<?k e ^VlewA - journal The Hoke County News- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOL. I.XVI NO. 45 HAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA $4 PER YEAR 10c PER COPY THURSDAY. MARCH 18. 1971 Around Town By SAM MORRIS W.K. Morgan, recreation director for Hoke County, was by the office this week and asked that we print the following announcement. Morgan would like to meet with all prospective Softball managers on Monday, April 5th at Upchurch School Gym at 7:30 pjn. All interested must be present at this meeting, he continued. The regular softball season will begin Tuesday, May 11th. Three members of the National Honor Society at Hoke High School were by the office this week and also had an announcement to make. The National Honor Society replaced the Beta Club at Hoke High this year. They want to announce a Bake Sale Saturday, March 20 in front of Joe Sugar's store between 9 and 11 a.m. They also stated there would be a remote broadcast. The society is raising money for the state convention so go by and pick up a few goodies and help these young people. We had always rated Jake Austin as the No. 1 Carolina rooter in Hoke County. In any sport that the team participates you can get into a discussion with Jake about it. If the team is in a winning season he may get so excited you would think he was on cloud nine. Of course everyone was in orbit last Saturday before the North Carolina - South Carolina game for the tournament championship, but Jake was orbiting a little higher. Before the game started in Greensboro last Saturday night the man on the public address system stated that a car with license number LX ? was in the parking lot with the motor running The man behind Jake stated that the owner of that car must be excited and Jake replied, "I am that man." He said that his wife took the key out of the car and that he had been told you couldn't take the key out with the motor running. Younger Snead, Jr., confirms this, but stated that Jake's car was running so smooth, he couldn't hear'the motor. _ -j, r We will not cbmmdflr One way or the other, but this incident confirms our faith in Jake as the No. 1 Tar Heel rooter. Don't forget the Booster Club Fun Night at the Hoke High gym. Pictures of the participating teams and cheerleaders can be found elsewhere in this issue. The event will be Friday night and admission is only SI .00 William McAllister, an employee of Knit ? Away and a veteran of the war in Vietnam, spoke to the Raeford Kiwants Club last Thursday night. McAllister served under Capt. Ernest L. Medina who was in charge of the company that was involved in the My Lai incident. He stated that he couldn't understand the Court Martial of Americans.that had fought in Vietnam and said it was "a shame and a disgrace." He was high on his praise of Capt. Medina and said tha if he gave any orders around My Lai that he was justified in doing so. The speech was well received by the Kiwanians. The members ot the Hoke County Rescue Squad reports receipts of $2,783.25 as of Tuesday, March 16. This leaves only $ 111.75 to make their goal of a little over S2800. If you haven't sent in your contribution do so today. Hoke Nominee Selected A9 Alternate Kathy Sue Sanders was selected ai second alternate from this district for th< Katharine Smith Reynolds Scholarships: the University of North Carolina a Greensboro. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Monnie Sanders of Wayside and is : senior at Hoke High. Two finalisl and two alternates havi been chosen from each of the elever districts in the state by district alumnai committees. Miss Sanders was chosen as Hoki County's nominee for the scholarship b) the IJNCG alumnae committee here. Church Plans Revival Special revival services will be held ai Antioch Presbyterian Church March 21-25 at 7:30 p.m. each evening. The Rev. John Ropp. pastor of the Raeford Presbyterian Church, will be the guest speaker. The public is invited tc attend all of these services. Preaching service \'ill be held at the Dundarrach Presbyterian Church March 21 at 3 p m. Man Slain In Antioch Bobby Strong, 20 ? year ? old Indian from Shannon, was shot and killed last Thursday afternoon near the Robeson County line. Strong was shot in the back about 1:30 p.m. according to Sheriff D.M. Barrington. He was killed in the yard of Mrs. Annie McNeill in the Antioch section of the county. Arrested about 40 minutes later in connection with the shooting was Hubert Lowery, Jr., 21, of Shannon. He is being held without bond in Hoke County jail on an open charge of murder pending a preliminary hearing in district court Friday. Barrington and deputies Robert Locklear and Herbert Polston arrived at the McNeill home shortly after the shooting after being notified by radio by the Red Springs police. David Earl Bullard, who was at the home when Strong was killed, called the operator and asked that the sheriff be called. The Red Springs police were called by mistake. Sheriff Barrington said Strong was shot just outside the carport of the home. He was killed instantly, Barrington said. GAO Audits F unds Auditors from the Government Accounting Office are checking on the money alloted to Hoke County this year under the emergency school assistance project. Three GAO auditors will be in the county about two weeks D.D. Abernethy, county