15* e <=n&w* - journal 15* The Hoke County News- Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal- Established! 905 VOLUME LXVII NO. 43 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA S5 PER YEAR THURSDAY. MARCH 2, 1972 I ^ Around Town By SAM C. MORRIS I Mn. Alfred K. Letch brought In ? receipt the other day that wit dated June 17, 1915 for a year i tubtcrlptlon to The Hoke County Journal. The receipt wat made out to Mn. Laura J. Leach In the imount of SI.00. It wat signed Raeford Publishing Company, Inc., by D.S. Poole. The paper U not at yellow or tittered at one would tuipect and the handwriting it In excellent condition even though It is 56 years old Thanks Sarah, for bringing the receipt to the office. ? ? ? A picture of Donna Clifton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levern Clifton formerly of Raeford and now of Clarksvtlle, Va., appeared in the Clarksvtlle paper recently. The write - up wis as follows: "Miss Donna Clifton of Clarksvtlle, a Bluestone Senior High student, won the number five spot playing alto sax in regionally band try - outs several weeks ago at Colonial Heights. Donna placed fifth among 40 saxophonists. The regional band was conducted by Don McCathren of Duquene University in Pittsburgh, Pa. "Donna has been playing saxophone for seven years. She spent six years in Raeford, under band director, Mr. Jimmy James. This year at Bluestone she has been in the marching band and the stage band." Congratulations to Donna and also to Jimmy James who is one of the best band directors in the North Carolina school system. ? ? ? With the warm weather and the schedules for baseball, track, tennis and golf at the high school being published we know that spring is just around the corner. ? ? ? 312 Palomar St. Fayetteville, N.C. Feb.21,1972 Sam Morris The News?Journal Raeford, N.C. Dear Sam, I have some members missing from my roster of 1947 graduates at Hoke County High School. I solicit your aid in asking you to print these names in your column with the request that anyone knowing their whereabouts and/or married name to please contact me at the above address or phone (919) 867-6402 after 6:00 p.m. or 867-0103 - 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. Jimmy Woodhouse, Louise Biggs, Dorothy Bridges, Thelma Cothran, Billy Cothran, Martha B. Gulledge Wood, Joe Maxwell, William (Buck) Melvin, Ua Moss, Sonny Mclntyre, Robert Perry, Marjorie Thompson, Johnny Walker, Jr., Mildred White and Ruth Wright. Also, mascots: Danny McPhaul and Cathy Epstein. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance for your usual fine cooperation. Sincerely, Jean McNeill Harris Knit-A way Treats Community To Fashion Show At Upchurch Judge Says Drivers Must Earn Limited Privilege Some puzzled defendants In district court last week were left pondering just what a significant contribution to highway safety is. Judge Seavy Carroll announced to several drivers seeking limited driving privileges after being convicted of driving under the influence that he granted ttads permits only after the driver 7haa contributed substantially to highway safety." He told each defendant to talk to his employer or to the Highway Patrolmen to get some ideas on ways to earn the privilege. After court, Judge Carroll explained his requirement. "The legislature has left it up to the judge to issue a limited driving privilege in cases of extreme hardship," he said. "It is at my discretion to issue a permit or not. A limited driving privilege is hot automatically granted. "So, in searching about for some guideline to use for granting this privilege, I finally decided to make each defendant earn it." He quickly explained that a "substantial contribution" did not mean money. Some drivers have fulfilled the requirement by attending the highway safety course operated by the Highway Patrol In Fayettevllle, he said. Others have ordered and reprints read of articles on safety published In The Reader's Digest. Judge Carroll said one driver attended a safety course conducted by his employer. Maybe I should explain to them in court just what I expect," he said, "but I want them to give some thought to it themselves." Judge Carroll aid an example of a propdeal made by a defendant that would not be a substantial contribution was the suggestion of one convicted driver that he would read and observe the highway signs from then on. The judge aid after a defendant has told him how he intends to earn his privilege, he will grant a limited driving permit for two months. Upon completion of the requirement, the permit will be extended for the remainder of the year's license suspension. By coincidence, Sandhills Community College announced the same day a free course on ufe driving to begin Mar. 16. Judge Carroll has presided in district court here for the past two weeks while Judge Joseph Dupree has been assigned to Cumberland County courts every ray.. Sam Morris Resigns To Manage Campaign After 14 years as chairman of the county Democratic executive committee, Sam Morris has resigned. He will manage the campaign in the county for H. Pat Taylor. Palmer Willcox was appointed, with Morris's recommendation, to fill the remaining three months of the term. Under new party rules, Morris could not have been eelected this spring for an eighth term. Morris called the meeting of the executive committee Tuesday afternoon at the Raeford Savings and Loan conference room to submit his resignation. "1 am going to manage the campaign for governor of a close and personal friend and I don't want to do anything that will be detrimental to him," Morris said. "I don't want to hurt the party and I especially don't want to do anything that I would have to debate in my own mind what would be the best for the party, the best for him and the best for the county." Morris said he did not want anyone to be able to say that he was using his position as county'chairman to promote a particular