4 ^Vlew6 - journal Th* Hole* County N*wi- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOLUME LXV NUMBER 39 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA t/i pro vr t d m Around T own BY SAM MORRIS Charlie Hottel, president of the Hoke High School Booster Club, was by the office this week and asked that we remind members of the meeting of the club Monday night, February, 9 at 7 o'clock. It will be held in the coaches' room st Hoke High School. Hottel stated that this was an important meeting as plans for the annual spring banquet would be discussed. The speaker for the banquet this year will be Homer Rice, athletic director at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This announcement was made last November. The president said that to make the banquet a success, all members must work and help plan the affair. So if at all possible be at the meeting Monday night. The ground hog saw his shadow Monday afternoon, and as the old timers say, went back into Itis hole for six weeks. The legend says we will have six more weeks of bad weather. Time will tell! The writer of this column was in Raleigh last Friday and had lunch in the Belk store cafeteria and ran into a Raeford native, also having lunch there. He was Alex Patterson who is now with the Archives & History department of the state. Alex is now a retired Admiral from the naw. His first wife was also a native of Raeford, the former Mary McBrydc. Site died a few years ago and tl*e Admiral has married again. He stated that most of his Kinsmen were gone from Raeford, but tliat he still read The News Journal. He asked about Fred Culbreth and the Wilson family; the Wilson being Mrs. John B. Cameron. They are cousins of the Admiral. He did say that he had picked up some historical information from Buddy Blue a Hoke native who now lives in Williamston. We invited him to drop by tlie office on his next trip into this section of the state. At tlse annual Ladies Night of tlte Raeford Kiwanis Club last Thursday night the "Man of the Year" was named. When Attorney Bill Moaes was giving the facts on the man he began. Born in Raeford, graduated from Raeford High School in 1932. I said J.H.Auslin,but the next fact ended that graduated from Davidson College. We will say again. Congratulations to Tom Cameron, tlse Man of the Year in Hoke County. Skip soldier at Fort Knox, Ky. ^MNnHmd wa know that he was missed by the City Commissioners Monday night. Before he left he came by the office and gave me the receipt for his parking ticket. I have it on my desk for anyone that doubts thia information. We understand that Skip also praised officer Jim West in the performance of his duty - this fact came from the coffee room of the Raeford Saving and Loan. So if you don't believe that, go by, and some of "that gang" will give you the details. If not about Skip, about someone. Quotes: Only when a man is not afraid to die, is lie not afraid to live. A bore is a fellow who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. S/Sgt. Cromartif Is Awarded Bronze Star A Bronze Star for meritorious service has been swarded to Staff Sergeant Jerial L. Cromurtie of Raeford for outstanding service as a platooon sergeant in Vietnam from November 1968 to October 1969 S/Sgt. Cromurtie was commended foi outstanding success und resourcefulness in solving the many and varied problem: inherent in a combat environment whik serving as a platoon sergeant of th< headquarters platoon and motor tergeaw for the 14th Light hquipmen Maintenance Company. "Ilia Initiative, zeal, sound judgmeni and devotion to duty I save been in the highest tradition of the military aervict and reflect great credit upon himself, hit unit and the Untied States Army," tlx award citation read. Ha la now sUthmed at Ft. Belvoir. Va. Hit wife, Gtraldine, and two children. Darrell, I, and Valerie, 2. are residents of Raeford. is the aon of Mr. am ONMtortie of Lurabe MAN OF THE YEAR - Bill Moses fleft) presents the Kiwanis award to Raeford's new man of the year, Tom Cameron. Cameron Gets Kiwants Man Of Year Award Tom Cameron, prominent Racford businessman, was presented the Man ol tire Year award by the Raeford Kiwanis Club at lire annual ladies night banquet Iteld last Thursday at Christy's Steak House in Fayettevillc. Attendance Pins were also awarded with Marion Gallin being honored for 26 years attendance, Dr. Julius Jordan for 17 years arrd J.H. Austin for 16 years. James Attaway presented the pins. Other pins were presented to Harold Gillis and Charles Pierce for 7 years; John Campbell, Avery Connell and Benny McLeod for 6 years; Bill Moses for 5 years; Frank Crumpler for 4 years; Joe Jenkins and Clyde Upchurch. Jr., for 3 years; Frank Blue and Bill Lancaster for 2 years. The award for best program of the year Berry Will Not Seek Re-election Doran Berry, solicitor for Ninth District, announced this week that he would not seek re - election. "Due to other binding committments, both personal and professional, I find it impossible to become a candidate to succeed myself as solicitor of the Ninth District," he said. In announcing his decision, Berry expressed his appreciation for the support he had received from the people of Hoke and Cumberland counties. "I have found this to be a deeply rewarding experience, and I want to express my appreciation lor the support of the people of Hoke and Cumberland counties and for the devotion to duty of tltc law enforcement officers with whom I have worked." was presented to J.H. Austin by Robert Gatlin. Cameron, a native or Raeford, graduated from Raeford High School and received a degree in business administration from Davidson College. He