Tom Scarborough spent the week end in Candor with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.T. Scarborough. Graham A. Monroe Agency INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Fire - Auto Casualty - Home Owners 203 HARRIS AVE. TEL. 875-2186 bnuae Mrs. Sente^ Mrs. Neil Senter was hostess to her bridge club on Tuesday evening of last week. All club members were present. Homemade ice cream was served with individual cakes, centered with the American tlag. when guests arrived, and lemonade and nuts were served later in the evening. The 4th of July motif was carried out in napkins and cups. Mrs. Bobby Carter was high scorer. Consolidated Report of Condition of The Bank of Raeford of Raeford in the State of N.C. and Domestic Subsidiaries at the close of business on June 30,1976 BALANCE SHEET ASSETS V? I I CM* VHl dM 'nrr unit C 2 US Tr*o*ury MCunfcM ? I ) Ob at on* of off 0 V Go?*fnm*nt agcnci** and corporation* 0 J 4 Objection* ol SMIt* ?~3 poetical *vbd'??-or* B I S OlH' bond* not**. and 0*b*nt?ra* B | 6 Corporal* Hoc* | 7 Tradw* kcwM wcu"l?t ? f adarai fund* *0nf incom*) A b lm lnm? lot wu-M ??r ?**n c loot NK 10 Oiroct wa*a financing 11 Bank pr*mi*o* fumilut and and ot*?*' ??" r*or** bank P'fitn 12 R**i HUN ootM otf?ar tn*n Mm prtm.ia* 13 ln?**tma?itt in uncon*okdat*d *ob*<.?r>?? ?rxj attocatad ??(?'??* 14 CuMontt hMM> lo ?lh* bank on ovtktandmg 13 OtHar MWt* C 16 TOTAL ASSfTS (??rn ol it*m* 1 tMu 1?) LIABILITIES S?f? 17 Damand dapo*>t* 0* indmdwf*. ?*rtn?r?n.p* a-vj co'porat-or* ' It Tim* and M*>nc* d*po*i* oi >nd>v^uai* p*i"*-^ p* ma tcpniio'i ' 19 O*po*rt* ol Unitad SIM** Go**mmant * 20 OwM4l ol Slltn and POMKil *uM?n*?n? ' 21 D*powt* ol lora^n fomrnmont* and o"Kiai n?rtirt'C% I 22 D*po*rt* Ol corT"n*fX>*' bank* ' 23 CtftH* and oMicot *ck? ' 24 TOTAl OCfOSlTS (W- ol .tam* 1 7 thru 23> | a Total d*R<*no mpomi * j b Tola* t>m* and ta*-ng* d*povt? I 25 f*d*r*i lund* purc?****d and kacur t-** *o>s .i"d*t agroa-iantt-c ?*CM'Cf?a?* f 2t Ollw NMiMin ?o? bo"o?*o 27 Mo^aa?* ?4NMwi 2S Acccptanca* ?Ku(*d 0, o? *o? account o" t Dar? and JMtktand-* 29 Ot*ar itabrMia* m 30 TO'At HAflll.TltS i*?Ck 15 0' 30 cawnaar My* *?d-ng antn caw oat* a Caaft and du* from bank* (co?*?eond* to 4am l abov* j. . ? Fadarat lund* to*! and ka?w"t?> .'5 aecna I Otn*r kabHitwt lot bo* a T ma c*t l I credit card, coiled calls, calls charged to another number, or to time and charge calls ftr direct-dial rates to Hawaii, cheek your operator.