RUNOFF CANDIDATE CAMPAIGNS - Charles Guy, left, campaigned in Hoke County last week in an effort to win votes for the June 4 second primary election. Guy who polled 2 votes in May 7 primary for Democratic nomination for new district court iudteship I2tli Judicial District (Hoke-Cumberland) faces Sylvia X. Allen in the second primary. Mrs. Allen drew 8.100 votes in earlier primary and called for the runoff election. (N-J Photo) City Awards 4 Contracts The city council met in special session May 16 to act on bids opened at the May regular monthly meeting. The council was unable to act on the bids at that time because a quorum was not present. The council awarded a .contract for curbing and guttering to Crowell Constructors of Lumberton, the low bidders with $67,387. Others bidding on the job were Bollinger Contractors, Lumberton, $70,743; and Lee Paving, Sanford, $87,996. Raeford Plumbing and Heating was awarded a heating and air conditioning contract for the new city garage building on a low bid of $3,088. Also submitting a bid was bdens hlcctric, Raeford, $3,095. Raeford Plumbing and Heating was awarded the contract for plumbing the building. The firm submitted the only bid, $1,855. hdens Hlectric was awarded the electrical contract for the building on a low bid of $2,150. Also submitting a bid was Raeford Electric Motor Service, $4,150. All bids submitted on the actual building were rejected by the council due to "inaccuracy and inadequate information received from the bidders on recommendation from koonce. Noble & Associates (Lumbcrton architecture firm)" according to City Manager John Gaddy. The city fathers authorized Police Chief Leonard Wiggins to apply for a Law Lnforcemenl Association Assistance grant of $47.88, to be used for purchasing law enforcement manuals. The City must provide $12.12 of the cost. Deadline for the grant application is June 3. Gaddy presented the council copies of budget requests from city department heads for study and consideration. In final action, the council recinded an earlier re-allocation of $40,000 in revenue sharing funds. The funds had been originally budgeted for the renovation of City Hall, but priorities were re-evaluated and the money re-allocated to curbing and guttering city streets. The council re-allocated $34,377 of the $40,000 to curbing and guttering and transferred $5,000 in revenue sharing funds from garbage disposal to curbing and guttering. Gaddy explained part of the original $40,000 put into curbing and guttering had already been earmarked for land purchase for a city garage site. -LIBRARY ? Continued from Date I firm contracted for the proposed new library building, and $80 on June I, 1973 to ?harles, Morrison, Grier Associates, Inc. of Charlotte for an interview. Neither expenditure was included in the library spending plan received by the city. Mrs. Id wards said she had worked with revenue sharing money before, and was under the impression it was to be spent when it was received. She said, however, that she doubled the entire amount would be spent according to the plan, but she didn't want the libraiv to lose the money bccause of a time limit on spending. I Referring to Department of Cultural Resources pamphlet from the Division of State Ubrary, Raleigh, Mrs. L dwards cited a requirement that projects using federal funds must include all necessary ifutial equipment for operation of the building for public library services. She added, "No matter what we buy now, it will be for the new library." She said a "minimum amount (of the funds) was to be used to secure supplies and basic equipment including a desk, chairs, typewriter and card catalog necessary for operation" she added that purchase of the items now would prove to be a savings two years fiom now. New equipment at the libiarv includes one desk and chair, a stool and a typewriter table. One typewriter i> reportedly on order, Caddy said invoices on the items have not been paid. BY JIM DEAN Some years back when Ihe first Jt. matlresses hit the market. I knew I had to have one. Never again, I thought, would I have to sleep with nothing between me and the ground but a blanket and an oilskin tablecloth. I tried very hard to like air