CI.FAS SWFFP - Chosen as " Yard of the Week" by the Raeford Garden Club is the house of H. K. Brady. 410 F. Fdinborough. Honorable mentions went to Homer Tut tie, 303 F. Fdinborough and Jerry Osborne, 209 S. Jackson. Rockfish News By Mrs. A. A. Mclnnis Important Wayside Grange will meet at the Community House Kriday night June 9, at 8 o'clock for the installation of new members and the election of officers. All old members and new members are urged to attend this special meeting. The president, Mrs. Marshall Newton, and the sec. ? treas. are working hard to keep this grange going: let's not let tliern down! Preparation Day for Bible School at Tabernacle Church will be Friday, June 9 at 9:30 a.m. The Bible Study Group of Tabernacle Church met . Monday a.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lrnest Capps. The Mission in Action Group will meet Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Berry of Raeford. The members of Parker Church had a covered dish picnic supper last Sundav evening at 6 o'clock and at the time presented their paslor the Rev. Berry Barbour a gift to show their appreciation of him and Mrs. Barbour during their stay with (hem. After the supper the Rev. Mr. Barbour preached his last sermon at Parker Church before going to Conference where he will be assigned to another church. The good wishes of the people ol Parker Church go with Inm and his family. I). A McDougald who was a patient at Highsmith ? Rainey Memorial Hospital got home last Thursday. Alfred Put man got home Horn Moore Memorial Hospital Monday. Miss Delia McMillan of l umber Bridgr spent one day last week with Mrs. Oscar ! Wood, her niece. This community extends ; sympathy to Mrs.' Cleveland . Barefoot and Miss Donnie Barefoot in the death of their only son and brother. Alton Bareloot of Dunn, who passed away last Sunday. The revival at Pittman Grove ? Church started with a large crowd last Sunday and will last through Friday night All members and former members and friends of the church are muted to attend. Bible School at this church will begin on Monday. June 13th. Hours will be trom 6 to 9 o'clock p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Barnes and children. Marilvn. Paul and Kenneth. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Strickland. Mrs. George Dees. Mrs. Louise Watson, Mrs' Brown Hendrix Jr.. Mrs. Donnie King. Miss Nellie Mc Fad y en. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoc Bundy. Mr. and Mrs! Alfred Long. Mrs. Bruce Decs and children Wilbur, Gay Ic and Mary, L. H. Dees and Thomas - Mclnnis weor among those > from this area who allended ? Miss Jane Barnes' piano recilal . al Vardell Hall last Friday . night. Congratulations lo Miss Barnes on her success in I he ; Sudy of music. J Mrs. Lawrence Barnard ; amended the celebration of tlx ? twenty - fifth wedding . anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Dove of Fayettevillc at theii home last Sunday afternoon Sunday night Mrs. Barnard J visited Mr. and Mrs. Maxcy Dow Jr. of Fayettevillc. ' ? M"- .Jackson or tlx Rtxikfish Family Care Home accidently fell in the Home and broke her arm in two places. Thomas Mclnnis was admtted to Cape Fear Valley Hospital Monday. The three children of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pitt man, Rene, Gerald Jr. and Samantha, are spending this week with their grandmother. Mrs. Gertrude Holland of High Point. Mrs. Ethel D. Gibson spent the past weekend with her sister. Mrs. Virginia Bounds of Red Springs. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.Gibson of Stedman. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Gibson and children, Joy and Ricky, spent the weekend at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. James Culp of Kmston spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Brock and Mrs. Culp is spending this week with them. Mrs. W. B. Guin of Carthage spent the weekend with her sisters, Mrs. David Koonoc and Mrs. Dan Bradshaw. Their Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bradshaw of Fayetteville. Mrs. Alfred Long, Mrs. Koonoc and Mrs. Bradshaw visited David Koonoe at N. C. State Sanatorium, McCain Saturday. Mrs. A. W. Wood's niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs George Manders of Mobile! Ala., were guests of Mrs. Wood last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wood and daughter, Deborah, of fhomasville, spent the weekend with his mother. Mrs. A. W. Wood. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Henry Fowler and daughters, Carol and Kathy, were Mrs Herbert Phillips and Miss Irene Phillips and Bill Phillips of Btne, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Powers of Rennert. Mrs W A Powler, Mrs. R. H. Gibson and Mrs. R. H. Gibson, Jr. and Mr and Mrs. R. V. Tanner. All except Mrs. Gibson Sr. attended chapel services at i.Crnac'c Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jiotinv Beasley and children. Patricia. James and Pene, of Bonnie Doone, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bundy Sunday p.m. ' Mrs. Bundy wishes to express her thanks for all the cards, visits, prayers and other kindness shown to her husband and lamily during Itis recent Illness. He arrived home from Veteran's Hospital Fayetteville, last Wednesday and is getting along just fine. