HOMEOWNER OPPOSITION - Residents in the Thomasfield subdivision shown here, a secluded neighborhood of expensive homes west of the city, voiced opposition to the 211 by-pass route which will be constructed as close as 60 feet to one home, county commissioners were told. -BY-PASS? Continued from page 1 requirement in the federal funding that the person chosen for the job had to be unemployed or underemployed. After lengthy discussion and hearing county attorney Charles Hostetler gave a pessimistic opinion on the legality of the action, the board agreed to a revised motion which calls for the changing of the electrical inspector's job trom a tee basis to a salaried position. Ellis is presently employed to do some electrical work for the county. The board accepted a $358 bid from Blake's Construction of Raeford for exterior repairs to the old county office building, but debated more budget decisions without reaching any agreement on furniture for the new library and draperies for the new office building. The board heard revised plans for the new library furniture from architect Tom Hayes and John Giles of Institutional Interiors of High Point. The original bid on furnishings was $52,800 and Giles outlines several alternate plans which would use exisitng furniture and trim costs. The board agreed to delay any formal actior) on the bid until representatives of the library board could appear and study the revised > plans. A meeting was set for 10 a.m. todav (Thursdavi. The board also elected to solicit more bids on the draperies for the county office building after hearing Hosteller's recommendation to do so. A public hearing on the West Hoke Fire District request to expand to four miles was set for Oct. 6. The board discussed plans for $13,500 in Title I funds for the coming year but agreed to delay any action until further study could be made. Also tabled for later action was a request from the council of governments for re-worded resolutions dealing with administration of various grant programs, and a plan for implementation of a investigator for AFDC casck 11 within the local government. ?TRIAL? Continued from page 1 Jackson St.. Kaetord; Flora Bell Graham, Rt. I, Box 622, Raeford. Samuel Hcndrix, Rt. 1, Box 87, Raeford; Lois C. McKenzie, 210 E. Seventh Ave., Raeford; Joseph McRae. Rt. 3, Box 104-5, Raeford; Mrs. George Pittman, Rt. 2, Box 156, Raeford; Paul Edgar Cummings, Rt. 1, Box 22-A, Aberdeen; Nathaniel Buie, Rt. 3, Box 220, Red Springs; Lovclla McLeod. Rt. 1, Box 254. Raeford; Allen Junior Morrison, Rt. 3. Box 99, Raeford; Grady McCray, 509 E. 'Prospect Ave., Raeford; Robert Charles Walters, Rt. 3, Raeford. Patricia J. Melvin, Rt. 1, Box 123, Raeford; Richard Thomas Odom, 215 E. Prospect Ave., Raeford; E.P. Smith, Rt. I, Box 66, Aberdeen; Joseph Lupo, Rt. 2, Box 731, Raeford; Carl E. Brock, 725 Green St., Raeford; Roy Samuel McNeill, Rt. 1, Box 105. Aberdeen. ?SEN MORGAN? Continued from page 2 'Congress must consider such as a proposal to limit the terms of federal judges, national no-fault insurance and the President's veto of the education appropriations act. But natural gas and gasoline are the urgent matters, and I intend to devote much time and effort in helping seek the best solution possible. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of , appreciation for the many acts of ' kindness, cards A floral offerings received during the illness and passing of our loved one. The family of Joseph Arthur Baker. 18P f i V GOING A WA Y GIFT - Brenda Canady displays one of the gifts given to her at a going away parts' held Thursday night by the 4-H members. 