Court Rule Stringent, Says NCAE President A U.S. Supreme Court ruling has placed stringent restrictions on the use of corporal punishment in the schools, the president of the North Carolina Association of Educators said. Dean B. Westmoreland, a Kings Mountain teacher, said headlines in some newspapers have created the impression that the court has approved paddling children. "In actuality." said Westmoreland, "the court has upheld a lower court ruling which, in effect, makes it extremely difficult for a teacher to legally paddle a student." The Supreme Court, in a short statement, upheld the ruling of a three-judge federal court which ?decided a Guilford County spank ing case. The decision, written by Judge Braxton Craven, stipulated that North Carolina law which allows corporal punishment of children in constitutional, but only if stringent rules are followed. Westmoreland said the rules are so strict that it is his opinion that most teachers will hereafter refrain from spanking for fear of a liability suit. The NCAF official said the rules announced by Judge Craven in clude a stipulation that corporal punishment can be used only after other lesser forms of punishment have been tried and then onlv after certain procedures designed to assure the student due process have been followed., The due process requirements outlined by the court include: 1. The student must be for warned of the behavior that will result in corporal punishment. 2. Another school official must be present when the corporal punishment is administered. 3. Parents who request a written explanation should be given one. Westmoreland said the required procedures leave many unanswered questions for teachers, the major one of which is what constitutes "forewarning." He said an official of the Institute of Government in Chapel Hill has questioned whether it would be adequate forewarning to tell a kindergarten child, for example, on the day before admini stering the punishment. "North Carolina teachers should be fully aware that failure to follow the guidelines outlined by the court could result in personal damage suits being filed against the teacher." Westmoreland said. He said the NCAH has publicized to its members the ruling in the Guilford County case and has cautioned that alternatives to the paddle must be found. "As usual, the teacher is left holding the bag in this whole matter." the NCAE leader said. Background Scripture: Genesis 2N: 10-22: 32:1 through 33:4 Devotional Reading: Galutians 1:10-17 A British psychiatrist tells of an Anglical clergyman and a rough, profane sailor who shared adjoin ing beds in a London hospital. Both the clergyman and the sailor were in comas. The surprising twist to the story is that while they were unconscious, the clergyman cursed and the sailor prayed. To the psychiatrist it meant that there may be a considerable differ ence between what a person ap pears to be in terms of their conscious behaviour, and w hat they may actually be in their unconsci ous mind. The clergyman, for example was not quite as pious as Jie appeared to be and the sailor w as not quite so opposed to religion as he appeared to be. Sometimes there is better stuff within us than we know. We work so hard sometimes to build a hard veneer about our lives that often thi nner qualities have little opportun ity to show through. Thus, the image of ourselves that we present to the world may be only a shadow of what we can be. This hidden nature sometimes finds ways of coming out into the open. One way this sometimes happens is through dreams. When we are in the dream state, the conscious mind no longer stands guard and the unconscious begins to bubble up to the surface. We see this in the case of Jacob. From all appearances. Jacob was hardly a spiritual man. As a matter of fact, he seemed utterly conniving and unscrupulous, the last man in the world you might expect to find favor with God. If there is a finer side to Jacob, he doesn't allow it to show. But. twice, while he is sleeping and dreaming, we catch a glimpse of the man God created him to be. The first of these is while he is on his way from Canaan to Haran to find and settle with his uncle Laban. Stopping probably at Bethel, a holy place. Jacob has an inspiring dream that helped to change his life. In it. this selfish, cynical man sees a great ladder or staircase reaching up to Heaven. The dream tells us that unconsci ously he aspired to change and grow, to ascend that stairway to a higher level of being. In response to this dream. Jacob hears God promising him to con tinue the covenap of Abraham with him. to be his God and go w ith him wherever he went. These promises form the foundation of a new Jacob. The second experience takes place on the trip back from Haran to Canaan many years later. He is a changed man. yet. perhaps he has some more changing to do. Al though the writer of Genesis doesn't call this experience a dream, it is a dreamlike experience in which he sees himself wrestling with a messenger front God. Seeing Jacob's ardent desire to be a man of God. the messenger tells him: "Your name shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and men and have prevailed" (32:28). The new name of Israel will be a sign that old conniving, plotting Jacob is dead, and in his place, a dedicated, obedient dreamer whose dreams will give birth to the people of Israel. T ? wff ? P" t'- .,;V -i -a;-| '3a V LOCALS SPARK VOLLEYBALL - Two Raeford women helped spark the volleyball team at Pembroke State University to a 12-4 record. Co-captain Teresa Allen is shown third from the left in the front row. Kathy Little is standing second from left in the top row. This Is The Lav John Jones has an automobile liability insurance policy with the X Insurance Company on his auto mobile. The policy covers bodily