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reynods and Miss Martha Keynolds and her friend Miss Lossie Knotts. of Raleigh, spent tlie weekend with their KdsMr a"d M"- Cm" Mrs. Jim Reynolds and her son. Cecil Reynolds, attended a Homecoming at Slate Mountain Church near Mt Airy last Sunday Mrs R. H Gibson, Mrs. Lena Allen Mrs. R. H. Gibson Mri DV wH'"ry Fowier and Mrs. R. V. Tanner went to v harleslon S C last Wednesday for the high school graduation of the Allen twins, Sandra and Shirley Allen. Both ri. Im ,WUI' "* G"od Citizenship Award. Mrs. Alfred Berry and son, U. G. Berry, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lowell ()li?, of Fairmont Sunday p.m. and aho stopped >y St. Pauls for a visit with Mrs. Wilbur Taylor and family. Mrs. John Patterson and Miss Sarah Patterson's recent guests whom they had not seen in many years Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norman of Fayetteville came again on Sunday and took Mrs. Patterson and Miss Sarah out to supper at Ma Johnsons. Mrs. Patterson was afraid her daughter Mrs. Robert Spears would come and be gone when they got back but she came right after tliey [got back, so this story had a happy ending after all. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Monroe of Greensboro were guests of Miss Mary Priest and her brothers, Walter and Francis Priest Sunday. Mrs. Wright Parker of Laurinburg came on Tuesday of last week and stayed until Monday with her sisters Mrs. George Dees and Mrs. Louise Watson and Miss Nellie McFadyen at the home of Mrs. Watson where Mrs. Dees is recuperating after eye surgery. Mrs. Dees is getting along extra well since having the surgery. Harry Grimes who was at Cape Fear Valley Hospital did not get home last week. Mrs. Nelia Brock got home Monday after going with Mrs. Ethel Caryer and son, Bobby, to Ocean Isle and Friendship Harbor Beaches, and to Lake Waccamaw, last Friday. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ray and son, Thomas, last Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Pollard and Steve Evans of Greenville and Miss Debra Smith of Ayden and Miss Clara Everett and Mrs. Carl Holt. Their afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mattlock and son, Mike, who were making their farewell call before leaving for California Monday night. Wilson Sessoms of Glenn Burnil, Md., visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pittman Monday a.m. He was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dewy Sessoms Monday night. He also visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Chason and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Caddell of Raeford visited Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Hearn of Laurinburg and Miss Mary Caddell of Turnout last Friday. Sunday afternoon they visited Mrs. Luther Lilcs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Miller of Red Springs. Mrs. Flora Lee left last Saturday for her home in New York after spending a while with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bundy and children, Carl and Dayne spent Saturday and Sunday camping at Surf City. Hugh Overton had something like flu and wa? right sick at his home over tIk weekend. Mrs. Lonnie Smith, Mrs Carrie Mae McDonald. Mrs. Su< McLean and Miss Mary Louise Smith of Maxton were guest of Mrs. N. J. Ritter Monday p.m. A lot of work has been dom on Fayetteville Street since las report. The work may b completed by the time tb paoer comes out this week. Mrs. Clara Everett and he daughter, Mrs. Carl Holt wen to Greensboro Monday to se the Lawrence Welk Show ii person. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mattloc and son, Mike, took Miss Anni Ray to church Sunday and out to dinner at the Chicken King in Fayetteville. Mrs. Mattlock visited Miss Ray again Monday to say her last farewell before leaving for California Monday night as soon as Michael graduates from Hoke County High School. The Mattlocks have many friends here who will miss litem very much. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Mclnnis visited Mr. and Mrs. David Lancaster and son. Brian, of Raleigh Sunday. Mrs. Jim Maxwell visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Ray Sunday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Posey and sons. Andy and Mark, went camping at Mvrtle Beach this past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mdnnisof Raeford visited their daughter Mrs. Jolin Aldridge of Wilson. Mr. Aldridge is on a business trip to England. Halis Bombatepe of Wilson is spending a while with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lovctte of Wayside. Mrs. Joe Lovette and her grandson, Halis Bombatepe, attended her grandson, Scottic Lovctte's piano recital at St Johns Episcopal Church, rayettevillc, last Friday night. Miss Mary Kate Parker of Charlotte spent Monday night with her mother Mrs. Mela Parker. She came especially to see