mattresses. Over the next half do/.en years. I owned three of the beasts. They varied in color and design, but they had one thing in common. They all leaked. It never failed. I would blow up my air mattress and fall asleep like an angel on a cloud. Sometime during the middle of the night, I would wake up feeling as though I had been speared on the tip of Pike's Peak. Once, four of us camped on a beach in Delaware. Periodically, our restless slumber was punctuated by muffled obscenities and desperate puffing as we tried to re - inflate our bunks for another 30 minutes of decreasing comfort. By morning, we were all quite literally exhausted. It was about this time that a friend told me a particularly gruesome horror story involving air mattresses. It seems that he and another fellow had taken their families camping in a large tent. All had air mattresses. During the night, my friend decided that his mattress was a trifle hard because he had pumped it too full of air. He reached down and loosened the cap to let out a little. The escaping air made a slight hiss, followed by a terrified shriek. "There's a snake in the tent." screamed somebody, whereupon there was an immediate and violent exodus accompanied by the sound of ripping canvas. Most everybody went out under the sides of Ihe tent, but my friend's wife ran through the /.ippered screen door which slowed her up until she accidentally trod on the still hot coals of the lire. After hearing this tale. I stabbed all my air mattresses to death and swore never to own another. Instead. I began using foam riibbei pads about four inches thick. They're comfortable and trustworthy, though rat he i bulky. For nearly 10 years. I avoided an mattresses like the plague, but last week I was planning a family camping trip when it suddenly occurred to me that there was no way to gel everything we needed into the cat since I no longer had access to a trailer. The loam pads were I lie problem. Pour of them would practically fill the back of my station wagon. On the other hand, I thought, four air mattresses would fit nicely, and surely science had improved these things since my youth. Anything would be belter than carrying a carload of foam rubber. Alas, I had temporarily forgotten my oath. Also. I had forgotten the sage advice that "men who do not learn from histoiy are doomed to repeal it." I bought four ail mattresses and a bicycle pump to help blow them up. We left for the mountains and four hours later, we were on the banks of a fine trout stream. Everything went nicely until it was time to blow up the mattresses. Suddenly, the air pump broke. That left us no choice. We would have to blow up the mattresses with our breath like ballon?. I finally got mine inflated after 45 minutes of wheezing and went to sleep hopeful that the woist was over In the middle of the night, I had thai old familiar sinking feeling. Also I could hear a faint hiss in the darkness. Not only was my ait mattress leaking, it had bad breath. WANT AD D NEEDED AT ONCE, male or female to deliver News and Observer in Raeford area. Musi he free from 4 lo 6 a.m. Contact: Horace McCall, P.O. Box 3375. Favetteville, N.C. Telephone 484-2026 or 483-6090 3-50 Will do babysitting in my home. Call 875-2185. 3-40 FOR SALE: (JE window air conditioner. 8500 BTU. 115 volt, almost new. Call 875-2783 after 5 p.m. 30 DO YOU NEED a babysitter or housekeeper??? Call Eva Mac Murchison 875-2078 3P FOR SALE: Quail eggs, from good slock. Permit No. I<)1. Call 875-4942 3-5C CAR FOR SALE: 1966 model, needs few minor repairs, will sell cheap. Call 875-4737 30 WANTED: Houses tinder S20.000. Will buy your equity and assume present mortgage. No red tape. Carson Davis. Jr. 501 I larris Ave. Phone 875-4870. TFC FOR SAI.F: 3 bedroom house on Jackson Street. I'i baths, fully carpel cd. Call Orawfoid Thomas 875-2366. TFT FOR SAI.F: One 5 hp Scat bike, almost new motor. SI00. One 1973 Honda Mini Trail 50. excellent condition, SI50. One 1970 Chevy step van truck, I owner, low mileage, interested party contact 875-2862 between 8 and 5. TFT I'OR RFNT: 2 bedroom mobile home, all utilities, cverythin furnished except linens. Located behind Fden's tlectric on Rock fish Road. Call 875-2862. TIC HOMES FOR SAl.K: If you need a home, see us first. Best quality. Besi prices. Best financing. "Our business is good because it's good for you." Carson Davis. Jr. 501 Harris Ave. Plume 875-4870. TFT FOR SALE: 1972 Mobile Home, assume payments. Call 875-5148 or 875-4690. TFC REPAIRS Handsaws, head shears and all saws, let me sharpen them. Ed Jarrell, Rt. 2, Raeford 3P FOR SALE: Poulan Cilian Saw with bow. heavy duty and extra chain. S200. Clarence L.ytch. Raeford. N.C. 3P FOR SALE 1971 12 x 51 Allair Mobile Home with washer, dryer, carpel and shed. S3500. 