154 ?, ^ ? ? ? 3J1!,2 as a civic project of the Raeford Moose Lodge and operated undei their guidance until when they weie incorporated as an independent non - profit organization. The first vehicle was an old ambulance donated to the squad b> Jim Lent/ Funeral Home w hich was quickly painted white and a few items of equipment purchased to put in it. This vehicle was parked at the Pendergrass ? Webb station on 401 bypass and a lb man squad was set up on a team basis to operate it. In 1905 a 1955 equipment truck was puichased lor the squad to add more equipment to transport to the scene of accidents. The old ambulance was sold for cash to pas on the truck. A year later with continued support through the Hoke Co un t y Commissioners. Cits Council and numerous donations the rescue unit went to a two vehicle squad. A $500.00 check from Burlington Industries was used toward the purchase of a 19(>0 station wagon. At litis time also an aluminum boat and acelene torch were purchased. The vehicles were moved to the alley behind Webb's TV where they were parked until 1908. The squad contacted Mrs. Lewis L'pchurch in early 1908 and she agreed to allow the vehicles to move into the old airport on Seventh Street. Repairs were made to the building to allow training sessions and fund raising suppers there. With S3.00 in the bank, but faith in the people in Hoke County the squad purchased a brand new 1909 station wagon. The wagon was paid oft a year later and a new equipment truck was ordered. The 1971 van was delivered during 1970. At this time the C o un t y Commissioner were contacted regarding a possible building site on a piece of property belonging to tnc vou; l> on Adams Street near the National Guard Armory. The Commissioners wasted no time in grunting the request and deeding a lot 1 25 X 1 50 over to the squad. The board of officers had already done their homework. I'lte plans lor the rescue headquarters were drawn up and approved by the metnbeis pievtousiy. Now all tlut was lacking was an agreement to litiaticc and letting the bids for construction. A low bid ol $18,875. was turned in by Davis ? McCullen Construction Company of Fayelteville alter a $10,000 loun was negotiated through the Southern Nationul Bank. This left a difference of $2,875 to be raised during the period of construction. The fund dtivc led by civic Icadeis.law enforcement officers, school officials and the civil delcnsc dircctot raised over $4,000. l.ou Holt/, New Head Football Coach at NCSU, will be the featured speaker at a Wolf pack Club gathering scheduled for 6:30 P.M. on February 22 at the Raeford Civic Center. Holt/, came to State from William and Mary where he served as head football oach cars. His record of 13-20 included the Southern Conference Championship in l()70 and a trip to the Tangerine Bowl. Chanccioi John T. Caldwell describes II.fit / as "biilUunt" and "u young man of splendid character" who is "dedicated to coaching succcsslul football completely withm the hounds of a limited budget aiul the accepted rules of the Atlantic Mrs. Sarah Leach Files For County School Boarc Mrs. Sarah C. Lcach Piled Wednesday morning lor the board of education. She is the second candidate to file for one of the five places. "I um running us in interested mother with four children in the public schools." she said. "I huvc a feeling that mothers work more closely with their children and really know more of what is going on in the schools than futhcrs do." "I don't want anyone to think that I have any complaints against the present school board." she said. "I think they have done j good job over the years. 1 get the products of the public schools in my class and i can tell a tremendous difference in the students I get since integration versus the ones who spent most of their school career in a segregated school. Certainly the quality of their education is improving." Mrs. Leach, a Scotland Count) native who has lived here since 195H. is a graduate of Meredith College, where she majored in commercial education. Since 1967, she has taught the general office clerk course under the Manpower Development Training Act. She is a member of Antioch Presbyterian Church, where she is secretary of the Women of the Church She is also a member of the public affairs department of Raeford Woman's Club and is incoming club treasurer. Mrs Leach is also secretary of the board of directors of the Hoke Swimming Association. She is married to Alfred K Leach They have four children. Thefts At Two Homes Two homes in the county were broken into during ihc daytime last Friday after the doors were torn down. The George Wilson home on Rt. 1, Red Springs was entered between 1 30 and 5:30 p.m. while he was away, according to Sheriff D. M. Barringion. The only items reported missing were guns, the sheriff said. Stolen were a .22 caliber pistol, a 12-guage shotgun, three .22 caliber rifles and a 16-gauge shotgun. A short distance down the road, the home of Miss Willa McLauchlin was also entered during the day. Items reported missing there were a tear gas gun and tear gas kit. Sarah I.e?rh Measles Shots To Be Given A county ? wide immunu.uiion piogiain designed to wipe out red measles and