Judy McDougaJd graduate from high school. Mrs. John A. Webb of Rt. 3, Raeford, says that Mr. and Mrs Melvin H. Hare and children of Winston ? Salem spent Sunday with them and she also reports tliat Mrs. Frazier Hare of Hamlet has had surgery at the hospital in Rockingham. New Careers Graduates Graduation was held May 25 for 18 New Careers trainees. These trainees took part in graduation ceremonies with other Sandhills Community College students. Those receiving certificates had been in a two . year training program leading to para ? professional positions in human service agencies. They have reoeived on ? the ? job training and educational training in their respective areas. Several trainees have received iheir high school diplomas and three trainees have been working toward an Associate - in Applied Science degree at Sandhills Community College. Trainees who received New Careers Certificates were: Roger Clumbers, Aberdeen Janice D. Chiles, Southern Pines: Mable Freeman, Eagle Springs; Anita T. Hamilton, Candor; Alice L. Hill > Pinehurst; Alma P. Hudson,' Aberdeen; Alice M Mercer! Southern Pines: Margaret B. Murchison. Sanford; Larry E. McAuley. Sanford. Jean McCauley, Sanford; r Patricia A. McDonald, Southern Pines: Cora Mclver Sanford: Mildred M. Petty! I Sanford; Betty Lou Purvis! Robbins: Grace Taylor, > Sanford: Ruby Turner, Raeford; Sherlcan Swing ' Carthage; James Aderholt, P Rtvne Softball scores Tuesday, May 30: House of aeford, 3; AAP, 12. Bargain lotois, 4; Raeford Oil, S. arter's Tire, 19; Raeford Fire ?pt., 4. Thursday, June 1: Raeford ire Dept., 0; Raeford Oil, S. loke Concrete, 12; A&P, 13. aeford Merchant, 1; Houae of aeford, 13. Friday, May 2: Raeford Fire tept., 10; AAP, 13. Raeford HI, 11; Carter's Tire, 10. Hoke loncrete, 8; Raeford lerchant's, 7. House of aeford, 17; Bargain Motors, 0. Saturday, June 3: Carter's ire, 9; Bargain Motors, 2. loke Concrete, 2; A&P, 10. taeford Fire Dept., 5; Raeford lerchant's, 9. House ol 1 aeford, 6: Raeford Oil, 3. Legals 'ity of Raeford loke County forth Carolina Public Notice n the Matter of Zoning .W. Williams taeford, N.C. You are hereby notified that n application is now pending efore the Raeford Planning loard whereby the abovt lamed, J. W. Williams is asking hat the City of Raeford oning ordinance be amended o as to rezone from residential o commercial the following iroperty: Located upon Central Ave t the intersection of E Central and Reaves St. acros! rom the Hoke County Healtl lenter and joining the House if Raeford Property. A public hearing will be held ly the Planning Board at 2:0C i.m. on June 20, 1972 in th< 'ity Hall. All interestcc itizcns are hereby requestec o attend this public meeting nd express your views anc ipinions for the benefit of the aid Planning Board. This public notice to b< mbtished on June 8 and iun< 5, 1972. Raeford Planning Boarc By W.L. Howel Chairmar Monroe William Zoning Admi nist ratior 5-6C City ofRaeford Hoke County North Carolina Public Notic In the Matter of Zoning Mr. Ralph Huff You are hereby notified that an application is now pending before the Raeford Board of Adjustment whereby the above named, Ralph Huff, is asking that a variance be given by the Board of Adjustment allowing Mr. Huff to park a trader on his property: Located less than one mile from the city limits of Raeford off N.C. 20, better known as the Charles Baker property. This property is just outside of the city limits. A public hearing will be held on June 19, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall. AD interested citizens are hereby requested to attend this public meeting and express their views and opinions for the benefit of the said Board of Adjustment. This Public Notice to be published on June 8 and IS, 1972. Raeford Zoning Board By D.C. Cox, Chairman Monroe Williams Zoning Administrator 5-6C NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Lester Lee Rowers and wife, Rosa Bell Rowers, to Charles A Hostetler, Trustee, dated the 13th day of February, 1970, and recorded in Book 156. Page 325 in the Office of ihe Register of Deeds of Hoke County, North Carolina, and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offei for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Raeford, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock Noon on the 27th day of June, 1972, property conveyed by said Deed o< Trust, the same lying and being in the County of Hoke, State of North Carolina, Raeford Township, and mor< particularly described at follows: Situate, lying and being or the South side of the Turn pi k< Road, about five (5) miles Wes from the Town of Raeford BEGINNING at a point in th< LECALS center of raid Turnpike Road, the Northwest comer of the tract of which this is a part, and running thence with the center line of the Turnpike Road N 87- 15 E 210 feet to a point; thence a new line S 5 ? 00 W 210 feet to a point in the old line; thence with the old line N 46 - 00 W 325 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 15 acres, more or less, and being a part of the land described in Book 114. Page 493 of the Hoke County Public Registry. