Bucks Stomp Sanford 43-22 SPH.DSTbR - - Alexander McMUlian f231 takes off toward paydlrt with a couple of Yellow Jackets after him. -ail Poole f 84) and David Wood 111) an shown Jn the background Devi J Wood lofts a pass to gain ground during the Sanfo^d game. In position are Frank' Williamson (70) Skip Autry (65) / MfntT [ ?\J). PASS - jiitl Icry Tucker 120). *5; .U1" High Buck, Ij ? u f second straight Payoff berth the herd way by coming in second place a half lame back of Dunn. The Buck, c?ne through with their finest 2lr,n?fV* ?*pi*y of lhe ye" b>' defcatiM Sanford 43 to 22. The Buck, itarted thing, off . by receiving the ball but were unable to do anything. In the next series of. play,, the Buck, showed everyone that they came to play a, they scored on !?n P'*yj; -With the running of MeM?u l. ,nd Alexander McMUlian, lht Buckj carried the ball 47 yard, with Bruce Morrison picking up the last 21 aff? ?*!? lbe touchdown. With r?ll n . 'n "le "r,t quarter, the Buck, were leading 7 to 0. Sanford did not just lie down and die, however. They came right back in ten plays and scored on a 37 yard run by Jerry Fulkerson. The TD drive 7F,J?,'r ?! y"rdj ^ with 11 13 left, the score was tied 7 7- David Wood started up hi, offensive machine (better u r," v" the Bi8 R?d Machine) and started to score everytime it had it, hand, on the ball. With Wood and Morrison leading the way wood sneaked over from the one yard line. The TD covered 7 . iy?r? Jen PUys w"h 711 left in the first half, the score wa, 14 to 7 for Raeford The defense held the Yellow Jackets in the next series of down, and the Bucks offense naa a chance to score again. So w j MoHJUian running and Wood passing to Poole and Davis, the Bucks scored again from six yards. The TD drive covered 75 yards in 13 plays. Mac McNeill added the extra points to rive Raeford a 21 to 7 halfttme lead. c 'he second half opening kickoff, Fulkerson carried it before he was stopped. From there, Sanford drove 55 yards in seven plays to score again. Oiarlie Spivey carried it over from the one yard line with 9:16 remaining. Raeford led 21 to 14. The Big Red Machine was not about to die, so they came right back in seven plays to score again. This time Wood decided to pass more than run so he hit Russell Davis for a 22 yard pass and a 30 yard touchdown pass. The Bucks were not to be denied their victory. Wood found Davis open and threw a beautiful pass while Davis broke several tackles and scored on the 30 yard pass. McNeill added the extra point. This score was made with 6:08 left in the third qutrter and covered 73 y?rdi in leven plays. The Buck, defense fired up and began to show their stuff al?o a, they held Sanford to only 13 offen,ive plays in the third quarter. >. '"i ,Be tunning of Morrison and the pasting of Wood, the Buck, ,cored again in 16 play,. Wpod found Davis and Poole for four passes. He passed to Joe Poole for two yard, and another Buck TD. McNeUl added the PAT. After the last touchdown, Sanford tried to pas, on Raeford but Wood picked off a Spivey pass and the Buck, drove 72 yards Tn'rl! ,t0re their I TD. David Wood made one of I , Lrum of ,he ni?ht as he took off on a 21 yard romp, hurdling and breaking several tackles. He then passed to Joe Poole for the Pa/ With the reserves playing the Raiders End Year By Howard Barkley The Barkley't Raiders finished their season Saturday night losing to Maxton eighth graders 14 to 6. The Raiders played a game earlier in the week on Wednesday and beat Fayetteville 28 to 12. Maxton scored both their touchdowns in the fourth quarter while the Raiders scored in the second quarter. Statistically, the Raiders pulled it put but it is the score that, counts. The Raiders looked sharp in both contests, especially the defense. With the entire backfleld and the ends back next year for the llpchurch Eagles, they should be tough again. Jerry Beatty, Russell McAllister, Rocky Wood, Ernie Pecora and Harold Mclntyre and their leader Joe Poole should score a bunch of TDs . again. Keith Floyd, Noah Hendrix, Pecora and Mclntyre with Mike Black hold the opponents down on the defense. Veterans Administration advises families of veterans and ?srvicfmen to keep abreast of expanding benefits and programs provided for them. rest of the wiy, they fumbled end gave the JtckeU another ihot at acorlng. Sanford (cored 1n aeven playa which covered 43 yarda. Jerry Fulkeraon scored for Sanford with Splvey adding the extra point. The reserves finished the game trying to set up another score with the final tally 43 to 22 for Raeford. Bruce Morrison was the big gainer on ground pining with 112 yards , while Davis caught five passes for 9S yards. Coach Pecora was very pleased with the victory adding that David Wood played a tremendous ballgame. He was also happy to enter a playoff for the second straight year. The Bucks must face 71st Friday night there for the first round of the 3A football championship. Both teams have a 8 ? 2 record. Raeford 7 14 7 15 -43 Sanford 0 7 7 8 - 22 Statistics Rae. San. 1st downs 29 14 Rush. yds. 276 126 Pass, yds 199 125 Ret. yds. 64 85 Total 539 336 Passes 13-21 10-14-3 Pen. 45 20 Fumb. 1 0 Punt Avg. 1 0 Raeford - Morrison 21 (McNeill, kick); Sanford - Fulkerson ?? 