i I.. By Lib Sumner i Friends of Lamest Russ arc glad to know that he is home from Chapel Hill Hospital Mi.* Russ underwent surgery and is getting along very well. Mrs. Margaret Hamilton returned to her home. Lumberton, Saturday after spending the week with her mother. Mrs. A. F. Tolai Mrs. Tolar fell five weeks ago and broke her leti wrist and sprained the right arm. Mr. and Mrs. S. I . Sumner left Monday for Lincoln, Nebraska. They spent Monday night in Chicago jnd plan to he away a week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter I dge of Washington, I). ('.. visited the Sumners Saturday afternoon. Mr. and .Mrs. Ldge will soon retire ami were on the way to Lake Nonis, lennessee. to make plans to huild their home. Circle No. 2 of ilie Presbyterian Church met with Mrs. Cirady Mar ley. Red Springs Monday afternoon. Mrs. H. I. Morton is chairman. Mrs. Idwin Clifton was in charge of the program. Mrs. Lacy John has returned to her home in Red Springs. She spent the past two weeks in Southeastern General Hospital. Lumberton. Mrs. H. I . Morton spent last week visiting her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Holcomb Jr in Las Vegas and Mr. Morton's mother in Ardmorc. Oklahoma. Mrs. i li/abeth Tolar spent several days with her sister. Miss Millie Williford. Col. and Mrs. I R Weber's weekend guests were their great granddaughter. Catherine Madison Sharpe VI. daughter of Ll. and Mrs. Kenneth Sharpe of I t. Bragg. Catherine was bapti/ed at the morning service at The Saint Pauls Church in The Pines. I ayetteville. The families visited in Pirehurst and had dinner at the Officers Club. I t. Bragg. Miss Una C'hason is spending several weeks with her sister and family, Mrs. J. I . McGougan. Mr. and Mis. George Caddell spent Sunday in Rowland with Mrs. Caddell's sister. Mrs. Henry K. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. I ullord McMillan visited the Sid Sumners and Lib and Lois Sundav night. Mr." and Mrs. W. H. Schell spent the weekend in Charlotte with then son and family. Mr and Mrs. Harold Schell. Mis. Virginia Bounds has returned home from Moore Memorial Hospital. Mis. Pete Arocho of Miami is visiting relatives in Lumber Bridge and Red Springs, Mr. and Mrs. W H. Schell. Mrs. Virginia Bounds and Mrs. bthel Ciibson. Mr. and Mrs. John Balfour and son. Johnny, spent last weekend in New Bern with Mrs. Balfour's mother. Mrs. J. T. Marlowe. 7th Grade Loses 8 To 6 The I pchurch l agles seventh grade team lost a close game to a bigger and faster Maxton team S to 6. Max ton scored first with the lagles coming back in the last quartet to score then touchdown. I'ony Barnes scored the TDon a quarterback sneak. The I .igles seventh giadeis will take on Maxton again Saturday nwning. Ken's Carpet and Interiors lorterl * ?nes,opD,cora,,n9s?rv,ce loft&Fl ? Complete Line of High Quality Porter Paints ^ ' ' Jamtsl ?r,n' "ugar'? OF RAEHORD "The Store For Men & Boys With A Little For The Ladies 1 lCQ000QQ0QQeQOOag? SI M I Ml NT ()l OWN I RSI IIP. M AN \OI Ml NI \ND < IRCl LATION ( \ct t \ 1. I**70 Section 36S5. Tiile >>. l ulled St J|Cn ( ode i I Dale ot tiling Septembei .>0. I *>72 2. Title ol publication I'he New* Journal I icquciKA oi i?ue. Week!). 4. Location ?>l known office of publication. I IoWonI I lw??od \venue. Raeloid. N.C.. Hoke 28376 5. Location ?'! lieaJi)iiaiiers *?!* general busine>\ offices of thepiihlisher\ I h> W I !woo*! A.eiuie. Raeford. N. ('.. Hoke 2b Mb. 6 NAMIS \ND ADDRI SSI S OI PLBLISHIR I DITOR ?WDM \\ \(? IN(. I Dl rOR Publishet Paul Dickson. Raeloul. N. i 2s.?76 I ditor Paul Dickson. Raeford. N. 2M76 Managei-I dii"i: Paul Dickson. Raeloid. N. C . 2H376 ". Owners. Dukson Piesx. Itv 11? W . I (wood Ave.. Raetord. N ( 2>.*76 Paul Du'nvMi. !I0\\ | ia.'i .! \u\ R.iet ?id. N.l 2ue Dunne Neaiest T? IN ^ceding I. Mov I ilina Dah \ I'otal N.? v'i?pii'N pi in I Oil >020 *100 H Paid ciiculalion 1. Sales through dealer and cameis. \treei \endois and counter sales 005 (>>7 2. Mail MihsciipUon\ I4l>() 1655 ( total paid circulation 24S5 2312 I"). I lee distribution b\ mail. 01 other means. I. Samples. w-nnttv and other Tree copies 175 , IM) I. rotul distribution 266 0 24*>2 I OH ice use. left-over. unaccounted, spoiled alter printing 360 t>0H (,. Total *020 >100 I certify that the statements nude by ine above arc correct and complete. Sam (". Morris. Business Manager. Farm Items by W. S. Young & Phil