Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Smart 1 IS Patterson St. Then As Now, Carols Were Holiday Tradition Bac k in the* 1 S90's. every well-furnished home luid a piano and one of the favor ite pastimes was to gather around the family piano to sing the popular tunes of the day. At Christmas time. the joyous singing of Christmas carols was an important part of the hol iday scene, adding to the festive mood of everyone from Papa down to little sister. Todays fashions have changed significantly and the color TV set may now occupy the place of honor in most \merican homes hut you'll still find Christ mas carols a well-loved tra dition in family observanc es of the Yuletide season. The sounds of favorite carols are more apt to em anate from a stereo set than from a player piano but they're the same songs that young ladies and their beaux sang at the turn of the century, with a few modern additions. How ever, the traditional singing of carols has not complete ly died out here ? many church groups make a prac tice of caroling in local hospitals and institutions, and some carolers still go from home to home in true holiday fashion. Many churches feature an evening of beloved Christmas music during the holiday season, and of course TV and radio sta tions offer many programs of traditional and new carols. Folks from the Nineties might be ama/cd at the Christinas customs of today. Taking the opportunity to wish our customers a happy, healthy Christmas ami New Years HOWELL DRUG COMPANY Mr. and Mrs. Norman McKenzie 415 College Dr. Christmas is the season for children and family. We hope this holiday season finds you and your loved ones healthy and happy. TEAL OIL CO. 641 PROSPECT AVE. Ws Christmas and our thoughts turn to those who hove gladdened the past seasons for us. Merry Christmas to you! OFFICERS Freddie Williams ? Vice Presiden! Mrs. Johnnie Altman - Cashier Harry G. Hodges - Installment Loan Officer STAFF Frances Russell Faye Quick Bernis McLauchlin Jackie Melton Sadie Davis Shirley Rush Johnnie Altman Linda Johnson Freddie Williams Carolyn White Jackie K. Johnson Harry G. Hodges Randy Huggins BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jack Bradford - Chariman Robert L. Carter - Vice Chairman John G. Balfour Leonard G. Frahm Clarence P. Kinlaw Walter L Gibson Charles A. Hosteller Kenneth W. McNeill George Crawford Crawford L. Thomas Walter M. Colev J W King w Southern National. A lot more bank forvourmonett Phon. 875-3738 .^T-. ^ R*?ord, N.C. Member FDIC