37 (Overton, kick); Raeford - Wood 3 (McNeill); Raeford -- Wood, 6 (McNeill); Sanford -? Splvey, 1 (Overton); Raeford - Davis, pass from Wood, 30 (McNeill); Raeford - Poole, Pass from Wood 2 (McNeill); Raeford -? Wood, 21 (McNeill); Sanford - Fulkerson - I (Spivey, run). Bowling News By Tom Walker Howell Drugs, trying to regain the top spot in the Raeford Merchants' Bowling League, climbed to within a half game of House of Raeford last week with a 3 ? 0 thrashing of Planning's keglers. House of Raeford, in the meantime, squeaked by McNeill's Grocery with a 2-1 win. The Gobblers have compiled their 19-8 record with consistent performances from their five bowlers. Howell Drugs, or the Pill - Pushers, entered this season with five new faces, and, from the start, appeared to hav< doped successfully the other seven teams. For five weeks, they dominated play and led the league. Their leader is slow ? moving, but highly accurate Charlie Martin, who continues to hold the No. 4 position in the Top Ten. While the Pill - Pushers and Gobblers were concerning themselves with first place ambitions, Bill Posey was once again making noises in the Top Ten club. Determined to stay - at least a while longer anyway - Bill rolled the apple last week for a tasty 593 set. His week ? leading series Included games of 210, 201 and 182. The effort raised his average to 170 and moved him into the No. 6 spot in the rankings. Can he make it two in a row? Ride over to Lafayette Lanes around 6:45 tonight and find out. The only other change in the Top Ten was the departure of league secretary Jesse Taylor. Until Bill's hot hand, Jesse's 166 entitled him to the 10th position. Competition for Top Ten honors is expected to accelerate during the next several weeks as the keglers battle for a berth on the two AH ? star teams. The teams, to be selected for the first time since the league was formed, will be named during the holiday break In December and will represent Raeford In 1972 Fayetteville and State bowling tournaments. TEAM RESULTS. Howell Drugs d. Planning, 3-0; Ginger's Towtfl Shop d. A. G. Walter's Grocery. 2-1; House of Raeford d. McNeill's Grocery, 2 - l .and Morrison's Ambulance d. Webb's Tire Service, 2 ? 1. Top Ten T. Walker, McNeill's Groc. 175 J Nixon, Ginger's Towel -173 M. Carter, Planning -173 C. Martin, Howell's -172 H. Walters, Webbs Tire -170 B. Posey, Morrison's Amb. -170 H. Campbell, A. G. Walter's-169 R. Shepley, Howell Drugs -169 N. Schmitt, Ginger's Towels-196 B Canady, Planning -168 Team Standings W L House of Rae 19 8 Howell Drugs 18V4 8V4 Ginger's Towel 16 11 Webbs Tire Serv. 14 13 Morrison's Amb. 13 14 McNeill's Gro. 11 16 Walter's Groc. 814 18V Planning 8 19 Legals Having quill fled u Administrator of tht ciutt of Btialt McCormlck, deceased, lata of Hok* County, thli It to notify ill persona hiving claimi ?gainst laid utile to praient thtm to tht undersigned on or before May II. 1972 or thli notice will be plcidtd In bar of thtir recovery. All perioni Indebted to laid eitate will pleaie make Immediate payment to the underilgned. Thli the 11 day of November, 1971. R. Palmer WiUcox, Admin iitrator Attorney-at-Law Rieford. N.C. ' _ 27-30C UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power ind authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed and delivered by JOHN WILLIE GILLESPIE and wife. THERESSA GILLESPIE, dated the 16th day of January 1968, and recorded in the office of the Reglaterof! Deedi for Hoke County. N.C.. in Book 148. at page SI, and became of default in the payment of .the indebtedneu thereby tecured and failure to carry out and perform the iiipulatlom and agreementi therein contained and. puriuant to demand of the owner ind holder of the Indebtedneu lecured by laid deed of truit. the underilgned truitee will expoie for sale at public auction to the higheit bidder for caih at the uiual place of late in the county court houie of Hoke County, in the city of Raeford, N.C., at 12 o'clock, noon, on Wed. the 8th day of December 1971, all that certain lot of parcel of land, lituate, lying and being in Hoke County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly deicribed at followi: BEGINNING at a itake in the Eastern point of paved road No. 1302, at a point South 18 degrees 30 minutes Eait 181 feet from ? the Northwestern corner of the Purcell Home track and running thence South 70 degrees 45 minutes Eait 100 feet to a stake; thence South 19 degrees 05 minutes Weit 75 feet to a stake; thence North 70 degrees 45 minutes West 100 feet to a stake -in the Eastern margin of State Road No. 1302; thence with said margin North 19 degrees 05 minutes East 75 feet to the beginning corner containing 7500 square feet, more or less, and being a part of the lame land conveyed to J.D. Purcell by Lula B. McNatr by a deed dated February 25, 1944 and recorded in Book 83 at page 28 in the Hoke County Registry. The track herein deicribed ii a part of track No. 2 in the above mentioned deed and the grantor, WiUie J. Purcell ii the lole heir of J.D. Purcell. All prtor liens and encumbrances, ind Subject to I unpaid tixei ind asieismenti for paving, if-any. The right is reierved to require i deposit, is by law provided. TJsia tale will be held open ten dayi for upset bid as by law required. This the 2nd diy of November, 1971. W. FA1SON BARNES (Substitute) Trustee 1200 Johnston Building Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 27-30C NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under end by virtue of the