e <~VlewA - journal De-CCrYNWr |S1 o $ The Hoke County Newt- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOL. LXVI NO. 32 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J4 PER YEAR 10c PER COPY THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1970 Around Town BY SAM MORRIS An article in last week's paper about the awarding of trophies to the Hoke High School football team had a couple of errors in it and also was not complete. We regret this very much and will try to correct the article below. The letter written by N.J. Blue was to Raz Autry, principal at Hoke High and the line Dear Raz was omitted in the letter as printed last week. The article also stated that the presentations were made at Seventy-First when they were made at the Hoke High gym at halftime of a basketball game between the Bucks and Falcons. Charlie Hottel and C.D. Bounds were also presented trophies and this was omitted from the article. They were given to Hottel as driver of the athletic bus and to Bounds for his work in any way with the team. We hope this will set the record straight because we think this was one of the nicest things that has been done for our young people in many a year. We would like to say for everyone, "Thank you. old Kid." Mrs. Ella M. Traywick, who for many years wrote the Stonewall News and now is at a Rest home in Durham, was by the office last week to wish us a Merry Christmas. Thank you Mrs. Traywick and we hope for you a very Merry Christmas and many more happy New Years. Two other visitors by the office in the past few days were Doran Berry, former solicitor from Fayetteville, and Ben Campbell, a Raeford native, who is head personnel man of Burlington Worsted and is now at Clarksville, Va. Doran was talking about politics and any other subject Ben of course was talking about textiles. It was good to see both of these men. ""The toys from hoi that v.ere given out by te Licpaiiment of Sol".. Services is cei-ainty the real meaning of Christmas. This shows that many people Mill believe that it is more blessed to give than to receive. We think that a big change would come over this world if we all would try to live with that thought. We see where Judge Joe Dupree made statewide headlines when he offered the defendant in a drunk driving case 12 car ot er We also note that Christmas ar New Year's are on Friday so that tu t court session after the holidays will be a cumulation of three weeks of cases. Rest up Judge, you might be in court after dark. We will say to all our readers that we wish you the best over the holidays. Remember that the highways will be crowded with people heading home for Christmas, so please drive as if your own life is in every car. A Merry Christmas! Never a Christmas Morning ... Never the Old Year ends, But Someone thinks of Someone Old Days, Old Times, Old Friends Tex-Elastic Announces W age Incentive Plan A merit incentive wage program designed to decrease job turnovers was announced this week for Tex-Elastic by plant manager H.E. Simmons. Employes with over 12 months service will receive the equivalent of one week's vacation pay. Those with over 48 months service will receive two weeks vacation pay. Stores JF ell Holiday Hours Stores and businesses will be closed Christmas Day but some will open Dec. 26. According to a list compiled by the Raeford * Hoke Chamber of Commerce, the following establishements will be open Saturday: A&P, Collins, Pope's, Raeford Department Store, Macks, Catos, Conoly's F.sso, Raeford Medical Group (half day), and Sugars. The following will be closed Dec. 26: Allen's Ltd, Auto Parts and Equipment. Bank of Raeford, City Cleaners, Theresa's, Western Auto, Marks, Heilig - Meyers, The Family Restaurant, Teal Oil Company, Raeford Oil Company, Connell Insurance, Hoke Auto, Raeford Auto, Hoke Concrete, Hoke Oil and Fertilizer, The Johnson Company, C.P. Kinlaw, McLauchlin Company, Raeford Cleaners, National Finance, Niven's Furniture and Appliance, Wood's Furniture, Southern National Bank, Raeford Hardware, Hotel Barber Shop, Sport's Barber Shop and Southern Restaurant. The new merit incentive system is in addition to the present wage program and will enable an employe to increase his earnings based on individual development and merit performance, Simmons said. "Our goal is to increase the stability and effectiveness of our work force, which we feel will result in steady work for our employes and allow us to effectively meet competition," he said. Tex-Elastic announced a wage increase in July and a profit - sharing retirement plan earlier this year. Simmons said the turnover rate had been small in the last six months and the new merit incentive program was designed to decrease turnovers even more. One of the primary reasons for locating the rubber products plant here, Simmons said, was the type of employe available. Since Tex - Elastic was opened, the work force has been steadily increased. Improvements have also been made at the plant, he said The parking lot was paved recently and landscaping will be added. Council Sets Budget A budget of SI2,400 tor the next six months was approved by the Region N Council ot' Governments in a meeting Dec. 14 in Lumberton. The executive committee selected tor the COG is composed of Sam Noble, chairman, Robeson County; James A. Gibson, vice ? chairman, Scotland County; Billy Carter, secretary - treasurer, Clarkton; and John K. McNeill, Raeford; J.S. Singletary, Bladen County; T.C. Jones. Hoke County; D.J. Sinclair, Laurinburg and Sant Dial, Pembroke. United Fund Nears Goal Donations Total $17,401 Chorale Sings On Channel 4 Tex Elastic Contributes $1150 The Hoke High School Chorale from Raeford will be seen singing songs of (he season on WUNC-TV, Channel 4, Wednesday, December 23 at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Mary A. McNeill conducts the group. Titled "Music of the Christmas Season," the program was recorded last week in Chapel Hill. The Hoke High School Chorale performed there during the Institute for High School Small Vocal Ensembles. The Institute was conducted at the Department of Music at the University at Chapel Hill by Dr. Lara Hoggard. The Hoke High School Chorale perform two selections, "Ave Maria" and "Caroling, Caroling." "Music of the Christmas Season" is a four ? program series featuring groups from across the state. The series was produced by the Chapel Hill Studios of University of North Carolina Television, the state's educational television service. With most of the contributions in. the United Fund now stands ? within sight of the goal ? at 517,401.43. The only major area still uncounted is the Raeford Turkey Farm. Another 51,779.76 is needed to meet the Fund goal of 519,181.19 set by drive officials. Contributions this week included 51,150 from Tex - Elastic: 5121 from J.W. McLauchlin and 596 from T.B Upchurch Inc. Drive officials have been optimistic throughout the campaign that the goal would be met. A large contribution at Burlington of 510,023.18 and one of 5642.24 from McCain have given impetus to the drive. This year's drive is headed by Dr. Julius Jordan, president; W.T. McAllister, vice - president; Mrs. O.B. Israel, secretary and Sam C. Morris, treasurer. Jerry Goza is campaign manager. Children are the chief beneficiaries of the money donated to the Fund. Six of the dozen agencies supported by me Uniied Fund are devoted entirely to children. These are Girl Scouts. Boy Scouts. 4-11 Clubs, crippled children, the recreaiion program and needy school children. Other agencies, such as Red C'toss. While Cane, and Carolina United, also help children in the county. In addition, funds front the United.* drive are used for the county community development program, the senior citizens and the Hoke Rescue Squad. Last year the drive failed to meet its goal and the allotments to each agency had to be reduced. "We are hopeful that this year we will make our goal." Go/.a said. "We can do it if every one helps." Individuals who have not been contacted for a contribution are urged to donate to Post Office Box 550 or give their contributions to Jerry Goza. In District C ourt Walters Waives Hearing On Eight Larceny Counts Herman Junior Walters of Red Springs waived a ^ preliminary hearing, in District sort Friday on i*0ht counts right arc M/Sgt lames Itluv. Mrs Doris McAllister, a worker with Sandhills Community Action Program, and Chaftlain Frederick (Hazier, Jr. t