<?k e <~Vlew6 - journal The Hoke County News- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOLUME LXVI NUMBER* 4 RAEFORD. HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 84 PER YEAR I Or PER COPA Till RSDAY. Jl NE 4. 1970 Around Town | By SAM MORRIS I The lurnoui of voters in the second primary election last Saturday was very disappointing. When about 25% of the voters decide an election, the issue at stake must not be important. But the election last Saturday named the members of the House of Representatives for North Carolina who will raise or lower taxes for the next two years. Is this important? When the legislature was in session last year all one could hear was tobacco tax, gasoline tax and other items that were placed in the tax package. The only place that tax issues can be settled arc at the ballot boxes. So from the turnout of voters last week and also in the May 2nd primary, it would seem most voters are satisfied with the tax program of our state. It also seems that most citizens are wanting the minority to run this state and county. This is what 1 gather from the way citizens leave the voting to just a few. Maybe we will'wake up one of these days as citizens of other countries have done after a minority of voters took over the aovernment. Two that mostkxan remember are Hitler aM the Commun&ls.a Time will fell * Time will tell. A few people asked me if the softball results got into last week's paper after the comment in this column, that they were on the sport page. We must say "No" they were not in the paper. The column was written on Tuesday and softball results usually get to the office on Wednesday morning. Last week the results arrived after the paper had gone to press. We certainly expect the results and standings to be in this week's paper. Check anyway. The games last week showed improvement by some of the teams that are playing for the first time. Also the fans are increasing each game and the increase has swelled the razzing that is part of this game. The price is free so come out for a night's fun. A call last week from Raz Autry informed me that he came in second at the Blueberry Golf tournament. He said to print it because I didn't mind putting his 90 in the paper a few weeks ago. It is in the paper Raz, but we have been wondering if the pressure of playing before the local fans caused that 90 at Arabia. The following letter was received lasi week by W. Hilton Graham a formei Raeford resident who is now a patient ai Veterans Hospital in Fayetteville: Dear Noble Graham, It is with a great deal of pleasure that I advise during the Business meeting ol Sudan Temple held in Wilmington or May 23, 1970^, you and other living charter members of "Sudan Temple wcrt elected to Life Membership. You election to life membership was *fo meritorious service in the long number o years you have served Sudan Temple Masonry, and your community. This i indeed a great honor and one which yot arc most deserving of; and it is a pleasuri for us to enroll you as such on th< permanent records of Sudan Temple. Yot will not pay for any future dues and cacl year your annual card will be mailed wit! the love and esteem of the entiri Nobility. Knowing that it will be of interest ti you, we are listing the living Charte members. W.N. Hackney, Wilson. Fred I. Sutton Kinston. WH S. Burgwyn, Woodland Clifton R. Shulcr, Rocky Mount, J.H Cutchin, Whitakers, W. Hilton Graham Red Springs, Ross H. Reynolds, Raleigh and T T Wcllons. Raleigh. May I lake this means of adding m; personal congratulations and appreciatior along with that of Illustrious Potentati Luther Cromartic and the nXMfcpthai 9500 members of our great Teniplr Wishing for you and yours the ver) best, I am Sincerely aid fraternally yours Nelson B. Banks, Recorder Johnson Leads Ticket With 5386 JMcFadyen Wins Seat By 7 Votes Soldier Dies In 401 Wreck A Ft. Bragg soldier was killed and a truck driver seriously injured in a car-truck collision on US 401 South near Bowmore early Saturday morning. The accident happened at S a.m. Saturday morning about a quarter of a mile north of Bowmore. A 1969 Chevorolet Camcro, driven by E - 6 Victor Manuel Martinez, of Headquarters Company, 82d Airborne Division, crossed the center line and hit, almost