4-H Corner On Thursday night. August 28. the Hoke 4-H County Council met in the Extension Kitchen. The evening was dedicated to Brenda A. Canady. die 4-H Coordinator. Brenda's resignation takes place September 15, 1975. She was presented gifts from the 4-H club members. The following business was discussed: The 4-H Teen Retreat will be September 5 - 7 at Camp Easter. There will be 14 attending from Hoke County. A Livestock Judging Team and attending State Fair in Raleigh were also discussed. National 4-H Club Week will be October 5-11 and exhibits and other related events concerning Club Week will be on display. Series On Older Adults Set By Library System During September the Sandhill Regional Library Ststem and the steering committee of Richmond County Organizations for Services to Older Persons, Inc., will present a series of programs entitled "Independence for Older Adults: Individual Rights and Liberties." The series will be held in the autitorium at Richmond Technical Institute on September 9, 16. 23, and 30. The programs are scheduled to begin at 2:00 P.M. for each session. All programs are free of charge and open to the general public. This series is funded by a grant from the Nordi Carolina Humanities Committee. Each program in the series will feature two speakers and a panel of local people with experience or interest in the subjects. Members of the audience and die panel will be able to question the speakers on points of interest. The Sept. 9 program will be "Historical Perspective on Independence for Older Adults." The speakers will be Dr. H. Tyler Blethcn of Western Carolina University and Air Force Recruiting Musicians The Air Force is seeking qualified musicians for its 17 bands, according to Maj. Winston R. Youngblood, U.S. Air Force Recruiting Detachment 307 commander. Major Youngblood said the Air Force Band in Washington, D.C.. is alio looking for vocalists. Young men and women between the ages of 17 and 27 interested in the band openings should contact their nearest Air Force recruiter for additional Information. Dr. J. Howell Smith of Wake Forest University. Panel members are Mr. E. Bert McLaurin, Mrs. Ruth Watkins, Mr. J. F.. Huncycutt, and the Rev. Dr. William DuBose (moderator). On Sept. 16, the topic will be "Independent Living: Rights and Liberties." Speakers will be Dr. John E. Wrigley, UNC-Charlotte, and Dr. Ellen Winston, Chairman of National Voluntary Organizations for Independent Living for the Aging. The panel for this program will include Mr. Carleton Black, the Rev. Mr. Earle Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hagan.and Mrs. Madeline Jones (moderator). The program for Sept. 23 will feature Dr. Louis F. Knort, UNC-C.recnsboro, and Dr. John H. Long, Greensboro College, speaking on "Financing the Rights and Liberties of Older Adults." Members of the panel are Mrs. Martha Adams, (moderator), Mr. Richard Conder, Mr. Thomas B. Hunter, Mr. Robert Lowry.and Mr. Brent Yount. The final program, Sept. 30, will be "Health for Independent Living." The speakers will be Dr. Larry R. Churchill of UNC-Chapel Hill and Dr. Linda M. Breytspraak of Duke University. Panelists for this program will be Mr. William Moss, (moderator). Miss Janie Whitehead, Mrs. Cordeilla Steele, and Mrs. Ruth Wallace. This series will be of interest to anyone concerned with the problems of older adults. Older people and professionals working with them are especially urged to attend. Transportation to and from the program will be provided through the Outreach and Homebound Services vans of the Sandhill Regional Library Slstem. Those people who would like this service may call the Outreach and Homebound Services Librarians at any library in the Sandhill Regional Library System. The number here is 875-2502. . mill WO|||r I?* YOur i KEEP carpets beautiful despite footsteps of a busy family. Buy Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer at Raeford Hardware. 18-21C Wedding receptions or luncheons. Wedding cakes made to order. Call Joanne Sessoms 875-3656 or Pat Goza 875-2926. 18C FOR SALE: 2 male German Shepherd pups. Pick of litter. Sire good watch dog. 875 4942. 18P CHILD CARE: Working mothers, will care for your child in my home. Supervised play, fenced in yard. Lunch and snack included. Corner of Maxwell and Wooley Sts. Call 875-3747. I8P FOR SALE: Horse and Colt, one saddle. 