\ <?k e i^VlewA ?- journal The Hoke County News- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOL. LXVI NO. 35 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA S4 PER YEAR 10c PER COPY Till RSDAY. JAM ARY 7. 1971 Around Town By SAM MORRIS We want to report to readers of thia column that we didn't have any kind of ?n accident over the New Year's holidays. Of course the family was at home and the only trouble that arose was who would u* the color T.V. Anyway after much ^conversation we worked out a deal and everytlaing was peaceful and quiet on Jackson St. I heard my daughter tell her mother that Daddy would dream of football for a week. We only have about three more weeks to watch football so anyone can see that six months of football is n^t too much for a tun. We haven't heard much about Carolina sports from our son, John, since the defeat of the Tar Heels in the Peach Bowl, but after the basketball win Monday night over South Carolina we know we will have a big weekend at home. Not only John, but we expect some other Tar Heel fans will be seen with their heads high once again. It is hard to measure or try to figure out what articles in the paper are read by the subscribers. We found out this past week one paragraph that was read by most of the readers. It appeared in the column that is on page two and signed by the editor. We refer to the paragraph about the breaking of a foot by yours truly. We tried to explain how the accident happened but after comments, phone calls and letters we will truthfully say that the vote on how my foot was broken doesn't agree with my story. Is the majority always right'' Some of the comments are as follows: Mrs. Paul Dickson: "Either drunk or stupid." Dan Mclnnis: "Did your wife put her foot down?" Trooper E.G. Coen. "Wiry don't you change brands?" Mrs. Laurie Telfair: "If you weren't drunk you missed a golden opportunity, because you will be accused of it." Rep. N.L. McFadycn: "He kicked a Republican." Judge Joe Dupree: "I understand, because I accidentally shot my foot." Ken McNeill: "You finally got your foot in your mouth." The article written by the editor had many more paragraphs but it seems the only one anyone paid any attention to was his sneaky way of doubting iny word. Well this is the way the world turns. People never look at the good in anyone, just try to pick out his bad points. The only person who wouldn't question me was the Rev. John Ropp and now my mind keeps working as to why he stayed off me? Time will tell as the foot is about well and we will soon be back on the golf course I A large farmer and equipment dealer of Jftoke County upset the Sunday School at Antioch Presbyterian Church last Sunday when he wore his new wig to class. Everyone thought he was a stranger and it seems the teacher gets nervous when strangers are in the class. Also it seems an aunt of the wig wearer wanted to know who the fine young man was at the family reunion. We haven't seen the wig but from all reports it is a knockout. So you men with receding hair, please take notice Council Considers Housing Authority The city council agreed Monday night to call for a public hearing on a plan to appoint a houiing authority for the city. A petition containing the names of 25 city residents who requested a housing authority was presented to the council. Two Break-Ins In County Two break - ins were reported in the unty during the New Year's holiday. The pumnhousc at the Allendale Community House was broken open and *a water penv *?? stolen, Sheriff D.M. Rarrincton add. A storage budding on the AS. Baldwin property at ttifTy's Station was entered and e radio, ? television set and a new heater were taken. Both break ? Ins were reported to the sheriffs department on Dec. 31. Commissioners List Three Uses For One-Cent Sales Tax Revenue Man Dies In F ire A man died Saturday night In a fire that burned hit home to the ground. Prctton MePhatter, about 60, wax found near the oil heater by the chimney. Co roner Frank Crumpler, who investigated the accident, speculated that MePhatter was putting oil in the heater when the fire started. MePhatter lived alone near the Doug Currie farm. Neighbors noticed the lire about 11:30 p.m. Jan. 2 and called