Veterans Corner Q? What it the maximum VA loan available fur a mobile home? A ?? For the purchue of a mobile home only, it ii S 10,000 payable over 12 year! and 32 dayi. Q ?? I withdrew from tchool under th G. I. Bill at the end of the semeiter two years ago, and plan to return to the same school to pursue the same program How do I start my benefits again? A ?? You should notify the school to submit a re-enrollment certification to VA, This would start your benefits again, provided you have not exhausted your entitlement and the school and program are currently approved. Q My deceased father was a VA pensioner. Because of a childhood accident, my sister is unable to work, and will never be able to do so. Is she eligible for a pension? A ?? The VA considers a helpless child as one who became permanently incapable FCA To Hold Folk Concert ? Ths Fellowship of Christian Alhletei will sponsor two concerts In Raeford by Gent Cotton, i folk tinner, on Dec. I. Cotton will perform it the school for the student body end sgain in the evening for the public. Newly ? elected officers of FCA this year are, David Wood, captain, Joe McGougan, Captain ? elect; Beth Jordan and Mac McNeill, secretaries; Bill Poole, treasurer; Gary Culp and Missy Upchurch, bulletin chairmen; Jeff Cole and Charles Crowder, sergeant at arms; Jim Crissman and Frank Williamson, chaplains. The group sponsor open devotion at 8 a.m. twice a month at which all students are invited to participate. BETTER LIGHT Don't let ordinary soil and dust rob you of electric wattage you pay for. Keep light bulbe, tubes, shades and fixtures clean. I J. H. Austin ? INSURANCE SINCE 1950 | AUTO-FIRE-LIFE | CASUALTY I 215 N. Main Street Phone 875-3667 OFFICERS - Serving as officers in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes are (first row left to right) Beth Jordan, Jim Crissman. Gary Culp, Missy Upchurch, Frank Williamson; (back) Jeff Cole, Charles Crowder, Bill Poole. Joe McGougan, Mac McNeill, David Wood. Tkfee stock in America. Rockflsh News By Mri. A. A. McLnnh Th* Bible Study Croup of Tabernacle Church met Monday t.m. with Mrt. Beat; Gibeon. The minion in action ?roup met Monday night with Mrs. Guy Berry of Raeford. The Community extendi aympathy to the family of Mn. N.A. McKeithan, who paiaed away last Wednesday night. Nov. 3. The Rev. William F. Little of Red Springs preached at Philippi Church Int Sunday and he will be their speaker for the Morning Worship service for the rest of this month. Relatives of Thomas J. Russell of Rocky Mount, received news of his death Monday. He died unexpectedly arly Monday a.m. William GUlis, who had aurgery at Highsmith Rainey Memorial Hospital, came home Monday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. LB. Bundy, were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bundy and children, Carl and Dayne of Route 3, Fayetteville. Mrs. Earl H. Shannon of Gastonia spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Shannon and children, Beth. Hugh, and Alyson. Mrs. Earl Shannon is Eugene Shannon's mother. Mrs. Jim Reynolds was a dinner guest of Mrs. Nelia Brock last Monday, the coldest day we have had so tar this year. Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Brown of Raleigh were dinner guests of Mr. snd Mrs. E.T. Brock Monday. Mrs. Roscoe Bundy visited them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brock, since they did not have time to go to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Overton and their daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Rull Johnson and son Charles spent last Sunday with Mrs. Overton's aunt, Mrs. Leslie Brown of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wood and daughter Deborah of Thomasville spent the past weekend with nis mother. Mrs. A.W.Wood. Denise Berry of Fayetteville spent Saturday night with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Berry. Her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Berry attended services at Tabernacle Church Sunday and were dinner guests of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Berry. Denise went home with her parents Sunday p.m. Mrs. Wilbur Taylor of St. Pauls and her daughter. Mrs. Steve Hall and her 3 small daughters, Mona, Daron and Kimberly of St. Pauls visited Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Berry and family and also Mrs. Gus Parker and family Sunday p.m. STORK SHOWER Mrs. Thomas Bundy, Mrs. Buddy Wright, Mrs. Robert Wright and Mrs. Robert Turner were hostesses at a stork shower for Mrs. Bobby Tatum last Saturday night at the Community House. On arrival, the honoree was presented a corsage. The thirty five (35) or more guests were entertained with some amusing contests before the many miscellaneous gifts were opened and displayed. The honoree expressed her thanks to each guest as she opened their gift. The hostesses served punch, cake squares, nuts and mints for refreshments. REUNION Mrs. R.H. Gibson Sr. had a reunion with mast but not all of her family last Saturday. Those present were M/Sgt. and