school superintendent said. They will have a temporary office at the county board of education building and will visit the schools and interview citizens duimg the audit. T ;e county received SX9.000 through 'he program for this .hool \ eat. The funds were part of a S 75 million appropriation by Congress last fall as part of President Nixon's proposed SI.5 billion program to ease the transition to school integration. Sen. Walter F. Mondale Tuesday accused the Department of Health. Education and Welfare of misuse of the funds in approving projects that ignored the guidelines set down by Congress. Abernethy testified before the Mondale committee last July on the progress made in intergration in Hoke County schools. Rescue Squad Breaks Ground Members of Hoke Couniy Rescue Squad. Inc. held a ground breaking ceremony on their recently acquired lot on Adams Street Sunday evening at 3:30 p.m. After friends and relatives were shown the building blue prints and squad equipment, T.C. Jones. Chairman of Hoke County Commissioners spoke on behalf of the rescue squads work in the community the past nine years and gave the invocation. The ceremony concluded with the traditional shoveling of first spade of dirt to begin the construction by William Parker, President of the rescue squad. Donations received in addition to last weeks were: Jack A, Bradford ? S50.00. Neil L. McFadyen ? 10.00, A&P Food Store ? 10.00, J.W Turlington ? 20.00, Raeford Kiwanis Club - 200.00, Miss Alma D. Ferguson - 10 00, Mr. and Mrs. H.R. McLean ? 20 00, Burlington Dying Plant ? 100.00, Kerr Stevens - 10.00, J.H.Austin Ins. Co. ? 15.00, Mrs. Bennie M. Kelly ? 5.00, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Brauer ? 5.00, Hoke High School (students) 250.00. Total 3/15/71 - S2.783.25 Safecracking Goes To Grand Jury Soldier Free On $5,000 Bond PHOTOGRAPHER GETS A CLOSE-UP - Al Sattenvhite (left) photographer for Time Magazine, moves in close for a picture of Special Forces doctor George R. Reavell as he prepares to immunize Keith Locklear. Time Magazine is publishing a story on the Army medical aid program in Hoke County and Satterwhite visited in the county Monday and Tuesday to get pictures. Clinic Opens At South Hoke A nedi. <1 c!i?"c ftr pre - s?:h\K?' children will be held two mornings a week at South Hoke School by Army medical personnel working at the county health center. Routine immunizations, physical examinations and treatment of minor injuries will be given at the clinic. It will be open in a schoolroom on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 12 a.m. If children have received some immunizations, parents are asked to bring a record to show which shots have been given. Immunizations administered at the county health center are recorded there. City Is Finalist In Beauty Contest Raeford has been chosen as a finalist in the state Years of Beauty contest sponsored by the Governor's Beautifieation Committee Miss Josephine Hall, chairman of the clean ? up drive last spring, was notified this week of the honor. The city was sponsored in the contest by the city council and the Raeford Woman's Club. Awards will be presented May 11 by the Governor and Mrs. Bob Scott. Invited to attend the ceremony from Raeford are Mayor John K. McNeill, John Gaddy, city manager, Jeny Goza, chairman of the Jaycee clean - up drive conducted in connection with the city's GOP Meets Mon. The Hoke County Republican Party will hold a meeting Monday night at 7:30 in the courthouse. Mrs. Edith Nixon, party chairman, urged members to attend. Goes 140 Feet Car Misses 401A Turn Clips Pole, Sign, Tree A National Guardsman on his way to drill at Ft. Bragg Sunday morning missed the turn from NC 20 onto Central Avenue and plowed through a utility pole, a street marker, a hedgerow and a tree. Carson Norton, Jr. of Cherryville left the road on the turn and travelled 66 feet betore hitting a utility pole, Leonard Wiggins, city policeman said. The car campaign; Mrs. John Baliour, Mrs. R E. Neeley, Mrs. Ed. Manning. Mrs. Stephen Thompson, Mrs. Neil] Seiner. Miss Hall and Mrs. Tom Jones, chairman of the home demonstration clubs' beautification drive. Tornado Hits T imberland A tornado was reported to have touched down in Timberland Monday, demolishing a house on the Harley T. Johnson place. The tornado hit the house about 4 p.m. The roof was torn off and blown into the woods behind the house. Walls were blown down and furnishings in the home were destroyed Mrs. Trula Leach, who lives there, was away at the time, staying with a sister in Fayetteville. U A v FUTURE HOME OF $ 5fv % RESC Rt'SCUk' GROUND BREAKING - Ceremonies to begin the construction of the new home of Hoke Cbunty Rescue Squad, Inc. are shown above with William T. Parker digging first foundation spadefulI. (Left to right) squad members Eric Allen. Charles Tew. city policeman Uonard Wiggins; chairman county commissioners. T.C. Jones and squad members Winfred Walters. William T. Parker, Jim Wade. Droke the pole and continued across Jackson Street, where it jumped the curb, knocking down a street marker. The car, a just ? purchased '71 model, then jumped a hedgerow, Wiggins said, ran over a small tree in the yard of N.A. Mercer and stopped 140 feet from the point where it left the road. Damages were estimated at SI000 to Norton's car and