Cf. e - journal The Hoke County Newt- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOL. LXVl NO. 41 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA $4 PER YEAR 10c PER COPY THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18,1971 (,f. .? v*" TOTAL LOSS - Fire believed to have started in the kitchen area destroyed the trailer home of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Locklear in Greenwood Trailer Park last Thursday. ? Property Losses Skyrocket From Series Of Home Fires Medicaid Funds Are Nearly Gone Medicaid funds for the county are tearly exhausted with five months emaining in the fiscal year. As of Jan. 1, $3,428.89 remained in he budget for Medicaid payments, Miss idabel McDonald, Hoke County director jf social services, announced. A total of 525,289 has been expended for medical Fire Razes T railer Home A fire believed to have started on the kitchen stove destroyed a trailer in Greenwood Trailer Park Thursday morning. The Winston Locklear family was asleep when fire swept through the trailer. The parents escaped with their three children, two boys and a girl ages 2, 3 and 6 but nothing from the home was saved. Firemen from the Reaford department summoned by a neighbor, Mrs. Catherine Jackson, arrived in time to save the rear bedroom, but Chief J.D. McMillian said that heat and smoke had ruined the contents of the room. The family auto, parked near the trailer, was also saved. Volunteers Set Heart Sunday February 28 Heart Sunday will be held Feb. 28 as Heart Fund volunteers call on their neighbors for contributions to combat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, Mike Wood, public education chairman of the Hoke County Heart Association, announced. Balloons will also be sold to benefit the Heart Fund this Saturday by Miss Pat Scott and the Upchurch School cheerleaders, he said. The state Heart Association estimated that two Americans die every minute from heart and blood vessel diseases. Each day more than 2,700 persons die and every year more than 600,000 persons perish of heart attacks. Another 200,000 die of stroke, the Heart Association said. Abernethy Talks With Lawmakers Donald D. Abernethy, county superintendent of schools, is meeting this week with the North Carolina congressional delegation in Washington. He is meeting Tuesday and Wednesday with legislators as a member of the federal relations committee of the superintendent's division of the North Carolina Association of Educators. assistance through December. $28,711 was budgeted for Medicaid this year, although two months from last fiscal year were paid from that. "We're getting in the same shape here with Medicaid that some of the other counties are in," T.B. Lester, county manager, said. He estimated that the county had a deficit of six or seven thousand dollars already, as bills are being paid two months behind the services. Lester said there were some funds already budgeted to social services that probably could be transferred to the Medicaid portion. Miss McDonald will present a financial report to the social services advisory board on Feb. 75. The bills for February totaled $3,900. Lester said, the highest monthly bill since the program began in January, 1970. The bill for last month was $2,900. "January, February and March are usually our most expensive months," Lester said. A total of 995 persons are using the Medicaid program in the county, Miss McDonald said. Eligible for the program are all persons who receive public assistance and some residents who are eligible for medical assistance only. Additionally, many hundreds of applications for the program have been processed by the social services department, Miss McDonald said, however, the applicants did not qualify. Lester pointed out that funds for the entire portion of Medicaid were included in the state budget. "But, 1 understand that other welfare costs, like payments for AFDC and old age assistance, are going up. and I don't know if the county will gain any financially from the state paying all the medical bills." Some Medicaid funds will probably have to be included in next years budget anyway, Lester said, to make up the deficit in this year's payments. Plate Sale Set Mar. 5 Puppy Creek Fire Department will hold its 5th annual all - day barbeque plate sale on March 5. Deliveries will be made