the Sheriffs Department. County Buses More Crowded County school buses traveled more miles and carried more children per bus than did the average school bus in the state, according to data recent l> announced by the transportation division of the Department of Public Instruction Using figures for the 1969-70 school year, the average school bus in the sta' transported 67 students and traveled an average of 17.8 miles a day. State mileage is based on an average of 1.59 trips pc-i day each 11.9 miles in length one way. In Hoke County, each bus carried an average of 76.6 students and traveled an average of 43.8 miles a day. There were S2 buses operated in the county to transport an average of 3,983 students. Twufother buses have been added this year, Donald D. Abernethy said, to help alleviate bus crowding. However, the county's pupil load per bus is higher than the state average partly because tin county uses a larger bus than many other counties, he said. Many of Hoke's buses ? have an 35 student capacity. While 'the average mileage traveled b> each bus per day is more than the state average, Abernethy said this does not mean that individual students arc riding 43.8 miles a day. Many of the buses transport chiluren from more than one school, which increases tlsc mileage figures for the county. The operating cost for the county was listed by the Department of Public Instruction as S.0471 per mile. The average cost statewide for the 1969-70 school year was S2.026.I9 per bus and S.2958 per bus mile of operation. The total cost of North Carolina's school transportation for 1969-70 was S19,141,379.21, including replacement buses. The date tor the public hearing will be announced later, city manager John Gaddy laid andwilt be advertised. An attempt was made by the city once before to establish a housing authority, Gaddy said, and members were appointed to it. However, the procedures used in establishing the authority were not correct, he said, and the city later dissolved it. In other business, the council made several appointments to city boards. Two new members were added to the recently ? formed buildinu code board of appeals. They are J.B. White and Hugh Lowe. Already serving on the board are J.W. McPhaul, Sam C. Morris and Ivery McNalr. Three appointments were made to the /oning board of adjustments to repiuce members who have resigned. Thoinas Holmes, appointed to replace Avery Connell, will represent residents outside the city limits. Jimmy Conoly and Bennie McLeod, replacing R.B. Lewis and J.H. Blue, will represent city residents on the board. Board H ears Petition For Food Stamp Program The county board of commissioners Monday indicated support for a food stamp program in the county alter hearing a group of citizens request the program. Jimmy Morrisey, the Rev. Thomas D. Walker. Maty H. Whined jnd Mrs. Ozolla Bridges, appealing as officials and members of the Hoke County chapter ol the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, presented a petition requesting food stamps to the board. The action, the Rev. Mr. Walker said. ?js piompkd by lite economic slump which lias lell many woikets in the county on ieduced vstges. The cost of the program to lite county would be about S4.1XJI), he estimated, but the initial costs would be compensated b> state funds and by taxes from increased business revenue Morrisey, president of the NAACI* here, told the commissioners he lavored claming she su-plus commodities program and adding tho food stamp urogram it 'li.it. W.ils1-. .h.iuii'..iii of the \ \A(T e\eu;t\e commt'.ice. said the f. d lamps ?s?i.iUi he 01 ucuciit to a t ' aider K range ol residents that arc the sin plus ' commodities. Issentiully. he said, the program provides "slO svoith ol toudstirlf lor each S4 spen I on the stamps. Tiie stamps are issued oil a sliding scale accordim: t< income level, he explained. I he piogran; is administered in lite date by the Dep.111 meat ot Social Services and at the tcdeial level by I he Department of AgticulHnc. Tin ie\i ol the petition presented to the board read. Whereas, the strained economic situation i;; the United States has caused increased unemployment in Raeford and Hoke County, and Whereas, there has