has been active in Raeford business and community affairs and is presently serving as a director of the Bank of Raeford and as president of the Upchurch Milling Company. He is also treasurer of the Raeford fire department, a member of the town board, secretary of the Raeford Development Corporation, and scout master in the Boy Scouts. A pilot for 25 years with a certificate lor 3000 hours of safe flying, he is also a member of the Raeford Airport Committee. He has served in his Methodist church as church school superintendent, church school teacher and on the board of stewards. Cameron has held stale offices as president in 1946 of the North Carolina See TOM CAMERON, Page 10 Congressman Alton Lennon Announces For Re-election Congressman Alton A. Lennou made tlie following statement m Washington last week: "My fellow Seventh District North Carolinians I am Alton Lennon. your representative in the Congress. My purpose in speaking at this time is to let you know tliat I am a candidate for re ? election to the Congress of the United Slates, subject to the Democratic primary of Saturday, May 2. 1970. "First of all. I want to express my deepest appreciation for your past confidence: and second. I want to solicit your continued support. "As many .of you know. I began my service in the U. S. Douse of Representatives on January 3. 1957. ^"UHt^privileged to serve on the Armed Services Committee and to have had the lionor of chairing the subcommittee on enlisted promotion policy. In addition. I serve on four special armed services subcommittees - The Investigating. The Military Construction. The Seapower. and the subcommittee which handles most of (lie legislation concerned with active and retired military personnel and reserve and National Guard matters. "As a member, too. of the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee. I have the honor of chairing lite subcommittee on Oceanography - a Held of growing national and international importance. I am the ranking Democrat on tire Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Coaat Guard end Navigation subcommittees, and ? member of lite subcommittee on Merchant Marine actively concerned in reviUtadnp our Maritime Industry. AI.TOX A LM.VOX "Most of you know my record in the Congress and know that my efforts are lor honest, efficient, and constitutional government. I am proud of this conscientious record. "I am proud also of iIk economic growth of the Seventh District since 1957 and of the opportunities I have shared in promoting this development. "Tlierc is more progress to be achieved. - and there are many issues yet to be resolved, which require experience. "With your support. I pledge to continue my best efforts toward the Itigh challenge of service for you and for responsible government." No Penalty Until Tuesday Commissioners Vote Longer Listing Time Roger Hall Seeks Term In North Carolina Hmue Roger F. Hall, businessman and farmer of Lumber Bridge and Raeford, today filed as a candidate in the Democratic Primary for the House of Representatives, and became the first Robeson County incumbent to file for election. Rep. Neill McFadyen, of Raeford, has already filed with the Hoke Board of Elections, and the other two Robeson County incumbents, Robert Campbell, of Rowland, and Gus Speros, of Maxton, are expected to file soon. The 24th house district is composed of Hoke, Scotland, and Robeson Counties, and lias four representatives. Last fall, Hall was selected by the Robeson County Democratic Executive Committee to fill the unexpired term of R. D. McMillan, Jr., of Red Springs, who resigned to accept'appointment as State Purchasing Agent. A native of Lumber Bridge. Hall graduated from Lumber Bridge High See ROGER HALL. Page 10 Parking Ordinance Passed At Meeting Of City Board A parking ordinance was adopted Monday night at the February meeting of the city council and u traffic violations bureau was established to lake the payment of lines. The parking ordinance included most of the parking rules already in effect and repealed any conflicting ordinances. The main effect of the new ordinance, city manager John D. Caddy said, was to collect all the previously passed regulations into one body. SFC Gene Thackcr, of Ft. Brugg, met with the council and requested permission to lease a portion of the Kaeford airport for use by three sports parachute clubs from Ft. Bragg. The council instructed Caddo in investigate the cost of a building for the airport to be used as an office and instruction room. Leasing charges would tltcn be based on the btuidicg cusls. The Raeford Airport Commission lias already approved SFC's Thacker's plan. The commission amended Raeford zoning regulations and map to rczone from residential to commercial a portion of land on College Drive that was requested changed by John W. McPhaul. The commission also allowed a zoning change to permit the operation of a funeral home in a residential zone on North Main Street F.xtended. A resolution was passed commending Mrs. Chandler Roberts, who retired this See CITY BOARD. Page 10 State Superintendent Philli Leonard Training School M ps tommends [onday Night "Vision, hard work, faith and dedication have brought you here," Dr. A. Craig Phillips, North Carolina superintendent of public instruction, told Director William R. Windley and his associates at the Samuel Leonard School at McCain Monday night. The occasion was a Recognition Dinner in celebration of the school's becoming oi acnoois unu colleges, and of the added significance of Ihe fact that Leonard is the first of the more than 250 sue! correctional institutions in the United States to be regionally