875-4920 3-4P III 1 i- W WI : ? I, diag .1.. one hackhoc ami otic vear round work ''.ill 8'* *4''U davs and 875-54.'i ? i :! TIC SPINET -CONSOLE PIANO Wanted: Responsible parly to purchase spinet piano on low monthly payments. Can be seen locally. Write Sales Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelbyville, Indiana 46176. 3-6P FOR SALE: 1970 Cox lent trailer, excellent condition call 875-3504 after 4:30. TFC FOR SALE: Rabbits. SI.50 each, Call 875-3660 3C HELP WANTED: Whites Cabinet Shop. Call 875-5218 or 875-4828. 3C FOR SALE: 1972 Dodge Challenger Ralley, 4 speed, air conditioned, AM/FM stereo radio, PS, PDB. Mags, excellent condition. Price S2595 Call 875-3548. 3P HtLP WANTED: SI00.00 weekly possible addressing mail for firms ? Full and part time at home - Send stamped self-addressed envelope to IJLACO, Box 3135 C Station No. I, HILO. HAWAII 96720. 3P CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my deep appreciation to all my friends for the cards, letters, flowers, gifts and prayers during my recent stay in the hospital and for neighbors who cared for my loved ones at home. May God Bless you all. Mildred Winburn. 3P CALL 875 2121 TO PLACE WANT ADS K)R RLNT: Two trailers located at Surf City, across from Scotch Bonneti fier. One has one bedroom and sleeps foui. other has three bedrooms, sleeps 8. Call 875-4528 dav. 875-4509 nights. TFC I'OR SALF: I 5'Travel Trailer , sleeps 6. Air conditioning and many extras. Call 875-2720 TFC. FOR SALF: Console spinel piano located ill Hoke Co. Interested party may have up to 36 mo. to pay with approved credit. Only it" interested call collect 633-2905 Salisbury. N.C. aliei b p.m. 2-41' I'OR SAL L: 1968 Mercury Montego.air conditioning, auto transmission, good condition, priced to sell. Call 875-4261 alter 7 p.m. TFC WANTtD: Someone to assume payments on I ?'72 model 7ig /ag automatic sewing machine in cabinet. Makes bulloii holes, overcasts. Balance due 62.50, payments 12.50 pei month. To see call 692-8136 in Southern Pines, collect. I-4P I'OR SALF: 6 inos. old CB Radio wilh side bands plus high gain base antenna and big Mama Mobile Antenna. Call: 875-5582 after 5. S475.00 Exterminate for roachcs. waterbugs. ants, S20.00. Free termite inspection. Call 944-2474, Aberdeen Extermination Co.. Aberdeen. N.C. 51-1 OH I OR SAI I Total electr ic 3 bedroom house, carpel, air condilioner. built-in stove, 409 E. Prospect Ave. Call 875-4648. SEE US for all your steel needs. Miscellaneous and structural. DuBose Corporation Mon-Fri. Roseboro, N.C. Phone 525-4161 TFC SALESPERSONNEL Local company locating in Raeford. Need three men or women for sales work. No experience necessary. Will train at company expense. For information write P.O. Box 3331, Fayetteville, stating age and phone number. TFC CARPENTRY: Repairs and temodcling. storm windows and fire places. Free estimates. Phone 875-2720 after 5 p.m. Cecil Reynolds. TFC LOTS FOR SAI L in Raclord. N. C. One lot on Magnolia St., 75 ft. front x 150 It. One lot op Magnolia St.. 75 It. front x 150 ft. One lot on Magnolia St. 250 It. and Wollcv St. 258 ft. x 143 ft. deep Call Raclord 87S-4495. II no answer call Selina. N. C.. l)| 0/965-2027 or Smilhlield. N. (.. 919/934-8272. I-4P FOR SALK BY OWNER: 3 bedroom split level home. $27,500. Ijving room, dining room, kitchen I1/; baths, large iten. ...lily room and carport. 1775 sq. ft. Assume 5'4% loan or refinance. Shown by appointment only. Call 875-3228. TFC LOANS. Available now on teal estate. Free information. Come by our office today. Carson Davis. Jr. 501 Harris Ave. Phone 875-4870 TFC "NHVhR used anything like it." says users of Blue Lustre carpet cleanci. Kenl shampooer at Raeford Hardware. 