HATIONAL N1WSPAFH bt&i 0&io?uici PRESS ASSOCIATION Published Every Thursday al Raeford, N.C. 28376 119 W. Elwood Avenue Subscription Rales In Adnum Per Year - S8.00 6 Months ? S4.25 3 Months ? S2.2S PAUL DICKSON Publisher ? Editor SAM C. MORRIS General Manager . . . Society Editor MRS. PAUL DICKSON MARTY VEGA Reporter SUZANNE APLIN Reporter Second Class Postage st Raeford. N.C. THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1977 Carter at the gas pump No one likes a rationing system. It entails setting up another bureaucracy to implement and police it. It is an open invitation to graft and dishonesty. Yet, in reportedly ordering the preparation of a standby rationing proposal to be sent up to Congress, President Carter is facing political and economic realities. In the absence of a Middle East peace agreement and confronted by another Arab oil embargo, the United States would face a precarious situation. The plain fact is -- and the American public generally still seems indifferent to it - the United States is becoming dangerously dependent on foreign sources of oil. It now is importing about IVi million barrels a day at an annual average, or roughly 50 percent of its total petroleum supply. Imports are growing, furthermore, and more and more of the oil is coming from Arab countries. The peril to the American economy is this supply were suddenly reduced or halted is obvious. The 1973 Arab oil embargo was but a small inkling of the potential economic impact. At the same time the prospects for Mideast negotiations still remain up in the air. The President has taken a forthright public position on the ingredients of such a settlement, including Israel's withdrawal from most of the Arab territories occupied in the 1967 war. But it is far from clear that the new Israeli Government will be prepared to relinquish those Biblical areas which Prime Minister Menahem Begin has so often identified as an integral part of Israel. For the moment tensions between the United States and Israel have eased and more will be known about the Israeli position after Mr. Begin 's visit to Washington this month. Congress, meanwhile, has been moving on the President's energy program, but it is not giving him everything he wants. For instance. Mr. Carter had hoped that a standby gasoline tax of up to 50 cents a gallon by 1985 would help reduce the road miles traveled by Americans and thus curb oil imports. The House Ways and Means Committee, however, rejected such a tax, sensitive to the fact that Americans are wedded to their cars. Hence, if an Arab embargo should come, the President wants to be prepared. That is prudent. There already is an international sharing scheme in place to help out Western Europe. Japan, and the United States in an emergency. But given the even greater reliance of the other industrialized countries on Arab petroleum supplies, it is not thought the United States can expect much protection. It is possible that the President, by asking for a standby rationing system, intends to light a fire under Congress not to erode his comprehensive energy package further. But, in a larger, geopolitical sense, he is reminding all listeners what may happen if there is no movement toward a final settlement of the Middle East conflict. ??Christian Science Monitor Fresh-wrapped icebergs We are all for. the peacefu, uses of , ? prospect of an iceberg being p nrdinarilv greet with open arms need icebergs is .ong and 900 yanis across. ? aMo^^tal^Uni^'e^"1^ objective about >cebe^' ? k would be to provide fresh iourn/y it wouid be par,,, wrapped in plastic. nreferabW not without warning while This we have to see, though prete J ld become a bit OU, in a canoe. The .OO-mjlhon^on paekag >eould b~ seruffy after a few thousand ? nmen(al artist wh? has had were entrusted to Chnsto. .. d othcr bundles not practice wrapping coastlines, buildings. found in the average popping b >ag. ^ ^ ^ imagery> how One suggestion in advance. For t ^ of $ubs about assigning the ?ccberg-pus ing J plastic-wrapped Their very names call for surf ^ h ? pushed by the iceberg is to loom at us one of th ^ Tullibee. -- Christian Narwhal. Sturgeon. Skipjack. Haliout. Science Monitor Browsing in the files of The NewsrJournal_ 25 years ago f,WylO, ltfl There was no paper printed this week as the office closed down for a vacation. 