HAPPINESS IS TOYS AT CHRISTMAS - Santa will be able to stop at a few more houses this year because of the help from the II th Military Police Group at Ft. Bragg. Members of the unit collected and refurnished 700 toys for children in Hoke County. Shown with the toys, which were delivered to the Department of Social Services last week, are Maj. Hugh Holden, Chaplain Frederick Glazier, Jr. and MSgt.. James (Vlav. This Is The Law By Robert E. Lee WmUY Jkaltk Hi From Mike Wood, R. 111. In a study of 1200 patients, a V.A. dentist in washing ton found cancer of the mouth and throat more prevalent in persons who were both heavy drinkers and heavy smokers. Alco hol may increase the suscep tibility of throat and mouth tissues to cancer from to bacco smoke and other can cer-causing agents. tOrug-Co-. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown were happily married. John operated a clothing store: Mary, his wife, was a registered nurse at a hospital. John became sick and he promised his wife that in consideration of her quitting her job he would pay her one hundred dollars a month for nursing him. cooking, sewing, and other domestic duties around the home. Mary assented to the terms of the agreement and performed the agreed services up until John's death a year later. May she recover Si200 from the executor of John's estate? No. The contract is not legally enforceable. It could not have been enforced against John had he lived, and it cannot be enforced against his estate after his death. A wife cannot recover form her husband for domestic services in the home which are imposed by the marital status. This is true even though there is an express promise in writing by her husband to pay for such services. The husband, still considered in some aspects as head of the family, is charged with its s u ppor t and maintenance, in return for which he is entitled to his wife's services in all those domestic affairs which pertain to the comfort, care, and well - being of the family. The marital duties of husband and wife cannot be made the subject of barter and trade. Mary's services in the home were incident to her marital status. She did no ntore than that which was expected of her. The contract was without consideration and contrary to public policy. The Supreme Court of North Carolina has rightly refused to reduce the institution of marriage, or the obligations of family life, to a commercial basis. If the contract entered into by John Brown had been with a person other than his wife, it would have been enforceable against the executor of his estate. ? ? * Lester Britt operated a grocery store. He expressly promised his wife, Lucy, a hundred dollars a month for helping him in his store. If Lester refuses to pay Lucy, may Lucy recover from Lester in a court action? Yes. A wife in North Carolina may recover for services rendered outside the home where there is an express or special contract to that effect between the husband and wife. In the absence of a special contract, such services are presumed to have been gratuitously performed. The service that Lucy performed was beyond her ordinary household and domestic duties. The express contract is supported by a valuable consideration and is enforceable. Dial-A-Devotion 875-3033 To Begirt or End Your Day with a 3-Minute Inspirational Message . . . Just Call The Above Number. A Different Message Each Day, To Encourage and Challenge. SPONSORED BY The First Baptist Church of RAEFORD, N. C. good times, good cheer at Christmas! Sincere good wishes for the holidays. May the season be truly joyous to you. Thank you for all of your patronage. Sullivan's Footgear Southern Pines, N.C. & Yi> , ? IMp JJilrtt May all of the blessings of Christmas be yours to share. MCDONALD'S Tire Recapping Service License Cards Mailed The application cardi necessary tor obtaining 1971 license pines were placed in the mail on December 21 and . Apartment of Motor Vehicles officials expect this huge mailing, estimated at more than 3,5000,000 cards, to be delivered by January 1. The 1971 green and white plates will go on sale throughout the State on January 4. The 1970 plates expire December 31 and their use beyond that date is permissible only if they are duly registered by the Department to the vehicle on which display is made. Owners who have their vehicles properly registered by the Department have until February 16 to obtain a new plate. Surrounding area residents may obtain plates at Raeford. The local license agent, Frances W. Greene, points out mat "to renew a plate you must have a renewal card" and cautions against the misplacing of it when it is received. She also asks you to open the envelope, read the instructions and complete the application according to instructions before presenting it for a new plate. This will expedite issuance and keep lines from forming. The Department of Motor Vehicles has made arrangements with the Post Office in Raetord to turn over to the local license office renewal cards which the Post Office has been unable to deliver. Anyone failing to receive an application card may possibly find it at the local license office. "It will take from ten days to two weeks to get application cards from the Department of Motor Vehicles in Raleigh," says Miss Greene, and she suggests that those who have not received an application apply to her office as early as possible so that there will be time to get one out of Raleigh it she does not have it. Motor vehicle owners who have not received their license application cards by January 1st, should notify the Department of Motor Vehicles in Raleigh. "It will take you from ten days to two weeks to get one and you should, therefore, act promptly," says Miss Greene. The office will be open 9 to 5 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. It will close at noon on Wednesday and Saturday. The office will be open all day Jan. 2. U&ppy Wofidwj! To our cuttomert at this festive season we wish all blessings. Nationwide Insurance VARDELL HEDGPETM, Agent Stonewall Report BY MRS. HAROLD CMASON Sgt. and Mrs. Lester Bullock of Frankfurt, Germany are spending thirty days with Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Barnes and family and other relatives. Mrs. Ella Traywick of Durham is spending several days with Mrs. Lilly McDougald. Guests on Sunday were Miss Dell McMillian and Mrs. Edgar McGougan. The Arabia Homemakers Club met at the home of Mrs. Gladys Bostic Tuesday p.m. for their annual Christmas party. Gifts were exchanged. Cake, chicken salad sandwiches, nuts, candy, coffee and cokes were served. