15 i crats to attend their precinct meetings on Tuesday. Aides Named Candidate for the nomination for governor Hargrove "Skipper" Bowles appointed several Hoke residents to head up his campaign in the county. Named as co ? chairmen were J. H. "Buck" McNeill Jr. and Henry David Dial, both of Red Springs. Also named as campaign aids were Jerry W. Go/a and Wesley Williams III of Raeford. Youth coordinators for Hoke County named by Bowles were David Matherly and George McFadyen. both students at Sandhills Community College. No Projects For County The North Carolina State Highway Commission announced bids totaling S16.675,028.71 had been received at their monthly letting. Of the 22 projects in 20 counties, no improvements were listed for Hoke County. Improvements wil! more thai; 155 miles of roa2>> throughout the state. All apparent low bids will be reviewed by the commission when it meets in Raleigh today. CPT. Reavell Honored At Luncheon "I will always feel like a Hoke County resident," CPT George T. Reavell. ol the 7th Special Forces Group at Ft. Bragg told guests at a farewell luncheon held in his honor last week. Rcavell has been working as head of the army medical team aiding Hoke County since January. 1971. He will soon leave the service foi a period of residency in Washington state. The luncheon, held in the libraiy ?>l South Hoke School, was sponsored In the Hoke County Jaycees and attended by abour 50 persons. Reavell was taken to the school on the pretext of helping with some visual screening. Among those attending the luncheon were Superintendent of Schools D.I). Abernethv. COL McFadden of Corps G-5. county health directoi Gilbert Tettich. South Hoke principal Fail Oxcnditic and chairman of the county Board of Commissioners T.C. Jones Following the luncheon. Reavell was presented with a gold set of engraved cufflinks and a monograined desk set as farewell momemto*. He was cited b\ Abernethv, sneaking as chairman of the Board of Health for his interest and dedication to the program. Abernethv called Reavell "a sparkplug in the community who made the program go ... the county will nevci be the same." Jones said that "CPT Reavell came at the nght lime to vender a great service to oui small county that will never b. forgotten. At that lime we had no health director and our health caie progiams weie struggling alone." Hie Rev. Al'an Smyth, speaking t i the Hoke County Ministerial Assn. thanked Reavell t-u helping "to bung health to our people, especially out children, our eldeily citi/cns and oui rural communities." He t??ld the doctor he had "hud upon our ?.??si>cienccs the needs of oui cin/ens wh.o have not had access to adequate hea'.tti ca-c In express*e.g tlunks 1 ?? he su ">port lie had -ceo ReavrFii- iiic need ? 4?irgl*. i ne .1! tlu lloke Medical Center. Looking on is chairman of the County Board attorney Palmer Willcox to draw up an ordinance concerning the operation of mini bikes and other motorized vehicles. The ordinance will prohibit the operation of tire vehicles on sidewalks, parks and other public places. The council hopes to vote on the ordinance as soon as it is ready. City manager John Caddy said the action initiated by the council at their regular monthly meeting Monday night was because of the numerous complaints from people in the city regarding mini bikes and the dangers of operating them in public places. In commenting on the ordinance. Police Chief James F. Lamont \aid that when the council passes the ordinance "it will be strictly enforced." The only law in existence now concerning the operation of small vehicles such as mini bikes is a state law which prohibits their operation on streets and sidewalks. There is nothing in the state laws concerning the use of them in parks and public places. When the law is passed, operation of these vehicles will be