( Rockfish News $ By A. A. Mclnnit Please read the following and look among your possessions for an old pocket watch with Roman numerals on the dial, with a snap cover. A young man named Tom Painter of California, who is now a Peace Corps worker irr Africa, wants such a watch to replace the watch he had that the sand ruined. He is willing to pay a reasonable price for the watch. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. J.D. Mattlock of Rt. 2, Raeford. This i?a worthy cause and your help will be appreciated. A youth choir has been organized at Tabernacle Church with 17 present at the first meeting. They sang at the evening worship service Sunday. They will practice Tuesday at 6 o'clock p.m. with Mrs. Roscoe Bundy as director and Miss Deon Cole of Wayside, organist for the youth choir. Dr. Louis C. Lamotte of Maxton preached at Galatia Church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Tanner visited Johnny Allen's father Zeno Allen of Red Springs Sunday night. Ronald Monroe of Wingate College spent tlie past weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Monroe. Mrs. R.H. Gibson, Sr. and Mrs. Jesse Livingston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis of Parkton Sunday p.m. Leonard Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.T. Brock, Jr. had an appendectomy at Cape Fear Valley Hospital last week. He was doing fine at last account. Howard Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Brock, Jr. is spending some time with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.T. Brock, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Dees were supper guests of their son - in - law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Brown Hendrix, Jr. of Lumberton last Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Wright, Mrs. W.G. Wright, Jr. and Mrs. Van Gibson visited W.G. Wright, Jr. and Van Gibson at Ft. Jackson, S.C. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller and children Kim and Pat of Wilmington went home the fit st of, this week after spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Wright. Glenn's mother Mrs. Hubert Miller of Fayetteville had surgery at Highsmilh -Rainey Memorial Hospital last week. Guests of Mrs. S.N. McColl and Mrs. Homer Terry last Saturday p.m. were Mrs. A.P. Hammond and Mrs. Don McQueen of Laurinburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Overton and son Lawrence of Fayettevilic were dinner guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Huglue Overton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Cox and her father Fred Britt of Lumberton visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Overton Sunday p.m. Mrs. W.H. Schell of Lumber Bridge visited her sister Mrs. Fthel D. Gibson Saturday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McColl's little daughter Kimberly spent last Saturday night with her brother ? in - law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Butch Posey. Mrs. Homer Terry went on a business trip to Cliarlotte last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Sumner and son Johnny of Lumber Bridge were guests of Mrs. Ethel D. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. MS. Gibson Sunday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mcinnis of Fayetteville were dinner guests of his mother Mrs. Mary Mcinnis and l\is brother Thomas Mcinnis Sunday. Their Sunday afternoon guests were Danny Mcinnis of Lexington, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Mcinnis of Halifax, Angus C. Mcinnis. Miss Lucy Smith of Wagram and Daniel F. Mcinnis of Raeford. Stevie Freeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Freeman, Jr. of Fayetteville spent last weekend with his cousins Joy and Ricky Gibson, cliiIdrcn of Mr, and Mrs. MJS. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lovette visited John Parker at Duke Hospital last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Caddell of Raeford visited his sister and brother Miss Mary Caddell and Harry Caddel of Maxton last Friday and also Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Hearn of Laurinburg. Mr. and Mrs. Caddell were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Quick of Montrose Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Newton of Fayetteville visited Mrs. Marshall Newton Sunday p.m. Mrs. Oscar Wood, Mrs. A .A. Mcinnis and son Thomas visited Delia McMillan and Mr and Mrs. Edgar McGougan of Lumber Bridge last Friday night. Mrs. Ada Jackson was also a guest of Mr. and Mrs. McGougan