been a decided drop in the sending power of many citizens of Kacfordand Hoke County and Whereas, the constant rise in living costs lias made the maintenance ol a balanced diet almost impossible lor mans >.iti/ens ol Raelord and Moke County and Whereas, there is a program of relict available to the citizens ot Raelord and Hoke County other titan the surplus commodities program, The I xecuttve Committee ol the Hoke County Chapter ol the NAAl'P petitions the Board of Commissioners for Raelord and Hoke bounty to initiate nccessaiy actions leading to the institution of a A BARGAIN - City tagskffoA tdr until Feb. 16 for a dollar. Afteitht dm hdBm. city resident, caught without tag* "uty fl,uJ 'he price skyrocketing. (MtfL*. m* ton points out. because court com fi>r it, sbrkthm of city ordinances ore $15 Here Rondo PukIcr, left, gets her tag fipm Bitty Smith at City Hall " Food Stamp Program in and for the citizens of Kacfoid and Hoke County. lite board approved a motion to investigate the matter. T.B. Letter, county manager, was asked by board members to obtain advice from state officials in Raleigh on the program and then the board agreed to meet again with the NAACPofficials on the matter. "The board is in sympathy with you and we arc willing to work right with you," T.C. Jones, chairman, told them. The board also heard a report from M.R. Mills, county sanatarian and Fred Wood of the State Board of Health, on a eaibage disposal plan for the county. Cost of a system using SO containers placed around the county and a service nuck to transport garbage to a landfill would be 538,500 for the initial investment and S14,750 for annual operating expenses. Wood told the board. This does not include payment to the City ol Kucford for use of the city . I iiidftll and equipment. In other action, the board.approved an '.(???tulmont to the county budget to appropriate" an additional S4.47C.20 for the addition to the county health building and approved $1,063.84 to the Region "N" Council of Government as iho county's pro rata share. The bouid did not aft on a request from the Sandhills Mental Health Center for a meeting lo discuss next year's Abernethy Invited To Seminar In Russia Donald D Aberncthy, county siipciintciulcnt of schools, is among a hundred educators invited to attend a seminal on socialist education to be held next November in Russia. The seminar is sponsored by the Comparaiivc and International Education Society, Phi Delta Kappa, the National School Bujrds Association and the Research Comer for Socialist Education. Seminars have been held previously in most of the countries of Western Europe but this is the first opportunity in many budget. In a letter to the coinmissioneis lhe center announced Hint they wcie reducing their staff and services offered to the four county region served by the center because of inudequute funds. A federal grant expected by the center was not released and the ccuUi has since experienced severe financial problems. A letter was read from Dr. M.I). Pate Jr., health director for Robeson County, requesting that the county consider joining in a Repun "N" Comprehensive Health Planning council. Hoke Counts now participates in a comprehensive health planning council with Moore and Lee counties. The board also agreed to ask the Highway Commission to place caution signs at the approaches of Hoke C'ountv Holiness Church and to ask for directional signs to Kphesus Baptist Church in Arabia. Reports were received from the counts farm and home agents and irom the tax collector. Tax receipts were down in ail catagories from lust year. Brian Thornberg, tax colleiloi, reported. S, far. this year, 38.69 per cent ol the ia\ levy has been collected lor a total u: 5276,423.15. Last year 40.40 per cent had been collected. Collections for December amounted to S34.037.50 Collections last December were 535,393.47. years for educators to observe the educational system used in the eastern Communist countries. The group will stop first in Budapest, Hungary and Bucharest, Rumania before going on to Moscow. The main part of the seminar will be held in Academic City in Novosibersk, Western Siberia. On the return trip, the group will stop at Warsaw, Poland. The seminar is scheduled from Nov. 6-27. The purpose of the seminar is to point out the contrasts and pioblems ? education in those nations Sjles Lix money will km used i>> m-ct I lie county's needs In three aica:. county commissioners promised ilus week d the one cent lax is approved in the I alt 4> ? eferendum. "We will apply the tevrnoe to .1 ? ouu\ garbage disposal system, .1 ,0, ,?u>in recreation program and low.iol keeping pctsonal and piopcily las ioo ilmii,' T.C. Jones, chaiiniaii ol the l >.itd ol eommissionei v said The estimated iev.