candidate. He reported that, as far as the county party was concerned, he had sold the county quoto of Jefferson ? Jackson Day tickets, raising S350, and could not think of anything that would be hurt by his resignation. "1 have enjoyed my 14 years of service with the party," he said, "and have appreciated the help 1 have always received." Roads To Be Paved Highway engineers met with the county commissioners last Wednesday and announced six roads that would be paved during 1972. They turned down a request to construct a by pass from NC 211 east to NC 211 west, saying that College Drive served the same purpose. Roads slated for paving are 1127, below Antioch towards Red Springs; 1140, a half - mile stretch off Bethel Road; 1462, a circle road below Antioch; 1454, Campbell Road; 1460, off Campbell Road near Cliff Conoly's and 1428, near Arabia. The project to four-lane U.S. 401 is still in the planning stage, they reported. GOOD SHOT - Russell Davis dumped in 16 points during the Pine Forest game while Matthew McGregor, behind hint, paced the Bucks with 29. Racford took the semifinal game in the District IF J-A tournament last week but lost the finals to Seventy-First. Knit-Away, Inc., the polyester doubl knit plant here, gave Raefortl a look a what's new In knits and at Knit ? Away ii a fashion show presented at Upclturcl School Tuesday night. Richard P. Bruce, president of tlv company, welcomed the guests and gave ; brief summary of the plant's 22 rnontl history. Since Knit - Away opened, he said, i has grown quickly and now, into it second expansion, is double the origina plans and employs 865 workers, A thirl expansion is planned and the number o: employees is predicted to be 1200 by thi end of the year, he said. The plant ai Eden is the retail division and Raeforc has the dyeing and finishing. "Knit ? Away has grown so fast,' Bruce said "there has been no time tc communicate with the community." Tl? fashion show was presented as one way tc let the community know what was happening there. Fast-paced and spiced with mod music and lightering, the fashions were presented between slides of plant scenes, and slides of Main Street, and the community. The show was slanted toward the home sewing trade and fabrics were shown in the cafeteria Triple Dacron was the industry's newest fabric, the audience was told. Patterns on pattern, overpatterns and mixed, intense colors were shown. Although knits know no season, the colors of bottle green, burgundy, camel, red, navy, rust and maroon, were predicted for the fall. Fashions for both day wear and evening were shown. A standoul was a long black and white check dress with a flounce. The jumper - type bodice was worn with a long ? sleeved yellow blouse A new fabric feat 'ring the overpatrernir" was shown A three colored above the knee dress in gold, fucia and green, featuring the pattern on pattern look was shown. A fake ? fur trimmed beige coat ending below the knee with a matching jump suit led off the program. Both coat and jumpsuit were washable. The old standby, a sailor style dress with white collar and cuffs was shown, and contrasting in mood, a tie - on long skirt in red and while over hot - pants was modeled. An elegant costume featured a black cape with feather - type trim, slit up the back to reveal a long dress. Another jumpsuit with a calf - length coat was included in the show. Hostesses modeling skirls they had made from Knit - Away houndstooth fabric served refreshments in the cafeteria tfter the show. Hoke Girl Killed In One-Car Crash A Hoke County girl was killed and two others were injured in a one car accident near Five Points last Thursday night. Fontaine Moore, 18, of Rt. 1. Raeford, died instantly in the crash, according to the investigating officer. Highway Patrol Trooper C. A. Bennett. Linda Sue McMillan, 15. and Kathrvn Mclntyre, 19, both of Rt. 1, Raeford, were treated at Moore Memorial Hospital. Their injuries were not believed to be serious. Trooper Bennett reported. The car, driven by SP5 Reuben Harris of Ft. Bragg, went out of control on a sharp curve on rural road 1214 about seven miles west of Raeford about 11 30 pan. The auto rolled three times and hit a tree, Trooper Bennett said. All the Grand Jury Indicts Bounds; Trial In Rockingham 13th , C.D. Bounds. Jr. was indicted by a federal grand jury meeting in Greensboro Thursday of embezzeling funds from Southern National Bank and falsifying bank records. He will be tried during the week of March 13 in U.S. Middle District Court in Rockingham. Judge Eugene Gordon is expected to preside. Bounds is accused in the first count of the indictment of acting while he was a vice ? president of Southern National Bank to "knowingly (did) embezzle, abstract, purloin and wilfully misapply SI ,983.60 ' and of "converting the same to his own use and benefit ." The second count of the indictment alleges that Bounds "knowingly and wilfully made false entries in the records of the bank." He it specifically accused of making out a promissory note for SI ,983.60 in the names of Charles A. and Mary Connell, "which entry he knew to be false and which was made by him in an attempt to cover the shortage of the funds of the bank caused by his misapplication." Bounds was arrested on Jan. 27 by FBI agents on a complaint that alleged that he made a false entry on the books and records of the bank. He appeared before the U.S. Magistrate, Walter Cashwell, in Laurinburg and was released on a SI,000 personal recognizance bond. Embezzlement, a more serious charge, was not alleged on the warrant. Bounds resigned as vice - president in early November last year and an audit was ordered by Southern National officials. He had been employed by Southern National Bank since 1960 and at the Raeford branch since 1964. occupants were thrown from the car, he said. Miss Moore had been a passenger in the back seat. Trooper Bennett estimated that the car was being driven at