<IEWS JOURNAL RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 4, SECTION I THURSDAY, JANURAY 22,1970 Hoke ASCS News BY TOM BURGESS 1970 FEED GRAIN PRICE -SUPPORT PROVISIONS - North Carolina farmers who participate in the feed grain program have assurance tliat the 1970 price - support loan levels for corn, grain sorghum, and barley will be essentially the same as in 1969. Loan levels for oats and rye also will be about the same. While there could be some small change because of transportation cost factors, for production planning purposes farmers can count on our State loan rates being about like last year's: Com, SI.23 per bushel: grain sorghum, SI.67 per hundredweight; barley, 89 cents per bushel; oats. 74 cents per bushel; and rye. SI.18 per bushel. The precise 1970 loan levels for North Carolina w^l not be known for sometime. The 1970 feed grain national average loan levels have been set at: Corn. SI.08 for No. 2 (SI.05 for average quality) per bushel; grain sorghum, SI.61 per hundredweight; barley, 83 cents per bushel; oats, 63 cents per bushel; rye, SI.02 per bushel. Price - support payment rates for program participants will be exactly the same as in 1969: 30 cents per bushel for corn; 29.68 cents per bushel (53 cents per hundredweight) for grain sorghum; 20 cents per bushel for barley. A farm's total price ? support payment is arrived at by multiplying the per bushel price - support payment times the farm's projected yield times the mialler of the planted feed grain acreage or 50 percent ot the farm's feed grain base. For producers of corn, grain sorghum, and barley, price ? support loans and payments are contingent upon voluntary participation in the feed grain program and compliance with its provisions. Complete details are available to County ASCS Offices^ Program sign ? up will be February 2 through March 20. ACP - Under the Agricultural Conservation Program, the Federal Government assists agricultural producers by sharing the cost of performing needed conservation practices Higher rates of cost ? share are authorized for low ? income farmers and ranchers, llus provision applies to all practices. Practice E ? 5, Home Gardens, applies only to farmland in which a person who qualifies as a low ? income farmer lias an interest. The signup period to file requests for cost ? sharing for spring and summer practices under the 1970 Agricultural Conservation Prontatn is now underway. Review the practices listed below and file your request for needed conservation practices. A ? 2, Establishing permanent vegetative cover; A - 3, Increased acreage of vegetative cover in crop rotation; A ? 4, Application of lime; A ? 7, Tree planting for forestry ptuposes; A S, Planting trees; U ? 7. I ami Ponds. B ? 10. I in pit wing a stand of foiest trees. C -9, Permanent open drainage systems; C - 10, Underground drainage systems. D - 1, Winter Cover Crops; D ? 2, Summer Cover Crops; E - 5, Home Gardens; F ? 1 (B - 9) Constructing, Permanent Fences; C ? I (C - 11) Sltapmg or Land Grading to permit effective surface Diainage. Your request for cost ? sharing must be made in the county office, in writing, before starting the practice. CARD OF THANKS The Family of John Henry McNeill wishes to extend their thanks to those of you who expressed your sympathy in so many thoughtful ways dunng. oui recent bereavement. .UP pr.w.sNNNs\\\\v.\ Farm Items By Wf S. Young ft T. S. Bakor ! County Agricultural Agants IkMwOC^OiXiKAVWaYV.'.v.-.Y.w.'.v.v l he USDA repiesenlatives in Hoke County attended u District meeting last week fot Civil Defense Boards. The purpose was to check local organization and lo determine if the Board could operate in time of emergency. It was pointed out that I'SD A will retain all responsibility for post ? attack distribution control of the food stocks of wholesalers, including chain store warehouses and of all processors. The State Civil Defense office will assume responsibility lor distribution of food in all retail positions, including retail stores, botch schools, i e s t a u t a n t s . institutions and toi food slocks ot picccssois such as con t ec t ioners. delicatessens, local fluid milk distnbutois and let ail bakei s Information was als.i given about responsibility when ice storms, other severe vvcathei conditions and commercial power failuics oecui on !.nm> Producers are being enc> nugeJ tit put i ha >e a standby geueialoi. or to piepare p?