Odorn DATES TIME PLACE DATES TIME PLACE Jan. 13,27 12 to 4 P.M. Alex McCormick's Store Jan 2q 19 M .. ,McC*'" Jan. 9 10:00 to 4 00 Byru s Grocery Jan. 14,24 10:00to4:30 Calloway's Store (5 Pis.) Jan 23 1 ;30 to 5 30 Woody's Station Jan. 16, 1:30 to 5:30 Pete Sawyer's Station ANTIOCH TOWNSHIP - C.C. Conoly ?5Pn .o u vi c u . rLACt RAEFORD TOWNSHIP Mrs. Mary P. Matherly Jan. 5. 12, 19. 26 10 to 4 M. Scarboro s Station i2"' o' !i' vi' jo in t0 I J?hn Henf> McNeill's Sta Yuu can list your taxes MONDAY through FRIDAY from Jan. 9. 16, .3. 30 10 to 4 Gore s Station 8 00 A?M. to 5:30 P.M. and SATURDAY 8 00 A.M. to 12 00 NOON at the Courthouse. Persons whose residence is other than Raeford Township will be requested to list in the BLUE SPRINGS TOWNSHIP - Julian Love Township where they live. DATES TIME PLACE Jan 6, 20 9 to 3 Ernest McEachcrn's Store Jan 7, 21 8 to 4 Guy Bullock's Store Jan. 10. 17.24,31 9 to 5 Bill McQuage s Store STONEWALL TOWNSHIP J.tliShankle DATLS TIMl PLACE MCLAUCHLIN TOWNSHIP - Douglas Monroe Jan- 1S- 22. 29 Neill A. Jackson's Store DATES TIML PLACE (Listing at residence will be 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. week days Jan 12.19 9 to 3 Newton's Store a"d 9 to I 2 NOON on SAT L'RDA Y) Jan. 13 9 to 5 Wood's Store (Rocklish) Jan. 14 9 to 5 Archie Clark's Store Jan. 20 9 to 5 Brook's Store (Rockfish) (All other days Store at Residence) T. B. Lester, Tax Supervisor

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