permitted only on privately owned property. Chief Lamont expressed hopes that someone would open a mini bike trail where youngsters could use their bikes under .supervision and m iclattv, mU'!) . He said that the eii> police have tncd 10 he lenient, but ti has become loo much oi a piohlem lately. He said thai striel enforcement of the law will he the or.lv wa\ hi prevent accidents from the misuse of these vehicles. The council aiso appiovcd the budget proposed b> the Region N Council oi Governments, ol which. Raeford is a member. Kaeford's share in the budget, which will be enacted on Juh 1. totals $318. The council appiovcd a bid for the purchase oi a tractor with mowing attachments tiom the Hoke Sv.oil.nui Traetoi Co The amount ol the hid was S4.852.64. the iowei of two huh presented to the council. The council also appiovcd puichast. of j Burroughs Electronic Billing Machine k< be used in the town hall office. Now ah billing must be done h\ hand, and the machine will eomputeri/e the pioccduirs The council hopes to have the S^.407>S machine in opeiation h> Julv I. the beginning of the fiscal veai. Bids loi impit:vvmenis i? . 1 iidinhorough Ave. will be advoi'is.d bv the council this week. IV>|Cv* d improvements include widening the toad and installing cufbs and gtnt -is Jackson St lo ih.e cnu.ir.ee -u, Raeloid Cemeteiv. I he load will be used as .1 main entrance to the wcmetciv when impiovements ;n. completed The council also ccititled 38 liiemeu a> eligible tor $5,000 benetits |.>? lute ot duts death hints the Vnth C'ar??li!i.i Fireman's Pension 1 und The benefit* will be foi voluiitcei firemen as well .1 the paid st.ilt Girl Dies In Accident April 26 Six - Win old Sharon Dcmsc NU* I lit y re of Raelord was killed List Wednesday afternoon when she daited out into the path of an oncoming car on I .S. 401 just outside of Raeloi d. According to witnesses reports site had been plasmg along the loadbank with two older children. Thes all approached the highwus and slopped, but then Sharon ran out into the road and was struck by a cai driven bs Louise Coble. 47 of LaincI Hill, who was traveling south Tlic accident oecutred about 5:30 p.m. according to Highway Hooper E.W Coen, who investigated the accident He said there were no indications that the driver had been speeding, and there were no charges made She was the sixth traffic fatality of the sear in the counts. Funeral services weie held Ixst Sunday at 4 p.m. in Rocklish (irove Freewill Baptist Church bs the Rev Robert Douglas She was buried in the church cemetery She is suivived bs Harold T Mclntyrc. who is ctnplos od bs Dickson Press and his wife. Ophelia, thicc sisters. Gwendolyn. Saiah Patricia and Vicky Lynn. three brolheis. Harold Jr.. Robert Sharon Denis* Mclntvre L. and Adam Wayne, all of the home, a paternal giandtnothci and grandfather ot Philadelphia, her maternal grandmother and step grandfather of Raclord. Iter maternal grandfather of Buffalo. NY. her paternal great grandmother of Ruelord. two aunts and iwo uncles of Philadelphia. Seven Draw Sentences In Burlington Case ' ;.v: s.'US v'luiHlCti Will. .univvl ..i . . ^?'?: I < n>*nth* Sujv1 " (? illt I;is! \w ck i '. ?? ?' \w." touuj I ?? i? I slva'ilh* "? - . ?.?? ;-ii vh.iujc ? v Mi:ii!i.: vMX' M ivi ? .V ? :t!i \ v livi .:n: ( i M.! ?.?.it .'.i k"i?n t.u.is \J?i% k : J-.,:., ? t JvUm'Ivm> 4UV!.\. * i\: '.r. v. ;;? '!% . ? ..vjVa/. J l.kv .v i?. v. .)piH',." ? ; w.i> S.I .it \ I s;j *. ,? ||I. ?< V..?> ? : ,i' 1 .i.w- A.-> . . -ur.. 4\ u ?? !is'.v!: .'? ,i ? ...S ,i;.vl Uii/V . ' ? f ' s. w . ; * V vh.i!-. !!?- ?.>?? * ?? S! lv%. H.I Jut ?. | V ilH'i; ?*. j* >?. i ?, >:-i. .in,. .*iv.;'.r.,. ; iui ? .-Ul i . \. .! .n.,s v v. ?- hv " . .. s , .::>r I' i. : * ; .r a ? U:. .i-; .rv ?-.i : ? : ,..!?? ?? : . S.M.I,-.. .,1 M VMlJl i. ,'i r.M'.l'.. V* 'M.i- ?' sv ! . . St.,IV t, vk i - . V . . ,.11 5*v ?