Zu e - journal The Hoke County News- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOL. LXVI NO. 30 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA $4 PER YEAR 10c PER COPY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1970 . 1 Around Town By SAM MORRIS Don't forget the Kjwanis Club pancake supper at the Gibson cafeteria tonight (Thursday) from 4:30 until 7:30 o'clock. Any Kiwanian will sell you a ticket or you can purchase them at the door. While on the subject of the pancake supper it comes to mind that Israel Mann was supper chairman for many years. Israel would call milk, pancake mix, syrup and sausage people requesting they donate their product to the supper. As most of you know, Israel is of the Jewish faith. He called Jesse Jones of the fame sausage and gave him his song and dance about donating for the good of the community. He must have thought he wasn't getting through so he told Mr. Jones that everyone in Raeford like his sausage and that he (Israel) thought it was the best he had ever tasted, Mr. Jones replied, "You are a d- liar, Israel." * * ? We would like to take this opportunity to thank Howard Barklcy for the fine work he did for us in covering the football games. We appreciate it very much, Howard. Lucy Grey Peebles, former reporter, was by the office last Friday. She said that she was really retired and enjoyed doing nothing. Some people have it made. Rena Smith called this week and said that Cadet Paul Currie, son of Mr. & Mrs. David Scott Currie of Raeford, was on the Macy's Parade in New York Thanksgiving Day. Paul is with the West Point Glee Club and they performed during the parade. * ? * If you want a free color photo send in the coupon in the ad and either subscribe or renew your subscription to the News-Journal. The Photo Company will _ contact you when they will be in Hoke > * * ? The letter below is self explanatory: Dear Sam, This letter is the last I am going to write you for awhile. I know you want to ? hear from me, but I usually talk too much. 1 do not know who the concerned ex - Hoke High student was that wrote about the band; nevertheless, I am proud of him, and I hope he is one of my graduates. I do not disagree with him, but I think an explanation is necessary. The Superintendent and County Board have been extremely generous with all of our programs in the Hoke County Schools. In fact, I would stack the support our school receives against any school in the state. Now back to the basic issue, we do have support for our athletic programs, and it does come from the gate receipts which are used to buy our equipment for the various sports. The County Board pays the supplements; oiherwise, we could not exist. All of the boys who play on our athletic teams furnish their own shoes which cost from SI8 to S22. They also pay a fee of S3.50 for personal items. If the band puts on a program, the money received from the program goes into the band fund. We are planning to spend 51,000.00 this year on band uniforms. This money will come from the general school fund. Another music program of ours thai has no equal in the stale is our chorus and chorale, and they must have support also. When they put on a program, this money is used strictly for iheir benefit. We purchased a shell for Iheir use this vear that cost S2,500.00. As you can see, there is really a greai deal more to the support thai we give our programs than meets the eye, and if anyone would like to know about them, please feel free to come by the school. We don't have a thing to hide; in fact, we are glad to talk about them. After all, it is your money. You have a right to know how it is spent. Sincerely, G.R. Autry City Says No To Trailers Monroe Williams, zoninx administrator for Raeford, called attention this week lo a zoning ordinance prohibiting mobile homes inside the city or within a one ? mile radius of the city limits unless they are parked in a trailer park. The ordinance became effective Sept. 10 but many residents are still unaware of it, he said. Power Cutoff There will be a power cut - off in parts of the city and county Sunday afternoon, Ben Hurley of Carolina Power and Light Company announced. Power will be ofT Dec. 6 from I to 3 Sjn., weather permitting from Jackson treet east. This will include Robbins Maiohti DunHarrai-h anH Antiix'h altn Santa Is Coming To Town Friday In Raeford's Christmas Parade Burlington Gives $10,023 Burlington people contributed SI0,023.18 to push the United Fund closer to it's goal this week. Dye plant personnel donated $2,406.73 and Raeford Worsted personnel contributed $7,616.45. This is nearly equal to the contribution last year, even though there are fewer Burlington employees this year and manv of them are working a reduced shift. Last year Burlington contributed $12,619.25. With the large Burlington contribution, which was greater than Fund officials had expected, the Fund now has a chance to make it's goal of $19,181.19, officials say. Twelve agencics in the county depend on the United Fund for support. Other contributions were also received this week. Leonard Training School donated SI 10.30 to the Fund. A&P personnel reached 100 per cent with an S82.50 donation. The Raeford Friendship Club, a senior citizen's group, took up a collection at their annual Christmas party and donated S5 to the Fund. Approximately 512,000 has been collected in the drive which began Nov. 2. A more detailed accounting will be published next week, Sam C. Morris, treasurer, said. Campaigns have begun at the schools, Raeford Turkey Plant and the downtown businesses. Donations Needed For F ood T ruck A "Food for the Hungry" truck will be parked at the courthouse following the Christmas parade Friday evening so that generous Hoke County residents can donate canned goods and staples. The food will be turned over to the Department of Social Services to be distributed to needy families during the holidays. The truck is sponsored jointly by the Raeford Ministerial Association and the county extension homemakers clubs. It will remain parked at the courthouse for at least two hours after the parade, sponsors said. Report Here ROI TF. OF CHRISTMAS PARADK Parade Ends Here N. C Nat'l Guard A'mo.