1 5 years ago lkmkr,A*12, 1962 Gffocs retail sales figures, as emmiled by the H.C. Department of Revenue, show Hoke lagging seriously behind other counties in the area. Services were conducted last week in Aberdeen for 38 - year ? old Dr. Irene McCain McFarland, whose sudden death at her home in Wilson from a heart attack shocked her many friends in Hoke County. * ? ? From Lumber Bridge News: Col. F.R. Weber had the mis fortune of having Us plaoe to force Und at Fort Bragg. He suffered cuts and bruises and his plane was badly damaged. Backseat driver [i elki Th# Christian Sc??nc? Monitor by Marty Vega Song And Dance Given At The Old 4 Variety Show9 Some weeks ago you read here the expose of the Raeford restaurant which was charging 47 cents for a cup of water. This week, we are alerting readers to another restaurant problem, also having to do with beverages and beverage containers. The Hardee's restaurant chain has been advertising extensively in the media for cartoon character glasses which a customer may purchase for 50 cents. It is expressly stated in all advertising that the customer will receive a Looney Tune glass with two characters. However, if you visited the Raeford Hardee's last week and plunked down 59 cents for your glass, you surely noticed that the character on one side of the glass was also on the other side of the Puppy Creek Philosopher Dear editor: There's a future problem facing this country the people ought to be giving some thought to. It's Presi dential libraries. Although Gerald Ford served only two years, plans are now underway to build a Presidential library for his papers. Ground was broken recently for a library for John Kennedy. The Harry Truman library was built several years ago. The Lyndon Johnson library was completed a tew years ago and is now crammed with millions of Presidential papers and other odds and ends. There's some random talk of building one for Richard Nixon. Stop and think about this. If every President has to have a library when he leaves office, and if this nation endures for 1.000 years, do you realize how many libraries that's going to be? One hundred and twenty-five, if we have a retiring President every eight years. Actually it'd be more than that, counting one-termers, future resig nations. possible impeachments, etc., plus the libraries already built. Ought to come to over 150 at least. That is a passell of libraries, and they're going to get crowded, especially if one city winds up furnishing say 10 or 15 Presidents. It might take a Constitutional amendment saying no two Presi dents can come from the same town and still have a library. Therefore I have an idea. Let's head off this library crisis before it gets out of hand. The thing to do is to build one huge pyramid in about the center of the country and put all past and future Presidents' papers and stuff in it, down to the last inaugural hat, pipe, bottled ship. First Lady's dresses and secret agreements with foreign countries. Now nobody knows for sure how the Great Pyramids were built, but somebody in the military-industrial complex, if given a cost-plus con tract, ought to be able to get the hang of it. Egypt, where they are, would be a great place for junket ing Congressmen to visit to study the things. They could come back by way of Paris. If this country doesn't want to be over-run with Presidential libraries we'd better get that U.S. pyramid started. It s more serious than you may think. There're plans afoot now lo build libraries for ex Congressmen. Will state legislators and Justices of the Peace be next? Yours faithfully, J. A. glass. Your immediate reaction, of course, is to inform one of the employees that you have received a defective glass. A factory reject that slipped by. Surely, you think the management will apologize for this error, and presto, produce the perfect glass, right? Wrong! What Hardee's was foisting on the public last week was last year's glasses at this year's prices. The official explanation from the young lady to whom I took my complaint was this -- Too bad, but we ran out of the glass for this week (Sylvester and Tweety Bird) so we're giving out these old glasses instead. Tough luck. Since the glass I had purchased was not for myself, but for a co-worker who shelled out the money and was waiting eagerly, I wasn't going to demand my 59 cents back (If it had been my money, though, you can be sure it would have taken the police to get me out of there if I didn't get it back) But, I felt an obligation to my friend to make an effort, and besides, B.C. Jones is nobody to trifle with. So, these questions were put to the management: Number one, if they ran out of the new glasses, shouldn't they put up a sign telling the public so? At least give customers a choice of whether they would like to pur chase last year's glass or come back when the supply of new glasses has been replenished. Is this un reasonable? Number two, how do they justify charging 59 cents for the very same glass which sold last year for 49 cents? Since it is indeed last season's merchandise, shouldn't it be marked down? Is this un reasonable? Number three, what is Hardee's doing with all these old glasses? Last year, the public couldn't even complete a collection, or replace broken ones, because Hardee's claimed they ran out! Now it appears they were stockpiling them someplace, just so they could pull them out again and say 'Surprise'. Number four, if Hardee's is getting away with this because more people don't revolt, do you know what characters they'll be putting on glasses next? The customers, because they are the real looney ones if they put up with this trick. An "anti-busing" measure came before the Senate the