power of ule contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Larry G. Gordon and wife, Patricia Ann W. Gordon to Paul T. Canady, Trustee, dated the 24th day of November 1970 and recorded in Book 160, at page 213, in the Hoke County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made and the payment of the note thereby secured by said deed of trust, and the undprsigned, Paul T. Canady, Trustee, having been directed by the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door In the City of Raeford, Hoke County, North Carolina at 12:00 NOON on Thursday, December 2, 1971, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate situate in Hoke County, Raeford Township. North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being Lot No. 13, according to subdivision of Raeford Power & Manufacturing Company, Inc., drawn and surveyed by J.H. Blue, Reg. Sur., In December, 1952, and recorded in Map Book 3 at page 76 and being despribed by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron stake In the southern edge of East Prospect Avenue 105 feet West of the Northwest corner of Robert Weaver's resident lot and running thence South 1-50 West 210 feet to an iron; thence North 88-50 West 105 feet to an iron Make, thence t North I-50 East 210 feet to an iron stake in the South edge of LEGALS Mid Avenue; thence South 88-50 Eait 10] feet along uld Avenue to tlie point of Beginning. This i This feeing the same property conveyed to Larry G. Gordon and wife from Raymond B. Ellle and wife, Connie M.F. Ellle by deed dated November 24, 1970 and recorded in Hoke County Public fagiiiry. Thie tale it made tubject to all taxes and prior liens or encumbrancti of record against said property and any recorded releases. This sale is to be lor cash. Dated this 25th day of October. 1971. Peul T. Canady. Trustee P.O. Box 7 St. Pauls. N.C. Phone No. 865-4241 26-29C CREDITOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Executfix of the estate of Israel Mann, deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all perosns having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before April 28, 1972 or this notiee will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 28 day of October, 1971. Ruth B. Mann. Executrix R. Palmer Willcox, Attorney Raeford, North Carolina 25-28C CREDITOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Jantes T. McRae, deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before April 21, 1972 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 21 day of October, 1971. R. Palmer Willcox Administrator Attorney-at-Law Raeford. N.C. 28376 24-27C NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust by JAMES EARL LOCKLEAR and wife, CATHIE LEE LOCKLEAR, to G.E." NUCKOLS, Trustee for the Administrator of Veterans Affairs, dated December 23, 1968, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County, N.C., in Book 152, at page 79, default having been made in the payment of , the note secured thereby, and H.W. GAVIN, having been appointed Substitute Trustee by instrument recorded in Book 165, at page 181, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County, N.C. and the said Administrator having requested foreclosure, the undersigned will offer Tor sale at public auction to' the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Hoke County Courthouse, Raeford, N.C . on the 18th day of November, 1971, at 12:00 noon the following described tract of land: Located in Stonewall Township, Hoke County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W.G. Marley and J.T. Clark and situated about one - half mile south from Dundarrach on the Lumber Bridge Road and more particularly hounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the northwestern margin of said road, said stake being located S 57 degrees W, 445 feet from the Livingston corner in the Clark line, and runs thence across said road and as the line of Clark, S 27 degrees E, 183 feel to an iron stake, a corner; thence S 41 degrees 30' W, 250 feet to an iron stake, a corner; thence N 27 degrees W, 183 feet; crossing said unpaved road to an iron stake, a corner; thence N 41 degrees 30' E, to and with the northwest right of way of bid road, 250 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Being the same property described in a deed dated May 18, 1967, from Federal National Mortgage Association, to Administrator of Veterans Affairs, recorded, in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hoke County, North Carolina, in Book 143, page 391. Being the same property described in a deed from W.J. Driver, as Administrator of Veterans Affairs, to the parties of the first part named herein. The property will be conveyed subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record and subject to taxes and assess men ts, if any, which may be due. This 18th day of October, 1971. H.W.Gavin, Subst. T rustee 24-27C row SALES PROBLEM IF YOUR CASH REGISTER HASN'T BEEN RINGING ENOUGH, GIVE US A RING The staff of our Display Advertising Deportment are specialists in recogniz ing and solving sales problems. They have helped many merchants in this community to increase their sales, by understanding their particular prob lem*. They can help youl FOR HELP FM THE BEST M NEWSPVQ AIYOTBM, ON YOUR WE OFFEl TNI STMFS4MUUM SOMCE PRORLEM CALL 875-2121 Colt875-2121 *Ote cYlew* - gowned