>t .1 i.i'v . U\ isi ? .'\v I . ? V ;.vK> .1 A . i.*:iv'l' ? i- . ? A:v < ' v \ ; \t:'i? ' stvi. -i .?? ? ;> '? I *!'i N II V...S v';n . v.u ?:tl. 1 ?j>s vv:.: is jVK-vS' ... .> i:?.! ihc .pn'U it : *A ? k !\ . -s. !* I uc Dvjf \\ i !,??-. .is v'.:vA. v <**? :v,Uv , ???a.-.. . H... ..-s !?v s'.f.c 1 *-*N .1 '<> ' }*? ? >s ??? ^ -s ' ? i . ii. ? ? v.\ ... ? ?' v..: ? l * * ? s.si: .i*!.i . ' ? .!.T;^! "rlK- v . ? ; I ?? A.|> s iv.ViUk : ? ? v.-1 . . - a .?? ? M s S.K . lirJ.il vs.v < . II. \'i*?.. I f.s ? . r IV v. !. VI"I . ? vr ,i I - 1 o*Wt\ M.. O -is.'. .U, s III" od. She was ordered to pay courl So \eraI other eases were heard m Yipenor i ourt last week, with Judge See COl'RT. Page 15 Police Apprehend Two Two cits policemen apprehended a man who was stealing torn: Pits IViei-kms Groceix Store eailx Satuidax mop me altci breaking in through a baek viiudow Later tli.it morung police issued ,1 warrant tor the ancst of another man believed involved in the break in Police Chiet James I Lamont said that policemen Chester Pikc and .l?1 |\ *,v- ?! ,? .? I . > *'.1"? ; v !00 bo- J* .? J m.m..'..! !. ipiv.lt t: v . . hot.,.' 1 .. : V! ... v Sacred Concert 11! V ?. . It l?. sKr i': t ..I. J-.m: u.*? p.? n ? ? MvtcJ ?? ?? o ? ? ;i)o S.it.vi.o .It 4 41 I. \ !VvV ptl..' v.: :.M .. ?H ,|h * I miisK I ItC p.lMu V f!;\tl ;?J |?? tlllv *|Vv1.li pKA -III .It UMi 'Clean Sweep' V pan -! ilie "clean sweep" month of M.: \. pii>cljmicd throughout the state by t'u- gowraoi. a "house of the week" will be chosen in a different part of Raeford each week. Jovtunv. the neighborhoods will be the Raefoiu ituidcn Club. The week ot May 8-1 the northeast section of town will b-. ?.oi?Mdcied Mas 15-20. the northwest section. Mas 22-27 the southwest section: and Ma) 2U June 2. the southeast m'vIioii. Judges will announce the winner each I'ridav and the home owners will be presented with a sign to display in then tiopt \;i d. Judging will be on the basis ol neatness and atti.ietiveness ot the area am! the winning house will be pictuied in I ke News Journal each week. ( it\ maintenance ciews will provide eMia pick - ups each week in the paitKul.is ate.i which will he considered !??i judging, (hauman ol lite "clean sweep" vampaign in Hoke. Mis. k.velyn Manning, urges ne-igltbors to get together and civ. n up jii> unsightlv areas of their neiehh. >i In ?. >d. Satuiday will bo .1 lusioiy making d.n 11?i jII of North C.imlina when voteis will go lit the |"Ht|Is m nominate candidates I'm President of the United Stales loi the Inst time. This election also maiks the tnst lime tlut IS - \eai ? olds will be able to matk then elioiees I'm candidates running for local, slate and national offices. Chan man ol the Hoke Count \ Board of flections Scott Poole said that lie expected a Untie votet turnout :5 of legistered voteis in the counts Hoke County currently has an all tunc high numbei ol voters legistcied loi the primary. 6.376 in the ihuieen pieeinels in the count\ . The polls will open eailx S.ituiduy morning at 6"30 and will leinain open until 7.30 in the evening. Poole said the best tunes to vote would be between 6 and 12 noon, between 1.30 and 3 30 p.m. and aftei 6 p.m. lie s.ikI no one should have to wait in line l??i .1 long pci iod of tune, because the piecmcls 111 the county aie relatively small. The upcoming election can ically be allied loui elections in ail ? voteis will nominate candidates I'm oft ices in the three rnajoi pa 1 ties ? Democialie. Republican and Ameiican. as well as voting 011 two bond issues ?? the slate /mi and clean watei bonds. In addition, voieis in seveial of the Hoke pieemets will have fire district elections. The closest and most healed nice in the area is e\|veted to be the "Th District Congressional lace with all llnee Democratic candidates ?? lleetoi MeGeaelty . Do rat) Berry and Charles tfuse coming fiom layetteville. 