a high rate of speed. Harris was unfamiliar with the roads in that area, he said. Harris pleaded guilty to reckless driving in district court last Friday and was fined S100 and court costs. The Highway Patrol was assisted at the scene by Dr. Riley Jordan, county medical examiner, and the rescue squads of Aberdeen and Moore County. This was the third traffic fatality in the county this year, compared with one at this time last year. All-Day Vigil Planned For World Prayer Day Health Center Needs Help CPT George T Reavell. Special Forces doctor at the health center, needs some volunteers to help another volunteer program at the center. Several third and fourth sear nursing students from Duke School of Nursing will be helping to staff clinics at the health center during March and April and CPT Reavell is looking for families who can lodge an overnight guest occasionally. The girls, usually from two to lour at a time, will be here for two days at a lime, CPT Reavell said. They could commute each day from Duke, he said but since it is a four hour drive, he would rather they be able to stay in the county overnight. The nursing student volunteers could turn out to be very beneficial to the county. Dr Reavell explained, because, if they continue to volunteer to help here, they may be able to help keep the clinic programs going if the Army has to reduce its manpower here. In addition, five seniors will be helping school nurse Sally Young in a long range project over a four week period. CPT Reavell said the girls are coming on their free time and are not even getting mileage. Anyone who will provide a bed overnight or even a spot to spread a sleeping bag is asked to call C'PT Reavell at the health centei. The first students will be here next Thursday and Friday. Voter Books Open Sat. At Hoke High Voter registration will be held Saturdty in the lobby of Hoke High School. The booki will be open at 9 a.m. and will remain open "until we don't get anymore buainesi," Scott Poole, Chairman of the county board of elections aid. Poole aid he expects the county to have 6,000 voters by election time. There are nearly that many now. he aid. and the demand lui been heavy. Beck with Trial Continued After hearing testimony in the William Roland Beckwlth trial for more than an hour last Friday, district court Judge Seavy Carroll recessed court for the day before the case was completed. It was 6 p.m. when Judge Carroll, noting that his cold had grown worse during the day, asked the attorneys if the case could be continued until the next court date on March 10. Beckwith is charged with driving under the influence, fourth offense. He was arrested on Nov. 13 by Highway Patrol Sergeant D. L. Minshew the day after another DUI charge against Beckwlth was nol pressed by district court assistant solicitor Henry Wltcover during a heated argument with Judge Joseph Dupree. Judge Dupree disqualified himself from hearing the present case against Beckwith and, partially for the reason of this trial. Judge Carroll has held district oourt in the county for the past two weeks. On Friday, the state had completed its evidence and the defense had begun testimony when Judge Carroll asked that the court session be ended for the day. He said that he would remain and hear the rest of the case if either attorney felt that it was necessary. When the solicitor and defense attorney agreed to continue the trial, the judge promised to set the case as the first matter of budnets after the lunch recesa next week and to give both sides a chance to review the testimony. Men, women and youth of Raetord will join with millions of Christians from around the world this Friday for the World Day of Prayer, an international celebration of faith and unity among Christians The theme this year, selected by Church Women United, and used in 169 countries, will be "All Joy Be Yours." The celebration in Raeford will be an all ? day ? long prayer vigil at the Raeford United Methodist Church The church sanctuary will be open from 9 00 a m. to 6:00 pun. in order that anyone in our area might enter and pray and meditate privately and personally. Ladies from the Baptist. Methodist and Presbyterian Churches will welcome those who come, provide them with a suggested prayer guide, then give everyone an opportunity to sign a register of those who pray and provide opportunity for a free ? will offering. It it hoped that many men and young people will avail themselves of this opportunity. Though sponsored by Church Women United, World Day of Prayer is not designed exclusively for women. There is need for all to enter into earnest, whole ? hearted prayer in our time, the Rev. John Roppsaid. The World Day of Prayer offering will go into a fund used by Church Women United and called Intercontinental Mission. This is a vital ministry to people all over the world and includes a multitude of needs . . for education, better nutrition, migrants, refugees and many others. These are all interdenominational in nature All Christians, regardless of church affiliation, are invited to go to the Raeford United Methodist Church sometime during the day f-riday, and unite with their Christian brethren around the world, the Rev Mr. Ropp said. Measles Shots Set For Kids Under 12 Measles and German measles are simple childhood diseases thai every youngster gets, right"7 Wrong. Both can have serious consequences and no child need suffer through either An all ? out immunization drive is being conducted next week in the county to get Hoke children vaccinated against both diseases with a single iniection. School children will be immunized Monday and Tuesday at school and a special pre - school clinic will be held at the county health center March 12 from 12 30 until 3 p.m. Permission slips have been sent out through the schools and those whose parents have consented will be given the See MEASLES. Page 7

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