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding taxes, if any, and prior liens of record, if any. CASH DEPOSIT: Ten per cent (10%) on the first $1,000.00bid and five percent (5%) on any additional amount bid will be required at the date of the sale. Done, this the 26th day of May, 1972 Charles A. Hostetler, Trustee HOSTETLER & McNEILL ATTORNEYS AT LAW RAEFORD, N.C. 4-7C PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF RAEFORD HOKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA In the matter of Zoning Mrs. Mattie Southerland Raeford, N.C. You are hereby notified that an application is now pending before the Raeford Board of Adjustment whereby the above named, Mattie Southerland is asking that a variance be given by the Board of Adjustment allowing Mrs. Southerland to park a trailer on her property. Located less than one (1) mile from the city limits of Raeford off Vass Rd. about 100 yds., better known as Mr. Jette Smith's property. A public hearing will be held on June 19, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall. All interested citizens are hereby requested to attend this public meeting and express your views and opinions for the benefit of the said Board of Adjustment. This Public Notice to be published on June 8 and 15. 1972. Raeford Board of Adjustment By: Monroe Williams Zoning Administrator D.C. Cox, Chairman 5-6C NOTICE OF SALE ? NORTH CAROLINA, HOKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Lawrence E. Ferguson and wife, Nezzie A. Ferguson, to James O. Buchanan, Trustee, dated the 28 day of January, 1971, and recorded in - Book 160, Page 411 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Hoke County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Raeford, North Carolina, at 12:00 noon, on the 26 day of June, 1972, the land conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Hoke County, North Carolina, and BEGINNING at a point in the East margin of State Road No. 1302, said Beginning point being also the Northwest comer of that lot described in Book 149, Page 514, Hoke County Registry and runs thence as and with the East margin of said State Road No. 1302 N 18 - 30 E 100 feet to a comer in the Jones Lot, which lot runs thence as and with the Jones' South line, S 71 - 30 E 200 feet to a corner; Thence S 18 - 30 W 100 feet to a comer in the Gillespie North line as said line appears in the description contained in that instrument recorded in Book 149, Page 514, Hoke County Registry; thence as and with the Gillespie line N 71 30 W 200 feet to the point of Beginning. SUBJECT, however, to taxes for the year 1972. Five percent (5%) of the amount of the highest bid must be deposited with the Trustee pending confirmation of the sale. Dated this 17 day of May, 1972. JAMES O BUCHANAN. Trustee 4-7C NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by James R. Barefoot, Jr. &. wife, Barbara Jean Barefoot to James L. Yates, Trustee, dated September 14, 1967 and recorded in Mortgage Book 146, page 173 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Hoke County; and under and by virtue of Use authority vested LEGALS in the undersigned as substituted trustee by an instrument of writing dated May 2, 1972, and recorded in Book 167, page 469 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness F thereby secured and the said r deed of trust being by the i terms thereof subject to s foreclosure, and the holder of b the indebtedness thereby a secured having demanded a t foreclosure thereof for the b purpose of satisfying said i indebtedness, the undersigned c substituted trustee will offer a for sale at public auction to the f highest bidder for cash at the \ courthouse door in Raeford, c North Carolina, at twelve | o'dock noon, on the 20th day ; of June, 1972, the land c conveyed in said deed of trust f the same lying and being in i Town of Raeford, Hoke r Coutny, North Carolina, and more particularly described as f follows BEING all of lliat tract or f parcel of land designated as Lot No. 64 of the Robbins t Heights t Subdivision as shown on a survey prepared by R. H. I Gatlin, C. E. on November ! 8, 1950 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County, } North Carolina in Map Book | 3, page 33 of the Hoke County Public Registry, to which reference is hereby | made, and there described in , metes and bounds as t follows: BEGINNING at a , stake in the southern edge of ' Fifth Avenue that is located ? N 88-00 W 690 feet from where the southern edge of 1 Fifth Avenue intersects with the western edge of Forest Street of said subdivision; thence S 2-00 W 130 feet; thence N 88-00 W 70 feet; thence N 2-00 E 130 feet to the southern edge of Fifth Avenue; thence with the J southern edge of Fifth Avenue S 88-00 E 70 feet to 1 the point of BEGINNING, and being all of Lot no. 64 of the said Robbins Heights Subdivision. The above sale held subject J to any and all outstanding taxes and/or liens of record. This 18th day of May 1972. R. L.GAVIN Substitute Trustee 3-6C CREDITOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as ! Administrator of the estate of ! Flora Jones