City Folks To Influence Debate On Farm Pro?rr?mo i. h?W Td' Wi" i( ?>?? W.I! benefit? ? W,1? *?" t vToT !!C 10 W of ,llf newer ypc questions thai tongfesimen, are likely to be SlV"' >e" >*f?'Aev Clval Norti* C3roli^ tiut ihe sers"y; p0""5 ou| iqjcc Agricultural Act ol 965 expires at the end ol ?he yea^T' act Wi""n Programs are to b"continued or replaced. continued Pugh said many of the same ETe T f" I9M Agricultural Act ol 1965 was passed are likely to be debated again this year. such m ?H luestions # - Mow can the ?V?c7.dvouo,f Tduc,ive SnTb, ^ Wd "'!S commodity6. by?-"commodity Programs needed or does the SEE.en??d a general ^ man!, t Program? Are mandatory production control* best or should farm proS be voluntary? How ?n farm proems be developed Z w II be fair to the producers ol a I commodities in all sections o? the country? But in addition to these traditional questions, PuK|, believes many newer question' afnewefa '? ** deba,ed before f Jm"nlf 'l!'"8'P0'"" " '?. "umbers and farmei political power have declined 5PJ?5- Ru[al congressmen th.n 0 rely more heavily ? ?" ,lle Votes "f urban congressmen to get a far? program approved. eV[b*T conRressmen are expected to be esoeciallv nr^,iVe '? ,he c?st o7 farm Dr-Pugh Mid SESLri HI Pr?grani has been cnticized because it is tied to cost'each"01' tCndS ,Q raise the cost each year. exited ?ongrfsmcn are afso ,0 show a lot Of continued. amS' P?Sh thi:We ^^alot of concern .n this country today over equity of income. There i, a feeling among many people ^ present farm programs have helped big fanners more than little farmers." As a result, Pugh believes another attempt will be made in Congress to put a limitation on the size of payment that any one farmer can receive from the government. Inflation is another national concern which is likely to be on the minds of urban congressmen as they debate a new farm program, the NCSU economist continued. "Rightly or wrongly, rising food prices have become a symbol of the public's concern over inflation." he commented. "Therefore, urban congressmen will be reluctant to vote for a farm program that they feel will add to food costs." Despite the decline in farm numbers and the growing power of consumers, Pugli does not feci that the special needs of agriculture will be ignored in Washington. The entire nation, he says, has a stake in a healthy rural economy and an adequate supply of-wholesome food and liber. "But I do feel that the special needs of agriculture will be increasingly weighed against broad national concerns such as federal spending, inflation, and the amount of government money received by some large farmers." "In turn, some of the more fruitful legislative developments in the early '70s may capitalize on mutual interests of rural and city dwellers. For example, programs to promote a rural ? urban population balance could receive widespread attention. It is increasingly recognized tliat one avenue for relieving the social and economic problems of urban congestion is to develop a sound base for business and people in rural areas." Dr. Pugh concluded. One of the largest stereo phonic speaker systems in the world is used in the outdoor drama presented during summer months at the USS North Caro lina Battleship Memorial at Wil COKER PROMOTED TO LIEUTENANT COLON El. halter R. Coker was promoted tu Lieutenant Colonel in a ceremony held recently at the Pentagon in Washington. D. C. Coker is congratulated by Major Oeneral L. D. Taylor. Cokcr. a veteran of 13 vcars of Army service, is a budget analyst in the Army Budget Office. Coker's wife. Sara Culledge Coker and daughter. Sara Mitchell, watch the promotion ceremony. The Cokers' older daughter. Rebecca, was also present at the ceremony. Mrs. Coker is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Culledge of Raeford. Fair Displays Great interest is being sliowr by the Senior Citizens Clubs ir the four ? county area ol Moore, Montgomery, Hoke and Lee in the coining Handicraft and Hobby Lair, according tc George N. Adams, Director ol Coordinators lor this area. Tire fair will be held on Saturday, February 7. 