to the vicinity of Raeford, Fayetteville and Ft. Bragg. Puppy Creek usually sells about 1,500 plates at the fund - raising dinner. For more information, call Pau' Johnson at 875-2747. Property losses have soared this year as ;n outbreak of home fires since Christmas lave killed two persons and left at least ix families homeless. Fd McNeill, chief of the Hillcresl Fire Department and president of the Hoke Tounty Firemen's Association, blamed ihe increase at least partly on the severe ;old weather. "It's hard to say just why we've had so many more fires this year than last." he said. "But I think it is at least partly due to the cold weather." At least two recent fires in the Hillcrest district began in the heating system, he said. These were the fires at Upchureh Turkey Farms and the Carl Virgil home. J.D McMillian, chief of the Raeford department, reported this week that property loss from fires so far this year is almost four limes the total for 1070. Property losses in the Raeford district due to fires in 1970 was approximately S3,500, he said. Losses in the first six weeks of 1971 are SI 2,250. The Hillcrest district also reported a sharp increase for 1971. Properly losses last year were estimated at S23.900.This included a cotton gin and a new trailer home, McNeil! said, which increases the value of the property loss considerably. So far this year, losses have amounted to S39.200. Included in this are three homes that were totally destroyed and a substantial loss at the turkey farm. North Raeford fire district reported $36,450 in properly loss last year. Large losses included the Hunter Carroll home and a tobacco barn belonging to Julian Wright. Losses in January have totaled S2.000. Johnny Baker, chief of North Raeford department reported. A total of 53 alarms were answered last year in the district, he said. Rockfish Fire Department reported 16 fire calls for 1970-71 with losses amounting to $9,500 in buildings and Si2,000 in contents. Four homes have been lost completely, Julian Barnes, chief, reported and two have received minor damage. One store was totally destroyed. There were four woods fires and three false alarms, he said. Puppy C'rcek Fire Department reported property losses of SI 5,000 for 1970. Two elderly men, both of whom were alone at the time of the fire, have died in house fires this year. Preston McPhatter and Will Baldwin both perished in fires that completely destroyed their homes. At least six other homes have been lost completely since Dec. 30. These include the Jacobs' and the Virgils' on Rockfish road, the Bethea home in North Raeford, the Wilkes home off 401-A and two house trailers. At least one other home _and one house trailer have been destroyed by fire this winter Baker commented that many of the calls his department receives come too late to save the home. "We keep running into the problem of people not knowing the number to call, or calling the wrong place or something like that," he said. "The firemen's association here gave out telephone stickers with the central number, 8754242 on it, but they haven't been as effective as we had hoped." Around T own Bv SAM MORRIS The hoke County Rescue Squad has been deeded a lot on Adams Street near the Armory where they will build a new Rescue Squad building. The building will cost approximately SI8,800 and to get started they must have S2800, cash in hand. They can get a loan of SI6,000 after they have the S2800. The Rescue Squad receives money from the Hoke County United Fund so they can not go out and solicit from the public. Of course they will have suppers and other projects to raise this money, but this will take a i?ng time. We all know the fine work that these men do in the county. They work for free and are always on duty. Now if anyone has a few dollars they would like to contribute to a worthy cause, now is the time to do it. The contribution will be tax deductible and would help get the building program started. Just make out your check to Hoke County Rescue Building Fund and mai to P.O. Box 3.17, Raeford, N.C. Civil Court Holds One Hour Session District Civil Court held a one hour session Monday and dismissed for the term. Judge D.B Herring opened court at 10 a.m.. heard four divorce cases and two civil actions and closed the session at 11. Action on two civil suits and two