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Maxwell Sunday were Mrs. Paul Adams and Mrs. Grace Mclntyre of Lumberton, Mrs. Graham Clark of Raeford, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Maxwell and son of Greenville, Mrs. Minor McGoogan and daughter Faye McGoogan of St. Pauls. Mrs. Ronald Fields returned home Friday from Southeastern General Hospital in Lumberton where she was a patient for several days. Mrs. Lois Padgett of Raeford was dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Chason Sunday. Mrs. D.L. Boyles is spending the holidays with Mrs. Charles Hauser in Winston ? Salem after spending two months with her son and daughter ? in ? law Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Boyles. David Lupo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomas Sr. and children Donald Jr. and Becky. Miss Queen Taylor of Lumberton and Donald McKcnzie attended the annual Christmas dance held in the students lounge at the Robeson Technical Institute Thursday night, Dec. 17. The Reaction's Band of Pembroke furnished the music. Mrs. Elvira Carson, Mrs. Walter Parks and L.M. Chason celebrated birthdays Sunday. Lt. Lamont Davis of Norfolk arrived home Friday to spend the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis. Mrs. Hazel Black and Mrs. James Gray spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ketchel in Washington, D.C. Robert Grant returned home Friday from Scotland Memorial where he was a patient for a few days. William Daniels, a sophomore at Appalachian State University arrived home Friday to spend the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daniels Sr. > The senior VMYF members held their dress rehersal Sunday night for the Christmas program which will be held tonight at 8 p.m. at Sandy Grove United Methodist Church. Mrs. Clellan McKenzie and Mrs. Amos Grant, councilors, entertained the group with a Christmas party after rehersal at the Hut. Ronald Chason, a sophomore at Pembroke State University -arrived home Friday to spend the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Chason. The family of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Jones were home Sunday, December 20 for their annual Christmas dinner. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Oliver of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cobb and ion of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones and children of Raeford, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry McNeill II. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jones of Fayetteville, Mr. and Mrs. Whitt'ord Jones and son of Arnundale, Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Jones and children of Raeford and Jimmy Jones of the home. The community extends sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haywood and family in the death of Mr. Haywood's father in Detroit, Michigan this past week. Read John 14:1-7 Lei not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.(John 14:1) The day before Christmas L was plagued with niggling little worries and much work to be done. Unexpected visitors arrived; they were welcome, and yet they interrupted my tasks. Thoughts came of the morrow. We had invited a friend to join us for the day. a woman whose family was in another country. My husband and I, no longer young, were accustomed to a quiet celebration. Would our guest think it too dull a day? Petty problems? Yes, but somehow the words of Jesus came to mind: "Let not your heart be troubled." 1 had always associated these words with sorrow or worry, but now they spoke to me of His great love. He gave us love, and so we had love to give to our friend; the quiet day might be just what she, a businesswoman, wanted. Christ does not only speak to us in great troubles, but also in the small worries. He removes panic, He gives peace for us to pass on to others. With His calm within me, I had the assurance we would have a happy Christmas. PRAYER: Dear Lord, may each day be a day when Thou art born again in our hearts, when we feel the joy of Thy spirit and Thy peace even in busy hours. May our whole lives be hid with Thee. We ask it in Thy name. Amen. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Often this day I will turn to Christ, who gives peace and goodwill. Eileen Duxbury (South Africa) Copyright -THE UPPER ROOM Merry Christmas everyone! The youth choir of Ephesus Baptist went caroling on Wednesday night and delivered fruit baskets to Mrs. Stanley Crawley and Mrs. Janie Shaw. The Lizzie Tolar Bible class members of Ephesus Baptist Church held their Christmas party at the Country Kitchen Thursday night with fourteen present. Their teacher, Mrs. Jake Gurley was presented a gift. The youth Bible Class of Ephesus Baptist Chruch Christmas party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard McMillian Saturday night. The Youth A class Christmas party was held a the Community House Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Grover McMillian attended a dinner party Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mercer. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins are leaving to make their home in Rochester, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lawrence are leaving to make their home in Greensboro. The Brewer family held their annual Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Percy Brewer Sunday, December 20. Twenty live guests attended. Tom Hutchison returned home. Saturday from the Veterans Hospital in Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Treadwell, Donna, Vickie and Tammy McMillian and Mrs. Louise Johnson attended the birthday party of Ronald Davis at his home in St. Pauls Saturday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. John Glisson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis, Lamont Davis, Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. David Hendrix, Mrs. T.W. Jones, Mrs. Weldon Bishop and Mrs. W.W. Walker attended the wedding of Miss Linda Luck and David Hendrix at the First Baptist Church in Raeford Sunday pjn. The Mildouson Homemakers Club held their annual Christmas party at the Community House Monday night. Ten baskets of fruit were fixed for shut-ins in the community for Christmas. KEN'S CARPET CENTER 2BOB Ravford Rd. FAYETTEVILLE Phont 414-7801 and 128 W. Now Hampahira Ava. SOUTHERN PINES Phont 092-7427 FOR Hooting & Air Conditioning Ropair Swor Call CHARLES HILL Phom 8754566 - Ratford, N. C. Itaj ?? pact ft CkMan the Kossini: t> Dm mm In ?M y?. Jtnry W. Goza MtNptlhii 111* Ihwirn