German measles will be held in the schools Murch 6-7. A new combined vaccine is recommended for all children 12 and under who have not had both the red measles vaccination and the German measles vaccination The drive is being conducted by the county health department in coordination with a state wide program. The one shot vaccine, which has never been offered in the schools before, will be given with the new air ? jet injection method. The school nurse, county public health nurse and an Army medic will give the injections. In addition, a special Sunday clinic for pre ? school children will be held March 1 2 to immunize pre ? schoolers The mass immunization program for children is designed to help control another German measles epidemic, which is otherwise expected later this year. This disuse is mild when it infects a child, but can cause seuous birth defects in the unborn baby if contracted by a pregnant woman. In the 1964 epidemic, some 50.000 babies were either stillborn' or had See MEASLES. Page 11 Lou Holtz Coast Conference and NCAA competition." The 34 ? year ? old coach succeeds interim coach Al Michaels, who took over lust June alter Hurle Ldwards resigned the head coaching position he hud occupied for 18 years. ?Tm not a mugiciun. I cannot just wuvc u wand and make things happen." Holt/, said. "What we'll have lo do is get into the homes of the outstanding pluvers." "And I'm not going to tell you we'll be national chumpmns. or ACC champions, or that we'll huvc a winner in one year, three or five. But 1 will say we will be an exciting team as long as we hold onto the ball and play good defense." William und Mary boasted a prolific scoring machine under Holt/, and the coach plans lo continue the same type offensive philosophy at State that brought a landslide of points to the W&M scoreboard. The Indians narrowly missed a fantastic season in 1971 when five times fourth quarter leads were overturned by the opponent Two of those losses were to ACC teams, champion North Carolina and defending champion Wake Forest. Athletics Director Willis Casey said William and Mary's competitiveness against these and other teams influenced State's decision to name Holtz "I cannot speak for the screening committee." Casey said, "but I'm sure they (screening committee) considered the North Carolina game, the Wake Forest game, and the fact they beat Tulane at Tulane." All Wolfpack Club members. State Alumni, interested friends and supporters from Hoke. Richmond, and Scotland counties are urged to attend the steak supper This will be the ladies night meeting so don't forget the ladies. Reservations may be made by calling Hugh Simmons at 875-4573. Freedom Short City police arrested a 71 ? year ? olu man who had been released from Wagram prison unit only thai morning and charged him with larceny from several Raeford stores. Willie Hodgins of Columbia. S. C. was arrested about 1 p.m. Monday as he was boarding the bus to Columbia and is in jail in lieu of S350 bond. He is accused of stealing a billfold valued at SI from Pope's and a bar of soap and a jar of hair dressing from Hoke Drug Company. At the completion ol tins ten years ol operation, alter making one payment on the building the squad now ovscs tour payments of S3,200 at the Southern National Bank.and SI .3(H) at the Bank ol Racford. The SI. 301) note is the remaining debt on the 1 *>71 Van Since the building payment has been paid early to Call tin their anniversary. all funds raised and donations received will now be applied to the vehicle note. It is noted tlut ol the 16 members who started out to form j rescue squad here in Hoke County ten year sago there arc only two still active in ;t I aiI ( onoiy and Jim Wade have veen 'lie squad Irorn its beginning with at. ?>id. ambulance to the present with two new vehicles and a new brick building. Conoly and Wade admit they've seen hard times when squad members paid for gas to operate the vehicles, when ue had to be scraped oil the windows before rushing to the scene of an accident with injuries. However, the struggling has now paid off. The squad has the latest ol equipment because the people ol Hoke County have seen the first aid and rescue training put to work as their vehicles arrive on the scene of accidents, drownings or all night searches for lost persons. Officers for this year aie l.nc Allen, commander; Charles Tew . executive vice ? commander. Jim Wade, vice ? commander. Billy Posey, secretary; Danny DeVane, treasuier. Members arc trie Allen, tear) Conoly, Hubert Davis, Danny DeVane, Harvey Jackson. Norman McKen/ie, Johnny Melton, Bill Parker. Billy Posey, Jimmy Riley, Billy Scott, John Smith, Neil Smith, Charles Tew, Jim Wade and Wilfred Walters. Last year the squad answered a total of 241 calls, compared to 187 in 1970. They assisted at I 80 wrecks and put In 1,320 manhours during the year. The squad logged 6,388 miles. Although the squad vehicles are not used as ambulances unless requested to serve by the investigating officer if the local ambulance is unavailable, the rescue squad provided ambulance service in 27 cases. Of these, 1 S cases were taken from the wreck to the hospital, eight victima See RLSCL't. Page 12