Zh e hot weather vary. Richard Neely. who farms 111 the Wayside set riion, said he was plowing up his corn en: p there. Harris" estimates that the corn he will make about 50 per cent of his co rn c rop and 80 to 90 percent of tobacco. McNei II sail I that corn planted in light land is already ' gone but that corn on good Ian d shou. 'd make 50 to 80 per cent. His toba cco has> Vt been hurt, he said, but it will b ; thick t. bis year, wluch will make it less de suable fo r cigarette tobacco. Soybe ans and cotton have not been hurt by the drough t. they said. It wari, however, the brink of disaster for every thing. McN sill said. "Three or four n "tore days with tliat heat an d no rain \ vould have told a different story," he sa> d. In so.me sections o f the country, the rains didn't come until Monday afternoon. Monday broi ?ght the first rain to Ashley Heights and W 'ayside. Rain was sparse o n Sunday at I :ivc Points and Antioch, the county agent's office reported. Raefoi d residents also fi 'It the cTfects of the dr y weather. The inc teased use of See RAIN Pan,- I I Morris Reelected Chairman At Democratic Convention Convention last Saturday. Under the new rules of party organization which limit a county executive committee chairman to two consecutive terms, he will not be eligible to succeed himself after this term. A large crowd of Democrats gathered at the convention to select party officers and delegates to several committees and conventions. Representative Neill McFadyen opened the convention and gave the invocation Morris was elected as permanent chairman of the convention and Mrs. Clayton Buoyer was elected convention secretary. Following that, a roll of precincts was given will all precincts reporting Chairman Morris explained that voting for officers and delegates would be done by precinct delegates with each precinct having the number of votes proportionate to the votes casts in the last gubernato/ial election from that precinct. Judge Joseph Duprec of Raeford Two nominated Morris for chairman of the executive committee and J.D. McMillian of Raeford One seconded the nomination. After a roll call of the precincts in which there were no other nominations, Morns was elected by acclaimation. Mrs. T.J. Harris was elected first vice-chairman of the executive committee. Also elected were Mrs Viola Davis, second vice-chairman and Miss Jean Matherly. third vice-chairman Other officers elected lu th e exea itive committee were Mrs. Claytt in Buo ver, secretary and Franklin leal, treasurer. Delega tes and alternates to the District Convent! on to be held in Fave tteville this Saturday were also elected. Yl le delegates' are Jimmy Morrisey, Sam C. ? ?1orris, J.E. Dupree, N.L. McFadyen. td S mitli, G.A. Robinson, Mr and Mrs. W.T. McAllister, 1 J Harris, Pete Sawyer and D.R. Huff. Alternates are L.A. McGu, gan, Dave Currie, C .G. Odom, Mrs. Richa rd Neeley, J.D. McMillian, William Lamoni .Mrs. J.K.. Riley, Clayton Buoyer, Mrs. Gi lbert Ray, Bernice Williamson and N Irs. Alex McCorm ic. Palme r Milieux was elected to the State Dcmocu tic Executive Commit ee. J. D. McMillian was elected to the District Senatori a I Committee J.t. Dupree and Phillip Di ehi were chosen to the District Judicial Ci immittee and Kei r Stevens and W.T M 'cAllister were elected to the Soli citorial Commit ee. td S mith and N.L. McFady. in were elected to the Congressional Con imittee. Pete Sawyer, chairman of the McCain precinct, asked for those whi > were elected in the recent Democratic j uimary to stand at the convention . Five candidal es were present Saturday at the party convention They were Judge Joseph Dupige, Rep Neil! McFi idyen, clerk of court F t Smith, c ounty commissioner, T.C. Jones and Boa rd of Education member D.R. Huff. Jr. Woman Charged In Fracms Mrs Leola Faircloth is charged with assault with a deadly weapon by pointing a gun after officers said she snatched the pistol from a policeman and held it on him at the county jail Sunday morning Mrs. Faircloth had been arrested for driving under the influence and was taken to the jail, Police chief L.W. Stanton said. While officers were writing up the charge, she took the pistol from G.G. Faircloth's holster. Herbert Polston, who was on dut y wt the ja il, grabbed the gun from her, Sh erlf'N Dave Barrington said. Mrs. Faircloth is charged with driwing under the influence, assault with a dea dly. , weapon by pointing a gun and mal tcioua damage to county property after t