Rockfish News MRS A A MclNNIS Homecoming at Tabernacle Church will be this coming Sunday. October 15. There will be no preaching service at Parker Church next Sunday because of the homecoming at Sandy Grove Methodist Church. The Rev lied Dinkins preached at Galatia Church Sunday a.m. The Rev. Car! Strickland pastor of Tabernacle Church says. "The Rev. Scott Turner of Hamlet, a former pastor will bring the Homecoming message at Tabernacle Church Sunday and all the friends of this church are invited." Sorry there were so many mistakes in last weeks Rockfish news and they were just mistakes, no one was to blame. In the Grange news Mrs. Mrashall Newton was "Mrs. Marshall." Mrs. Tracy I verett's great ? grandson William Henry Breeden III was "Breeden III " Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hughes of Asheboro found no one at home when they came to visit relatives in Rockfish and that came out "found one" and this last was funny for it caused some one to ask "Which one did they find'" And Mrs. Minnie Biggs was with the I amily Care Home group where Mrs. Shaw's name appeared. But these were all lust natural mistakes and no one was offended. But Mrs. I vereti will be glad if her great grandson William Henry Breeden III. of layettevifle comes out right this week. The writer can be credited with some of the mistakes and the papei can have some of them. Nothing like "Keeping the records straight" it you can. Mrs. Wright .Paiker ot l.aurinburg spent last Saturday with her sister. Mrs. George Dees and Mr. Dees. And Mrs. Dees savs they had a happv time shelling green peas to free/e. Mis. Tracy I verett's daughter Mrs. C. W Boone of I avetteville visited Mr. and Mrs. I vereti Sunday and took hei mother to visit her sisters Mrs. I . L. Glass and Mrs. Albert Parham of Hamlet and Mrs. Janie Galdston also of Hamlet. Mi and Mrs. Hoke McPhail and Mis. John Racklev of I avetteville came and staved with Mr I vereti. while Mrs. I vereti and her daughter were gone to Hamlet. Miss Mars Sessoms spent a few days the first of this week with Mr and M rs. ( M. Cliason and son Larry, l-arry Chason was taken to the doctor Monday with a sprained ankle. Mr and Mrs. Vernon Overton and Mr and Mrs. James Miller spent the weekend .it Holden Beach Miss Mary Priest kept the Overton children. Jon and Mike, while ihey were away ai the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook Williams o l Wade came Saturday to do some work in the I'lu'.ippi Church cemetery, expecting to be back for the Homecoming but they did not come. While here Saturday they visited Miss Mary Priest and her brothers Walter and I lancis Priest Mis. I B. Newton, who was .1 patient at llighsmith ? Kainey Memorial Hospital came home List I i ulav. Mis. Haiold Free copies of one of the world's most quoted newspapers Judged the most fair newspaper in the U S by professional journalists themselves A leading international daily One of the top three newspapers m the world according to journalistic polls Winner ol over 79 maior awards in the last five years, including three Pulitzer Prizes Over 3000 news paper editors read the Monitor Just send us your name and address and we'll mail you a few free copies of the Monitor without obligation. Address | City Stale Zip | The Christian Soence I Monitor I Bok 125, A?to< Statin I Boston Massachusetts 02i?3 | JUfA Monroe who was a pjiiem al Cape hear Valley Hospital came home last Saturday. Both were doing well at last account The community extends sympathy to Mr. and Mr*. L B Bundy in the death of his sister. Mrs. Bessie I aulkner of Boone Trail, f a>eueville. who passed away last Sunday night. Mi. and Mrs. Roscoe Bundv went on a trip to the mountains of Western North C arolina the past weekend. Mrs. George Monroe. Mis. Arbrey Caddis and her mother Mrs. \ redis Hudson attended a concert by Martha Swain Wood, soprano, at I utaw Heights Baptist Church. F ayetteville. last Sundav night. Mrs. Alma Moseley arid .Irs. Moyd Monroe visited Mrs. David Koonce at Whispering I'mes last I riday and found her getting along \ery v\ell Mr. and Mrs.' I T. Brock, and Mr. and Mrs. James Culp returned home Sunday after spending last week at Carolina Beach. Mrs. A. W. Wood and her grandchildren. Becky and Donald Wood Jr. spent last Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. C raig Wood and daughter. Deborah of Thomasville Mr. and Mrs. W'ayne Bundy and children Carl and Dayne visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cornell ot Culpepper. Va.. the past weekend and were about to be weather ? bound up there lor a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bundy and son. Gerald Jr. are moving in with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bundy. Mrs. L. D. Long was admitted to Highsnnth Rainev Memorial Hospital last Wednesday. Mrs. Long was improving at last account from her mother. Mrs. V J. Ritter. Mr. and Mrs. T M. Capps and daughter Teresa and Mrs. W. B. Barefoot spent the weekend at Carolina Beach. As soon as they goi away, a Mr. ScheII and son and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Barefoot and children of Petersburg. Va.. came and spent the weekend with Mr. Barefoot and were gone before Mrs. Barefoot got home. Among those from Tabernacle Church who attended the Homecoming at I'hilippi Church Sunday were Mi. and Mrs. Alfred Long. Mr. and Mrs. I dward Bundy and children of Lafayette Village were also present. Mrs. Vamik Bombatepe and sons Halis and John of Wilson and her guest from Turkey. Mrs. Lutfiye Aiabay spent the weekend with Mr. and Mis. Joe Lovette and Mrs. Mary S he wb ridge and Mrs. Shewbridee went home with them to spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. David Lancaster and son Brian spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lancaster and her parents Mr. and Mis. Smith Mclnnis and her gi and mo i her. Mrs. Jim Maxwell. Circles of Galatia Church. I Mrs K I'. Ritiei. and Mis. Douglas Monroe chairmen, met at I hen homes Mondav niglu. Homecoming Last Sunday was a beautiful day lot the Homecoming at I'hilippi ( hutch. There was a large crowd in attendance [he Rev. John Ropp. pastor of Raelord 1'resbyterian (hutch was the speaker. Welcome was by IMultp Newton and the history of the church and memorial was bv Smith Mclnnts. Special music was rendered by the Adult Choir and The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper was observed during the morning worship program in the sanctuary. A bountiful picnic dinner was served from a long table on the church lawn. It was a joyful occasion and many of those who attended came back on Sunday night lot the fust of the revival services being held there the first four nights of this week. Birthday Mrs. Kloyd Monroe and het grandson Joe Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Gillis, Mr. and Mrs. James McKeithan. Mr. and Mrs. Max Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ray and children attended a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I rank Smith of I'inehursl last Sunday given in honor of Mrs. Smith's birthday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Little and children, Mrs. William Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klingenschmidt and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Monroe. Mrs. Smith received many nice gifts and enjoyed seeing all of these her near relatives and may she have many more happy birthdays. Birthday There was a family reunion and birthday celebration all in one. when all of Mrs. Marshall Newton's sisters and brothers gathered at her home last Sunday to celebrate her sister. Miss Lessie Martin's birthday. Those present were Miss Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosier of St. Pauls. Braxton Mai tin of Tai Heel. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Martin of Wilmington. Mrs. Annie B. Martin of Currie. Mr. and Mrs. l-'urman Martin. Mrs. Annie Hollingsworth and J B Martin of I ayetteville. It was a joyful occasion for all with a birthday dinnei. birthday cake and ail the good things that go with birthdays and reunions: Miss Martin teceived many nice gifts and all her lirendsand relatives wish for her many more liappv birthdays. Rockfish \outh Group Saturday. Oct. 7. the Rock fish Youth Group Inlimited. had a meeting, and it was called to ordet by Ann Mellon, the president. She announced that it was our first official meeting The roll was called. Then Ann presented the lesson which was on "I ove." We ended with a prayei and had refieshmenis. Reporter. Sandy Shepley Rescue Squad Rirchases V an Hoke ( ouniy Rescue Squad ""i "c"p,ed """ low b'd a } 3/4-ton Van Truck ai lis business meeting Oct. 4 The two bids subnuiied on i lie Van replacing a 1969 station wagon were from r,dt;f"'dA Auu. Company. S3,3?. 