injury and property damage caused by accident and arising out of his ownership or use of the automobile. Jones, while negligently driving his automobile, injures Sam Smith. May Smith sue the X Insurance Company? No. In North Carolina and most states Sam Smith has no rights whatsoever under the liability pol icy insuring John Jones. Smith cannot bring an action against the X Insurance Company for the injuries he has received as the result of the negligence or wrongful act of Jones. The insurance policy is for the sole benefit of the insured. John Jones. The insurance company has merely obligated itself "to pay on behalf of the insured all sums (up to the maximum stipulated in the policy) which the insured shall be legally obligated to pay as damages because of bodily injury or property damages caused by accident and arising out of his ownership or use of the automobile." Such a contract is properly a contract of indemnity for money paid by the insured, rather than a contract protecting the insured from liability to the injured person. Furthermore, there is in many of these automobile liability insurance policies a clause expressly stipulat ing: "Nothing contained in this policy shall give any person or organization any right to join the company as a co-defendant in any action against the insured to de termine the insured's liability." In a number of states there are statutes that have changed the law from what it is in North Carolina. Sam Smith's remedy in North Carolina, if he cannot get a satisfactory voluntary settlement from the X Insurance Company, is to sue John Jones. 'If he obtains a judgment against John Jones, the X Insurance Company will then satis fy the judgment up to an amount not in excess of the sum stipulated in the policy. During the trial of the action that Sam Smith brings against John Jones, may there be evidence introduced to the effect that the defendant has automobile liability insurance'.' No. The fact that the defendant carries indemnity insurance cannot be shown at the trial. It cannot throw any light on the question of negligence or other circumstances of the accident. It is disconnected with the issue before the court, and is as a consequence irrelevant and incompetent. General Fund Down In Monthly Report Net General Fund collections for September amounted to $92.8 mil lion. a decrease of $4.5 million over the same month last year, accord ing to state revenue officials. Net collections for the first three months of this fiscal year were $359.1 million, an increase of 0.91 percent over last year. September net Highway Fund collections were $26.5 million, compared with $25.8 last year. Gasoline tax receipts were $24.0 million, compared with $24.1 for Sept. 1974. Tax Report Out Local one per cent sales and use tax collections in the county for September totaled $16,659.86. ac cording to state revenue officials, j Total for the state was $10,450,723.35. SUPPORT THE BUCKS FALL SCENE ? This harvest scene helps decorate one of the residences of Fulton Street. It's a sure sign that cooler weather will soon be here to stay. J.H. Blue Picked For State GOP J.H. (Buddy) Blue. Jr., was elected to the state Republican party executive committee during the seventh district Republican convention held this month in New Hanover County. Blue, a former Robeson County resident, is manager of the Raeford-Hoke Chamber of Com merce. Elon Grid Star Is Player Of Week David Wood of Raeford. a \eteran member of Elon College's Fighting Christians football team, uas named a player of the week after the team's recent win over Presbyterian. Wood, one of the co-captains, reaped defensive honors for two key interceptions from his cornerback position. Burlington Income Up Last Quarter Burlington Industries. Inc. re ported net earnings of $15.9 million or 57 cents per share for the September 1975 quarter. Net sales for September quarter 1975 were S507.0 million. The results con tinue the improving trend noted in the June quarter when earnings were $11.1 million or 40 cents per share, and sales were $492.8 million. Sales were $580.5 million in the September quarter of the prior fiscal year, and net earnings were $19.9 million or 73 cents per share. For the 1975 fiscal year ended September 27. 1975. net sales of the Company were $1.96 billion, a decrease of 16.0 percent from the $2.33 billion in 1974. Net earnings were $39.8 million for fiscal 1975. equal to $1.43 per share of common stock. This compares to 1974 net earnings of $99.5 million or $3.65 per share. Burlington's board of directors declared a quarterly dividend of 30 cents per share on the common stock payable December 1, 1975 to holders of record at the close of business October 31. 1975. Job Corps Visits County Nov. 10, 24 A Job Corps counselor will visit Hoke county for interviewing Nov. 10 and Nov. 24 at the Four-County Community Services office in the county office building. Wilbert Morris. Job Corps coun selor. will also serve Sandhills Youth Center on regular Hoke county visits upon request. Interested persons should call Four County Community Services at 875-2969. Legals STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKECOUNTY INTHEGENERALCOURT OFJUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTOR S NOTICE Having qualified as EXECUTRIX of the estate of William H. Faulk of Hoke County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said William H. Faulk to present them to the undersigned within b months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 20th dav of October. 