e - journal The Hoke County News- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOL. LXVI NO. 12 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA $4 PER YEAR 10c PER COPY THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1970 Around Town By SAM MORRIS The rain charts in the paper this week were drawn by Robert Gatlin. We think the comparison for 1969 and 1970 of the rainfall in Raeford shows very clearly the reason for the crop failure this year. We want to thank Robert for the charts. While Robert was in the office he told us about spending the night in Mt. Holly with Leo Fuller, a native of Raeford. George Bethune of Concord also wu there and they talked over the old days and events of the past in Hoke County. Leo and George were telling Robert about the cabin on Rockflsh Creek. They are correct about being at a cabin on the creek, but to set the record straight two cabins were at the creek. The cabin Leo and George are talking about wu a two ? room cabin about V4 mile from the cabin built by the boys my age. If memory serves me correctly the late Conrad Barnard was the driving force behind the two - room cabin. Robert said they talked until 2:30 a.m. and he didn't get up that morning until 10:30. This is hard to believe. Maybe it was because he didn't know anyone at the local coffee stop. Bobby Carter, local fisherman, golfer, bowler and ball club owner, requested that the writer of this column leave the names of Robert Gatlin and Dick Neeley out for the remainder of the year. Now this is like asking Charles Craven of the News and Observer to disregard "Little Man." But after some investigation it seems that Carter wants his name in print because through the grapevine a couple of things were brought to our attention. We didn't get all the facts, but we will give you what we have. We can't remember whether it was CD. Bounds or Lonnie Bledsoe that wu telling us to inform all members of Carter's Tire Softball team to be at Carter's plant the Friday night after the tournament for the payoff for the season. What they mean by payoff, we don't know. Also, it seems that Carter is going to sponsor Les Sandy on Channel 6 Wilmington for 15 minutes each week. The condition of the contract was that Sandy use the theme song "Carolina Moon." Jimmie Stone of Columbia wu by the office last Friday and as Graham Clark said a couple of weeks ago, he hasn't changed at all. He is going to retire from a civil service job at Ft. Jackson after 29 years. Jimmie said he would be getting back to Raeford after his retirement. We wish him the best in his new role. We were sorry to tee of the death of L.C. Hubbard of Fayetteville. We believe most of you will remember Mr. Hubbard, because he was in Raeford about every week selling insurance. We don't ever remember when he wasn't smiling and having something good to say about everyone. Tommie Upchurch, local 'you name it", was telling us the other day about a man in Georgia who captured a bob cat. According to Tommie the man shot at the cat and creased his head just enough to knock it out. He took the cat home and put it in a cage. The longer lie kept the bob cat the tamer it got. Of course in this day and time your life is usually controlled by the next door neighbors, and they complained about the bob cat. So to keep peace in the neighborhood the man decided to get rid of the cat. He put it in a box and wrapped the box in fancy paper and tied a ribbon on the box. He then drove to a busy part of town, eased up to the curb and placed the box on the sidewalk. According to Tommie the man then parked where he could watch the box. In > few minutes a car stopped with four well ? built hippies and after looking in all directions they picked up the box and proceeded on their way. The man followed and in a few minutes the car with the box came to a sudden, stop and all four doors opened at the tame time and four hippies made tracks for other parts. Now this is Tommie's story and he says it is true. If you don't believe it you can ask Robert Gatlin to tell you of the truthfulness of Tommie Upchurch. ~ Two other visitors in the office last week wen trooper Gene Coen and Deputy Sheriff Harvey Young. It was raining that day and Coen was complaining about the rain and quotas and Young wu griping about mlrinc up trying to snatch a watermelon. We