Durant, deceased late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before December I, 197.3 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned ^This the 1 day of June. Charles A. Hosteller, Administrator Hosteller and McNeill, Attorneys 109 Campus Avenue Raeford, N.C. 28376 4-7C NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Vemon F. Vest and wife, Lunice Ann Vest to O.S Aiken. Trustee, dated Sepi ember 26, 1966 and recorded in Mortgage Book 142 page 77 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Hoke County; and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as substituted trustee by an instrument of writing dated August 13 197?, and recorded m Book 159 page 529 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose Of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned substituted trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Raeford, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon, on the 20th day of June, 1972, the land conveyed ,n said deed of trust the same lying and being in Anlioch Twp., Hoke County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Lying and being about one and one - half miles north of the Town of Red Springs, on the northeast side of the Red Springs to DufFie paved road, and being more particularly bounded as follows: Being all of Lot No. Thirty Four (34) as shown and described on a man entitled "W M. McNeill Farm Subdivision , prepared by J.C, LEG A US | hearin, C.E., from survey oF larch 30, 1960, and recorded i Book of Maps 4 at page 63, loke County Registry, and; tore particularly bounded and escribed as follows, to wit: EGINNING at an iron pipe in te northeast margin of the ed Springs to Duffie paved' >ad, 30 feet from center, said ron pipe being the ruthemmost comer of Lot lo. 34 as shown on the forementioned map and runs lence as the dividing line etween Lots Nos. 33 and 34 t said subdivision North 45 egrees 30 minutes East 200 to n iron pipe, a comer; thence lorth 44 degrees 30 minutes /est 100 feet to an iron pipe, a omer; thence as the dividing ne between Lots Nos. 34 and 5 in said subdivision South 45 egrees 30 minutes West 200 set to an iron stake in the ortlieast margin in said paved oad; thence as the northeast largin of said paved road (30 set from center) South 44 egrees 30 minutes East 100 ret to the point of beginning. The above sale held subject a any and all outstanding axes and / or liens of record. This 18th day of May 1972 t.L. GAVIN ubstitute Trustee 3-6C IOT1CE OF ORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of ower of sale contained in that ertain deed of trust by WALTER R. ADAMS and rife, JOYCE M. ADAMS, to I.E. NUCKOLS, Trustee, in avor of Administrator of /eterans Affairs, dated Jctober 19, 1970, and ecorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke 3ounty, North Carolina, in look 160, at page 73, default taving been made in the rayment of the Note secured ?hereby, and HAROLD W. JAVIN, having been appointed iubstitutc Trustee by nstrument recorded in Book 67, page 521, in the office of he Register of Deeds for Hoke ,'ounty, N.C. and the said Administrator having requested oreclosure, the undersigned vill ofTer for sale at public luction to the highest bidder or cash at the front door of he Hoke County Courthouse Raeford, North Carolina, on he 19th day of June, 1972 at 12:00 noon, the following iescribed lot or parcel of land n McLauchlin Township, Hoke bounty. North Carolina, it Jeing Lot No. 22 of the iVrightsboro Subdivision, Part I, as shown on a survey ecorded in Map Book 5, page 30, of the Hoke County Registry, to which reference is hereby made, said lot being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the western edge of Wayside Drive intersects with the southern edge of U.S. Highway 401, and runs thence with the western edge of Wayside Drive, S 16 ? 58 E, 80 feet to Lot No. 21; thence with Lot No; 21, S 73 - 02 W, 200 feet; thence N 16 - 58 W, 125.32 feet to the southern right of way of U.S. Highway 401; thence with the southern nght of way of U.S. Highway 401, N 85 - 48 E, 205.07 feet to the BEGINNING. Being the same property described in a Trustee's Deed dated May 28, 1970, from O.S. Aiken] Trustee, to the Administrator of Veterans Affairs, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hoke County, North Carolina, in Book 159, at page 59. Being the same property described in a Deed from Donald E. Johnson, as Administrator of Veterans Affairs, to Walter R. Adams and wife, Joyce M. Adams. The sale will be made subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record and subject to taxes and assessments, if any, which may be due. ^This the 18th day of May, HAROLD W. GAVIN, Subst. Trustee 3-6C STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mrs. Romie E. Smoak of Hoke County. North Carolina, this is to notify a11 persons having claims against the estate of said Mrs. Romie E. Smoak to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 8 day of May, 1972. Mrs. Leette S. Montague 66 Paisley Parte Sumter.S.C. 29150 2-5C

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