-mie lot the county front the sales ia\ will be SI JO,000 a year, according to lit. LesICi, county manager. Tlie city will receive another N20.1XK). lie said. The commissioners 111 an interview Monday pledged 54.SOU 10 the city-county recreation program if the tax measure passes. The tccte.it 1 -n pi opt on has prevtiioslv been operated wi-h t-mds from the 1 titled fund litis sen. I und ? iflKials asked the city and county government to take over the financing The city council has approved up to Si.500 for tecieation if the county will 1111 nt sh the remaining funds five ^oration program has a budget of ih.OOO this vcai The I'nited fund included SI,000 l"t 1 e,!eat 1011 in this year's fund drive to piovidc lio.oieiiig until the city and county governments begin a new budget period. H wvcvei the county has not yet approved .,,0 tuiids for recreation The county government in*o pi.--: in move into the w ol got i..v .1 ,i- ? . --. rued resule-1 . ,id o .m'n. 1; ? -ni .!e t.i\ money to uiaivea >y?te 1 A lepoit tcccived this wees - iti Stale Board it Health is now uncle; -i...... by the conui.issimiers In the renin. it is 1-..limned thai .?til*i I y uv. V;-ts pin',,. , t-ois of refuse ea. 1. year. W< '. , - this is burned and part buried says, "a large part isclultciii woodlands, streams and higltw . A system of containers placed in 5|) locations around the .\?m-i\ is ic'coinmcnded. A service m..' w.?ald tiativport .efuse left in the tout - cubic ? yard containers to the landtdi. 'lite icpoii recommended that the land'ill be operated bv the citv. Tliis system will cost about Soti.-iih 1. initiate and operate lor the 'i 1 ve*: the commissioners estimate The duiiipniaster tiuck will ^o-i about $23,500 and 50 contamcis win . --i another 512,500. Site preparation ihe containers will cost about SJ.SlMi Yearly opcriting costs aie estim at 514,750. The amount of subside - nc c;iy lor use of the land till I.a*. 1 f -i. ilciei mined. With the county piovidim: la. ,:i. -u garbage disposal, commissu 1 1 ordinance against dummr, . I private property c.-n he ??;?: ?. Citing the inc a c?! . t mg louniy govct'-. :e 1 . tin i.ia.d . u-iiej See S \l 1 S 1 AN I'agr. I County To Get Aid From Army lllC V 11V .Old l'OlIIIIv ih 1*1 N i-itnoutuvil ihv viur! vii j j v .1 in.o progiam in io-t.pitijiinr v. i|i || c \ii;iy a( I t. Ihagg. M.ivnr John K. McNriit Ji.l ??><) ?? a v'.iscmeni Wcdnono, in wnirft# Moke (?unity und the City of KaeliJ nc ti> i ter inti. a I t. brugg project u? which ?Ih") have offered to assist the \ i.u ? "lo get the protect into ii g, I' county 0 to piovtde oil ice space l?.. per*, md t.? act i* li lison with 11. Iti jgg This of I tee will he star ? ' t ne otfleer and two enlisted men Fire Destroy* Wilkes Home \ tire believed lo have Matte.1 .i U' kitchen destioyed a live :oi-i.i we >?lc house oft -lul A last week I he home in which Mi. j.??1 Mis ?' n Wilkes jihI ihen children heed v .?> -< t ?' loss, tlillcresi l-itf t hief I o M> V- h A pan on the electric stow laugh It.e, McNeill said, and WilKcs uied t? exiing-Jish the bla/e belt ??' culling the UilleruM I ire Department about ! pm Dec. i0. A water tanker and truck Iroin the Milkiest department and a water unkci frrim North Raeford Fire Depaitnient answered the call. Firefighters were hlampered by spectators who paiked cars jfn the roadway, blocking the vsaiei tankei /from going to refill, McNeill said J Nothing from the house, not even 1 clothing, was saved, McNeil! v.ud. No one f was injured in the blaze, he said, but two 1 of the children who were evacuated from [ the building in freezing temperatures f were tick with mumps.

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