>wci take oils on tuctois to help tun electric itnrtois to bed livestock and to secure w.oei loi livestock and the family In most cases of emergency . outside help is not a'w.iys available Youi thinking, planning and actions pi i to the time of need will ,iv. nl discomfort to vour lainilv I lie Ixtension office has had j number of calls about the Suto (iasoiine la\ it; Ijrm iLse this past veai. A change III the lax late occimed on Jul> I. |Ve?9. I he first m\ months tax is to he figured .it seven cents pei gallon aiul the last six months is to he figured at nine cents per gallon Yoti must make sure that the gas claimed tsa^ used tor pui poses on the farm and not used on the hiehttass I attended lit* Pesticide School at \ ('. Sialc I nivcrsili and tlicic will be mailt changes in the use ot chemicals hctoie this crop iui starts One change altcadi is that all uses o: l)|)l atv cancelled >111 IoKiCv-. I hit will also include the Uses ol 11)1. It can piobabls be used on ootlon in 1170 hut will he cancelled atlci tlul Ihiwovoi. all persistent niveotioidos will ho leviowod 111 Match and decisions nude at (hit time. PioJuccis ate oiicouiagod to stop ttio um ot all tipcs ol olioiniciU link v I hot arc absolutcls necessiti I or Hihaoco. Hi ? S\ si.>15 01 I'aratluoii can be lived lot Ilea beetle cntiol in the bed _nJ 111 the field. I <n budw.il 111s. Tluodjii. Sevni and Bacillus 0.111 he used 11 1 nwoinis can ho controlled hi using stickci control, oaili stall, dcstitict'011. tall plowing and the use ol paiasites and pieUatois. In cotton ti.oie hat been some yield rediution when Mellivl ? Paiallnoii is spoiled on heloie the eight lea! stage arid itpeoiali. i) lioilaii v>i Col .an liaio is or used .0 a herbicide. A ??>! ohotiiiejl plan should lie u.iked ' lit tin voui la. II. tills ti a Hoke Marriage Rate To Spurt (Special to The News-Journal) M W YORK . J,11 12- I lie sound ot' wedding hells will be lieard mote otten in lloke County from now on. More young couples will be matching to the altar (Ins yeai and next than in some time. This is evident tiom the sharp increase in the number of young people who will be in the age bracket in which most marriages take place. These potential brides and grooms ate the product ot the post-- war years of the '40s. when the birth rate hit an all-time high. It appeals, based upon local population figures and statewide experience that the marriage rate in lloke County will reach '>.4 per I ,(X)0 lesidents this \e.u. By wax of comparison, according to figures from the Department of Commerce and the Department ot Health, education and Welfare, the iate was 7 7 marriages per 1 .tMKI in l?h>4 ? Throughout lite nation, an uveiage ot l()o wcd.lmes pci 1.000 is expected tills seat. Not since the tloops came home. 111 104t?. has the country experienced a 111.11 nagc t>oom such as occur ted that year when neailx 2. TOO .000 weddings look place. From then on there was a steady decline to a bottom^ of I .500,000 in the late '50s "V Now, however, the curve is moving upward again, with some 2.000,000 weddings in I'XxS. a total of 2,140.000 in IW) and about 2.200.000 expected this year. I summation of the liguies shows that the number of marriages in any community is directly proportional to the number of people in the principal marrying ages - 20 to 24. In that age biacket in Hoke County, at the present time, there are uppioxiinately 2,l(>0. well above the 1964 total of 1.500. With the increase in the numbei ot weddings, there will follow, in due time, a rise in the birth rate, which has been at a low level for some time. lor the local business man. the picture is a rosy one. Faclt marriage represents thousands ot dollars ot spending - lor jewelry, clothing, furniture, household necessities, appliances, insurance and. eventually , baby carriages. The initial outlay, in setting up a home, is estimated at mote than So.00(1 per couple, on average. Sandhills College News W ilium Watson. dircctm oi i lie Sandhills I'lay makers, has a 11 n o u lice d that "1 he Rainmaker" wnl be presented I liday and Sunday evenings t-ebiiiuiy -0 jinJ J2 at the Caiolina Hotel in Ptnehuisi as i lie third pi od net ion ut the c u 11 e n t sea so 11. I It e 1* lay make in. community theater sponsored hy Sandhills Community College, is compiised ??l stride in \ ol the college, where Watson in thjiinun ??! the department <<1 I nglislt and drama, jnd talented rxts >n> lioin the aiea. I Ik plot i>| ilk' jii,tiling suills'llt IS set III Ills' nut)west liming I ho lime nt a p.njly/ing thought. and sisals tsith j I'.irni Iannis. a lallici and Ins Is\.