^(ie lew* - journal The Hoke County News- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOLUME LXV NllMBEK 48 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA S4 PER YEAR 10c PER COPY THllRSliAY apbii q 10? Around Town " BY SAM MORRIS ;.x The annual Key Club Barbeque supper will be held tonight (Thursday) at the W.T. Gibson school cafeteria. The feed will be from 5 to 8 pjn. and tickets may be purchased from any Key Club member or any Kiwanian. If you can't go and eat, stop by and take some plates home with you. Judge George Stuhl spoke at the meeting of the West Hoke School PTA Monday night. Judge Stuhl spoke on the workings of the new court system and also commented about the type of defenders that come into court. His remarks were very informative and enlightened the parents and teachers that were present. He was introduced by Mrs. L.B. Seals who is a worker in Clerk of Court E.E. Smith's office. Robert Gatlin was by the office last week and was showing me a catalogue that he found at his old home recently. It was headed "Raeford Institute." We will run a couple of pictures this week from the book and ask that readers help us identify the names of the 1907 graduating class. The picture in the book does not name the class members. The pictures are on page 3 of this issue. According to the catalogue the Board of Directors of Raeford Institute were as follows: Dr. A.P. Dickson, President, J.W. McLauchlin, Secretary and Treasurer; A.A. Williford, T.B. Upchurch and C.B. Rhodes. The principal of the school was C.D. Summers. Ph.B (University of North Carolina) - Latin, Greek and German. Other instructors were: Miss Catharine McDuffie (Greensboro Normal College), Miss Sallie McBryde (Hollins Institute), Mrs. H.R. Cromartie (Munson College, Georgia). Miss Mollie E. French (Whitworth College, Brookhaven, Miss.), Miss Mollie Chandler (Kings Business College) and a Miss Willie B. (Griffin High School) Piano and Stringed instrument. The last name of this instructor is not readable. Maybe someone could let us know the last name. The history page in the catalogue states tliat "Raedord Educational Association" was chartered under the laws of North Carolina, May 25,1895. This would make this catalogue cover the opening of the 13th year. The book states thai {he purpose of the association is not to mate"money, but to guard, to advance and to provide for the education interests of this community. The picture of the building on Page 3 is the main building and was located on the lot now occupied by the Raeford Savings & l oan and City Cleaners. Fire destroyed the first building in 1903 but the school continued by the use of smaller buildings and the Presbyterian Church, which was located at the same place the present church building is located. There were nine buildings at Raeford Institute in 1908 and nine teachers. The history says that boys have been prepared for every college in North Carolina and the patronage extended from a merely local one of three hundred-nnd twenty ? five students from 12 counties and three states. We will continue about old Raeford Institute next week unless we receive letters asking us to stop. Also we will include more pictures of homes and buildings in Raeford in 1908. If you can identify the remainder of the l'K)7 graduating class please do so and we will publish same in this column next week Tlu American Cancer Crusade Kick-Off dinner will be lie Id Tuesday, April 14 at the W. T. Gibson school at 7 p.m. ClilT Blue will be the speaker. Plates are $5.00. Contact Frank Crumpler. Avery Connell or Graham Monroe for tickets. City Council Accepts Low Street Paving Bid The low bid was accepted tor street paving, curbs and gutters from Crowell Construction, Inc. of Fayetleville by the city commissioners at the April commission meeting Monday night. The total bid was SI5.495 for 10.500 Hold Census Forms Until Taker Comes if a census taker hasn't picked up your census form yet. please don't throw it away, census crew leader Mrs. Edith Nixon begs. Census Day was April I but it will take three or lour weeks to l insh collecting all of the forms, she said Some of the census takers here in Hoke County have found that householders have discarded tlie forms when they weren't picked up on April I. Mrs. Nixon said. square yards of paving at 39 cents acyertf' and 5,000 feet of curbs and gutters at 52.28 a toot. The commission also heard a report on the zoning survey from Berry Williams, planner lor the State Department of Local Affairs. A suggestion that the city and county jointly hire a planner and zoning administrator was discussed. The portion of Stewart Street behind McLauchlin School was officially closed during school hours at the request of school officials. In other business, Cruwford Thomas was authorized to attend the Governor's Conference on Drug Abutt in Raleigh April 15, and the agreement to lease a -portion of the airport and a building to be erected there by the city to Gene Thacker was accepted. Monthly rent was set at SI25. The lease will now be submitted to FFA for approval. NEATNESS COUNTS - Thefint Yard-of-the- Week award in the April Clean-Up Month campaign went to Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Coats cjn^North Magnolia Avenue for their attractive yard and shrubbery. April Clean-Up Campaign In 2nd Week: Award Given The April Clean - Up campaign began the first week by selecting a Yard - of ? the Week from northwest Raeford and awarding prizes to the winning clean ? up posters submitted by Upchurch School students. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coates on North Magnolia StrdW^Von the Yard - of - the - Week award. The selection was made last Friday by a committee on the basis of neatness, attractiveness and evidence of care for the yard. Yards selected for honorable mention were those of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Maxwell of Fulton Street and Miss Mary Hazel Whitley and Ed Whitley on West Donaldson. . The winning poster was done by Bill Barnwell, a sixth grader at Upchurch. Second place went to Tim Hasty, sixth grade, and third place was won by Sue Pandell, 7th grade. Willie Galberth, Two-Car Accident Saturday; Four Hurt An accident near the Tex-Elastic plant Saturday resulted in extensive damage to two cars and minor injuries to four .occupants. Montie Mack Lunsford, of 419 W. Donaldson, skidded 165 feet before striking the rear of the car driven by Lawrence Junior Knight of Rt. 1, Shannon. Both cars were traveling north on Bethel Road. Mary E, Graham and Dorothy Knight, passengers in the Knight auto and Lunsford and Glen Clravis in Lunsford's car were treated for injuries at Raeford Medical Center. Damage was estimated at S800 to the front end of Lunsford's 1970 Ford and total damage to Knight's 1965 Chevrolet. Lunsford was charged with failing to decrease speed in time to avoid an accident. special education student, won fourth place. Honorable mention posters were submitted by Levern Southerland: Cindy Baker; Jayson McPhatter; Daniel Norton, Jerry Lewis Ross; Johnny McMillan. Carolyn White; Robert Malloy; Nathaniel Leslie; Debbie Riddle; Robert Anderson. William Chavis and Reginald Craig Treadwell. The posters were judged by Mrs. Lee Cameron and J. I. Hubbard. Next week the clean ? up drive will be concentrated in the northeast section of Raeford from Main Street east to lidinborough on the south. Phillips Resigns As High School Basketball Coach Larry Phillips, who coached the Hoke High varsity basketball team to a tie lor the conference first place this season, submitted his resignation this week to Donald Abernethy. superintendent of Hoke County Schools. He will finish the school term and then begin work for Raeford Turkey Farms, Inc. Phillips has taught introduction to vocations and has coached at Hoke High for the past three years. For his first two years, he coached the Buck's junior varsity basketball team, with the JVs tieing for the conference championship He also coached with the junior varsity football team and assisted W.K. Morgan with the baseball team He lias also been golf coach for the past two years. Pliillips. who is a native of Raeford. graduated from Hoke High School and went on to East Caiolina University where he played basketball for three years. ? Tins year. Iiis first year as varsity basketball coach, the Bucks tied for first place in the 3-A eastern divuion conference and reached the semi finals in the tournament before falling to Pinecrest. The team ended with a 6 ? 2 conference record and a 16-6 overall record Phillips was runner-up for the 3-A Coach of the Year award "I want to stress that I have really enjoyed working with Mr. Autry and everyone here.'' lie said. "It lias been a wonderful experience: I've met some fine boys and some fine people." Commissioners Meet As Equalization Board Gail Womble Named To Phi Bfcta Kappa Miss Gail DeLoache Womble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Womble, Jr. of Rt. 1, Aberdeen, has been selected for membership in the Phi Beta Kappa chapter at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is a graduate of Hoke County High School. Miss Womble is majoring in math at UNC-G, where she is a member of Pi Mu Kpsilon, an honorary math fraternity. Forty - nine students were elected to Phi Beta Kappa on the basis of their high academic achievement during their enrollment at UNC-G. The honor society was established in 1776 at William and Mary College to honor students with outstundins academic records. UNC-G is one of five college and universities in North Carolina which has a Phi Beta Kappa chapter. The other schools are Davidson, Duke, UNC-CH and Wake Forest. The 49 students were recognized at UNC-G's Phi Beta Kappa Convocation on March 19. They will be formally initiated into the chapter at a banquet in the spring. A new member of tire Board of Social Services was appointed Monday by tire county commissioners at their regular monthly commission meeting. Mrs. J.D. McAllister, wife of the assistant superintendent of Hoke County schools, was appointed to replace Mrs. Annie Williams on the board. Mrs. Williams has not attended a meeting since last May and is reported to have moved from the county. The commissioners also heard Miss Mabel McDonald, director of the Department of Social Services, request an additional S4.000 to be added to her budget request for the coming fiscal year. She had been told by the state welfare board that her figures were too low to meet projected needs for next year, site said. The paving of rural road 1317. from US 401 to Plank Road on the Ft. Bragg reservation near Rowland's Restaurant was approved at the meeting. A resolution was passed by the commissioners extending the retirement for two years of J.E. Gulledge. The commission also approved the purchase of an electric typewriter for the tax office for S27S and authorized the sheriff to request bids on a new patrol car lor delivery in July. M.R. Mills, county sanitarian, asked the commission to pass a resolution enabling the electrical inspector to prohibit the electricity from being connected in trailers until the trailers are also equipped with adequate sewage installation. The commissioners voted to request that Hoke County be given a full ? time highway supervisor. Presently Hoke and Lee counties are served by one supervisor, however there are plans, the commissioner's said, for Hoke to be switched to Scotland County for highway supervisors. Authority was also given at the meeting for the accountant to attend the annual accountant's school at the Institute of Government April 13 - IS and for the county manager to attend the County Manager's Association meeting at Pine hurst on May 21. The Board of Equalization and