875-3217 after 5 p.m. 18-20P FOR SALE: One Frenchi Automatic shotgun. Used one season. Call W. E. Carter, 875-3015 after 6 p.m. 18-19C FOR SALE: Trombone and Saxaphone. Good condition' 8754197. James B. Bowles. I8P WANTED: 25 working men to help set up rides. Report to Page Rides next to Armory Monday morning, Sept. 8, at 7:30 a.m. Pay $2.00 per hour. I8P FOR SALE: 1972 Calalina Pontiac, good condition. K. P. Ritter, 875-2628. 18-19P COORDINATOR OF HANDICAP SERVICES - Recruits and enrolls handicapped children in pre - school program. Arranges for screening, assessment and professional diagnosis and helps develop network of services for the handicapped. Should have experience in working with handicapped children and their parents, plus some insight into needs and concerns of low - income families. B. S. degree in Sociology or related field or equivalent in experience. Apply Four-County Community Services, Inc., P. O. Box 988, Laurinburg. N. C. 28352 - 276-7011. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 18C HOUSE FOR SALE: College Drive. 3 bedrooms, living room / dining room, combination den and large kitchen with adjoining deck. Fenced in back yard. Large lot. Call 875-3044. I8P FOR SALE: 1973 Honda XL-I7S. 3.265 miles. Excellent condition. Call 875-2794 ISP DAY CARE CENTER: 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Rates - .50 an hour & under. Hot lunches and snacks. Will also care for children after school & holidays. 875-3283 TFC FOR SALE: Nice 3 bedroom, total electric, carpeted, almost new house on large lot. Located near Raeford on Hwy 21 1 South. Graham Monroe Agency, Phone 875-2186. TFC FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house with central heat and air on Turnpike Road. 20x40 outbuilding on nice lot. Call Graham Monroe, 875-2186 day and 875-3775 night. TFC Homeworkers needed in this area to lace leather goods at home. No experience necessary. Earn SI50 per week. Send SI.00 (refundable) and long stamped envelope to Appalachian Leather Goods. 100 Main St., Williamsville, Va. 24487. 17-19P CAKE DECORATING: Special occasion cakes and petit fours. Call 875-4087. 18-I9C FOR SALE: 1972 Gran Torino, air cond., power steering, vinyl roof. Call 875-4314. 18P FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1970 Bonneville Pontiac, 4 door, auto trans., power steering, power brakes, power windows and air conditioning. Call after 3 p.m. 875-3824. 18P YARD SALE: Emogene Stocks, Hwy. 211, Saturday, Sept. 6. 9 a.m. ? 5 p.m. Items 10c and up. Ladies Slacks and Blouses, Dishes, etc. WMin) ClRWN I OUImm on Hwy. SO noar Oakdala Oln NIOMTS & SATURDAYS T?L. 1711)43 NOTICE All classified advertising must be paid for in advance unless you have an established advertising account. The advertising deadline is S p.m. each Tuesday. If you plan to call in your ad. please call in advance so we can receive payment in the mail by Tuesday. G & M DOZER SERVICE. Land clearing, disking and grading. Call Laurel Hill 462-3151. 17-20P FOR SALE: Residential lots, city water and sewer, financial terms can be arranged. Contact Younger Snead, Jr., at Hoke Auto Co. Phone 875-3363 between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. TFC DO YOU HAVE PARTY PLAN EXPERIENCE? Friendly toy parties has opening for managers in your area. Managers find it easy to recruit because friendly demos have no cadi investment - No collecting or delivery. Call collect Carol Day 518 489-4571 I6-I8P FOR SALE: 1973 Plymouth Gold Duster with air. EXCELLENT CONDITION. S21 50.00 Call 875-4712. I6-I9P HELP WANTED: Part time work for retired gentleman. Very light work. Ideal for man on Social Security. Apply at Car Wash on 401 Hwy. 16-18C BEAUTIFUL. RESTYLED. REBUILT PIANO. Located in County. Interested party has up to 30 months to pay with approved credit. Call collect: 633-2905 