> sons ttlio arc as stunted as much about the dauglilei and si slot becoming an old maid as tlics a is about I lien siting sail Is llic 11 ti 111 is slis' is a plant an I and Ills' latllt'f and hmlhsis ut in mailt lie? I'll t\ it In ? ui success. N list sic 11 ly mil ?>l no tills'is' appears a pisiins'-"|iis' chaias'lci tsilli the glan.loisc piomise thai lie ttill bung lain tin a ^100 Is'C. IIk' uiiiitiaks'i is so is'lis'sliilig and tiisi.11 ? jtii g llial ills' laitlilt s'i'lissnis llic laiumakor also lliitis ins niagls u|t ills' gtil and |X'l ?li ids'- lls l slit' lias vs'l> leal bs'aiiit \nsl ot si'iiise ilie ram sins' suine ami so slues lute Si ids Ills nl ills Associate Degies ntiiMiig piugijiii at Saiuil in- Cumniiinilt ( ulleae ttlll bviielll hum Its" gilts jlisl is'siiu.i bt l?i Kat ilKnid A. Sint.s* ili. ."liege piesident \. stadnui t- Ih. Stone. Mis, Ji It'i M. Hooves "I I'inchnist has _11s11 N !S(K) and Mis. Mat Von Schfs'Oe 11. ah" ot I'inchurst, $500 to I lie program in \\liicli they both have been interested since it was initiated at the college in the fall of l%9. The two-year course, which is fully accredited by lite N.C. board of Nursing and the National League for Nursing, combines classroom and laboratory work on the campus a ttd clinical experience in scvcial medical facilities in the aiea. Graduates aie qualified to wide the exams foi Registered Nurse and of the 45 graduates to date 13 of them are serving in local hospitals and the others m medical facilities in the state. I (tree men students' aie tn the class ol 2b which will be graduated in May. 1070, and 47 students, including 3 men. aie in the class which will he graduated in I'>71. In announcing the gifts to the uuising program, Dr. Stone expressed appreciation lor the gencious support of friends \c Inch have nude possible sccunng lop nursing instructors and giving linancial assistance to uoilhy students. " I he Sandhills nursing ptogram is providing technicians in a vocational field which ihiottghoui the country, is desperately in need of skilled peisonnel. We are happy with I he support of interested I lie lids which assures the lonlniucd success ol our musing piogram." OPEN TODAY DON'T LOSE YOUR SHIRT ON YOUR INCOME wx Preparing" your ?*n to* i *turn i*r I e ?octly o bar-el of iaughs But, it cor be e 3%y Simpl / see H & R B'ofk Incorne To* People con be certain you've rete ved every possb'e deduction And that's Ihe .aked t'utb We guorontee accurate preparation of every tax return. If HI we moke any errors that cost you ony penalty or interest, HI *? nr^^or^rrrco Am?ri<?'? l?rg*?t Tlx Scrvic* with Ov?r 4000 Offic** 501 Harris Avenue Raeford. N. C. HOURS: Mon.?Sat. 9-5 mmmm no appointment necessary mmm Town 4 Country Cinoma B?t? sen Ataerd?n-So. Pinei NOW SHOWING THRU TUESDAY. JAN. 27 I ? 9* ? I Steve McQueen "The Reivers" 3 20 5 15 7:10 9 05 Sat Sun 1 25 3 30 5 15 7 109 06 COMING NEXT Peter Fonda in "EASY RIDER" Sunriso Thootro DOWNTOWN THUR.-FRI. SAT. JAN. 22 24 Peter Cashing in "FRANKENSTEIN V1UST BE DESTROYED" 3 20 5 15 7:10-9:00 Sal.-1:25-3:20-9:15-7:10-9 00 SUN MON TUES JAN 25-27 Geraldine Page in - "WHAT EVFR HAPPENED TO AUNT ALICE". 3 204 117 104.00... S-an. 12^3 20 0 Cam. TO MACKS! ? MAKE TO MACKS! . MAKE* TO MACKS! . M*KC *^S~Tn^ Pi MACKS MID-WINTER HK ? ' "efe THURSDAY, JAN. 22nd, FRIDAY, JAN. 23rd, AND SATURDAY, JAN. 24th In Handy AllPurptso Utility Plastic Baf 10.77 LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER ^ FULL SIZE WON'T PACK OR LUMP COUNTIS8 LIMIT Reg. Price customer -^gL FACIAL TISSUE ^ 100 2 PLY 3 ~ 57' SEAMLESS PANTY HOSE Reg. S1.39 88 C JUST WONDERFUL HAIR SPRAY 13 OZ. CAN ? MACKS BEST SELLER AT 77? GIVE AWAY PRICE THIS SALE 47 0 N L Y LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER 6. s ^///////// ^///////// MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 875-2512 RAEFORD. N C nwnr chaig* ? MAKE TO MACKS! Till FT TO MACKS! ? MAKE TO MACKS!

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