head-on, a tractor-trailor driven by Fred Spenser;-5t?bo?JJ*<eigh. The speed of thp'fluto was estimated at 70 mph and the truck was traveling about 50 mph, Highway Patrolmen Joe Stanley who investigated the accident, said. Neither driver appeared to have applied brakes before the collision. On the impact, the car was knocked over to the left side of the highway and the truck continued moving until it ran into an embankment Martinez, 26. who was originally from Larado,Tex., was! illcd instantly. Spencer was taken to Scotland Memorial Hospital and was then transferred with serious injuries to Wake Memorial Hospital. A passenger in the Martinez car, E-5 Walter W. Greenwald, of Ft. Bragg, was treated at Scotland Memorial Hospital and transferred to Womack Army Hospital at Ft Bragg. A passenger in the Colonial Foods truck, Steven Allen Bass, 16, of Raleigh, FATAL CRASH ?? 1 /?'/ Brav.v s <!.hrr ?'?ft.ir Manuel Marline:, died in a ear-truck odlisinn on 401 Sou ill near Bowmore early See FATALITY. Page 7 Saturda y in, 'nun.i; SP-4 Dallas Fairley Wounded GI Home On Leave Sp-4 Dallas E. Kairley is glad to be home, after two operations and long weeks of recovery in three hospitals around the world He is home with Ins parents, the Rev. and Mrs. James H. Kairley. on a 30-day convalescent leave from Walter Reed Hospital after being severely wounded in Vietnam. SP-4 Kairley graduated from Upchurch High School and was employed at Burlington Mills until Jic was drafted into the Army last July He served in Vietnam from November of last year until April when lie was wounded in a fire fight near tlic Cambodian border. He was assigned to the 25th Infantry Division in A Company. l/5tii Mechanized Infantry. When Ik was wounded, the tracked vehicle in which Ik See WOl MM 11 Pi.... 7 Commissioners Discuss Yearly Tax Collection Counts tax collections are about one per cent behind last scat's totals, the counts board of commissioners ssas told Morulas at the regular June meeting ol the board An uncollected balance' ol S 180.537.33 of the IW> tax levex remains. A total ol 7K.07 pei cent has been collected tins year. I.asl sear at this time, 7C).6X per cent had been collected Tax collector B H Thornheig reported to the commissioners on recent actions such as qarnishments Ire had taken to collect late tax payment': The commissioners approved the release of 2l>4 names front the active tjx roles. The list includes persons ssho no longer live in the counts 01 whose addiess is not known. A delegation headed by Fuim.ru O Clark, county soil conservation agent, outlined the need for a soil curves to be made of the entire counts Tltey presented copies of a soil stiivey prepated for Scotland County and explained uses of it for agriculture, industry and housing A soil survey of 152 XX)0 acres ot private land that has not been mapped in Hoke could be done in connection with j similar survey in Cumberland County which sxill be stalled next yeai. they said The cost to the counts would be half ol ilie aetuul cost ol the technical expenses, up to i maximum ol "s 15.000 John Retd Davis came hcloie the hoatd to explain plans foi the Rescue Squad to puichase the building the squad is now using (loin the T B. I pchurcli Corporal ion Slieull D M. Burlington icq nested ilul the jail cell walls and ceiling, which were not painted when the new jail w j., built, be painted at an approximate cost ol S225 The commissioners approved the request The sheriff also announced the lining ol a new depots slier itt. Robert (iruham. to icplace James Adams, who died last month. The ho.nd discussed plans lor the addition to the counts health ccntei and approved the lining ol an architect The bouid also approved expenses tor the sheiill and his lamils to attend the state sheriffs convention iti Boone in Juls: appioved the purchase ol a copiei and a transcriber foi the department ol social se sices and awarded a conliact to conduct :I.e audit toi the counts to A K . I os in. (' I' \ The death benefit contract tor counts emplosces ssas also lenessed h\ the counts The boa'd also Iteaid icports tioin the counts farm agent and home extension a cent Hoke Count) kept its representative in the state House In a margin of seven votes in a run-off primary last Saturday that featured