believe this la correct. A* Zefce Wiggins or Frank Brock if you don't think this is trot. Knit-Aw ay Will Start Building; Industry Will Employ 300 Workers Man Shot In Brawl A man was shot during a brawl on West Edinborough Street Monday night. Police answered a call about 9:30 that there was a "killing" at the home of Glen Gibson on 409 West Edinborough. When they arrived, the victim and his assailants were gone, Police Chief L.W. Stanton said. The police later learned that William Eugene Nelson was taken to Womack Army Hospital with a gunshot wound in the groin. Warrants have been issued for the arrest of Danny Chason, Ronnie Chason and Bobby Davis, Stanton said. Nelson will also be charged with engaging in an affray and creating a disturbance in the neighborhood, Stanton said. Nelson, who police say is an AWOL soldier from Ft. Bragg, has refused to say who shot him. He is in good condition at Womack. Willis Wins State Contest Lawrence Willis won the state poultry barbeque contest at the 4-H Club Congress in Raleigh Tuesday. He competed in the state contest as the district winner after taking first place at the district meet last month in Charlotte. Lawrence was the only 4-H'er from Hoke County eligible to compete in any of the events at the state contest. A member of the Rockfish club, he is the ion of Maj. and Mrs. W.E. Willis. Three Wrecks For Weekend Three wrecks and a car - pedestrian accident occurred during the weekend. A three ? car accident near the Moore County line on N.C. 211 slightly injured a woman passenger in one of the cars. Highway Patrolman E.W. Coen reported. The accident happened Sunday evening about 6:30 when a car driven by James Alford, Jr. of Raeford struck the rear of the automobile driven by Robert Dennis of Prattsville, Ala. and then hit a third car driven by Beverly McRae of Raeford. The Dennis car was knocked off the road into i ditch, Coen said, and Mrs. Betty Dennis was thrown from the vehicle. She was taken to Moore Memorial Hospital for observation. The McRae car was stopped on the highway, waiting to turn left, Coen said, and the Dennis car was behind her when they were hit. Alford was charged with failing to decrease speed in time to avoid having an accident. A car driven by Richard Wayne Burns of Rt. 4 Red Springs ran off the road to the right and then skidded back across the road and overturned in an accident just after midnight Monday morning near Davis Bridge. Burns was not injured. He was charged with failing to drive on the right half of the highway. In another accident, Prince Albert McNeill of Rt. 3, Red Springs, was charged with hit and run in connection with a two car accident near South Hoke School Saturday. Charley Locklear of Rt. I Maxton told Trooper Coen that he had slowed down for the rough road there when his car was struck from the rear. He and the other driver got out and looked at the damage to the cars and then the other driver got back in his car and left. A woman was hit on U.S. 401 By-pass as she crossed the highway in front of Virgils Drive ? In about midnight last Thursday. Betty Louise Clark, 22, of Rt. I, Shannon was struck by a car driven by a soldier from Ft. Bragg. The soldier, whose name was not released, was not charged Grand Jury To Serve Nine grand jurors are set for the August session of Superior Court and nine more will be drawn this term to serve through August 1971. Serving this term will be Katie Jewel Glover. William Roland Beckwith. Raymond B. Ellis. Annie Bell Crouch. Mrs. Jethro Locklear. Clyde Campbell. Jr., Harold McEachern. Annie Mae Wation and Robert H. Lend. A GAME OF TAG - - Dexter, a four ? your - old German Shepherd, spends his time trying to catch a beaver in an irrigation pond on Eli Shankle's farm, but the dog is no match in the water for sleek swimmer. The beaver will swim close enough to the bank to lure the big Shepherd into the water and then will allow the dog to approach within ten feet before the beaver slaps the water and disappears below the surface to leave Dexter snapping at waves. The beaver appeared in the pond about two months ago and is apparently making his home there. Dexter is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shankle. Highway Group Approves Four Lanes To Fayetteville A 3,8 million dollar project to four - lane U.S. 401 from