divorces, calendared for this lerm. was continued. Absolute divorces were granted in the following cases Charles R. Hill vs. Nancy G. Hill; William N Mclnnis vs. Carolyn Russell Mclnnis; Carolyn Douglas Walters vs. Danny Jennings Walters and Judith Carol Riley vs. Douglas Mitchell Riley. Royce Stoenner and Aurelian's Boutique. Inc. consented to pay S990.25 to Jonathan Logan, Inc. and the dress firm agreed to dismiss the action. A judgment b\ default was awarded to GAF Corporation against Bryan Builders Supply Inc. Continued for the term were Xerox Corporation vs. J.H. Wright and J.H. Wright Realty Company; Mid ? South Industries Division of Carter Miol Engineering Company vs. Huntington Distributors Inc. and Huntington Manufacturing Company. Also continued were Donald McLean vs. Sahara Austin McLean and Mary Helen Small vs. Herbert Small. Superior Civil Session r,nnv<*nfts Here March 1 It you want a ticket to the Jefferson - Jackson Day dinner that will take place in Rjleigh on March (>, come by the office and leave $50 and you will have a first class sej. v . .ve just a few left, so first come will be first served. Don't forget the piano concert at the Civic Center tonight (Thursday) at seven o'clock. It is sponsored by the Raeford Kiwanis Club and the Chamtnade Music Club. Betty Wishart of Lpmberton will present the concert. She is the daughter of Mrs. Hallie Freeman Wishart of Lumberton and a granddaughter of Mrs. W E. Freeman. We have received a number of calls inquiring about the engagement picture last week of Kathleen Elizabeth Gamble. She is the daughter of the late Lt. Col. Louis Gamble who went to the army with the local guard unit in 1940. Gamble was the son of an army Colonel and he always called Raeford his home. He left the local unit and was accepted at West Point where he graduated. He died of a brain tumor a few years ago. The Keys that were turned into the office recently by John R. Davis are still awaiting an owner. If you have lost a ring of keys come by and look them over. Mrs. A.A. Mclnnis, Rockfish correspondent called this week and said that she taught Staley Andrews in the first grade at Rockfish. We wrote about him in this column last week She said that it was in a one room schoolhouse and that Staley was a smart boy. We like to receive calls like this as we know people are reading the paper Republicans Meet Monday Republican precinct meetings and the county convention will be held Monday night at the courthouie. The precinct meetings will begin at 7:30 pan. and the county convention will follow, Mr*. Edith Nixon, county GOP chairman said. Hoke County Superior Court opens a civil session March 1 with 23 cases calendared for trial. Judge Thomas D. Cooper. Jr. will preside. James C. Lentz vs Jack Haynes Lentz is scheduled for trial Monday. The case ended in a mistrial last March when the jury failed to reach a verdict. Also calendared for Monday are John Dunk McNeill, administer of Mary Jane McNeill Estate vs Preston and Lois Jean Moore; Vilma L. Massey vs Bird Elias Beardsley and Fred Brown vs. Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Cases scheduled for Tuesday include Red Springs Supply Co. Inc. and Red Springs Implement Co. vs. J.A. Roper, Myrline Rogers Locklear vs Furman Locklear; In the Matter of Elbert F. Ramey vs a petition for writ of habeas corpus; Walter T. Myers vs Whitney Trading Corporation, Morton Shoe Company and William E. Coffland. Also scheduled Tuesday are G.B Spence and Hallum Furniture Company vs Lannie Hollingsworth; and Bank of Raeford vs Frederick Nash Davis and Mary Ann Davis. Wednesday's calendar includes Mary Elizabeth Parks b> N/F Alma Edwards vs Clayton Eugene Parks; Raeford Lumber Company, Inc. vs Julian H. Blue, Jr.; Ruth McLean as N/F of Sandra J Leach vs Jaohn A. Leach, Peoples National Fund, Inc. vs Erbon Rae And Audrey Maynor; Esse County Welfare Biard vs Jimmy L McGregor; Ford Motor Credit Company vs George Pittman and Nick Easterling vs Ed Gibson. Cases scheduled for trial Friday include Larry Drake Saunders by N/F Albert Saunders vs Glenn William Wood; Barbara Jean Messissco vs Gary R Messissco; Bobby A. Smith vs William Culp McNeill; Lyndell J. Robertson vs J.T. Harris; Frances P Branch vs Gene Nelson Land and Dilmar Transport Company and Hoke County vs Lonnie B. Locklear, Margaret Locklear, Lacy Collier