accredited. More than a hundred persons attended the dinner, which was served by students and the program included entertainment by the student choir. Friends of the school from the State Department of Public Instruction, the General Assembly, from other schools in the system, school and public officials from Hoke and Moore Counties, members of the faculty, and from Faycttevillc State University, were present, and several were recognized and brought greetings and best wishes. Also present was Samuel Leonard, who was North Carolina's first commissioner of juvenile correction, and for whom the school is named. See Related Pictures Page 10 Blaine M. Madison. North Carolina commissioner of juvcniie correction, presided, and the invocation was offered by Lorenzo Balsley, principal of the Leonard Scliool. Director Windlcy delivered the address of welcome and Warren A. Ellis, director of education of lire department of juvenile correction, commended all associated with the Leonard School on their achievement and recognized several leaders in this process. Lawrence Robinson, Mrs Julia McGregor ind Mrs. Laura Ellen Douglas, Dr. Phillips was introduced by Mrs John L. Frye, member of the board of juvenile correction and chairman of the Moore County school board. Adding to his statement on their vision, hard work, faith and dedication, Dr. Phillips continued that through their "belief in the dignity and worth of each human being." Director Windley and his associates had succeeded in the creation of an "atmosphere for achievement." He commended litem for the soundness of their goal and for helping boys "Find positive identification in a program that (us meaning for them." At the close of lite program a gift was presented to Dr. Phillips on behalf of the students and the school by Joseph Mackey, a student. The gift was a ceramic Mallard duck which was made in the arts and crafts department. The Samuel Leonard School is located ?t McCain, In Hoke County about nine rrulcs wesl of Racford. and has cxistcc since 1959. It lias a normal population ol about 250 boys up through eighth gudt educational level or about fourteen year! of age. Director since its formation ha: been William R. Wmdley, who was previously assistant superintendent of the Cameron Morrison School at Hoffman The a vet age boy comes to Leonard is there for a little ovei a voar. The deadline lot tax listings was extended through Feb. 9 by the County Commissioners at a commission meeting Monday morning at the Board of Education building. A tax report to the commission showed a total of S380.311.20 in all County taxes collected so far, with an uncollected balance of S462.I78.3I tor all county taxes. However, some late returns were not included in the report. Fire taxes collected for 1969 totaled SI.583.03. Raeford city manager John (iaddy and city attorney Palmer VVilleox requested that the county consider allowing city to lease property now occupied by the Highway Commission maintenance garages. The Highway commission is planning to move to another location. Willcox said, and the city would like to use the location for its gauges. Willcox also suggested the county consider opening a land fill area for county residents to use for trash dumping. He said a committee had been appointed by the city to study the dumping operations of lire city. Currently, county residents may use the city land fill, but arc charged a dumping fee-' David W. Alexander, executive director of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission, outlined programs that are available to local governments and individuals. He stressed that in order for counties to get federal and state money, they must first draw up a plan ol action for the County. , Alexander also asked the commission to sign a resolution petitioning the stale planning division to move Hoke County out of its tentative grouping in District 9 with Moore Count; and other cmne here today, to my hometown Fayctteville. to tell you that I am a candidate I n the Congress of the United Slates. With the help of people like you. all over southeastern Noith Carolina, we will win the Democratic Ptimary in May. Then we will bring to the Seventh Cohgrcssional District a new decade of service to the people. I want to go to Congress as your representative to do more than tell you what is wrong with Washington We must change what is wrong Yuur Congressman is more than a protester, he is your lawmaker. I am concerned about making our Federal Government prudent I am concerned about our national debt. I am concerned about rising taxes and the high cost of living. And I am deeply concerned about the forty percent pay increase our present Congressman gave themselves last year. We must face squarely the many concerns of all our people We must be concerned about the beacltcs in our district and their development. Our coastal resources must be protected from erosion and from shifting inlets. I will work to sec that they get this needed protection. I will work for CHARLES C. ROSi:III iIk beaches of Brunswick County and for' the Beaches of New Hanover County. We must be concerned about attracting first class industiy into the counties of our district We must be concerned about the pollution of our air and our water. I believe that first class industrial citizens arc concerned bout tlie pollution of our air and water resources and I look forward to working with them. I am concerned that in parts of our district we have air and walqr pollution. We must strengthen our concern for t he farmers in soulltcastcrn North Carolina. They must receive a fair return from the sale of their products. I will Sea CHARLES ROSE. Pu<7 -