A TREE GROWS -The loblolly pine recently discovered at Drowning Creek almost appears to be two Pees, lowering to a height of /10 feet. The pine is estimated to be about ISO years old. StomwaN Report By Mri. Harold Chason The WMU of Ephcsus Baptist Church is observing the Annie Armstrong week of prayer. The theme of the week "Here-in Is Hope", Monday night at the home of Mrs. Marie EUis. Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Agnes Miller and Wednesday night at the church. Revival services will begin at Dundarrach Presbyterian Church Sunday March 9 at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. John C. Ropp will bring the messages. Bible Study for Sandy Grove United Methodist Church at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell F. Schiebe. Thursday (tonight). The community extends sympathy to the family of Younger Stephens who passed away Friday. Funeral and burial were held at Sandy Grove United Methodist Church Sunday afternoon. Miss Kathy Hendrix spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gaudet and sons in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Applewhite of Conway. S.C. and Mrs. Minor McGougan were Sunday guests of Mrs. Allie K. Maxwell and Mrs. Flozelia Clardy. Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Maxwell Jr. and family of Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell and family of Barnhill, S.C. spent the weekend with Mrs. O.B. Maxwell, Sr. Miss Kathy Hendrix and Doug McFadycn visited Mr. and Mrs. Bennic McFadyen in Raleigh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Beaslcy visited Fletcher Oldham at Cape Fear Valley Hospital Sunday. Mr. Oldham was injured in an automobile accident. A fish plate dinner will be served at Softball Announced The Adult Men's Softball League will meet Thursday, March 13 at 7:30 P.M. in the Upchurch School gymnasium. All managers or team representatives interested in playing this summer must have a spokesman at the meeting, W.K. Morgan said. Ephcsus Baptist Church Saturday. March 15 from II a.m. all arc invited and welcome. Donations $2.00. Mrs. Mae Smith of Fayetteville is ill and spending some time with her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Howard Livingstone. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jon Evans and family of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. Jim Maxwell and family. Mrs. and Mrs. David A. Hendrix attended the Southern Living show at the Merchandise Mart in Charlotte Sunday. Mrs. F.B. Maxwell and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Phillips visited Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jones in Clio Sunday. Mrs. Betty Simmons, Debbie and Randy Dees of Fayetteville were Sunday guests of Mrs. Chester Beasley. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Boyles spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kornejay, Donna. Gary and Lynn Andrews in Goldsboro. Mrs. Clellan McKenzie. Misses Glcnda and Teresa McKenzie attended the funeral and burial of Mrs. Mary Catherine Taylor at the First Baptist Church in Red Springs Friday. Mrs. McKenzie visited Iter brother, Charles M. Chason at Cape Fear Valley Hospital Sunday. Mrs. Annie Bell Adcox of Fayetteville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hayward visited George Finch in Louisburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spears attended the funeral of an aunt. Mrs. Angus Mcljurin at the First Baptist Church in Cio, S.C. Wednesday. BIRTHDAY Peggy Hayward was honored with a steak supper, ice cream and cake for her birthday given by her family Friday February 28. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Sehiebc. Dennis and Pattie Schiebc. Jimmy, Frances and Heather Hager. Mclinda Hilt was an over night guest of Peggy's. SfSoptfSe GRfflT STORES at tfSe new stopping crossroads v SHOPPfflG COTTER \ \^l?u<|f