-y Builds and ili ill ioniv Ihmuiv queens and iwnleis .... a biu Cluistmas puiade with 60 units will get suited at 4:15 Friday afternoon. The parade \mII lonn on W. 5th Avenue behind Uacioid l.iemenlary School. l;rom there, the unit* will turn down Main Stieel and navel i?> I . Ceimal Avenue. The paunte will end at the National Guaid Aimoiy. Hoke County High School will dismiss school at 2 p.m. Friday ioi the parade. Many ot the student^ will paiticipate in the procession. A police escoit of cit> and county law enforcement officers will lead the parade. The color jiu.nd will come from Headquarters ami Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion. 252 Armor of the N.C. National Cluaid. The third unit in the parade will be the official cat with the Racford mayor and city councilmcn. The county coinmissioucis will rule in the next official auto. Cars are furnished by Hoke Auto and Raeford Auto companies. Fayeiteville bagpiper Arnold Pope, who marched in last year's parade, will be next in line. He will be followed a commercial float sponsored by Kai ? id Turkey Farms. Inc. Teru Monroe, Hoke High School Homecoming Queen, will be next, proccding the Hoke High band, directed by Jimmy James and the I wirlettes oi Raeford, directed by Miss Bert Pope. Pricilla Bucknci, North Carolina Poultry Queen, will appear in the Christmas paiadc following the bam! Miss Bucknci is In-i s Burlington. The Belk's st >ics m the aiea will sponsor the next . ? n tniou ial il.at. which (See PA RAD! Page ' 1 I Jaycees Offer Shopper Bonus Coupon books ore. me Christmas discounts are on >ale b> Kaeiotd Javcee members. The booklets contain coupons redeemable at Kuetoid businesses from now until Dec. 24. The costs ,s S2 a book. Proceeds from the sale jre used by the Jaycees to help needs children have a merrier Christmas. The coupons are also intended to encourage residents to shop in Hoke Countv Group Petitions For Highway Suoervisor A petition requesting a full - time highway supervisor is being circulated throughout the county by a group of county residents. Copies of the petition are being placed in stores in Raeford also. City and county officials met with Highway Commissioner Charles Dawkins on Oct. 19 to discuss assigning a full ? time supervisor to Hoke County. At that time, Dawkins said that there was not sufficient mileage in the county to warrant a full ? time supervisor but that communication between Hoke residents and the present supervisor, Jimmy Lee, would be improved. Lee serves as highway supervisor for Scotland and Hoke counties. He lives in Scotland County. The petition reads: "We, the undersigned citizens of Hoke County feel that the sharing of a county supervisor on a part - time basis with Scotland County is unsatisfactory. "Therefore, we hereby petition the State Highway Commission to assign to Hoke County on a permanent basis, a full - lime highway supervisor." ABC Officers Arrest 21 For Liauor Law Violations An investigation by Slate and local Mcoholic Beverage Commission agents ias resulted in the arrest over the weekend of 21 persons for violations of the state prohibition laws. More arrests are expected. Kermit Riley, county ABC officer said. The investigation of liquor law violations was conducted during the summer in connection with investigations in Cumberland County, Riley said. The crests this weekend followed a series of umilur arretl* in CumhcrlanH r<?c<?nllv/ Riley was the only local law enforcement officer involved in the investigation. The arrests were made by four state ABC officers, two Moore County ABC officers and Riley. The cases of persons arrested thus far are set for IJec. II in District Court. Bond was set by the magistrates at SI00 for each count. Those arrested were Lula Jenkins, who is charged with tvui counts of selling tax ? paid liquor; Dorothy Lee Leslie, chargcd with one count of sellinc tax - nniil liquor; Mr. and Mts. Sam (talbicth. eat charged with one count ol selling tax paid liquor; Larr\ l\aiis, charged wit one count ol scUnit; tax paid liquor an R.C. Wilson, charged with lour counts i selling tax - paid liquor. Others arrested vvcie Reba Mclnivn charged with three counts ??l selling tax paid liquor; Oueen I stei I vans, chatge with one count ol sclhnr lax pai liquor; (ieorge llollingswnith. ciimgc I See ARR1ST Paue ! 1 i Advent Concert 1 o Welcome Christmas Reason A conceri of Advent music will be presented Sunday afternoon at 4 at the Raeford Presbyterian Church. Guest soloists will be Mary Archie McNeill. Kenneth Davis, Alan Porter, and Robert R. Fejes. Josef Privette, organist and director of music at the Presbyterian Church, is directing. The program will include excerpts from "The Messiah." by G.F. Handel, organ chorale preludes by J.S. Bach that are appropriate to the Advent season; and Bach's Cantata No. 61. Conie Redeemer. "Come Redeemer" is among the most attractive cantatas in the Bach repertoire. Privelte said. The splendor of the writing and the eloquence of the recitatives and arias in Cantata 61 represent young Bach at his most exhilarating. Soloists Davis and Mrs. McNeill are Raeford residents. Porter appeared in a conceri given last spring at the church. Mrs. McNeill, a popular and talented singer here, is director of choral music at Hoke High School. She graduated magna cum laude front Flora MacDonald College with a double major in voice and music education, and did post - graduate study at Southwestern College In Memphis. While at Flora MacDonald, she was Cresident of the student body, a marshall, ....I 1 .-J for Who's Wlio in American Colleges and Universities. Mrs. McNeill has participated for several years in the Choral Arts Seminar at UNC. She has served as secretary of the choral section of the North Carolina Educators Conference and vocal adjudicator of N.C. School of the Arts in Winston - Salem. Baritone soloist Kenneth Davis is a Alan Porter senior at none nign acnooi. ne is a member of the chorale and also plays in the school band. In addition, Davis sings with the Presbyterian Church choir. He is a member of the school wrestling team. I>avis plans in enter l-ist Carolina University next fall to major in music. He is the son of Mi. anJ Vlrs William B (Sec CONCtRl . 1'agv I 1 > w

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