1970, from 10 A M. to 4 P.M. at the Holiday Inn in Southern Pines. Handmade rugs, quilts, paintings and other handicrafts ivill be on display. Many of the items will be lor sale. Interesting hobbies will also be an display, among which will re a large collection of rocks tnd handmade jewelry. The Sandhills kiwanis Club s offering a S25.00 cash prize "or the best club display and Being Entered SI5.00 cash prize for the most interesting individual item on display. There will be no admission charge and the public is invited and urged to attend. Persons ovei 55 regardless of Club membership are also invited to display their handiwork or hobby. The Senior Citizens Piogram in this area is sponsored by the Sandhills Community Action Program. Inc. It Pays To Advertise IHINIWS JOl RWL KM I OKU. NORTH CAROLINA nil RSI)\V. J ANl \RY I')70 SI I' I ION II. I'AUI- 3 The Best Buys Can Be Found In The News-Journal Young marrleds: Insure your car, home,and life for under $35 a month. Impossible? Ask your man from Nationwide about his One Check Plan and see! Amazingl VARDELL HEDGPETH INSURANCE AGENCY 111 W. Elwood Avenue Next door to Shoe Shop RAEFORD. N. C. Nationwide Insurance. The man from Nationwide is on your side. N. Falrlane 500 2-Door Hardtop Sole-priced Torino... special edition Car of the Year The facts favor Ford! We took the lowest-priced hardtop we have?added special equipment at special savings. You get dual racing mirrors, vinyl roof, carpeting, body side molding with vinyl insert, much more. Sale ends February 281 A Raeford Auto Co. Mam i iriuai List Your Property Give In Your Poll The Law Requires That You Do This During The Period From Jan. 2 thru Jan. 31,1970 Noliee is hereby given ail persons owning Real or Personal Properly that they appear lie fore the laxlisler for their township during the month of January and make return to him of all properlv lor purposes of taxation. All male persons are required to give in their poll, if their ages are between 21 and .">0. Failure to list in January will subjeet taxpayer to penalty. All properlv owned January I. 1970 must be listed. WHAT TO LIST: RKAL ESTATE .. . MOTOR \ KHIOI.F.S . . . Ml taxable real property, including buildings wtomohiles fnd trucks in your possession and improvements' and machinery or registered in your name. Mortgage* do not permanentlv affixed to the Rea'l Estate. change the ownership or ailed the listing. Also house trailers, airplane.-, scooters mid motorcycles. HOI SEHOEI), KITCHEN KLRMTl RK. FARM KQI IPMKNT, FARM SUPPLIES STOCK. FIYIT RES. K)l IPMENT ... Household turnilure and goods, including ?, , .? ? . , , i , ? i ,? J.I f , J 4,7 t unshed goods, epuipmen . electrical appliances and tools of trade. All ,? ... . 11 ... . . . .. . i turnilure, uxliires goods in process, raw tanning equipment, swine, livestock, poultry. . ? , . , r 1 .. i- . - materials and samples. I arm supplies and farm products produced 1 prior to 1969. OTllF.R PERSONAL PROPERTY .. . Radios, televisions, air conditioners, guns. cp OTHER 1ANGIHLF. PROPF.RIT NO I bicycles, jewelry, diamonds, typewriters, SPM'.IFIF.D boats and motors, golf equipment and office Prepared To Report A our Farm Census, equipment. SCHEDULE OF PLACES TO LIST OTHER THAN TA\LISTER'S RESIDE NCI ALLENDALE TOWNSHIP Miss Willa McLauchlin QUEWHIFK LI TOWNSHIP Mrs. ( . (.. Odom DATES TIME PLACL DATES TIMI PI.At I Jan. 13.27 12 to 4 P.M. Alex McCormick'sStore J,an 2- 19 ? ;l? ,u ;lU, u , (MlX'a,n Jan. 9 10 (X) to 4 (X) Ibid sGiuecry Jan. 14.24 10 00 to 4 30 Calloway's Stoic D Pts.) Jan 23 1 30 to 5 30 "Woody's Slat ion Jan. 16, I 30 tu 5 30 Pete Sawyer's Station ANT IOCH TOWNSHIP C.C.Conoly DATES TIME PLACE RAEFORD TOWNSHIP Mrs Mai\ P. Mallied Jan. 5, 12. 19. 26 10 to 4 M. Scarboro's Station lan-2* M* ?i* S in'" a John Henry McNeil's Sta You can list vour taxes MONDAN through I RIDAY Irom Jan. V, lb.-J, JO 10 to 4 Gore s Station H 0(J A M ,u 5 30 p N1 J|ld SATl.'RDAY X 00 A.M. to 1 2 00 NOON ai the Courthouse. Pcisoits whose lewdcncc is otliei than Raetord Township will be requested to list in the BLUE SPRINGS TOWNSHIP Julian Love Township w here llies live. DATES TIME PLACE Jan 6. 20 9 to 3 Ernest McF.achcrn's Store Jan 7. 21 8 to 4 Guy Bullock s Store Jan. 10. 17. 24.31 9 to 5 Bill McQuage s Store STONEWALL TOWNSHIP J. Lli Slunhle DATES TIMI PLACE. MCLAUCHLIN TOWNSHIP - Douglas Monroe Jan I 5. 22. 29 Noll A. Jackson's Store DATES TIME PLACE (Listing at residence will be 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. week days Jan 12. 19 9 to 3 NewtonVStore and 9 to 12 NOON on SATURDAY) J a*. I~3 9 to 5 Wood's Store (Rockhsh) Jan. 14 9 to 5 Archie Clark's Stoic Jan' 20 9 to 5 Brook's Store (Rockfish) (All other days Store at Residence) T. B. Lester, Tax Supervisor ? ?_... t'