an4>1lss McMillian Fridav niaht. Mrs. James Madden's husband called her from Vietnam last Saturday night. He is expected to come home the middle of February. Mrs. Madden and children Mark, Leslie, and Lisa and her mother Mrs. Paula Gobel of Grissen, Germany and Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Wood were guests of Mrs. Mary Mclnnis and Thomas Mclnnis at a marshmallow roast last Thursday night and also W.G. Wright and son Roy Neill were present and helped to make some enjoyable string music for the occasion. Thanks to them. Aubrey Gaddis lias been promoted from SFC to M/Sgt. Congratulations M/Sgt. Aubrey Gaddis. Mrs. Boyd Hudson and daughter Mrs. Bill Lambert and her daughter Jill of Spring Lake were guests of the Gaddis family Sunday. Dan Gaddis was out of school Monday because of a slight illness. Mrs. Margaret E. Sangster who used to write for the Christian Herald gave us a little warning when she worte, "We have a welcome for the stranger, a smile for the sometimes guest, but for our own the bitter tone. Tho, we love our own the best." Mrs. Floyd Monroe visited her sister Mrs. Frank Smith of Pinehurst last weekend and found Iter some better than she was when Mrs. Monroe last visited her. Tlic Philippi Home makers Extension Club met with Mrs. James Attaway at tier home Monday night with 13 present. Mrs. Willis gave the demonstration on "Investments". The club made plans for attending District meeting at Winston-Salem. Mrs. Attaway served refreshments. A Christmas card from Mrs. Ann Hartley of Dunbar. W. Va. showed that she is still living and may visit friends tn this area again and she may be riding in the old pink Cadillac if it holds out that long. Mrs. R.N. Posey and Mrs. James Attaway visited Mrs. Posey's sister Mrs. T.R. Stamev of Winston- Salem Tuesday anil Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Stamey was seriously ill at that time but she is better now. School Menu MON. JAN. 26 Ham Loaf Buttered Grits Candied Sweet Potatoes-/ Biscuit Applesauce Milk TUES. JAN. 27 Creamed Hamburger Rice & Gravy Mixed Greens-A&C Peach Half Rolls Milk WED. JAN. 28 Bologna Cup School Cooked Beans Slaw w/Carrots-A&C Pineapple Cake Combread Milk THURS., JAN. 29 Turkey & Noodles Green Beans Rolls Orange Half or Grapefruit Cup-C Milk FRI.. JAN. 30 Managers Choice I Bookmobile I a % I - schedule - * g a fc:-:>w?v.yiv.%v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.'Av.-.<Jt WAYSIDF.. JANUARY 2(? - Mrs. A.D. Peterson. Mrs. Robert McNeill. Mrs. Marshall Newton. Mrs. Lois Woodring, Mrs. Lotusc Plummer. Mrs. D.K. Parker. Mrs. Joe Lovette. Mrs. Theresa Malone. Mrs. L. Ramsey, Mrs. Shirley Maxwell. Mrs. Martha Piat, Mrs. Rosemary Boland, Mrs. Virginia McCall, Mrs. Dorctha Register. Mrs. Annie Ray. Mrs. Richalene Carter. Mrs. Dora Capps, Mrs. Gertrude Caldwell. Mrs. Barbara Thomas. Mrs. Zelda West. Mrs. Rosctta Tiller. Mrs. Jean Masker. Mrs. Jackie DeWall. Mrs Rebecca Gardner. Mrs. Marie Griner. Mrs. Judy llenlcy. Mrs. Gilbert Ray. Mrs. James Dees, Mrs. G.L. Dees. Mrs. Ld Willis, Mrs. A.A. Ray. PHILLIPI & ROCKFISH, JANUARY 29 - Scurlock School. Mrs. Carol Clark, Mrs. Ruby Turner, Mrs. Thclma Guin Mrs. J.V. Miller, Mrs. NJ. Ritrer, Mrs. Nova Matlock, Mrs. Vera Attaway. Mrs. J.D. Wilkes. Fay Melton. Mrs. Donald Wood.\ PEDES MEMORIAL - Mrs. Margaret Peden and Hoke High Principal Raz Autry pose in front of the new trophy case given by the Hoke High School faculty in memory of the late Hilly Peden. According to Autry. Peden was a strong supporter o) athletusat Hoke High School Mrs. Peden has been teaching home economics at Hoke High for several years. Jo Hall Goes Back To Work Jim Fout, Executive Director of the Sandhills Community Action Program, Inc., announced last week that Miss Josephine Hall, long time resident of Raeford, and retired Home Extension Agent for Hoke County, has joined the SCAP staff as the Senior Citizens Program Coordinator for Hoke Countv. The Sandhills Community Action Program sponsors a Senior Citizen Program in the counties of Hoke, Lee, Montgomery and Moore. George Adams is the overall director of the program and each county has a coordinator. Currently there are 34 clubs in the four county area with a total membership of over 600. D. McL. Currie, Hoke Native, Buried Saturday Funeral services for a native of lloke County were held Satuiday morning in Sumter. South Carolina. Final rites tor Duncan McLauchlin Currie, ot Columbia. S.C., were conducted at 11 a.m. at the Shelly ? Brunson Funeral Home by the Reverend Coy Muckie. Burial