U..L r " A J !lu uooJs a"d f~,elds can be reclaimed by clearing away the litter. This is a field near the ?l< >ans m k ,.... ,nl\, t, s Jjur Hoy Scout Troop 401 spent Saturday hauling away trash that had been dumped titer \lucl).?,.// /,' . ' Vi'*"" swimtytg hole on Rockfish Creek are Scouts from Troop 401 left to right; John ,1 / .jli j ./? /&<>, A, / errv MaxwU. Scoutmaster George A she! v. Douglas Abernethv and Lee Gillis Fayottevillr's Trade fair ?? n 11!? '<> - . unod companies there Will be a ii t e 11a i n men t b w t he ' ( umber land Chorale. and Itair.ishop Quartet\ and I ;.ie|K lc ilie Clown. II mis will be Sat. I 1 a.t\. to ? ? p in and Sun. I p.m. Ii 7 Rural Fires Call 875-4242 FROM Oh'TFH SPACI: ?? Gib Samts from Of if f presented the skit on spaiv travel it the annual Blue and Gold Banquet held Friday at the Presbyterian Church A ttending Wttrf thir fantHies <>f the Scouts and guests Mayor and Mrs John K. MciXeill.Jr. and scout executive Mr. and Mrs. H'ttx n Angky of lAurinbivg. This war is the 6Oth anniversary oj Cub Seouting. Participating in the ^i^n^Gi^voui^Ouvi^t^eltt^P^a^^^Jl^^^^ieh^ohnn^i^beu^n^Mar^hdden^ TRASH ROUNDUP- Buy Scouts cleared away all but the big stuff from this little gully by Rockfish Creek. FILL 'F.R UP Filling a bag with trash during a clean-up Jay conducted by the Boy Scouts last Saturday are members of Troop 401 (left to right) Andy Posey, Tim Hasty, John Manning, Vernon Brown, and Andy Gibson. Hoke ASCS News BY TOM Bl RC.TSS |07<) Kit id Progiani sign i ho Agricultural Stabilization up ends on Marc!' 20 - N'oillt ami Conservation Service, Carolina Farmers arc leniiuled encourages farmers to sign up lhat (lie sign ? tip pcitod loi the early in ordei to avoid any last 1070 Cotton. Feed (Iratn. and minute rush. Wheat Programs will close on Since advance payments aie Match 20. lom Iturgcss. not heing made in 1070 many County I xecutive Dnectoi lot latmots have not signed up * early as in prior yeais. This could lesult m la inters having When a lleatt lund 'l,u 11 1 hoy delay volumes*i inrgs you: d ooilvll signing up mini the last week. .... Give .... So Mori Will Live'. 1 ?K'1 ,l,c P'-'U'Wiis (Feed (?rain. Wheal anil Cotton) has a wide variety of options available in the farmer Basically the programs ol'fei price support and price suppoit payments to participating iarmeis. f armers may also earn diversion payments under the feed grain and wheat programs. Farmers aie uiged to study each of these progiams carefully and to sign up early. Soybean price - support policies announced -? The national average price ? support loan level for I '>70 - crop soybeans will be the same as lor l(>hl> ? S2.25 a bushel (No ?I grade. 12.8 ? 13.0 peicent moisture) County pi ice ? support loan levels will be announced at a later date The county rates will not necessarily be the same as for l%<). They may vary slightly to reflect marketing changes within a geographical area Price ? support loans for 1070 - crop soybeans will be available to producers ? euliei as individuals or within CCC ? approved cooperative marketing associations ?? at county ASCS offices tluough May 31. If7l Maturity date will be June 30. 1071 Reseal Announcements - Reseal loans on farm ? stored soybeans for the I'tb"7 ? (>8 -(>0 crops will be available I xtension of loans on soybeans in commeicial storage is not inlliori7t>(l Reseal price - support loans will not he extended for 1966 ? crop farm - stored soybeans nor lor 1967 - 68 crops of commercially - stored soybeans. On these loans, maturity date is July 31. 1970. Calling of loans on older crops is a good management practice, enabling movement ol older stocks to make room for newer supplies being put into or continued in storage. When A price ? support commodity loan is called, the producer may liquidate his loan by delivery of the commodity to the Commodity Credit Corporation or by repayment of the loan. CCC Sales Pi ice lor Soybeans 1 he minimum sales price lor CCC soybeans for the marketing year beginning September I will be the same as that for the preceding year. This means a flat 27'a cents pet bushel above the 11>70 price support rale at the point ot storage, or the market price, whichever is higher. The national average CCC minimum sales price will increase at the rate of I' . cents per bushel pei month lot nine months. Cottonseed Support l evel ?? The 1970 price - support level for cottonseed will be S37 a ton (basis grade lOOl. the same as last year. By law. soybeans and cottonseed must be supported at levels that will enable them to compete on equal terms in the market. Citizens W arned Don't sneak a peak directly at the solar eclipse this Saturday. the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness warns. Looking directly at the sun can cause permanent burns on the back of the eye, the retina, which affect the part of the eye used for reading and other fine vision. An eclipse will reduce the light from the sun but it won't reduce the heat. There is no safe way to look at the eclipse directly, the Society stresses. Reports from previous eclipses show hundreds of cases of permanent retinal damage among viewers, the State Board of Health said. Looking at the eclipse through sun glasses, smoked glass, exposed photographic film, welders goggles or other devices will not be adequate protection from the harmful infrared rays, the Society said. , Telescops increase the intensity of the rays. The retina is not sensitive to pain and often the victim does not realize his eyes have been harmed. The only way to view the eclipse is indircelly, the Society said. Hither watch it on television or make a pinhole device to project the image onto cardboaid. To make a pinhole viewer, take two pieces of white cardboaid and make a pinhole in one. Stand with your back to the sun and locus the eclipse image through the pinhole board onto the second cardboard. The size of the image can be changed by altering the distance between cardboards. Parents are wanted to supervise children carefully as they will be out of school when the eclipse occurs at about noon Saturdav. Diseases ot ii 10 heart and blood \essels are responsible tor more deaths in this country than j|| other diseases and Causes combined. C&fif Ken's Carpet ' Center PHONE 692-7*27 126 W. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOUTHERN PINES, N.C. SuperSix Says DON T MISS (j "Andy Wi//iams Show 7:30 P.M. I "Adam 12" 8:30 P.M. | Saturday nite Movie 9:00 P.M. on Channel 6 WECT Your FULL-TIME Station "Clearly" the Favorite