GRAND OPENING - Signs on new Super Dollar Store announce last weeks grand of the firm. Representative reports an estimated 50 to 75 customers were awaiting opening of doors August 30. He said free ice chests were given to first 100 customers in only fifteen minutes. The store hires all local employees including manager Mildred Freehafer of Rt. 2, Raeford. Four Convicted Of DUI Four men were convicted of DUI in District Court Friday. Two were Hoke Countians and second offenders. King David Williams, Rt. 3, was convicted of 2nd offense DUI and driving while license revoked. He received 18 months, suspended two years and was given two-years probation. The sentence was suspended if he surrender his limited driving privilege and pay S450 fine and costs. Luther Locklear Jr., Antioch Community, was convicted of second offense DUI, and received six months, suspended two years upon surrender of license and payment of S250 fine and costs. Claudie Hunt, Baltimore Md., was convicted of DUI, received 90 days, suspended 12 months on condition he not drive in North Carolina for 12 months and pay S150 fine and costs. J.K. McCraikin. Ft. Bragg, was convicted of DUI and received 90 days, suspended 12 months on condition he surrender his license for 12 months and pay $ 150 fine and costs. In other court action Friday James A. fMcNair, Red Springs, convicted of driving without a license, received 18 months, suspended two years on condition he surrender his limited driving privileges and pay S250 fine and costs. He was placed on two - years probation. The state took nol pros on a companion charge of second offense DUI. Wilford Bullard, Jr., Rex, was convicted of a license violation and was assessed S25 fine and costs. Callie Mae Crawford, Clinton, was convicted of misdemeanor larceny and receiving stolen goods. She received 18 months, suspended three and one-half DONA LDWA YNE PL UMMER Honor Given Donald Wayne Plummer, son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Plummer of Raeford, has been notified that he is to be featured in the seventh annual edition of "Who's Who Among American High School Students". 1972-73." Less than two percent of the junior and senior class students nationwide are awarded this recognition. Plummer, a Hoke High School senior. * active in sports, FCA, Key Club. National Honor Society and annual staff. He received awards in wrestling and football. Besides having his biography published in the book. Plummer will compete for one of the ten SI.000 scholarships awards funded by the publishers and will be invited to participate in the firm's annual "Survey of High Achievers." Plummer plans to attend NC State University. years, upon payment of S300 fine and costs. She was placed on three and one-half years probation. Kugene Campbell, Raeford, was convicted of indecent exposure. He received six months. Campbell gave notice of appeal and the appeal bond was set at $2,000. He later withdrew the appeal. Lennora Blue, Stonewall Township, was convicted of assault and battery. Prayer for judgment was continued for three years and the defendent was placed on three years probation. Thomas Allen Haynes, Stonewall Township, was convicted of assault. Prayer for judgment was continued for three years upon payment of costs. Neil Ray, Rt. 2, was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon. Prayer for judgment was continued two years upon payment of costs. For good cause shown, cost was remitted. The state took nol pros on a companion charge of assault. Calvin Beatty, Rt. I, was found innocent on two counts of assault. The court found frivilous and malicious prosecution on the part of the prosecuting witnesses and ordered Elizabeth McDougle and Alice Beatty confined to jail until costs were paid. Jimmie McMillian, 506 Grant St., was convicted of public intoxication. He received three days. Susan Bullard, Antioch, was convicted of violation of Employment Security Commission G.S. 96-18 a. She received 30 days suspended two years upon condition she violate no F.SC laws for two years and pay SIS restitution, S20 fine and costs. Robert Lee Baker, Rt. 1, was convicted of improper passing, received 30 days suspended upon payment of S25 fine and costs. James Houston Tucker, Greenville, was found innocent of a passing violation. Actena Uates (Jsling. Rt. 3, was convicted of failure to yield and a stop sign violation and was assessed $10 fine and costs. James Ray Wikirt, Ft. Bragg, was convicted of speeding. Prayer for judgment was continued upon payment of costs. Jimmie Bogan Hall, Society Hill, S.C., was called on charges of speeding and failed to appear. His bail bond of $25 was ordered forfeited with judgment final. Deleon Terrell Wilkerson, Lumberton. was convicted of inspection violation. He was assessed costs only. James D. Robinson, 803 Saunders St.. was found innocent of non-support. Alton Locklear, Antioch Community, was found innocent of non-support. Mike Walters, James R. Riddle, Tommy Barnes, and James R. Baxley, all of Kaetord, were found innocent of trespassing on the property of the Little Mint August 1. Albert Smith, Rt, 2, was found innocent of disposing of mortaged property. Harley Cummings Jr., Antioch Community was convicted of trespassing. He received six months, suspended five years upon condition he not molest Margaret Huggins or go upon her property for five years and pay costs. The state took nol pros on charges of assault with a deadly weapon against Brady Locklear. Antioch; Lori F.llen Lewis, Stonewall township, unsafe movement; Otis Reese Mixon, Charlotte, license violation; Jimmie McNeill, Rt. 1. breaking and entering; Alton Jones. Antioch Community, license violation; Herman Cummings, Stonewall Township, DUI; and Algie Kilgore O'Kelley, Fayetteville, attempting to obtain a controlled drug. '/'///////// '////,^Ab'/ZAV/ %///&//// Edenborough Shopping Center OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 1 P.M. tiN 6 P.M. Every Night till 9:00 P.M. SUPER f DOLLAR SrOREiAZ/DE D/SCOUA/T PR/CES EVERYDAY' BIG WEEK MAIN STREET - RAEFORD UP TO 50?o STOREWIDE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED k 4 30 QT. COOLER 77e PLASTIC CLOTHES BASKET 3/*1?? LISTERINE 7 OZ SIZE BOTTLE 2/*l FALL HAND BAGS $300 $357 LADIES' ROBES $r00 ASST. COLORS. SIZES & STYLES PRELL LIQUID 2/$l 3.5 OZ. SIZE LUSTRE CREME MEN'S HAIR SPRAY 00 2/$l SPORT SHIRTS $300 PRESTONE II ANTI-FREEZE 97 $1 LAWN CHAIRS $2^7 NOTE BOOK FILLER 57 ^ 300 SHEETS c COMPOSITION! BOOKS 3/$l?? ? super I rPOLLAR] s M EDI-CENTER ? COMPARE OUR PRICES LISTERINE THROAT 62 LOZENGES MAALOX LIQUID AND ^ gm qq TABLETS *1 $ ST. JOSEPH ASPIRIN 55' 100 TABLET BOTTLE ALKA SELTZER 62* 25 TABLET BOTTLE BUFFERIN 60 TABLETS 69* ? ? HOURS ? - Monday thru Saturday 9 fir 9 Sunday ? I til 6 EVERYTHING FOR FAMILY & HOME AT DISCOUNT PRICES CHOCKS VITAMINS $209 W/IRON