^Jte <~Ylew6 - journal The Hoke County News - Established 1928 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 VOLUME LXVIi NO. 36 RAEFORD. HOKE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA S5 PER YEAR THURSDAY. JANUARY 9. 1975 Around Town By Sam C. Morris The leash law passed by the City Council last year goes into effect this month. All dogs must be registered with the city and a tag put on the dog's collar. The dog. under the law, must be under control at all times. So if you own a dog maybe you had better check by city hall and read the law. It may save you somc'trouble. A friend of mine handed me the following article taken from a neighboring newspaper concerning the leash law in that county. 0. Does the county leash law apply to all the people in the county or just to certain people in the county? A. Wliile we agree that some people probably should be leashed, we think the law actually applies only to dogs in the county. The jury is in and four of the five defendants in the Watergate trial have been found guilty on all counts. In most cases this would be the end and the news could be taken up with other things. But this will not happen in these cases. 1 suspect that we will be hearing about Watergate for many years to come. ,,lt will be one appeal alter another until most people will be glad to throw oui the whole affair and let the guilty off so that the country can get on with other business. The right to appeal is certainly right but sometimes we all become too soft and don'i see justice done. Forty years ago this May the last class to graduate al the old Raeford High School building, that was destroyed by fire, finished eleven years of school work. There were 48 in the graduating class and several of ihe ones graduating started in the first grade at this building and completed school at ihe same place. This was the last class in the county to do this as the class of 1936 moved to the new high school building, now Raeford F.lemcntary School. Some of the people that finished in the class of 1935 would like to hold a reunion on the 40th anniversary this May, of course m 40 years the 48 members have scattered all over the country and many of the ladies have now married and names have changed so getting ihe group together will take time and help from many sources. Being a member of this class I will do everything I can to assemble these names but will need help in seeming addresses of these people. So if you were a member of the class, even if you live in Hoke County, drop me a card or write a letter giving your name and address so that plans can gel started lot this reunion. If you are a relative or a friend of someone thai graduated in this class please inform them of these plans or gel in touch with me so thai they can be informed of the reunion. Any help anyone can give will be appreciated because much water has gone over the dam in 40 years. Situation 'Temporary9 Turkey Plant Lays Off Entire Shift Light Bill In Schools Is Soaring A strong conservation effort is being mounted in the schools to try to combat soaring electricity costs. Costs for electricity this year are expected to more than double the amount budgeted, according to school superintendent Raz Autry. For example, he said, the electric bill for the Gibson building at Hoke High during November amounted to S.3,033. The Gibson building, which is all-electric, contains 23 classrooms, a cafeteria and a gymnasium. For the same month last year, the bill was less than a third as much, SI,039, Autry said. The November electric bill for the Hoke High building across the street amounted to S1,079. The toial bill for electricity in the county schools for that month amounted to more than Sb.OOO, Autry said. He estimated that if the bills average S5.000 a month, then Hoke taxpayers will have lo pay $60,000 for electricity for the schools this year. However, only S28.000 was budgeted for that purpose this year, and this was $3,000 more than was in the budget last year, Autry said. In addilion, the county receives $800 a month from the state for water and electricity bills. "I'm sure you want to know how we are going to make up the difference." Autry said. "It's a simple matter of using the old cliche of 'robbing Peter to pay Paul', We will cut from some other place in the budget." Autry observed that in 1941. the electric bill for the entire county school system was less than $500. Several steps have been taken in the last few days, he said, to help conserve electricity. "The most important thing we are doing is to educate our people to conserve. I've asked all the principals to meet with their faculties and have them stress the seriousness of the problem to their students." Thermostats have been lowered in all schools to 68 degrees and Autry said the automatic vents in the heating systems would be replaced so that the heal can be regulated manually rather than electrically. Except for security lights operated by See EIGHT BI1.LS. page 13 DFLt'GA TION - State Representatives exchanged views Tuesday at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Here David Parnell of Parkton takes his turn at the speaker's stand. Also arc I from left J Harold (i ill is. C of C manager: Boh Gentry, president. Joy Johnson. Representative from Fairmont and (far rightI Henry It 'ard O.xendine. Representative from Pembroke. Leash Law Discussed Implementation of (lie city's leasli law was discussed by the city council Monday night. The ordinance, which lofbids dogs to run al large and requires them to he licensed, became effective Jan. I. Dog tags are on sale now through Feb. 15 at city hall. City attorney Palmei Willcos. who wrote the ordinance. discussed enforcement with the council and lees were set. License fee was set at S2.50 for the tag. with SI replacement fee. A pick-up charge lot animals impounded was set at $2.50 with SI a day hoard The council deleted the portion of the ordinance that required a county tag also. John Caddy, city manager, reported that he had arranged with T.B. Lestei. county manager. to have the county dog warden work several days in the city to train" a city dog warden. However. Caddy said there was no money in the See LI ASH LAW page Id Raeford Taxpayer Irked Over Lack Of City Water A Raelord resident, irked by lack o watei