1.86 and Hoke Auto Company S3.235.37. Specifications were similar ? ,ht' Presem 1971 van now in operation as an equipment ' , ex?P' for glass all around Tlie same optional heavy duty equipment applied. Ins purchase continues a squad policy of replacing a vehicle every two years which means no squad emergency vehicle will be more than four yearsi old. A 100 pe, cent loan will be on the vehicle unul the i , s'alion wagon is sold bv sealed bid after delivery of the ? 9/3 van. Jim Wade, Vice commander (equipment,, says. "Individuals nterested in suppomng this arge undertakmg. or any of m,|,eS!'UC Squad Pr"jec|s. may contact one ol our officers. We plan our equipment purchases ?o be prepared for community emergencies. All checks are tax deductable and should be made ?e Rcscuc sq"ad. Inc., Box 337. Raeford." Bookmobile Schedule ARABIA OCTOBIR |6 Mrs. Bertha Hendrix, Mrs. Martha Jackson. Mrs. I'a( Miller. Mrs W L. Smith. Mrs. William Harris, Johnny McOougan, Mrs. H.J. Chason, Mrs Myrtle Chason, Mrs. Clyde McOougan, Mrs. Johnny M cC.ougan, Mrs. Dan McOougan. Mrs. Josephine 'arks. Mrs. fat Keirsly, Mrs Susan Cook, Mrs. Jllnc Danford. ANTKX'II OCTOBI R 19 Mrs. I arl Hendrix, Mrs Harold Currie. Mrs. Irtnc lume Mrs. Annie B Autrv. Mrs. Venetta McAllister. Mrs ! .VI Mcl'hatter, Miss Bonnie McLaughlin. Mrs. Jack ?Sanderson. Miss Margaret Dew. McNeill Makes Zone Contest David McNeill. 12-year-old class placed first with 263.5 in lhe district I'unt, I'ass and Kick competition in Lumber tun -Saturday. McNeill, the only first place Irom Hoke County will go lo the ^one competition in ( harlot te on Saturday. Others from Hoke County participating in the district competition were Keith Wilkes Stephen Knox. Mike Tuttle' and James McNeill. Yes I want to help Jesse Helms gel his mes sags on TV I m enclosing my contribution ol $* 00 S* 00 fttOOO or ? North Carolinians have a real choice Jesse Helms does not possess the for the U S Senate this year large out-of-state financial resources of One candidate is the ultraliberai He his opponent voted four times m Congress to support He must rely on you George McGovern s cut and run policy Your dollars sent m now can put Jesse in Vietnam He voted year after year for over the top on Nov 7 tne big spending bills that cause higher Send your contributions now to the ?a*es and more inflation He was de- Helms for Senate Campaign scribed by a liberal syndicated columnist Let s have a Senator we can be proud as ?n ideological terms undoubtedly of close to McGovern i The other candidate is Jesse Helms Jesse Helms stands behind President Nixon s efforts to end the Vietnam war honorably and humanely ? and bring home our Prisoners of War Jesse Helms has a long record of speaking out against the wasteful spend ing schemes of the oureaucrais and social engineers in Washington Jesse Helms can wn on Nov 7 He will beat the ultraliberai But he needs ycu? neip to do it Only through television can Jesse Helms get his message to all the people of North Carolina Tom Etiit Helms For Senate Campaign Comm-tiee HE'S ONE OF US! ... ..f . MSfQB Sf NATt P "Aif in % c t7f>Q2 Sen ??* ri?? r O'Oe' *^o c cease OVERTURNED CAR l'RAPS TWO - Jamie MacKay, 3, and his sister Annie MacKay, 16, both of Elm City, were trapped when the ear in which they were riding overturned folk) wing a three-car accident on U.S. 401 North on Oct. 4. Seven persons including tmi Raeford men were injured in the accident. 137 N. Main St. Raeford, N.C. STORE HOURS: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thur. & Fridays ? Open til 6 P.M. Sat. 9 A.M. til 5:30 P.M. Creators of Everyday Lou-Low Prices! THESE PRICES IN EFFECT THROUGH NOON TUESDAY OCTOBER 17th if jr( good only at valu mart jf GOOD ONLY AT VALU MART ^ ) ? 100s BUFFERIN niAAA-.rrrv With This Coupon Offer Expires Oct. 17th "k if if ( Limit one coupon per family. jfjfif jf jf( (GOOD ONLY AT VALU MART) ? ? o CL o u ? ? ? 60 s REG only VITAMINS $119 way. nasal spray 54 oi. 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