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Fire Chief Marty Jones, left, witches as Stonewall Fire Department President David Walton accepts check from 4-H President Ellen Maxwell. Firemen presented a, program on fire fighting equipment and fire prevention for 4-H members ROCKFISH NEWS By Mrs. A. A. Mclnnis Attendance is holding up good at most of the churches in this area. Let's hope that it is not because people don't have gas enough to go to the beaches or other long trips. The pastor of Galatia Church, The Rev. Russell Fleming, was absent Sunday. The morning worship service at Galatia Church was conducted by Dr. J. Harris Stephens of Fayetteville. His very practical message was appreciated by all the congregation. W.O. Michael G. Sayer's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sayer of Welston, Michigan, spent the weekend and a few days this week with Mrs. Micahel Sayer and children, Scott, Susan and Shane. We welcome them to Rockfish and hope they'll come again soon. L. B. Bundy who had been a patient at Veterans Hospital, Fayetteville, a few days over five weeks, got home last Wednesday. T. G. Wood, who came home from Highsmith-Rainey Memorial Hospital last Thursday, March 14, had to go back to the hospital Monday, March 18. Mrs. Floyd Monroe and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Monroe visited Mrs. John Baker at Duke Hospital, Durham, Sunday. Mrs. Baker had surgery there last Friday and she is to have more surgery this week. Melvin Dees, Jr., who has been at Womack Army Hospital for several weeks, is now at the Navy Hospital in Norfolk, Va. He is not completely well. He has to wear a brace for his back, but he is still useful to the Navy, as he raises the flag in the morning and lowers it in the evening. Thomas McColl talked with his mother, Mrs. S. N. McColl, at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., the past weekend and she was getting along okay. The two youngest McColl children, Kim and Keven, received a card from their grandmother, Mrs. McColl, and she was talking about seeing them soon. She told her son Thomas that the butter beans were blooming there so no wonder she feels like it is getting warm enough for her to come back up north. And people here can't be sure that freezing weather is over yet. Mrs. Gilbert Ray had as her guest last week from Thursday to Sunday her friend Mrs. Evelyn McRae of Suitland, Md. Carol Fowler, student at Cullowhee, came last Friday and is spending the spring break this week with her mother, Mrs. Henry Fowler, and her sister, Kafhy. ? Mrs. W. A. Fowler and her sister, Mrs. Peaifl Walters, went by plane to New Orleans, La., last Wednesday to attend funeral services there for a niece, it was Mrs. Fowler's first flying trip and she enjoyed it. Mrs. R. H. Gibson and her daughter. Mrs. Henry Fowler, went to Pittsboro last Tuesday, March 12, where they visited Mrs. Jack White. While there they saw Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gibson. Mrs. Allen Gibson was taking medical treatment in Pittsboro Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Wood of Raeford and her mother, Mrs. R. V. Page of Wilmington, were dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. A. W.Wood, last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Dees of Florence, S. C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Dees last Saturday. Mr. Dees is an uncle of George Dees. His sister, Mrs. Polly Baker of Fayetteville, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dees Sunday p.m. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Ritter were Dr. and Mrs. J. Harris Stephens of Fayetteville and Miss Carolina Parker of Wayside. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Nelia Brock, Mr. and Mrs. June Rogers and Sobs Keith and Craig, were his mother /Mrs. Alma Bryant and her daughter Mrs. EtoUe Edmund and sons Joe and Keith and Miss Ann Edmund of Moore Methorial Hospital, Pinehurst. She is a nurse at this hospital. Mrs. Harold Tillman had no news this week except that her. daughter, Mrs. Cyrus Moore of Greensboro, could not visit them the past weekend because she MM "hay fever," and the good news that her daughter finished her course in rwetk* Teaching at High Point last Friday. Congratulations to the former Rage Marie Tinman. Mrs. Harold Brock's mother, Mrs. Eathar Basse of Fayetteville, and her brother, Stanley Besse of New York, spent the past weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Brock and daughter. Donna. Mr. and Mrs. John Aldridge of Wilson spent Saturday night and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclnnis of Raeford. They also stopped by to see her grandmother, Mrs. A. A. Mclnnis, and her grandfather, T. G. Wood, Sunday afternoon. Birthday Judy Bendy's ninth birthday was celebrated with a little party at her home last Sunday p.m. Guests were about 10 of her friends. The children played indoor games since the weather was cold. Judy received lots of nice gifts and her mother Mrs. Tommy Bendy served cool drinks, potato chips, cake, cookies and ice cream. Judy and her brother Ronald and their guests enjoyed the party and may she have many, many . more happy birthdays. f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McPherson and children Tom Jr., Davis and Elizabeth of* Yanceyville, came Friday and spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Parker. Tom's friend Kathy Simmons was with them. Other relatives they saw while here were. Misses Allie and Katie Black, Mr. and Mrs. Davis Parker and children. Maj. and Mrs. D. B. Parker and children. Tom Jr. returned to Davidson College Sunday morning and the others went home Sunday p.m., including Miss Simmons. Mrs. Clara Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Register and Mrs. A. A. Ray visited Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Judd Newton of Lakerim last Sunday p.m. Mrs. Joe Lovette and her brother, D. K. Parker of Wayside, heard last Saturday that their brother Henry's son, Perry Parker, 42, of Longview, Texas, had died on Friday, March 15. Funeral services were held on Monday a.m., March 18. None of his relatives here could go, but Mrs. Myra Lentz of ^ Margate, Fla., Ids first cousin, attende^ (he funeral services Monday. Herman Crowley of Wayside, who has been at Veterans Hospital Fayetteville, for a long lime is spending a few days at home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclnnis of Raeford visited Iris aunts Misses Carrie, Maggie and Lucy Smith and Mrs. J. D. Mclnnis and son, J. D. Mclnnis, of Wagram, Sunday night. Raeford Native And Wife Killed A head - on collision in Mecklenburg County Saturday night claimed the lives of a Raeford native and his wife. State Trooper D.R. Lee said Robert McNair Peele Sr., 70 and his wife Rosa Lee McArthur Peele, 64, were killed when their car was struck head on by a vehicle driven by Thomas M. Moore, 26 of Mooresville. The accident occurred on N.C. 73 about a mile from the Peele's Davidson home. Mr. and Mrs. Peele were , reportedly enroute home from Greenville, S.C. at the time of the accident. Lee said, Moore, who received a broken leg, shoulder and nose was charged with reckless driving and driving under the influence. Double funeral services were conducted for Mr. and Mrs. Peele Tuesday at Davidson College Presbyterian Church with burial in Davidson. Survivors include a son, Robert McNair Peele Jr., a student at Bowman Gray School of Medicine in Winston ? Salem. Mr. Peele, a school principal in Wagram and Harrisburg until his retirement a few years ago, was the son of the late Roberta McLean and William Patterson Peele of Hoke County. Other survivors include a brother, Glenn Peele of Maxton; and two sisters, Mrs. Dave Matthews of Burgaw, and Mrs. Roy Cameron of Erwin. Mrs. Peele, a Wakulla native, was the daughter of the late Caledonia McDonald and Patrick Henry McArthur. READ AND USE THE WANT ADS