Ricks. County Agricultural \grr.ts lire Invention Week is October 8-14. l ite costs of S2.7 billion dollars was encountered this last year. The ternble cost was in lives lost, as 11,850 victims were counted. About one-fouith of these were children. These are heavy costs to pay for an act of ncgligence or ignorance. Through knowledge and care, destructive fires can be viitually eliminated. Simple rules of safety are often violated, such as smoking in bed. leaving children alone j ihI neglecting to teach youngsters that matches and iightersare not play things. I a mi lies should plan escape routes and practice fire drills to assume that the kids can get out. Soy bean producers that are planning to save their planting seeds or planning to sell seed to other farmers should plan for this at harvest time. 1. Vou should clean up combines, trucks, bins and convening equipment. Variety puritN is a must if you sell beans. 2. Harvest the beans at 14-16'/ moisture so you will not crack the beans. You then must dry them at 11% for storage. Heat should never get above 110 I'. 3. Harvest at an average speed of 2': to 3 mph. Adjust your equipment according to instructions in the manual. 4. Reduce the number of times that seeds are to he moved. 5. Label each storage bin as to variety and field. Good care can assure you of a high germination of seed beans next spnng. The Industrial t-.xtension Service at N.C. S'.atc University , i:i cooperation with Sandhills Area Chamber of Commerce, will present workshops on "Time Study Study Procedures'* and "Work Sampling for Companies", in this area during the week of Novermber 27, l4)72. Both workshops will be held in the Administration Building Cvuifeience K*>om at the Sandhills Community College. The courses are three hours per day or a total of 15 hours. Complete information can be obtained from the County Agents Office. The purpose o f School Menu FRIDAY. OCT. \} Fish Slaw ? cup-C French Fries - Cornhread Peanut Butter Cookie Milk MOV OCT 16 Hamburger on Bun Creamy Country Slaw '.cup-C Buttered Lima Beans Cake Milk Tl fcS. OCT 17 Pi//a Tossed Salad Bread (Optional) Banana Pudding Milk WFDNF.S OCT Is Veae table Beet Soup I cup ? A&C Peanut Butter Sandwich Cinnamon Cnspie Milk rut RS OCT. !<> Turkey W Dressing & Giavy June Peas Cranberrx Sauce Rolls Peach Mall Milk Eagles Top 2nd Game Bx Howard Rarklex The Lpchurch Fagles won their second straight jtame by defeating Rockingham 3f> to 0 I reddie Morris scored two touchdowns while J?>e Poole. Vernon Morris and F.rnie Pecora scored one each. Marcus Brown and1 Pecora scored one and two e \ t r a poi nt s respectively. The Fagles rushed for 170 xards while their defense only allowed two yards. The Fagles traveled to Rockingham Wednesday for their third game. outcrossing or 9 crossbreeding program is to increase the efficiency of market hog production and thus increase profits for :he commercial pork producers. Outcrossing refers to the mating of unrelated families within the same breed. Crossbreeding refers to the mating of individuals from different breeds. Several research workers have found that the crossing of genetically distinct lines or breeds results in increased performance. This increase in performance is called "Hybrid Vigor" or "Heterasis". The systematic crossing of two or more breeds utilized this heterasis and thus increases the efficiency of market hog production. Crossbreeding is not a wonder worker in that it automatically cures all the ills of the swine industry. It is still necessary to maintain top-notch management for maximum efficiency. full benefits from crossbreeding can be gained only by the careful selection and combination of the available seed stock. Good boars are the key to successful crossbreeding programs. Any breeding program, including crossbreeding, will attain its maximum effectiveness only by identifying and/or developing superior seed stock. An onthe-farm testing program would prove very valuable but if this is not available. Some help can be gained through use of breed certification and swine evaluation stations. Before attempting a crossbreeding program, one should know which traits may be improved by the program. In general, crossbreeding will increase the viability and growth rate of individual pigs. It usually increases conception rate, number of egg seed, embrgamc survival, litter size and milking ability of