Raeford to Fayetteville has been approved this week by the State Highway Commission, Charles Dawlcins, highway commissioner, announced Friday. The 10.5 mile stretch will be four ? laned from Raeford to Seventy - First School in Fayetteville. Robeson Street will also be widened to four lanes from Raeford Road to Russell Street, Dawkins said. This project will cost an estimated S2.5 million. The contracts will be awarded during this administration, Dawkins said, but he said he couldn't give a date for the beginning of construction. Funds for the projects are dependent on existing taxes for completion, he said. Superior Court Jurors Announced The jury list for the Aug. 17 session of Superior Court was announced this week by E.E. Smith, clerk of Superior Court. Serving this term will be Clyde C. Stocks, David Gerard Harvey, Lola James Lupo, Magline Andrews, Grace Holder Andrews, Jack McGregor, W.L. Lancaster, Sr., Beatrice Smith Sinclair, Jennie Warren Hood, Jean Gaston Hodgin, Letrice Jackson Campbell, Mrs. J.A. Farmer, Charlotte McKenzie, Mary Dalton McBryde, Elton Buffkin, Frank Hugh Locklear, Calvin T. Lawton, Jessie Winston, John H. Home, Lellie Mae Shaw, Mattie Wilson Cameron and Bertie Jane Stocks Harden Also called for jury duty are Mrs A.S. jury ai Watson, Geneva Knight, Joseph Emery Boys Charged In Purse Theft Two boys were arrested in Raetord Thursday afternoon and charged with two counts of larceny. A purse was reported missing from a schoolroom at McLauchlin School about noon Thursday after the teachers and students had gone to lunch. The purse with S3 missing was found by city police after a search of the school yard. Later that afternoon, a purse was reported taken from a car parked behind Home Food Market. Policemen searching the area found the pocketbook, with S4 taken, thrown in the trash bin behind Sears. A 13 - year ? old boy and a 14 ? year - old - boy were arrested near Sears and the money was recovered from them, Police Chief L.NN. Stanton reported. The cases will be heard in juvenile court. Lucas, Carolyn Baldwin, Doris Cain Calloway, Malcolm Laney, Ann Maxwell McPhaul, Mrs. Julian H. Wright, J.C. Wright, George Clarence Brown, Frankie Deleno Hall, Earl Lupo, William Stevens, Jerry Albert Williams, Frank Henry Richards, Robert A. Pittman, Ina Scull, Daniel Bruce Holland, John G. Balfour, Carenna D. Nealy, Margaret Currie, John Dilbert Melton, Alma Ferguson, Murphy McRae, Jr. and Lila Liles Culbreth. Others on the list are Kimie Chavis, Ella Tarpley Walker, Spencer Singletary, Joel Ellis Gulledge, William Allen Black. Lola Leach Bain, Anner C. Monroe, Ethlynde Ballance, Lorraine Jennings English, Charles Averitt, Garlon Books, Mrs. James Emmett Walker and Mrs Laura Crowley. Jurors who were excused from previous lists until the August term are Mayme Blue-Blue, Eula Conoly Parker, Eugene Brown Maxwell and Ronald Chevez. Star Route Discontinued The Star Route from Fayetteville to Southern Pines was discontinued Monday, ending the mid-morning and afternoon mail pick-up and delivery in Raeford. Mail will continue to be delivered to the Raeford post-office at 5:30 a.m. and dispatched at 6:45 p.m. Postmaster Charles E. Morrison said. Mail must be in the post office by 6 25 to make the evening dispatch. For the past three years, he said the Fayetteville post office has been sending a mail truck through Raeford on the way to Southern Pines to take mail to the rural post office cars on the Washington and Florence trains 75 and 76. This added a delivery into town at 10:15 and a dispatch at 2 30 p.m. However, the post office cars were discontinued Monday. This will affect mail service in Raeford, McCain, Aberdeen and Southern Pines, Morrison said. District Crafts Workshop To Be Held In September A District Craft Workshop will be held at the Betsy ? Jeff Penn 4-H Center at ReidsviUe Sept. 29 ? 