service, asked the city counct Monday night to either move the city limits to place her property outside tin line or to cut her taxes in hall'. Mrs. John Campbell made the iccjuesi at the city council meeting Monday night in lound two 01 three ol i long-standing disagreement * o\ei extending a city watci line to her home Mis. Campbell lives just within the city limits on St. Pauls Drive. While a city can annex piopeity. there is no provision in the/law to remove areas from the cits/. Palmer Willcox told the council. Nor can the council reduce taxes for a citi/en alter the tax rate has been set. it was decided. At a meeting earliei this tall. Mis. Campbell had asked foi watei service and liad cltaiged that once before, when her husband had tlueatencd not to pay taxes, the city had extended watei pipes alone the road to hei driveway. When the taxes were paid, she said, the city picked up the water pipes. Cost of extending the city water line was estimated at mote than S7.00U. an expense not instilled lor only one or two houses, the council has countered. Instead, the city ottered, in a letter to Mis. Campbell, to install a two-inch pipe to the property ot l-arry Upchurch. located neai hei house. She could then hook on to that line, the council says. I he I pchuich piopei tv is presently sei\ed by a stnallei city line. The council contends that this would significantly reduce the cost to the city and that the cost loi the hook up would he stnulai to the cost ot a lie-in with a line iun beside the St. Pauls road. Mrs. Campbell said site planned to seek a i/medy from the legislature and to investigate instituting a suit against the city tor water. She said she did not plan to pay moie than 50 pet cent of he.' taxes Jobs for more than 300 workers at Raeford Turkey Farms ended this week as the turkey processing plant reduced its work force to one shift. Larry Phillips, personnel manager, said the layoff was due to a lack of live turkeys to process. The cutback is expected to be temporary, he said, and the firm is going ahead with the expansion program already underway. The new facility is expected to be ready by summer. Phillips said: The total number of workers laid off this week was estimated by Phillips as 338. Interviewers from the Employment Security Commission are scheduled to visit the plant, Phillips said, to take applications for unemployment compensation. The economic impact on the area caused by the loss of income to turkey plant workers is estimated at more than S31.000 each week. Phillips said production is normally less at this time of year and employees who are paid hourly , have often worked on short time. "However, this year, because of the unavailability of live product, Raeford Turkey Farms is forced to go to a one-shift operation." Phillips said. Supply of live turkeys to the plant has been cut by about SO per cent, Phillips said. However, it is expected that more turkeys will be available later this year. "As we get more birds, we'll continue to hire." he said. "We are in the position to be very competitive to get birds and we anticipate that we'll be able to get more." However. Wyatt L'pchurch, who produces yo'ung turkeys for growers, estimated that supplies will be short throughout 1075. Even though it appears that farmers will be more eager to ratse turkeys this year, the length of time it takes to increase breeding stock, hatch poults and grow turkeys to market size indicates shortages for the rest of this year, he said Upchurch said the cost of raising turkeys for market in the past year rose sharply. "Turkeys aren't being raised because you can't make money at it," he said. In 1173, he said, the cost to produce 100,000 birds was about S435.000. In I'174. it was S700.000. Turkey production in the county is down markedly according to farm agent Wendell Young. In l')7l, there were an Sec LAY OFFS. page 13 Classes Open Registration is still open lor the winter quarter of off-campus classes offered by Sandhills Community College. Division of Continuing I:ducat ion. Interested persons may register during the week of Jan, 13-16 in class. Commissioners Vote To Force Pay Reduction Moke county commissioners sided with commissioners from two other counties Monday to force a seven and a half per cent reduction in salaries at Sandhills Mental Health Center. The action stemmed from a misunderstanding of several years in which the Sandhills Mental Health Board requested salaries in excess of the stale standard without first obtaining approval from the county commissioners in the five counties area. A ruling in October by the attorney general's office established the requirement to obtain approval for salaries and left the mental health clinic in the position of having operated for two years without approval. The general statute orders the salaries to conform to the state standard salary plan if the board and commissioners do not agree. David Culbreth, area director for the clinic, in a letter read to the commissioners, Monday, asked that he be allowed to return employees to the standard scale during the next fiscal year, beginning in July. Otherwise, he wrote, "there is the distinct possibility that we would have to decrease professional salaries by T,i per cent and require these people to pay back the percentage above standard since July I" (of last year). The commissioners had not taken action on the matter when word was received by telephone that commissioners in Moore County had voted to allow the cutback to begin July I, but that Montgomery and Richmond commissioners had voted to require the reduction Jan. I. Anson County commissioners had agreed to side with the majority, county manager T.B. Lester reported to the Hoke board. In a resolution, the board voted to require the salaiies to conform with the standard pay plan as of Jan. I. which would require a 71 a per cent reduction. School Buildings County school superintendent Ra/ Autry met with the board to schedule the sale of bonds and told the commissioners that current building cost estimates had been revised, to the county's advantage The most recent building cost estimates were considerably reduced, Autry said, and. if accurate, would enable the county to build a library at West Hoke with state, rather than local funds. The county will receive