Review .also met immediately following the adjournment of the commissioner's meeting. The following residents appeared before the board: J.H. Blue, Allendale Township, was requested a S750 adjustment due to moving all of his crops to Robeson County. John H. McGirt of Allendale Township, who requested release of S51.35 for land over listed since 1966. L.E. McLauchlin of Blue Springs Township, who requested a $690 reduction in land value and buildings. Knox Watson of Antioch Township, who requested acreage and value be reduced since original deed listed only SO acres and register of deeds office listed 60 acres. Trula J. Leach and Carson Jones of Quewhiffle Township, who requested release of taxes on house listed to a lot through an error. All requests were approved. The request of C.G. Odom of Quewhiffle Township that he be released from taxes of personal property of Clayton W. Chavis which he bought v^ilh a foreclosed piece of property in 1967 was Dosfooned. SCHOLARS ?? Martha Ann Stewart and Jimmy Womble, both Hoke High juniors, have been selected to attend the Governor's School this summer. Martha Ann was chosen for the math area and Jimmy for voice study. Two Hoke High Students T o Govenor's School Two Hoke High School juniors have been selected to attend the Governor's School this summer held at Salem College in Winston ? Salem. Martha Ann Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stewart of Rael'ord. and Jimmy W'omble, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. W'omble, Jr. of Rael'ord. will attend the seminar for gifted students. Miss Stewart was selected in the academic area of mathematics and Womb'e was chosen in the area of choral music. Only 217 students in the state are selected to attend in the academic areas and 183 are selected in the performing arts. Students are chosen on the basis of academic achievement, intelligence, interest and aptitude. The student must also be in the top 10 per cent of his class. Judge Stuhl Orders Youth To Jail For Public Drunk William Bratcher, 16 year - old Raeford youth, was sentenced to lour months and twenty days by Judge George StuhJ in District Court Friday for public drunkenness and tampeiing with an automobile Judge Stuhl, after having the probation officer, William T. Lester, confer with the boy, designated Bratcher as a youthful offender and ordered a diagnostic study made of lum. Lester reported that in Ins opinion the boy would not be successful on probation. Brit ton May nor, Red Springs, pleaded guilty to issuing a worthless check .o Walter Parks. He was sentenced to 30 days injjal_ suspended and ordered lo pay the check of SI9.82 and court cosis. Maynor. who is in jail serving under the work release program, was given 00 days lo comply wiih the ludament. Mrs. Louise Nichols of Raeford pleaded guilty ot issuing a worthless check of SI00 to I. Hubbaid at Collin's Department Store. She was sentenced to 30 days suspended on the condition that she pay lite check and cost of court. Simion Headen, Jr. of Raeford pleaded guilty of issuing a worthless check to Florence Peterson for 520.46 He was ordered to pay cost of court. The check was paid before the trial. Bennie J. Ldwards of Raeford was found guilty of issuing a worthless check for 520 to Ma Bell Morrison. He was sentenced to 30 days suspended and ordered to pay the check and court cost*. Raymond McLaughlin. Raeford. pleaded guilty to issuing a worthless check for 537.71 io Ma Bell Morrison. He was sentenced to 30 days suspended and ordered to pay the check and court costs. Leon Carter of Lumberton pleaded guilty to issuing a worthless check of S62.50 to L.F. West He was sentenced to 00 days suspended and ordered to pay the check and court costs. Danny Walters, of the Bowmore section ol Hoke County, was committed for a six months sentence for failure to comply with a court order to pay child support. The court also ordered that lie he given anv and all needed medical attention, after Walters said in testimony that he had been under treatment at the Mental Health Clinic in Fayetteville for several weeks. He was also sentenced to a total of 90 days, to he served concurrently with the sentence for non support, for trespassing, forcible trespassing and malicious damage to personal property Bobby Cene Lxrcklear of Red Springs was sentenced to 30 days suspended for 2 years on the conditions that he nm violate any North Carolina laws and that he not molest or bother Ins wife for this period He was convicted of assault on a female In addition he was sentenced to 30 days suspended and fined SIO for driving without a license, without a license tag and without liability insurance. He was charged court costs in both cases. Horace Jacobs, ot Lumber Bridge, charged with no operator's license and speeding 70 in a 55 mph zone,bailed to appear and forfeited 5110 bond. l;eon Ixivc. Raelord, was found guilty of injuiy to property and was sentenced to 90 days in jail suspended on ihe condition that he remain on good behavior and not violate any N.C. law for the next two years. Me was also ordered to stay away from the home of the prosecuting witness and was fined S25 and court costs. Kenneth Maynor, of Hoke County, was sentenced for shoplifting to fi months in jail suspended lor 2 years with 2 years probation on the condition that he remain employed during that time and that he pay S50 and costs. lire state took a nol pros with leave on a charge of public drunkenness against Juanita Melton of Raeford. 2 I L t . Louis James Batterstellar, ft. liragg, was found not guilty of speeding SO in a 60 mph zone and was allowed to plead guilty to speeding 75 in a T60 mph zone". He was lined S25 and costs. Probable cause was found against James Alford of Raeford for assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and he was bound over to lire grand jury. Bond was set at See COURT. Page 11