S500 property damage. Norton was charged with driving under the influence. There have been eleven traffic accidents inside the city limits during March, Wiggins said. Several wrecks occurred this week. A collision at West Donaldson and Magnolia on March 11 slightly injured four persons. A car driven by Mrs. Sarah Kay Epton, of Red Springs, a teacher at Raeford Elementary School, collided with an auto driven by James Daniel McCormick, Jr. of Rt. 3, Red Springs, about 4 p.m. last Thursday. Passengers in both cars received minor injuries and were treated and released at Raeford Medical Group. Damages were estimated at $600 to the Epton car and SI200 to the McCormick vehicle. McCormick was charged with failure to yield right of way at a stop sign. City police officers Leonard Wiggins and J.C. Barrington investigated the accident. A rear - end collision on Main Street occurred Saturday night about 9:30. City police say Jeffery Lintz Davis of Raeford was stopped a a traffic light at Main and Elwood when his car was hit in the rear by an auto driven by McAllister Leggett of Raeford. No charges have been placed. Damages were estimated at S25 for the Leggett car and S1 50 to the Davis car. Bloodmobile Here Today "We're trying for 125 pints of blood this time," Clyde Upchurch, chairman of the county Bloodmobile drive, said. "We need 100 pints to even stay even." The Bloodmobile will be in Raeford Thursday from 12 to 5:30at the training center at Burlington Industries. Upchurch urged donors from the town and from other businesses to give. "This is absolutely not limited to just Burlington people," he said. "There will be signs from the gate directing people to the center." County residents have used 97 pints of blood during January and February. Only 78 pints were collected at the last blood drive. Upchurch said the totals for March have not been sent, but that he has had reports from some of the hospitals already on county blood use this month. A Special Forces sergeant was bound over to the grand jury on charges of breaking, entering and latceny and safecracking after a preliminary hearing Friday in district court. No probable cause was found ior his companion, who was ordeied held as a material witness in the case. After a hearing that lasted nearly two hours. Judge Joseph Dupree ruled there was probable cause to bind Gregory A. Conner over to Superior Court. Judge Dupree ruled no probable cause for Richard Wiley Bultard of Fayeitevillc but ordered him held in jail in lieu of SI000 bond as a material witness for the state against Conner. Bond was set for Conner at S2.S00 in each case for a total of $5,000 The city police were critici/.ed for their handling of the case by Judge Dupree. The lengthy hearing included a number of witnesses for the state. Conner and Bullard did not testify. They were accused of breaking into the grocery store of Lewis Lipscomb-on Jan. 11 and of breaking open the safe. Lipscomb charged that two cases of wine, three shotguns, a rifle and about $600 in change was taken from the store. Lipscomb, who took the stand first, said he worked at the laundry connected to the store until about 12:45 a.m. on the 11th. He checked the three doors of the store before he left and they were locked, he said. Lipscomb identified two shotguns and a rifle as being those from his store. He showed the court several identifying marks on the guns. He did not have the serial numbers of the weapons. Jimmy Thompson testified that he opened the store the next morning and found the safe torn open. He identified a shotgun as being his "or one exactly like it." Police Chief L.W. Stanton and J.C. Barrington took the stand and described the scene when they arrived at the store after the bieakin was discovered. Stanton said he found a screwdriver on the floor of the store and fitted the tip of it into the marks on the door t>v the lock where the door had been forced open. Barrington testified that he found a screwdriver and a tip of a screwdriver in the debris in front of the sale. This was sent to a crime lab in Raleigh lor analysis, he said. Barrington also identified a dial which had been sent to the lab. Cumberland County detective Buck Monroe told the court that he saw Bullard showing a gun in a pool room on Hay Street about Jan. 12. He was investigating a report of stolen guns, he said. Monroe said he asked Bullard to (See SAFECRACKING, Page 11) No Color Pictures... Please It you have pictures of news events, club happenings or other items of interest to The News ? Journal readers, we would be happy to publish them. Clear, sharp black and white photos look best when printed in the newspaper. Color pictures do not reproduce well. Black and white Poloroid snapshots are suitable. II you are taking a picture with the intention of bringing it to The News - Journal, please use black and white film SUPt.R VISOK - Joe Belcher has been named supervisor of finishing at Knit - A way. Belcher, who was working at the Southern Pines facility until operations were moved to the new plant here, came to Knit - Away from Texfi in West Ontario, California. A native of Inman, S.C., he is a graduate of Clcmson University with a bachelors degree in textile chemistry. Belcher lives in Rockfish with his wife, Connie, and two children.

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