1975. Mrs. Allvne M. Faulk Route 2. Box 42 Raeford. N.C. 2837b 2b-29C NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contain?i in a certain deed of trust made by Willett R. Bissett and wife. Marsh Locklear Bissett - (assumed by Wright & Best Cor poration) to James L. Yates. Trustee(s), dated the 28th day of April, 1%7, and recorded in Book 144. Page 219. Hoke County Regis try, North Carolina. Default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said deed of trust, and the undersigned, J.William Anderson, having been substituted as Trustee in said deed of trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County. North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said indebted ness having directed that the deed of trust be foreclosed, the under signed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door, in the City of Raeford. Hoke County. North Carolina, at Twelve (12:00) o'clock. NOON, on Monday, the 10th day of November. 197S and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, situate in the Town of Raeford of Hoke County. North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the northern edge of Fifth Avenue, said stake being N 77-30 E 108 feet from the eastern edge of Saunders Street and running from said Beginning Point N 18-00 W 172 feet to an iron; thence S 88-00 E 105 feet to an iron; thence S 6-20 E 145 feet to an iron in the northern edge of said Fifth Avenue; thence as and with the northern edge of Fifth Avenue, a curve, whose chord is S 77-30 W 70 feet to the point of BEGINNING, and constituting all of Lot No. 70 according to plat of ROBBINS HEIGHTS SUBDIVI SION as drawn and surveyed by R.H. Gatlin. C.E., and duly re corded in Map Book 3. Page 33. of Hoke Countv Registry. LEGALS This sale is made subject to all taxes and prior liens or encum brances of record against the said property, and any recorded releases. A cash deposit of ten per cent (10 per cent) of the purchase price will be required at the time of the sale. This 20th day of October. 1975. J. WILLIAM ANDERSON. Substitute Trustee COOLIDGE. ANDERSON AND CLARKE Attorneys at Law 1008 Hay Street Favetteville. N.C. 28302 26-27C EXECUTOR S NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKECOUNTY Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Joel E. Gulledge of Hoke County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Joel E. Gullege to present them to * the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons i indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 29 day of September. 1975. Murrell W. Gulledge P.O. Box 417 Raeford, N.C. 28376 25-28C NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY NOTICE Pursuant toG.S. 130-17(d) NOTICE is hereby given by the Hoke County Board of Health that it did. at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board on the 30th of September 1975, adopt an ordi nance captioned REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE DESIGN. CONSTRUCTION. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PUB LIC SWIMMING POOLS IN HOKE COUNTY. The ordinance adopting the reg ulation was passed at the board meeting on September 30. 1975. A copy of the regulation is posted at the Courthouse. A copy of the regulation is on file at the Hoke County Department of Health, and is available for public inspection. That this notice shall be publish ed in The News-Journal for two successive weeks, commencing Oc tober 23. 1975. POSTED, this the bth day of October. 1975. by order of Hoke County Board of Health. HOKECOUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH By: Walter Coley 25-26C NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE NORTH CAROLINA HOKE QOUNTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained in a certain deed of trust made by Phillip Malloy and wife, Katie Malloy, to Larry A. Thompson, Trustee, dated the 17th day of April 1975, and recorded in Book 186, Page 305, Hoke County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured, and the holder having directed that the deed of trust be. foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale, at the Courthouse door, in the City of Raeford, North Carolina, at Twelve (12:00) o'clock Noon on November 18, 1975 and will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, a five room frame dwelling, together with and situate on the following parcel of land (approximately eleven acres) in Quewhiffle Township, Hoke County, North Carolina, said land being more particularly described as follows: BEING Lot or Tract No. 4 as is shown on a map entitled "Division of Will Burke Estate", said map being dated July 17, 1970, made by C. H. Blue, Registered Land Surveyor, of Southern Pines, North Carolina, and said map being duly recorded in Map Book No. 6, Page 32 of the Hoke County Registry, and reference is hereby made to the said map and to the said record of the same. This sale is made subject to all taxes, prior liens or encumbrances of record against said property and recorded releases, if any. A cash deposit of 10% of the purchase price will be required at the time of the sale. This the 19th day of October, 1975. Larry A. Thompson, Trustee Blackwcll, Thompson. Swaringen, Johnson & Thompson, P.A. Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 469 300 Dick Street Heritage Square FayetteviDe. N.C. 28302 24-27C VOTE FOR Carlton Niven FOR City Council who feels obligated to work in harmony for the good of the entire city. (Ad?. paid for by Cwhon Nivcn) WEIGH LESS OR PAY NOTHING Start losing weight today OR MONEY BACK. MONAOEX it a tiny tablet that will help curb your desire for excess food. Eat less ? weigh less. Contains nc dangerous drugs and will not make you nervous. No strenuous exercise. Change your life . start today. MONAOEX costs S3 00 for a 20 day supply And SS 00 for twice the amount. Lose ugly fat or your money will be refunded with no questions asked by Howell Orug Store Raeford Mail Orders Filled WANTED: To Buy Pine. We Pay Top Dollar. Call ROBERT K. CURRIE After 6 Mon. thru Friday All Day Sat. & Sun. 875-5326 Raeford, N. C.