1975 Hoke High Graduates I Annie S. Campbell Jacqueline Diana Campbell Dianne Shenia Carpenter Venetia Ann Carter Earl Lynn Carthens mm Wilierte Lee Carthens Johnny Cecil Glenn F. Chambers Linda Chambers Michael J. Chambers jSNP Prudence Cham be, William Mathew Chandler Wayne Chapman Robert Chappell David Cherry Chcrvl Clark Julie Conolv Sharon l.ee Conol Vickie Conolv Lucille Cooper Mitchell Cox RjL pgcm^A ?1 'SlLUCK! On this day ol achievement, we share with family and friends the happiness of this moment. Sincere congratulations. Howell Drug Co. to the graduating class things go better.i ^with I !s m v BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY ABERDEEN COCA-COIA BOTTUNG COMPANY, INC We Salute You | ?. f ? Graham's Gulf Service SOUTH MAIN STREET 1975 HOKE HIGH GRADUATES CONGRATULATIONS Telephones ringing, hand shaking, good luck kisses are your tribute today. When all the excitement dies down, think about your objectives and your future; today is a turning point in your life. j Raef ord Lumber Company