a small turn-out with a heavy single-shot vote. Rep. Seill McFadyen defeated Ri>ger Hall, of Robeson Couity. by seven votes to win a sixth term in the House of Representatives. In unoffieial returns. McFadyen was ahead of Hall by only two votes, but Un official canvass Tuesday added another five votes in Robeson Countv for a total of 4Sl)7 to Hall's 4800. Joy J. Johnson, a Negro minister fiotn Fairmont, led the ticket with 888 votes in Hoke County and 5386 in the 24th District, which is composed of Hoke. Robeson and Scotland counties. Mrs. Mary Odotn was second with 5114. The total number of votes cast in Hoke County was 1478 or 26.8 per cent of Un registered voters. J.Scott Poole, elections board chairman said. Many of the voters cast oirift oue vote on the ticket instead of votmg for all three seats. In precinct 5. Johnson received 356 votes out of the 358 votes cast there. The other three candidates together received only 36 votes in that precinct. Raeford precincts one and two also had large votes, with 332 voles cast in precinct one and 31)3 in precinct two. Three of the four district seats were filled in the run ? off primary. Gus Speros was elected by a majority in the first primary May 2. Hall, was ran seventh on the ticket in the first pi unary called for a run ? ott. R I.. Campbell and D.J. Sinclair. Jr. who ran fifth and sixth ill the May primary declined to run in the second piiniary. which was between Hall, Johnson. Mel adven and Mis Odoin. a 55 a .am scltn 1 ? 're!.-:. The district vote was Johnson 5386 Odom. 5114; McFadven 480? and Hall 4X00. In Hoke County the totals were Johnson. 888; McFadyen. 818. Odom. 718 and Hall. 707. The results for Robeson Countv were Johnson 3461. Hall 3130. Odom. 2804 and McFadyen. 2700. In Scotland Countv the totjls were Odom. 1502. McFadyen. 1280. Hall 1053 and Johnson. 1037. In Hoke County, the results from the following precinct;, were: 1 E -3 ?5 la II Allendale 3<i 21 A -> 15 Ant inch 18 35 38 30 Blue Spi uigs 78 3') 46 41 Bucliau 42 ?5 31 10 McCain 67 52 31 27 Puppy ( reek 34 4 x 50 44 Raeford 1 88 134 157 142 Raeford 2 4t> 150 l')0 16 1 Raeford 3 4-1 20 36 31 Raeloid 4 31 75 85 (>5 Raelord 5 35 (> 13 15 8 Rocklrsli j ; 2o 2t. Stonewall 31 "o Wagon Train To Move June 12th Horsemen, campers and wugoi.neer will gather Thuisday afternoon. June II ill the lot by the Vitioiiu' Guard \tmory to begin the annual lluk 55 Tyson T rain. The gmup will k.iitip out at the ?Vniory June I !. hegmn.ng at 4 p m. and will start the wagon trip I riday morning June I 2 jt v -\ squjtc dance at the Nimory beginning at x pin will kick oft the event. \ drawing lot j pony and cail will be held at It) p m doting the dance. Saddle( Hih members say the pony and cart are cxlia nice and arc guaranteed Ik make the wagon tra.n ti ip Tickets lor the drawing may be putchascd at ( My Hall nr t rom members ol the Saddle Club. Friday morning, the train will leave Raeford ai d travel along Turnpike Road and I ive Points to Sinclair's Pond near Ash ley Heights, a trip ol about 14 miles. The wagon train is expected to anive at Sinclju s Pond about 3 p m and set up camp tot the temainder ot the weekend Games and contest for children and adults will he held Hatuiday Saturday night will feature another square dance at the pond Alter an early Sunday morning worship service, the train will return to Raelord. arriving about 2 30 p.m., June 14. Registration tor the train may be done at Conoly's F.sso or at Howell's Drug Store. Jimmy (onoly is this year's NVagonmasler and he and Bill Howell arc the official registrars. Registration fees are S2 per wagon and SI lor horseback riders. J?MT\ OsbtirMP Osborne To Coach Basketball Jo.: \ R jpdall Oshninc. head basketball coach ji las'. Moiiigomciy High School lot ihe |>j<t m\ scats. n (he new basketball vi-.uli ncvt veai bi Hoke High. K.u \ui.v. principal. announced He will icpijsC I 11 v Phillips, win is leasing I In* week i?> work lot House ot R.ieloid Osborne. .1 gu lu-ile ol I Ion College with .1 degree in physical eslueaimn. Icttcicd in basketball I lie 1 c and served as j eoj?.ii toi ihe 1 leshinan bjsketball learn duimg ho sen 1111 sea: He was an nui si .Hiding h.gh sehool jllilete anil leileied in baseball and hjekotball loi loin s .ais ai Si a 1 lire Id II igh Seliool lie 11 as taught physical education, hiologs and physical ssienee at last \|o|itg..