Mrs. Johnny Allen and daughters, Sandra. Sherry and Teresa of Charleston, S.C.. Mr. and Mrs. Tracv Garner and daughter, Helen of Carthage, Mi. and Mrt. Harvey Thornton and children, Durwood, Harvey Jr.. Robert. Nancy and Krit of Fayetteville, Mrs. Henry Fowler and daughters. Carol and Kathy, Mr. and Mrt. R.V. Tanner and Mr. nd Mrt. R.H. Gibton Jr. The Allent and the Garnert ttayed through Saturday night and Sunday. Mrt. Jessie Livingston of Arabia joined them on Sunday. Rockfish Fire Department was called to a houte on Mrt. N.J. Ritter't farm Monday. The fire was caused from a gas ttove. The firemen arrived in time to save the houte with only some damage to the walls. Mrt. Garnet Emory and her daughter. Mrt. Clellon Keith and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Clark of Durham came last Thursday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Monroe, and Mrs. Emory stayed until Tuesday of this week with her brother - in ? law and sister, Mr. and Mrt. Monroe. Mrs. W.A. Fowler's brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Ray of Rocky Mount spent last Friday with Mrs. Fowler. Mrs. Dan Bradshaw of Fayetteville and Mrs. W.B. Guin of Carthage spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Koonce. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Koonce Monday were Mr. and Mrs. James Thornton of Cumberland. Mrs. NJ. Ritter wishes to express her thanks to the fire department for responding so quickly to her call last Monday and saving the tenant house on her farm that was on fire. She really appreciated what they did and all of us realize more fully what a good thing it is to have a fire department. Mrs. Ethel D. Gibson's Sunday guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Diaries Kelly of Wilmington and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sumner of Lumber Bridge. Mrs. Sarah N. (Jess) Keay of Albuquoque, New Mexico who was here for the funeral of her mother, Mrs. N.A. McKeithan last week left for her home last Sunday. Mrs. Otto Jaretz of Trevor, Wisconsin who m alio hit* for her mother Mn. McKiithan'l funeral left for her home Saturday. Mrt. Henry Fowler and Mn. W.A. Fowler ipent Monday with Mrt. Herbert Phillip* of Bute. Mr?. Marthall Newton, Mr. and Mn. E.B. Newton and all the Newton brothen and families, who are alto brothers of Mrs. Neill McCormick attended the golden wedding anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mn. Neill McComiick of St. Pauls at their home near St. Pauls last Sunday p.m.. amung others from Galatia Church who attended the celebration were the Rev. and Mn. Russell Flemming. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kinlaw, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Gillis. Thomas Mclnnis and Mn. Mary Mclnnis. Mr. and Mrs. D.K. Parker and Misses Allie and Katie i Black visited relatives in Durham last Sunday. Mr. and Mn. Frank Teague and sons Frank III and Dwain of Danville, Va.. visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Posey last Saturday. They also visited his parents. Mr. and Mn. Frank Teague Sr. of Fayetteville during the weekend. Miss Nellie McFadycn visited her sister, Mn. Belton Stephens at Highsmith - Rainey Memorial Hospital Monday night. Mn. Louise Watson and Miss Nellie McFadyen visited Mrs. Wright Parker of Laurinburg Monday. Mn. Joe Lovette spent 2 days last week with Dr. und Mrs. Vamik Bombatepe and sons Halis and John of Wilson. Mr. and Mn. Lester Simpson and son Lester III and his mother Mrs. Lester Simpson Sr. ot Jacksonville spent the weekend with Mr. nd Mn. Joe Lovette of Wayside. Mn. Lester Simpson's daughter Mn. Rex Brooks and sons Michael, Charles. Christopher and William of Chapel Hill joined her mother and brother and his family at the Lovette home Saturday, and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lovette. REA Hears Taylor Lt. Governor Pal Taylor and gubernatorial candidate tor 1972 was guest speaker at Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation's 31st Annual Meeting of Members in Red Springs yesterday. Addressing an audience of more than 600 people, Taylor spoke at length on the State of North Carolina, its growth in industry and urban development. He pointed out that North Carolina is the twelth largest state in size and ranks fortieth in population ? and that North Carolina did not have the congested urban problems of the large cities in other states because we are developing our rural areas and our people are not moving to the cities. He further stated that Lumbee Electric and other Cooperatives had provided the basis for the rural growth by providing electricity, and it is up to the people of the state to continue this progress. Manager D.J. Dalton discussed the increased interest rate on loans to the Cooperative and the 32% increase in wholesale power cost. He pointed out that with the recent rate increase, the member's average cost per KWH is less than it was in 1962. Neil A. Watson gave the treasurer's report, citing increased taxes and operating Cooperative T"" 'hal lh< thanT"