followed in the Sumter Cemetery. Currie was born in lloke County on February 7, 1892, the son of Hugh M. and Mary Holt Currie. He is survived by Ins wife; six brothers. Sterling Currie of Fayetteville. D.S. Currie of Raeford. Will Currie of Farmville, tdwin Currie of Alexandria, Va.. Neill Currie of Savannah, Ga? and Robert Currie of Broadway; three sisters, Mrs. C.C. Burris and Mrs. Chatham Chancy of Wingate and Mrs. Coy Muckie of tastover. S C. nows notos from Quewhiffle Bv Mrt. Leonard McBryde Mrs. Lalah Beall. Mrs. J.H Moody. Mrs. Doris Jones, and Miss Joy Wall attended the concert of Pfeiffet College Choir at the Village Chapel in Pinehurst Sunday afternoon. Little Danny McDiarmid ol Raeford spent Sunday night with lus grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James Nixon. Mrs. Ollie Fish of Pinehurst visited Mrs. Jean McBiyde Tuesdjy. The Cub Scouts had a wiener roast at the home ot Mrs. Jon Almond Monday afternoon. H.H. Thompson of Candor spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. Marcus Thompson. Miss Carol Parks is still in Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill. Mrs. Ldith McBryde and Pam and Daphne McBryde visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fredericks in Raeford Sunday night. Miss Jerry Blake of Washington, D.C. spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Blake. Mary Wicker a friend of Miss Blakes had Saturday night dinner with the Blake family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McGee and daughters Norma and Betty Jo of King and Mr. and Mrs. Shelton ol Pmnicle were Sunday allernoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lllis P. Smith. We wish to express our sympathy to the family of Mrs Jeanette M. Hall in the event of her death. Mrs. Reid Willard wishes to express her appiectaiion to everyone lor the (lowers, cards and letters during her illness and especially lor the ones who brought food into her home for the family. Mrs. Willard is home from the hospital now but is still disabled. Little Kim Huff is at home sick w ith the tlu. Mrs. Inez Thomas and Mr. Old Salem, settled in tl mid-18 th century by tl Moravians, has been recreate at Winston-Salem for visitors t observe the simple and devoi way of life that the Gcrma descendants practiced. and Mrs. Metrah Spencer spent the weekend in Forest City with Mr. and Mrs. Lando Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Mack McBryde visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Blue Jr. in Aberdeen Saturday night. Miss Becky Thomas is sict at home with the flu. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Sinclair invite theii friends to a reception on the 50 th we'dding anniversary. Sunday January 25, from 3:00 ? 5:00 o'clock at the fellowship liall at Shiloh Presbyterian Church. They request no gifts. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Mays was Mrs. Ailene CreedN^f Southern Pines. Sunday afternoon guest were Mr. and Mrs. Flovd Dees and Dawn, Mrs. Thelma Baliff and Mrs. Geraldine Black of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jones and daughter Gave of Pinebluff. Kenneth Frederick returned ho m front McCain on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Williams were Saturday night dinner guests of Mi. and Mrs. W alker Williams. Sunday evening guests were Mi. and Mrs. Kermit Copeland of Pinehurst. Sunua> afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.L). Pickler were Mrs. Roger Dixon. Mrs. Howard McAnultv and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wade of Raeford. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Greene of Richmond. Virginia spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James W ilkerson. THE NEWS JOURNAL RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. JANUARY 22, 1970 SECTION I. PAGE 3 Lumber Bridge By P?m Sumn?r Mr. and Mrs. Tlionras Bryan and children Lynn and Teresa were dinner guests of lus parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bryan in Lumbcrton. Sunday. It was Mr. Bryan's 78th birthday. We wish liim many more happy birthdays. Thev also visited Mrs. Bryan s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ray Thompson were dinner guests of Mi. and Mrs. Bill Billiard and daughter Donna in Lumber ton, Sunday. Miss Pam Sumnei spent the weekend with her cousin Miss Debbie Freeman in Fayctlcvillc. She attended the Miss Massey Hill Pageant, Saturday night. Miss freeman was one of the contestants. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Williford of Raeford visited his mother Mrs. J. F. Williford and his sister Ollie Ann, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Caddcll and son Lddie of Raeford visited her sisters Misses I'.liiabelh and Lois Sumner, Sunday night. The Youth Fellowship of Rex Presbyterian Church met Monday night at the Fellowship Hall. W. G. Marley Jr. of Raleigh spent Saturday with his mother Mrs. W. G. Marley Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Jones and children of Raeford visited Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Jones and son David, Wednesday night. The Rex Homcmakcr Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary McNeill. Mrs. 11. P. Johnson and Miss Julia Mclvcr gave the program on Everything for Others and Sewing. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sumner and son Johnnie visited hei mother. Mrs. Iithcl Gibson and her brother and sister ? in - law, Mr. and Mrs. Merrctt Gibson and children Ricky and Joy near Rockfish, Sunday afternoon. David Jones was given a birthday party for his 15th birthday, Sunday night, Jan. 18th at the Educational Building. After games, led by The Rev. Frank Turner, were played, refreshments of punch, assorted sandwiches, nuts, potato chips and birthday cake were served. Those present were: Pam and Johnnie Sumner, Sherry and George Elliott, Wanda and Stepiicn Amnions. Lena Rose Jackson Sammy Jordan, Cathy Lupo Tony Chason, Kathy Jackson, Jolin and Timniy Turner. Assisting Mrs. Jones with the party were Mr. Jones, Mrs. Stephen Amnions, Mrs, Richard Cox, the Rev. and Mrs. Frank Turner and Colon Amnions. Mrs. Richard McMillan and daughter Kim visited Iter patents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Suniner and daughter Pam and Johnnie last Wednesday wliile Mr. McMillan and Ted Smith of Parkton Hew to Meline, Illinois for a school - tour of John Deere. Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner and daughters Sharon and Susan of Lumberton visited Iter father, J. M. McGougan and her aunt. Miss Vera McGougan and Iter brother and sister - in ? law Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy McGougan, Sunday. Miss Dorothy and Rosemary McGougan visited their niece and sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Don Kooncc and son Michael in Halifax. Virginia, Sunday. Roger Hall spent Tuesday in Raleigh on business. Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Olson ot Fayctteville visited Miss Mamie Livingston, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins visited Mrs. Rosie Collins in Clarkton, last Thursday. Mrs. Zilpho Thornton and son Claxton of Roseboro and Mrs. Emma Bass of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and daughters Cynthia and Jackie. Audra Layton of Raeford spent Saturday night with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Brown. MEN NEEDED in this area to train as LIVESTOCK BUYERS LEARN TO BUY CATTLE HOGS AND SHEEP at al? barns, feed lots, end (arms. Wa prefer to train men 21?55 with livestock experience. For local interview, write age, phone, address and background. NATIONAL MEAT PACKING P. O. Box 2475 Columbus. Ohio 43216 CORNING WARE GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS THAT MAKE WORK EASIER AND BRING PLEASURE PERFECT TO GIVE ... PERFECT TO OWN . .... .. - V, - V ' r I nm .11*^1 CORNINGWARE* PRODUCTS THREE OF THE MOST POPULAR PIECES I X B 1% Qt. With Cover \ J V/i Qt. With Cover $?W # 1 _ 1 Qt. With Cover f^f S The Return of Real Coffee: ^ space-age coffeepots bring back the flavor TEA POTS COFFEE POTS youv been missing. "6CU" 6 & 9 CUP Y?u d?'t with a Corning Ware coffeemaker. $ J g, either regular or electric. That's because with $||tl Corning Ware coffeemakers, you taste the coffee. not the pot. The reason coffee oils and odors OORNINQ don't cling to Pyroccram material, the unique, r nonporous material. Corning - and only Corning f^OOkir - uses to make coffeemakers. I WE WILL ORDER REPLACEMENT PARTS 8. ACCESSORIES FOR CORNING WARE m Raeford Hardware Co. MAIN STREET RAEFORD WHISPERING PINES RESTAURANT U.S. 1 NORTH SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. Dancing Every Saturday Night 8:30'til 12:30 FEATURING A DIFFERENT BAND EVERY SAT. NIGHT BAR & LOUNGE Brown Bagging License HOURS EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY 8 A. M. ? 2 P. M. DINNER 6 P. M. - 8:30 P. M. DINNER SERVED SATURDAY NIGHTS 6 TIL 10 P. M. LUNCHEON BUFFET SERVED ON SUNDAYS 12 TO 2:30 P. M. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAYS

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