Salisbury, N.C. 16-18P HOMES FOR SALE: $300.00 down payment. No closings cost. Monthly payments up to 30 years. Carson David Jr.. 501 Harris Ave.. 875-4870. TFC Fully equipped restaurant now operating for sale; located in Wagram. Call 369-2858 between 11 ajn. an<f 2 p.m. weekdays. TFC SEE US for all your steel needs. Miscellaneous and structural. DuBose Corporation Mon-Fri. Roseboro, N.C. Phone 525-4161. TFC EXTERMINATION FOR roaches, waterbugs, and ants. S25. Free termite inspection. Call 944-2474. Aberdeen Extermination Co., Aberdeen, N.C. I3-30P YARD SALE: Three family yard sale. 401 South, 2nd road on left after Morrison Ambulance Service. Household goods, dishes, glass bakeware, 10 gal aquarium with stand and light. Men's and women's clothes, some cloth, '67 2 dr. Ford, and a small utility trailer. Follow the signs. I8P REYNOLDS REPAIRS & REMODELING FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 875 2720 AFTER 5 P.M. CECIL REYNOLDS RAEFORD Carolina Turf Co. Ready Mixed Concrete PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 8754025 - 8754986 AUCTION Every lit & 3rd Saturday Niqhts NEXT SALE SAT., SEPT. 6 at 7 p.m. Bring Your Chair, Relax, Buy & Have Fun DeVane's Auction Barn Denial Da Vena, Auctioneer 401 N. By Part Lie. No. 628 WHITE'S CABINET SHOP Are You Building or Remodeling? We Speiiali/e In KIT CHEN/BAT H CABINET S BOOKCASES (all vtylev) DESKS FOR STUDY ur WORK For Fraa Information ft Eitimeta. Coll 87S-S21B Day47B4828 Nighti Co mo S?o Ui Hwy. 401 Bui. Retford FOR SALE: Two 3 month old male Beagle puppies. S20 each. 857-2683. TFN FOR SALE: AKC Doberman Pincher pups. 2 males - black & rust, ears cropped, wormed, etc., 16 weeks old. Champion and imported blood lines. SI75. Call 662-2616 after 5 and weekends. 17-18P Mobile home for rent at Myrtle Beach for week, day or weekend. Three bedrooms, A/C, 3 blocks from ocean. Contact Allen Edwards at 8754565 or 875-2177. TFC FOR RENT: three room office space. S60 month. Call 875-5033 or 875-2208. I5-18P Will clean up vacant lots, trim or take down trees and shrubs. Call 875-2306 from 4:15 to 6:00 p.m. TFC Why wait for Septic Tank troubles, get Roebic K 37 and K 57 each year. "It really works." K 77 kills roots. Money back guarantee. Raeford Hardware and McLauchlin Company. TFC FOR RENT: 2 and 3 bedroom mobile homes, also spaces, country living, fishing, hunting, playground and security. On State Rd. 1413, 13 miles from Fayetteville and 10 miles from Raeford. Shamrock Isle Mobile Homes. Raeford. 875-5574. TFC FOR SALE: 133 acre farm, 1 mile road frontage, 8700 lbs. tobacco, 2 houses, near McCain. Sale price, $62,500. Moss Realty 692-2424. TFC SERVICE: Discount prices on central air conditioning available now. Free estimates - Financing available. Call 484-0495 - Fred Dew. Central Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc., Fayetteville, N.C. TFC YARD SALE: Sewing machine, small appliances, household items, many new clothes, glassware, tape recorder, lamps, radio alarm clock. MUST BE SEEN TO BELIEVE. SAVE. . . Corner of Wright and Cole St. Behind car wash on 401. 8:00 a.m. Friday. Sept. 5 and on Saturday. 17-ISP FULL TIME OR PART TIME EMPLOYMENT: Men or women, 18 or over. For interview appointment phone (919) 782-8630 between 12 noon and 6 p.m. Sunday and 9-6 p.m. Monday. (Aberdeen) Color T.Y. Service ALL MAKES & MODELS Sales & Service - T.V. Antennas Antenna Rotor & Control Box HOME SERVICE CALLS One day service (when possible) Phone 375-2578 No. Ans. 875-2365 BEDO CORP. CUSTOM FABRICATION & WELDING REPAIRS PORTABLE WELDING Airport Rd. 8754633 RAEFORD, N. C. Mobile Home Washing and Carpet Cleaning Service Telephone 944-1533 (McCain) after 5 p.m. RAEFORD SAVINGS & LOAN DEPENDABLE COURTEOUS SAFE PAYING HIGH DIVIDENDS AND MAKING HOME LOANS WHEEL ALIGNMENT NEW TIRES and RECAPPING MCDONALDS TIRE RECAP. SERVICE PHONE 875 2079 114 RACKET ALLEY 8. STEWART STREET

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