crossbreed dams. Indications are that there is little heterasis for feed efficiency or carcass merit. These two traits tend to be intermediate between the parents. Any breeding must be supplemented with good management. Usually top swine producers are using excellent management pracl ices. Legals NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made hv WILLIE LACY RAY and wife. MARGARET S RAY. to Bobby Burns McNeill, Trustee dated the 12 day of November. Il)70, and recorded in Book 160. Page 145. Hoke County Registry. North Carolina. DEFAULT having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said deed of trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness liaving directed tlut the deed of trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door, in the City of Raeford. Hoke County. North Carolina, at Twelve (12:00) o'clock. NOON, on MONDAY, the 6th day of November. 1972. and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, situate in Raeford Township, of lloke County. North Carolina, and being more paiticularly described as follows: Being Lot No. Forty Nine (41)) of Robbins Heights Subdivision as shown on a plat of the same drawn by R.H. ('?atlin. C.l:... and recorded in Hoke County Registry. N.C. in Map Book 3, page 33, to which reference is hereby made for further identification. THIS SALE is made subject lo all taxes and prior liens or encumbrances of record against said properly, and any recorded rrleascs. A ( ASH DEPOSIT of ten per cent (lO^) of the purchase puce will be required at the time of the sale. This 6lh dav of October. 107 2. BOBBY BURNS McNF.ILL. TRUST! I By J. William Anderson. Attorney COLLIDM AND ANDERSON Attorneys at Law 214 Mason Street Fayetteville. North Carolina 28302 23-26C STATI 01 NORTH CAROLINA BOARD 01 WATI R AND AIR RESOURCES RALI IGH. NORTH CAROLINA LI-C.AL NOTICE Notice is hereby jpven. pursuant to Article 21 of LEGALS Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, that a public liearing will be held by the Water and Air Quality Control Committee of the North Carolina Board of Water and Air Resources for the purpose of considering the reclassification of certain waters in the Cape Hear, Lumber, and Yadkin-Pee Dec River Basins. The hearing will be held in room 111. Administration Building. Sandhills Community College. Southern Pines. North Carolina, beginning at 11:00 a.m. LST. Thuisday, Novembei 2,1972. 1 he waters to be considered for reclassification dunng the hearing, include ccrtain sti earns or segments of streams in the named counties located in the following river baisns: 1 ? Cape I ear River Basin ? Alamance. Bladen, Brunswick. Caswell, Chatham, Columbus, Cumberland, Duplin. Durham. l;orsylh, Guilford, Harnett. Hoke, Lee, Montgomery. Moore, New Hanover. Onslow, Orange, Pender. Randolph. Rt>ckingham, Sampson, and Wake Counties. 2 - Lumber River Basin ? Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Hoke. Montgomery, Moore, Richmond, Robeson, and Scotland Counties. 3 ? Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin - Alexander, Anson, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Davidson, Davie, I orsyth, Guilford. Iredell, Mecklenburg, Montgomery. Randolph. Richmond, Rowan. Stanly, Stokes, Surry. Union. Watauga, Wilkes, and Yadkin Counties. All persons interested in this matter are invited to attend. Persons desiring to be heard should give notice thereof in writing to the Board on or before the date of the hearing. It is requested that, insofar as possible, any persons wishing to offer lengthy comments and discussion in regard to the proposed classifications be piepared at the public hearing to offer a written statement for inclusion in the record ol proceedings. The names of the streams proposed to be reclassified, along with the proposed classifications, may he obtained upon request from the Office of Water and Air Resources, P. O. Box 276X7, Raleigh. North Carolina 27611. I . C. Hubbard. Assistant Director Office of Water and Air Resources 23C NOTICK 01 SERVICE OF PROCESS BV PUBLICATION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION SPFCIAL PROCEEDING BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROL INA HOKF. COUNTY NORMAN MURPHY and wife DOROTHY MURPHY. PETITIONERS VS. LUDIE MAF GARTH MATTIF CURRIE. Mil III' ClIRRIE. JAMES ClIRRIE. NAD I heir respective spouses, if married; D.F. McLEAN and MRS. D.F. McLEAN. BIRL) McLEAN