ofom/ Bridge Mrs Wilbum Club members and two visitors, Mrs. Charles Morrison and Mrs. David Scott Currie, met with Mrs. Carroll Wilburn on Thursday night. She served dessert and coffee when guests arrived and nuts and Cokes during progressions. Prizes went to Mrs. Morrison for high score, to Mrs. Joe Upchurch for bingo, and to Mrs. Earl Gordon for consolation. Club member Mrs. Bennie Kelly, who recently retired from her job at Burlington Industries, was presented a gift by the hostess. Mrs Davis Thursday night, Mrs Carson Davis Jr. entertained members of her bridge club and one visitor, Mrs. Bobby Wright. Before the game the hostess served cheese fondue with fruit, Moravian cookies, nut bread and coffee. During the evening guests were served candy, pretzels and soft drinks. Mrs. Sam Copper won the high score prize, Mrs. John Pecora was winner of the bingo prize, and Mrs. Martin Webb received the consolation gift. Mrs. Davis gave each winner a note promising to bring a gift from Mexico. Mrs. James Mrs. Jimmy James was hostess to her bridge club last Thursday evening. Guests were served dessert and coffee upon arrival. Cokes, nuts and candies were served during progression. Prize for high score went to Mrs. Steeva Snead, second high to Mrs. Bobby Kilby and Mrs. John Biddix won bingo. Births Mr. and Mrs. Brent Hardin announce the birth of a son, Michael Brent II, January 16, at Cape Fear Valley Hospital. Mrs. Hardin is the former Ann Jackson. OPENING SOON Devane's Auction Barn 401 By Pass Old Bobo Stable DON'T THROW ANYTHING AWAY WE'LL SELL IT FOR YOU For More Information Call Danny DeVane 8754334 Engagement Announced -? IK* . -? iim Mr. and Mrs. David Alfred Quick announce the engagement of their daughter, Jeannie l.ynn, to John Stephen Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Davis of Buie'. The wedding will take place on March IS, at the First Baptist Church. Stork Shower For Mrs. Williams Mrs. Bobby Williams was honored with a slork shower Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Jack Scarborough. Other hostesses were Mrs. Dale Riddle, Mrs. Larry Calloway, Mrs. Charlie Daniels and Mrs. Gary Adkins. Hostess gifts for Mrs. Williams were a corsage and a stroller. A pink and blue color note was used on the refreshment table where punch, cake squares, mints and nuts were served. Out of town guests were Mrs. Leslie Kellam and Misses Marie and Sherri l.yn Kcllam. all of Biscoe. Hospital News MOORF MLMORIAL James B. Bowles John Manning Mrs. Raymond Kllis, surgery Monday Clyde Teal Mrs. Jasper Davis Mrs. Truman Austin, home McCain Miss Delia Blue BAPTIST Bill McFadyen FOR SOCIALS CALL 875-2121 OR 875 3542 ENGAGED COUPLES ONLY 1 Engaged? Then Be Sure And Get Your RUBY & CRYSTAL rfCEE WEDDING BOWL Our engagement gift to you! This lovely ruby and crystal wedding bowl...perfect as a beautiful centerpiece or a treasured momento. So come in ?fkd get yours...it's gift wrapped and waiting for you! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! Also ask about our Special Under 21 CREDIT PLAN for married or engaged couples . . .No Co-Signers Needed! -V * FURNITURE 112 HARRIS AVE. RAEFORD, N. r, LfKH.' [:v\ [Kk Friday and Saturday Nigh* Bon John Lootabauch toafcgnadpiny ? Steaks, Lobster Prime Ribs I in t Mii>it l?\ ?*ni i M?? ? I ii r|?! n ? I V I I \ \ I ,;!lf . III 1975 Dinner Menu Spaghetti lt.ll Chapped Sir Ma, (King Slit) US Cahree Liver wkh eaiani or baeaa tils M-F Special 8teak D.7S Prime Rika ?( Cetera do Beet UM Charhretied 8?eak with Lekater Til IT.N All aritk Marked or Baked PeUte a ad Salad Bar Many other Entrees to choose (ran till-10:00 p.m. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Prince of Tappahannock, Va.. spent the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Angstadt and Mr. and Mrs.Paul Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Shankle spent last weekend visiting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Forloines and daughter Amy in Clarksville, Va.. and their son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shankle and son Chris in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Neeley have returned from a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Prince of Columbia. S.C., were here for the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Angstadt and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Macko. Dr. and Mrs. Marcus Smith and their granddaughter, Mary F.tnily Ussery, have been vacationing in Florida. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. L-arry Phillips were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Bob McGillivary and Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Inglehart of Raleigh. Sewing Contest Scheduled The sewing contest sponsored by the Raeford Woman's Club and Junior Woman's Club will be held Feb. 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the Methodist Church. The theme of the contest is "Pretty and Practical Costumes for the Busy Clubwoman". Entrants may choose any fabric or material, but they may not add anything to the pattern. Garments may be changed only by removing articles. The contest is open to all members of the RWC or RJWC. Chairman is Mrs. Steven Thomas, who may be reached at 875-4820. Mrs. Thomas requested all entries b< received by Jan. 28. College News A do/en Hoke County students mad the honors lists for lite fall quarter a Fast Catolina University. T op honors went to all - A students Included in that category were Katli; Diane C'urrie of 207 Roberts St.. Fond Blue Monroe of 312 W. t lwood Ave and Sherre Evelon Rowe of Raeford Dean's list students included Reh, Alice Best of 715 Cameron St.. Charle Eugene Davis of 30b N. Jackson St Julia Anne Gibson of 304 W. Flwoor Ave. and Barbara Ann Pltimmer oi Rt 2. Raelord. Dean's List requires a H-phi average with no grade below a C. Making the Honor Roll from lloki County were Gail Frances Conoly of Rt I, Raeford. Mary Kathleen Dasts ot 3Of N. Jackson St.. Elizabeth Sue Ivey o 418 N. Main St.. Debbie I). Koonce o Rt. 2, Raeford and Cathy Ann Newtot of Rt. 2. Raeford. The honor rol requires a B average with no gtadi below a C. They were among 2.')73 id students named to the lists, one of tin highest totals for ECU history. Harold Leon Gillis, Jr., watf amor the 135 students named to the Dean List at Louishurg College for the fa semester ol ll)74-75. To be named i the Dean's List a student must attain B average or higher while carrying a ft course schedule. Lee is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ilaro L. Gillis, Sr., of 217 West Centr; Avenue of Raeford. Sue Ellen Moore has been named lo the deans list at Emanuel College in Franklin Springs, Ga. She is the daughter of Rev. Frank R. Moore of Clinton. Harry Peele, Pembroke State University senior, has beer, placed on the dean's list for the fall semester. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M.V. Peele of Raeford. .wiwL/rv i , JniiUrtR T ZJ, IV/D From The Home Agent's Desk bv Ellen Willis & Brenda Canady mm. sprrniue a iioerai amount oi baking soda or salt to extinguish a grease fire on the stove SCHEDULE Thursda>. January 23 Kaedeen Extension lioniemakers meeting Thursday. January 23. 5 p.m. Noith Raelord Extension llomemakers meeting Monday. Januarv 27. 8:30 a.m. Stat I conference. Monday. Januarv 27. 7:30 p.m. Mildouson Extension llomemakeis meeting at the home of Mrs. M l . Jones. Mrs. James Jones co-hostess. January 29-30 Jevvehv Workshop. IT S NOT ONLY WHAT YOl I AI . BIT IT'S Till WAV THAI YOL ! \l IT For many Americans, growing older often means putting on extra pounds. Little by little, often almost unnoticed, there is a steady gain each vear - until one day. the realization dawns that thev may be 10. 20. 30. or more pounds overweight. For most middle - aged victims of so called "creeping obesity" this excess poundage is often the result o? lessened physical activity combined with overeating of high - calorie foods, according to doctors. There are two obvious solutions :n getting rid of pounds: to eat less, or course., and to be more active and bum up those calories through exeicisc. Yet another one. is to establish new eating habits and patterns, sometimes reieued to by doctors as behavioi modification. Here are some fat - fighting strategies which illustrate the "It's not onlv what you eat. but it's the way sou eat it" philosophy, as reported by the Health insurance Institute. lake smaller bites, chew very slowly, wait between bites and courses. F.ncourage mealtime conversation in between courses, to take youi mind off food. Choose raw fruits and vegetables that require lengthy chewing I his will result in a slower consumption rate and healthier digestion. Have a small non - calorie snack about a half - hour or so before a regular meal, litis will dull vour appetite and will give you more control when eating your regular meal at home oi m a restaurant. Anoihei good time tor that non - caloric snack is before vou go food shopping. Retnoinber.il vou don't bung those cookies into the house, thev won't be there to tempt vou. Fat regularly three times a dav Scouts Pass Swim Test Six girls hum Cjdetie hoop |ugar'? \ OF RAEFORD Closed Wednesday Afternoons At 12:30