31. Mrs. Ellen Willis, county home economics agent announced. The workshop is sponsored by the extension homemakers and is open to anyone who wants to attend, Mrs. Willis said. It will be particularly designed for scout leaders ana others who teach crafts. There will be quick classes lasting one evening in the following crafts: brown paper flowers; crepe paper flowers, cornstarch sculpture: fabric sculpture, nylon net ideas; pressed cane chair seats; Swedish embroidery pillows; tie dying; vegetable block printing; wool pictures and eggshell decorations. Longer classes will be held in chair caning; crafts for youth groups; creative stitchery; decoupage; dried floral fiictures; hooking; jewelry; macrame creative knotting); oak split baskets; pine needles articles; refinishing picture frames; trapunto embroidery and crocheting. Persons interested in attending the workshop should call the home extension office to pre-regiiter, Mrs. Willis said. A new textile industry will begin construction on an 85,000 square foot plant in Raeford within the next two weeks, Richard P. Bruce, Jr., president of Knit-Away, Inc. announced Monday. The corporation, which plans to employ 300 to 350 people, will manufacture and sell knitted apparel fabrics for the home sewing trade. The plant will include a warehouse, double and fold area and a processing area in which polyester yarn will be knitted, dyed and finished into fabric for sale to wholesalers, chain stores and retail stores. The Knit-Away plant will be constructed on a 30 acre site on South Main Street, within the city limits. The city, which will supply water and sewer facilities, is working now on extending the lines to the "?rea. Work will begin on a road into the site, John Gaddy, city managei said. It will connect with the road into Holly Park subdivision if adjustments can be made in the easeway. An office will be set up immediately in trailers at the site and applications for employment will be accepted, Bruce said. Some clerical workers and several employees to work at the company's folding facility at Southern Pines will be needed immediately, he said. Othei employees will be trained beginning in October and November Bruce said, and the plant should begin operation by January. Twenty or thirty salaried personnel will be brought in by the corporation, he said. Edwin H. Brown, vice - president in charge of manufacturing, will manago tlie plant operation. He was formerly general manager of Mt. Gilead Finishing Corporation in charge of all manufacturing there. Ojher officers are Francis B. Lineweaver, vice - president in charge of marketing; Thomas L. Foreman, treasurer and H. Pinkney Herbert, Jr., secretary. The corporation now lias a double and fold facility at Southern Pines. Fabric is manufactured by other plants and prepared for sale by Knit-Away. When the Raeford plant is completed, the corporation will manufacture everything but the polyester yarns. Bruce, a graduate of Georgia Tech in textile engineering was vice - president of Texfi and president of the largest fabric sales division, Texfi/Lively Knits Division. He founded Mt. Gilead Finishing Corporation, Greenhurst Fabrics and Bruce Manufacturing Company and set up and supervised the building of Fayetteville Finishing Company. Two Charged In Shooting Two men were arrested during the weekend in connection with the shooting of Joe Lowery, Jr. on July 18 near the Robeson County line. Jerry Jones and Bobby Locklear were charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and were released on Si,000 bond, Charles Wesley Bullaid was arrested last week for the shooting and was held in jail on a S20.000 bond. His bond was reduced to SI,000 and he was released from jail on bond after Lowery was released from Moore Memorial Hospital. A hearing for the three men charged with the shooting is scheduled in District Court Fridav Women Arrested For Shoplifting A call from Collin's Department Store Friday to investigate a shoplifting report resulted in the arrest of two women at the store. Authie Gils Anderson. 19 and Crallare McLean, 31, were charged with larceny of two skirts from the department store. City policemen Jim West and G.G. Fair cloth made the arrest. The women were released on SI00 bond and trial was set for Friday in District Coutt Cars Collide Two cars collided at the intersection of North Main Street and Prospect Avenue Sunday evening, but no one was injured in the accident. Clarence Kennedy turned left from North Main Street to Prospect, striking the automobile driven by Jerome Russell, which was traveling south on Main Street. Damaget to Kennedy's car were estimated at S800 and damages to Russell's car at S500. Kennedy was charged with making an rnmfe nvovc five lit.

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