111 el uded in the Demoeralie presidential piiinaiy ballot aie Shu ley Chisolm, Teny Sanlord. Hemy N1. Jackson, l.dmund S. Muskic and (ieoige C. Wallace. The Republican Piesidcntial ballot only includes Rieliaid Nixon and Paul N. McCloskev Jr. With only a lew days of campaigning lemainiiig beloie the piintary, three ol the Demoeiatic presidential hopefuls - lenv Satilmd. Cieorge Wallace and Shit ley Chisolm have been making last minute bids lot 1.11 Heel votes throughout the siak . Sanlord has been poiuiduig the campaign trail ibroiigt???in He \i:u. i->i the past lew weeks and will culminate his efforts with a tally m layetteville two days before the election. Wallace made campaign stops earl km this week in Raleigh ami is planning additional tallies in (irccuville and Chailotle loi loiumiow. Shu ley Chisolm planned to K 11 1I1. stale Wednesday thiough I nda \ tins week, having leceived an cuthtiM.iMu ?tippori from blacks and women ??n past vim.s The Democialie ballot 1. r stale oflieeis is crowded with i.imhdatcs seeking the nomination. Six o. vekuig the bid I ofgoveinoi /eh Vance Kilehiu Dieksou. Pat Taylor. Reginald Hawkins. W ilbur Hobby. (ieue l.cgg. li and Hargrove "Skippci" Bowles, l it. t umbei two oft ice. lieutenant govern me, has ' ivc amdidates seeking the momuaiion See VUTI RS. Pane I Publisher's Son Victim Of Crash P.iui I)ickson III. son ot 1 he News Journal publish." . P.iul Dickson. Jr., was killed i*i a: automobile crash early Saturday m m: i: c in I ayciicville. The 30 ? \ c.j? "hi ruiaget ??1 I he linage Men P luting i " was traveling n Ramsey Si. v.Ik ?. ,i car dnven by Robeit Qumn M*. Lines ".versed -'Ul ol control on I he . rvv .?i ih. K 'vIhII Road intersection a"d -l.jnni?Cii in1*' the spoitscar thai |)scks??n w.i- dosing Also killed weie the v,\r . UI duvet ol the othei vehicle. '?)- -a ? . V.i'v\ 1. McLimb McLanev. :r> ? hoth ot I a\viteville. and John B. IdwauT J- . ? s - veal "Id step fat hot ?i M.I ,.r.v . Witness ' ? ih .neidcnt SS(? Theodore IVW n Ml K . I S \ t D.IC. hi. Old. ( >.)id ill.:' the vehicle driven by M I .Ma \ p.ivse.l bur* ai ibout l>0 miles jv hiuii is lie was waiting tor a traffic iigli? vhaiige a' the intersection ot l.ius.'d?*n and Kamsey streets The cai ;hei w.-nt ui o? c*?ftt???l on the curve uid ho I)ieVs..f-\ c.u head on. Police ( hut I I Vy..u.'i! said ili.il Dickson had h..v. al M e m tIk cai and had cvidcntis Ted within seconds ->t the crash DiTknoi tiad beer the Cumbciland ( muiih manage i and State Youth (oindmai"! ?"j Jun Hunt. Democratic , i u dot ah toi i he nomination lot lieutenant goVeinoi I iiiiei.il scones weie conducted Sund.iA at -* p.m in Rae'-ud Presbyterian ChuiJi with the Kev Allan Smvth. ;>as?.u - I Bet lie; aid Shiloh Presbyterian ( liU'vl; otticraiiMg Buiiai was in Raelord ( cmete y Pjl|bca?i.is weie Robert Wilson and David Mjthcws ot Cbailotte lames Tittle and I red Ihomas ol Chapel Hill. Lockey MvlaJyen id Raelord. John Shaw and Wi.liaiu Cl;uk o| I aycttevillc. and Phillip Radd* dll ol ( lOldsboro He was a graduate ol Hoke County High School and the I diversity of Noith ( aiohn.i at ( IijpcI Hill At LNC he was a Paul Dickson III member <>? \mph??i? ?.'t!ict. Society. Order i>l lire Colder Fleece. Ordci ol the (trail. Society . Men's lienor ( ?>ur:eii. Student Legislature and was President ol the Student Body A veteran of the I nited States Air I orcc. he served in lire I S and Vietnam He was a member <1 the Kiwams Club and of the Cumberland Young Democrats Club, where he had recently been endorsed tor president ol the State YDC. Suivivmg aie his patents. Mr and Mrs. Paul Dickson, Jr., ol Raelord. a sister, Mrs. Louis Fugleman of (ireensboro and a brother. Robert A Dickson, a student at the University ol North Caiolina at Chapel Hill.