SI,21 5.000 in stale bond money. Projects scheduled to be built with those funds include the Hoke High library, planned for S400.000 and now estimated at $525,000; Scurlock classrooms and library, planned for $615,000 and now estimated at $525,000 and West Hoke classrooms, planned for $200,000 and now estimated at $160,000. Autry said if these estimates prove correct, the county can construct the library at West Hoke with the $140,000 remaining in state funds. He proposed to the board that only part of the $1.25 million in local school bonds be sold now. Projects planned would include renovation of the Raeford F.lemcntary cafeteria, now estimated at $125,000; new Hoke High shops, estimated at $225,000 and the auditorium addition at the high school gym, still estimated at $200,000. These art the most urgent needs, Autry told the commissioners. He agreed to delay the schedule for selling tfty bonds until a meeting could be arranged with the Institute of laical Government to advise 01: the sale. Library Plans Members of the county library hoard accompanied the director and business manager of the Sandhills Regional Library system to meet with the county commissioneis. Bill Bridgeman. director, explained to the board the advantages of joining the system, composed now of the public libraries of Moore, Richmond, Anson and Montgomery counties. The chief advantage would be financial and professional help. Bridgeman explained. He said a tentative budget to be presented for the operation of the library next year will amount (o S44.706. As a member of the regional library system, the budget, including increased expenditures for hooks and materials, would amount to only $27,600. As a member, the local library would _gontinuc to pay salaries of local employees and maintenance of the building and utilities. They would also pay S2.050 to the regional library lor office expenses. The regional library would pay I he salary of a professional librarian and would pay costs of books and materials and upkeep on the bookmobile, among other expenses. Mrs. J.M. Andrews said the library board had endorsed joining the regional system. She also announced that the board had regretfully accepted the resignation of Miss Frances Edwards, librarian. The library board is scheduled to meet with the commissioners again in I ebruary to decide on membership. Recreation Members ol the Hoke County Parks and Recreation Commission also met with the board of commissioners to discuss immediate plans. Mrs. Milo Postel. chainnan. C.l . lovett and Benny McLeod first made sure that ,S10.307 in unspent lecrealioii funds was still available lei this yea' I hey then asked the boaid tin some guidance in spending the money Two possibilities included an immediate stait at recruiting a tuiltime recieation director or the development of a new ball paik. The commissioners, citing uncertain revenue this year, discouraged anv recruiting and approved a resolution directing the recreation commission to "carry on as in the past". They were more receptive to the idea ol purchasing land to develop and agreed that it would he a good idea for the recreation commission to look into the matter. Lovett also asked lor office space and storage for recreation equipment now owned by the county. The board suggested the old county office building, which will not be vacated until late summer. Another Office Another person who came lo the meeting in search of office space was Mrs. Juanila Kdnuind, clerk of superior court. She asked the board for an office for the magistrates. It should be private and should be located with an outside door See COMMISSION! RS. page 1.5 More Blood Is Needed It will take a whopping big collection oi Mood j! the quarterly \isit of the Wood mobile next week to keep Hoke ('mintys account with the Red Cross balanced. Right now. residents have used "*5 pints more than has been donated in the counts . I he Red Cross Bloodmobile has made one visit this fiscal year, which began in July. and only 50 pints were collected then. But. according to records kept by the Red Cross. Hoke Counttans have used I 25 pints since July first. Clyde I pchurch Jr.. county chairman of the blood program, said that in the last three months, persons living in the county have needed an average of 4 5 pints a month. I he county has a yearly quota of 5*>8 pints. Most of the blood is used by surgery or burn patients, he said. "And not a drop of blood that is contributed is ever wasted." he commented. "It it is not used immediately. then it is matte into plasma or fibrinogen ta clottingagent made from blood.)" I pchurch also stressed that all the hospitals in the area participated in the Red Cross blood program and urged patients to make sure the hospitals identified them as* Hoke County residents. Sometimes patients did not get credit for the participating program because mailing addresses, with portions of the county being on Fayetteville. Aberdeen or Robeson County routes, can be misleading. Upchurch explained. Upchurch receives regular reports ot blood usage by Hoke Countians from area hospitals, including Cape Fear Valley. Southeastern General. Scotland Memorial. Moore Memorial, Duke, Chapel Hill, Highsmith-Rainey and the VA Hospital in Fayetteville. I pchurch emphasized" that donors could contribute blood for a specific person, if they wanted to do so. "We'll have a list ot people who have used blood and they can certainly donate to pay hack. "Hut what hurts us is the fact that we have so many indigent people who just have no one to turn to. And someone has to take care of them too." The Bloodmohile will be in the county Jan 1 7 at Burlington from noon until 5 p.m. Upchurch urged delegations from all the industries and businesses in the county as well as individuals to attend the drive at Burlington. Youth Faces Trial As Adult One of two juveniles charged with the Dec. 28 burglary at the home of county ?commissioner James A. Hunt wis ordered to stand trial as an adult following a hearing Friday by District Court Judge Joseph E. Dupree. Daniel R. Locklear, 15, will faoe indictment by the grand jury on charges of breaking and entering and larceny connected with a breakin at Hunt's home in which $950 in cash and checks was stolen. It was reported Locklear was on a See YOUTHS, page 13