and wife. WILLII McLEAN; CARDIE McLEAN and spouse, if married; GEORGE McLEAN and wife, if married; DUEY McLEAN and wife, if married; BRYANT McLEAN and wife, THELMA McLEAN. BOBBY McLEAN and wife, MRS. BOBBY McLEAN. ALFREDA McLEAN and wile MARGARET McLEAN DFLORES HAYNF.S and husband, BAILEY HAYNES: BURT McLEAN and wife, if married; and CLINIA MAF. McMILLAN' and spouse. If married; JOHN D. McMILLAN and wife, if married. LAUSINE WHITE. ANNIE MAE MCALLISTER. SHIRLEE McLEAN. HOSIA McMILLAN. L.C. McMILLAN. JAMES HENRY McMI l.LAN and CHARLES McMILLAN and all heirs ai law ol Sallie Kale Currie. RESPONDENTS To Ludie Mad Garth. Maine Curne, Willie Currie. James Currie, Bryani McLean. Bobhy McLean. Delores Haynes. Burl McLean, all the heirs at law of Sallie Kate Currie. and their respective spouses, if married. Clina Mae McMillan, and spouse if married. John D. McMillan. Annie Mae McAllister. Shirlee McLean. Hosia McMillan, and any and all heirs at law of Susie Currie TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief againsi you lus been filed in the above entitled action and notice of service ol process by publication began on October 5. 1972. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows Petition to sell real estate by lecals tenants in common puisunnt lo Chapter 4ft Of the North C aronna General Statutes. You are required to make delense to such pleading not later tlian lorty (40) days after the date of the first publication ot notice stated above, exclusive of such date, being forty (401 days alter October ?' by November 14. ' - and upon your failure lo do so I he party seeking service ol process by publication will apply to the court for I lie relief sought. This, the ;x dav of September. I?->7^. HOSTETLER & McNUI L ATTORNEYS FOR THE PETITIONERS BY. Bobby Burns McNeill Post Office Bo\ 277 Raeford. N'onh ('.iiolina 2224c NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Book I (.4. Page 47S, Hoke County Registry. North Carolina executed by CARL VIRGIL and wife. DOLLIE VIRC.IL to Llovd k Swaringen. Trustee, default having been made in payment of the indebtedness secuied by the said deed of trust and the holder of the note evidencing the said indebtedness having requested the undersigned Trustee to foreclose a deed of trust as by the terms of the same provided, said Trustee will sell at public auction at the courthouse door in Raeford. North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock Noon on the 31st dav of October. 1072 to the highest bidder for cash, the property conveyed lit said deed 01 trust and more particularly described as follows: Located on the south side of Raeford-Rockfish Road, about 2 miles southeast of Raeford. N.C.. and being Uits No. ib and No. }7 of Montciist Subdivision, as shown on plat of the said property drawn by R.H. Gatlin and recorded in Hoke County Registry. Book 4. Page 55. to which reference is hereby made tor further identification, to nit Beginning at a stake in the south side of Raelord-Rockftsh Highway 150 feet South Nb degrees 15 minutes West from Alston's corner and running South 1-00 West 210 feet; thence South S6-I5 West. 100 feet, thence N l?0 East 210 leet: thence with the right of way oi R a e! o r d-Rucktish Highway North Ml-15 East 100 leet tii the Beginning. This property will be sold subjcct to unpaid taxes, piior liens and encumbrances, it am of record. The highest biddei will he required lo deposit in cash, at the sale, an amount equal to ten percent ol the amount of lite hid. This the 28th da\ of September. 11>72. U.OYl) k SWARINGHN. Trustee Black well. Thompson & Swaringen Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 4tW Fayetteville. North Carolina <) 10.4S.;.51 NO I K ? Ol IRl STI I S SAL I 01 LAND NORTH C AROLINA HOKI COUNTY I'NDIR AND BY VIRTU1 of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 5th day of May, ll>(>7 and duly recorded in Book 144. Page 34'). Hoke County Registry. North Carolina executed by Samuel L. Striven and wile. Annie f\ Scriven to Lacy S. Collier. Trustee, default having been made in payment of ihe indebtedness secured by the said deed of trust and the holder of the note evidencing the said indebtedness liaving requested the undersigned Trustee to foreclose a deed of trust as by the terms of the same provided, said Trustee will sell at public auction at the courthouse door in Raeford, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock Noon on the 31st day of October. I4>72 to the highest bidder for cash, the property conveyed in said deed of trust and more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a stake in the southern right ? of - way of State Road No. 1003 that leads from Arabia to Sandy Grove Church, said beginning point being South 7()-00 Last 300 feet Irom the point where the Pale line and the Smith line intersect with said Slate Road No 1003. and runs from said beginning point as and with the southern edge of said State Road South 70-00 Last 100 feel to another stake in the edge of the road: thence South I 1-00 West 217 feet to a stake: thence North 79-00 West 100 feet to a slake; thence North 11-00 Last 217 feet to the point of Beginning, and comprising all of Lot No. 3 LEGALS according to pUt captioned W.L. Smith Lots, Stonewall Township, lloke County, N.C\ as drawn and surveyed by R.H. Gatlin, R.S. on 11 -07-66, and being a part of Tract No. 6 as recorded in Book 2, Page 305 of the Hoke County Public Registry. This property will be sold subject to unpaid taxes, pnor liens and encumbrances, if any of record. The highest bidder will be lequired to deposit in cash, at the sale, an amount equal to ten percent of the amount of the bid. This t lie 29th day of September. 1072. Blackwell, Thompson & ? Swaringen. Attorneys I'ayetteville. North Carolina Lacy S. Collier, Trustee 22-25C NOTICE Oh RESALE NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of art order of Ihe Superior Court of Hoke County, North Carolina in tire spectal proceeding entitled R . PALMER WILLCOX ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE Ol L.S. McMILLAN, SR., deceased. Petitioner, vs. MARGARET McM. TUNSTALL. el als. Respondents; the undersjgned administrator will on the l'6th day of October, 1972 at twelve o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Raeford. North Carolina, offer for resale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Hoke County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: TRACT I: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Ihe run ot Rocktish Creek said point being witnessed by a stake on the bank, said point also being Ihe mosl northern comer of that one and one ? half (IIS) acre tract of land deeded to Bill llmvell from L.S. McMillan and described m Book 143. Page 114 in Hoke County Registry, and runs from Ihe beginning point S 4b . 15 W along a fence line 875 feet to an iron in Ihe center line of Slate Road Number 140.?. thence with ihe center line of Stale Road Number 140.'. N - 00 W |0| leet: I hence N '>-00 W 100 leet; I hence N 18 ? 00 W 100 feet; thence N 26-00 W 100 leet; thence N 33 - 50 W 100 feel; thence N 42 ? 15 W 100 feet; thence. N 51 - 00 W 100 feel: thence N 57 - 45 w 100 feel, I hence N 60 - 45 \V 100 leet; thence N 74 - 15 W 100 feet, thence N 82 - 30 W 100 feel, thence N 86 - 45 \K 300 leel; thence N 87 - 30 W 80 leel to a point in Ihe center ol Stale Road Numbei 1403. 30 leet south of Ihe Southeast corner of that 1.10 acre lot deeded to Maigarei Tunslall I torn L.S. McMillan described in Book 120. Page 44? Hoke County Registry; thence N 2 - 15 L 240 feel: thence N 87 - 30 W 220 leel In a slake in the eastern line of the road leading Irom Prospect Avenue to the Old Swimming Hole; ihence N 2-15 I with the l ast edge of said road 48 leel. thence N ') - 30 I 100 feel: thence N 23 - 30 E 83 leel to an iron at a lence corner, the most western corner of ihe Beck four (41 ?u/f ''aci described in Book 143, Page 3')7 Hoke Countv Registry, lltence wnh the Beck line S 5') - 00 E 421 feel to an iron slake; thence continuing with the Beck line N 45 - 00 L 342 feel to an iron slake, thence continuing with the Heck line, N 45 - 00 W 435 leet lo an iron al a lence corner in Ihe east edge of the Swimming Hole Road: Ihence N 45 ? 00 1 425 feet: ihence N 50 ? 00 I 100 leel to an iron with two (21 pine pointers near the Old Swimming Hole; thence N 78 - 00 L 213 leel to ihe run of Rock fish Creek: Ihence, down ihe various courses of ihe run of Rocklish Creek to Ihe BEGINNING, containing 37.3 acres, less one 11 > acre in the right of way of Stale Road Number 1403 leaving a net of 36.3 acres, and being part of those tracts of land described in Book 67, Page 440 from Ihe Sussex Corporation, in Book 83. Page !