r r35?" "i ?! wiin i it11 ?" v tf&i dh(\ly?i h -Jo It's a pleasm? to send holid.s (tree Imps to ? customers. \\ . ? .? ser\ed \ 14) t. 6th Vu\ ? 1 ' & Furnitin-*- * ? ? -? v fff? 4 f 3 , i ( ^ I I I' ? -V V < -j''I ,/ >A// Z:lo4 >y?S "I'.KI-'S IKit'lM . 1 i .1-1 i: i-omh-si \v I -11 IS TIMS C.IIRISTM \S >1 W > . i ! '? ?. \i ,i| (i| |s id v|| (,|. vol WK WISH >01 III! v 11 111 ? i : II IIOIIIIWS. Ed#nl^'<*'iyh Center T he T ree ( hristnias is here-. Winds whistle .shrill, h i/ nnd t hill l.itth (an we: l.itth wr fear Weather without. Sheltered about The Mahogany Tree. ? \\ illiain Maki'pi'iur l li.it kt ray ( lSl 1-1S63 t We take this opportunity to thank the people of lloke (anility. Your kindness has been deeply appreciated by the residents and staff. MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR Open Arms Rest Home lohn l.eandro - Eugene C. Chalaire May this holiday season bring to you and yours the old fash ioned spirit of Christmas. A warm hearth, warm friends and a season bright with warm holiday cheer. We would like to join in bv wishing vou the warmest of holiday greetings! NATIONWIDE INSURANCE VARDELL HEDGPET H. AGENT isfyes Home Food u Super Market ...to all our patrons, whom we have had the pleasure of serving throughout the year. May this joyous holiday season find you all in the best of spirits and all your wish es tome true. Thank you for yourcontinuing patronage.