and Carolina Model Homes Corporation. Most of the cases scheduled for this session date back to 1966. Thirteen of the 23 cases originated in 1966. Three cases each were put on the calendar in 1968 and 1969 and two cases each originated in 1967 and 1970. Forty ? seven persons were named to the jury list for the March 1 session. Prospective jurors are Jimmy Bullard, Joe Lewis Moore, Joyce Ann Blackburn, Mrs. Sadie Watson, John Bryan Cameron Quincy M. Ray. Edward L. Cameron Susie Blue Davis, Henry Lee Leak Ronald E. Williams, Harold Dean Solmon Kathleen M. Jones, Lee Manuel Jones Sara Dees Conoly, Jessee R. Lee. W.L. Roper. Mrs. Thomas D. Walker. Lacine Bratcher, Queen Fster Patterson, Addie Retha Cherry, William Hollingsworth, David Latham, Mrs. H.D. Harrison, Jr. and Georgia McDonald Also selected are Novella Margaret Barkley, J.H. Austin, Eugene Carpenter, Irma Neal Gates, Martha Barrington Upehurch, Ronald M. Huffman, Lyn Locklear, William Graham, Betty Jo Stephens, Maggie Caldwell McNeill, Mays Taylor, Lula Jenkins, S.T. Fellows, Roscoe Baxley, Jesse James Taylor, Jr., Mrs. T.C. Scarborough, Mrs. Winnie Cameron, Clifton A. Bennett. Emily B. Cameron, Gereline Riley Clifton, Alexander McMillan, Frances VIcRae Foster and John D. Black. Fine Arts On Exhibit Saturday At F estival i s rk c %?.# Fi Ml' CHAMPS - Paul Smith (leftI and Donald Plummet captured first place in the conference wrestling tournament in Sanford Monday. Smith wrestles at 101 pounds and is unbeaten this season. Plummet, a freshman, wrestles at 108 pounds The fine arts will be spotlighted this week as the Ract'ord Woman's Clubs sponsors its annual Fine Arts Festival Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Raeford United Methodist Church fellowship hall. Awards will be jjiven for literature, public speaking, sewing, music, art, crafts and photography. The entries will be exhibited all day Saturday and the public is invited to attend. Entries will be accepted at the fellowship hall Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from I to 5. The sewing competition will be held at the church at 3:30 on Friday. Music competition will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Civic Center. The public is invited to hear the contestants. The art and craft categories are popular exhibits each year. In art, prizes are awarded for mixed media, portrait, water color, graphic art, landscape or marine in oil or acrylic, oil patting, child's portrait, best over-all in exhibit, second and third. The crafts include twenty-two categories. These are: books, floral arrangements, jewelry, metal craft, textile, leather work, woodworking. City Hires Policeman Jimmy Riley began work this week as a city policeman. Chief of Police L.W. Stanton announced. Riley, 30, is the son of Mr. and Mrs J.K. Riley. He is a Hoke County resident and graduated from Hoke County High School. Riley formerly operated a service station on 401 By pass. He is married and has one child. weaving, needlework, crocheting, needlepoint and petitpomt. crewel embroidery, knitting, decoupage, sculpture, pottery, ceramics, china painting, mosaics, tole, holiday crafts and miscellaneous. Hoke 4-H'ers Will Stage Program Hoke County 4-H'ers will hold their annual Achievement Program Thursday at 7 30 p.m. at the Racford Elementary School Auditorium. About 60 4 ? H members will receive project awards. Talmadge Baker, former assistant county agriculture extension agent, will present certificates of achievement to county project champions. Special awards to be presented include the Key Awaid. the'I Dare You award, the Home - Economics award and the Agriculture award. Delegates to the Citizenship Shortcourse, held in the summer in Washington, D C., will also be announced. The awards to electric project winners will be presented ,by Joe Sinclair, agriculture engineer for Carolina Power and Eight Company. Speaker for the evening will be Bill Garmon, district 4-H specialist, whose theme will be "To Make The Best Better." Junior Health King and Queen will be crowned and the most outstanding boy and girl for juniors and seniors will be annouced. Junior winners will be presented a scholarship to 4-H camp anc the senior winners will go to 4-h Congress. The most outstanding club wil also be recognized.

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