52-4C For Color TV Service Call 875-2578 No Ans. 875-2365 One day sen/ ice in most cases. Repair in home when possible Also Black & White TVs and Stereos - All Makes & Brands Call anytime til 9 00 p.m. Nixon General Auto and Farm Machinery Repair H. B. NIXON. JR. 9 Miles West of Raeford on Turnpike Road EARL'S ELECTRICAL SERVICE INSTALLATION and REPAIR RT. 2 BOX 399 RAEFORO, N. C. PH.875 2369 PROMPT. EFFICIENT SERVICE State License No 4807-L EARL CHASON, Prop. FOR SALK BY OWNKR 3 bedroom brick home, 2 full baths, kitchen-Jen combination, living room, sun deck, finished garage, central air and heat, dish washer, built in range. Assume 7',; loan with small equity. Call after 5 p.m 875-4854. TFC Save Time...Money...and Worry... See Quality Motors first for a better used car! Qualitv Motors, Harris Ave 52-4C IX) YOll Nhfl) A PLUMBI R7 ("all Long's dumbing and Repair. Back hoe and dump truck work. Septic lank pipe line work Fill dirt and top soil etc. 875-2530. 2-3P I OR SALK: 1973 llymoulh Duster, 318 V8 engine, vinvl lop. l'.5CX) miles. S2450.00. C all 875-4683. TIC FOR SAl.F: 3 bedroom house on College Drive. 2 baths, den-kitchen combination, living room and garage. Call 875-3870. TFC FOR SALt: I elctric slove and I sofa bed. 206 Stewart Street. 2-31' TRADL your old home in on a new total electric home with many other features. No red tape. Call us today. "Our business is good because it's good for you." Carson Davis. Jr. 501 Harris Ave. Phone 875-4870 TIC SOUTHERN Lawn & Fence Co. CHAIN LINK - SPLIT RAIL For All Your Fencing Needs Call Richard Shepherd 875-5469 AVIATION MECHANICS FXPFRIfcNCF OR TRAINING AVAILABLE FOR H.S. CRADS WHO QUALIFY. STARTING salary up to S377 per month plus many benefits including 30 days paid vacation. Age 17-31. Call 483-5622 collect or call toll free 800-841-8000. US. Navy. Raeford Cleaners and Launderers " Fast Dry Cleaning Service * Custom Shirt Laundry * Alterations & Tailoring * Tux Rentals * Drapery Specialists operated by Betty & Allen McDonald WHEEL ALIGNMENT NEW TIRES and RECAPPED TIRES McDONALDS TIRE RECAP. SERVICE PHONE 875-2079 114RACKET ALLEY & STEWART STREET Betty's Signs 8754383 SCREEN PRINTING - POSTERS TRUCK LETTERING SIGNS OF ALL KINDS REASONABLE COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE at BOBBY CARTER'S TIRE SERVICE SOUTH MAIN STREET FOR SALL Cemetery lols. tall 875-3.W8. 2-3H Fixing small appliances. James B. Covington. 875-2466. TFC Skin Disorders? Try Toco-Derm Vitamin t Cream. 1260 II' per tube at Hoke Drug. 49-3P Lose weight safely with Diadax and Dex-a-Diet Reduce excess fluid with Fluidex at Hoke Drug. 49-81' FOR SALK: Mobile home 10 x SO, 2 bedrooms, call 875-5477, call nitihts 875-2678. TFC BLl'F L ustre not only rids carpets of soil but leaves pile soft and lofty. Rent slumpooei at Wood's Furniture. 52-4C STEVES Grass Mowing Service CALL 875 3640 Carolina Turf Co. Ready Mixed Concrete PROMPT DELIVERY Ph"?e 875 4025 - 875-4986 WHEEL ALIGNMENT SERVICE at BOBBY CARTER'S TIRE SERVICE SOUTH MAIN STREET TUTTLE REPAIR SERVICE ROOFING CARPENTRY PLUMBING REPAIR PAINTING HEAT & AIR COND. PHONE 875-2154 RAEFORO Parks ? McAllister PAINT CONTRACTORS All Types Painting * COMMERCIAL ? RESIDENTIAL Interior ? Exterior FREE ESTIMATES Call Evenings | 875 2872 | RAEFORO. N.C. NO I XPI KII NCI- KtOUlRI-D APPRINTICK STATIONARY PLANT h N (J I N I. t R . Comprehensive formal training provided along with on the job experience. Competitive starting alary, guaranteed raises, merit promotions, paid relocation, world's best benefit package. Age 17-30. Call US. NAVY 483-5622 collect or call toll free 800-841 8000. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and NCR OPERATOR NCR machine and bookkeeping required. Operator should have knowledge of NCR Model 36-1 Supply resume and reference to the Manning Corporation Attn: Mr. John T. Grant P.O. Box 407 St. Pauls. N.C. 28384 Phone 919-865-4166 opening available immediately LAND WANTED Approved subdivision & apt. sites with water A sewer. We are also looking for land for our investor clients. Broker co-op invited. REALTORS 211 Fairway Dr., P.Oi Box 3416 Fayattavilla. N.C. 28306 Ph: (919) 484 4187