<)7 Irom I lie Raeford Power & Manufacturing Company and in Book 126. Page 4') Irom Raeford Power & Manufacturing Company, all in ihe Hoke County Registry. TRACT II BEGINNING al an iron in ihe cenirrhne of the Stale Road 1403, said iron being Ihe Northwestern corner 01 that 1.5 acre tract of land Irom L.S. McMillan to Hill Howell as described in Book 143. Page 114 of ihe Hoke County Registry, and runs ihence. as ihe cenlerhne of said road, SO- 15 W 137 feel, thence, leaving the road. N 86 45 W 240 feel; thence, S 0 ? I 5 W 240 leel lo a slake in tlie Raelord Power & Manufacturing Company line, thence, as the Raeford Power A Manufactuinig line and lire "Pinewuod" Subdivision line. N 86 - 45 W 1111.6 feel, more or less, to an iron in Ihe rear LECALS line of Lot Number 4 lor said "Hinewood" Subdivision; I hence N 2 ? 15 E 2l>2 leet lo a point in I he center of the run of Peddler's Branch; thence, as the center of the run of Peddler's Branch; in an easterly direction 20 feet to a stake on the eastern line of McMillan Street; thence, as the eastern line of McMillan Street. N 2 - 15 K 264 feet lo a stake in the southern line of Donaldson Avenue Extension; thence. S 86 ? 30 t ISO feel; thence N 2 ? IS E 505 feet to a point In the centerline of Stale Road Number 1403; thence, as the center line of Slate Road Number 1403, S 87 . 30 E 150 feel; thence S 86 ? 45 L 300 I eel; thence S 82 - 30 E 100 I'eet; thence S 74 ? 15 L 100 feet; thence S 66 ? 45 E 100 feet; thence S 57 - 45 E 100 feet; thence, S SI - 00 E 100 feet; thence, S 42-15 E 100 feet, thence. S 33 - 50 E 100 feet; thence S 26 ? 00 E IUU feet; thence. S 18 - 00 E 100 feet; thence S 9 - 00 E 100 feet; t hence S 2 00 E 101 feet In the BEGINNING, containing 26.2 acres, less I I acres in the right of way of State Road Number 1403. leaving a net of 26.1 acres and being a part of that land described in Book 67. Page 440 Hoke County Registry from the Sussex Corporation to L.S. McMillan, Sr. TRACT 111: All of that lot or parcel of land designated as Lot Number 111 according to the plat of Robbins Heights Subdivision, Rael'ord. North Carolina, said plat being made by R.H. Gatlin. C.E.. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County in Map Book 3, Page 33. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes, and any other liens or defects of record. CASH DEPOSIT. Ten (10-;) per cent of the first SI,000.00 bid and five (5'f) per cent of any additional amount bid will be required at the sale. The bid will begin at (S38.500.00) THIRTY EIGHT TIIOUSA N I) I I V E HUNDRED AND NO' 100 DOLLARS. This the 28th day of September. Il)72. R. PALMER Wl LI.COX. Admi nisirator 112 E. I'dinborough Ave. Raeford, North Carolina 22-23C NOTICT 01 SALI 01 LAND LNDIR DI'l-.D OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed the 24th day of September. I?)71. by * WILLJI Lll McBRYDI and Wife. ROSIA /INIA McBRYDI. and recorded in Book 164. Page 247 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Hoke County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby. William L. Moses, Trustee, will at 10 00 o'clock. A.M.. Wednesday. October 18, 1972 offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction at the Courthouse dour in Hoke County. North Carolina, the following described tracts or parcels of land in Hoke County. Raeford Township. North Carolina: Being Lot No. 173 of the land known and platted "COCKMAN I ARM", a copy of this plat is duly registered in the Oil ice of the Register of Deeds for Hoke County. N.C., Map Book No. 2. Page 4, to which reference is hereby made for further identification of the property. This property is being sold subject to outstanding taxes, it any. and all prior liens of record as the) may appear. The highest bidder will be required to deposit in cash at the sale, an amount equal to ten pet cent (10'/) of the amount of his bid up to One Thousand Dollars (SI.000.00) plus live per cent (5'?) of the excess of his bid over One Thousand IX>llais. This 14th dav of September, l(>72. William I Moses. Trustee Attorneys at I .aw I 27 W I dinborough Ave. Raelord. North Carolina 28376 20-23C CREDITOR'S NOTICI Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of James I Vaughn, deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to piesent them to the undersigned on or before March 21. 1073 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 21 day of September. 1072. R. Palmer Willcox Attorney-at-Law Raeford. N.C. 20-2 3C