-neis since l'?M I 01 1 lie past live vcais lie Iijs also seiscJ as head baseball s'ojeh and lias eoaehed lunioi varsity loolbj!! 104 iluee V*"\ Dunne li e inns he eo.ished basselbjll'' a: I.as! \h i'g. ills: s. he had several ouisiaiidnig teams The P'ft's team ss.is .e'sond in the si ?.i.'ienee w it It j I1' ? ft : e e? ? 1 d and w . the eor.tereiue tournament to g. .?n to the dot net The llin~ team ss.o k.<inteienec iiinnei up w :!i an 1 s.o eo ? ,i Oshome is nun icd to the turmcr Sheos Deese ot lucust and they have two childicn. a gnl. 2 . yeais old and a boy. seven mouths I hey aie members ot the Hirst Baptist Church ol l.oeust. Play Saturday Kaeloid Juniui Tai Heel team will play Wilmington in a double ? Iiejdei Saturday night ai Ainmry Raik, The lust game begins at ft :30p.m. Party Rules Outlined For Demo Precinct Meetings Democratic Party precinct meetings to elect the precinct committees will he held Saturday at I p.m. at the polling places in each precinct. A precinct committee of 10 active party members who live in that precinct will be elected. The membership of lite committee, under party rules, mutt hear '.'a reasonable relationship to the make - up of the registered Democrats of the precinct as to sex. age. race, and where practical, geography.* Alter the precinct committee has been selected, officers for the committee will be chosen hy the party members attending the meeting. The office* are chairman, three vice ? chairmen and secretary ? treasurer. In selecting precinct committee >>> V. . .VAv.- c* ?-Mr, officers, parly rules require that the first vice ? chairman must be of the opposite sex of the chairman and that if as much as 20 per cent of lite Democrats in that prccuict are of anoVlt^/. race thatiiltul of the chairman and first vice ? chairman, if they are of lite same race, then the second vice ? chairman must be from another race. The third vice - chairman must be aye TO or less if none of tire other precinct officers arc TO or younger No two officers of the precinct committee may be from the same immediate family but members of the committee may be from the same family At leust 10 active Democrats must be present at (Ik meeting to conduct business. Party rules define "active See PRUCINCT. Par 7 ... _ . _ L- .. -1 Speed Limits Extended At City Council Meeting The cits council modified ilic speed laws at the request of the State Higlissas Commission in action taken at the June meeting of the council The 35 rnph limit was extended out Central Ave (Business 4()li>pasi the St Paul's road (N.C 20) The hoard approved a motion to advertise foi bids foi two pickup trucks to be used in the operations ol the stieet and water departments A tentative budget schedule was presented to the councilmen t'oi studs until the reeulai budget meeting svhich will be held lalei this month The board refused a lequesl b> Mis J.C. McLean foi pas men I ol s25 foi leii ih/ei and lahni used t?*i .1 t 1 cc on I'ulton Avenue xxlueh had t?? he cnioxod hx 1 Ik- cm \ 111 I'lllCI aeli'Mi. lie boaij jppioXed .1 annuel lo \ k I oxin i?' amid the al> aeenunlx. and aeeepled 4 40 tail Hkihuii-wjv iiutn 1 he 1 <v s K.iluui! tiom S Maenohu Si 1 eel to -II South The boatJ also voted Hi KVsttid (he I'h.s taxes i>l I.ail MeDul!it smee lie is a> tint lixine in the eiix then and jeeepteil. tnnJei the new /omne pioposalx. a map ot the MeN'eill subdivision oil l ast Prospeel. The bnjid also jppioved paxment i?* l)t Jaek Bcvei Ix tot examination and I it mitt ot e'ljxses to \ I W ieems. xxliose glasses were dantaecd dunne the eonise ot duix wrecks Total Seven So Far A rash of wrecks biokc out in Racford this week, with seven accidents occurmc in the first three das sol the week. Although proper is damatte was hears . there svere onls miiiot injuries to the occupants of the cars Students were involved in lour of the accidents. S11 nu.i\ an accident iiui'Imiiw It students occured at I S 401 B\ pass a Cole Si reel A cat driven b_\ l\a Bi Pope pulled out I rum Cole Si ieel lo en the hijihwa\ and was Struck b\ an at drivenb\ Brll\ Wimbuin Both cars were heavilv damaged, vv

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