other day and it finally was approved. Its intent is to block the use of funds to bus children beyond the nearest school to their home. I voted against it. I would welcome any legislation that would outlaw busing on a nationwide basis and which would return us to the concept of neigh borhood schools. This amendment is supposed to do that, but it won't do it m North Carolina, or in the other states below the Mason Dixon Line. It will apply in the North and in the West, but not in the South. In North Carolina, 42 school systems are busing children under orders from federal courts. This new legislation will not change that one jot or title and those 42 systems will continue to bus. Eighty more North Carolina school systems, most of them with suits pending against them, are busing on a voluntary basis. This legislation will not apply to them. They will continue to bus. My vote against the measure was not done in a spirit of sectionalism, but I feel that by taking the pressure off the North and West, letting them escape the traumatic experience that we in the South went through, we will remove any incentive to do away with busing on a nationwide scale. What the amendment creates is a hypocritical situation, in which Northerners cry out against busing because it creates turmoil in their Report To The People by Senator Robert Morgan school systems. When the South pointed to the turmoil in its schools a few years ago, the outcry was labeled that of a bigot. The South got no sympathy or support from Massachusetts or Mici ligan when it was being forced by lawyers from HEW and the Justice Department to send thou sands of its children several miles a day on buses, to achieve what was called "racial balance" in its school system. Rather, its efforts to op pose busing were called an attempt to preserve segregation, even though forced busing is generally dislike by both Blacks and Whites. An amendment such as the one 51 Senators voted for the other day would not have had a ghost of a chance of passage a few years ago when busing efforts were confined to the South. An effort to pass such a measure would have been dis missed as a last ditch stand byk racits. But now things are different and the difference is that the rest of the nation is beginning to have its own busing. Suddenly, the legiti mate objections are no longer racism, but are valid reasons to stop turmoil. I will support a busing measure which will attack the problem nationally and which will give some relief to all 50 states. 1 also remain hopeful that we can solve this problem and provide good schools in each and every neighborhood. But I will not support a bill that exempts one section of the country and does nothing to relieve a similar situation in another. CLIFF BLUE... People & Issues ' 1 CARTERS PROMISE?.. Jim my Carter said while campaigning for President that he would balance the Federal Budget if elected. We hope he can, and will, but it's hard to visualize his plan resulting in a balanced budget with a S65 billion deficit for the coming fiscal year and with the Carter forces calling for reduced income taxes for the lower and middle income groups. It has been our thinking all along that the bulk of the taxes come from the middle income group. You just can't have your cake and eat it too! UNIONS IN GOVERNMENT... One place where many people question the usefulness of unions is in government. The U.S. Postal Dept. is for all practical purposes "unionized" and since it took place mail service has decreased as salaries have increased with the liberal retirement pay guaranteed. In the private sector, business can't afford the luxuries which government provides by the heavy chain of "deficit spending." The Federal Government is in many things which many people feel private enterprise could do much better and at less cost. However, the postal operation has proved beyond a doubt that the government had far greater success in delivering the mail before it was turned over to a semi-private operation during the Nixon Ad ministration with the "union" com ing in followed by a steady decrease in mail service. SCHOOL SUPPORT. ..Until about the early 1930's our public schools were supported by county 1 Letter To The Editor 1 Child Porn Blasted Dear Sir: Recently such television pro grams as the news magazine 60 Minutes and the morning show Phil Donahue brought to my attention an alarming and abusive practice, child pornography. Often we sit viewing television a bit upset by such programs, but we never want to believe that such tracic and terrible businesses could occur here. Well, child pornography Is here! Within a twenty mile radius of my home I have learned of a family who views pornography In their residence with their children present. 1 also know now that they nave extended invitations to friends, children included, to view this trash. I abhor such behavior but more than that I wonder why our society has allowed such a lewd business to exist? After a few telephone conversa tions, I also have found that it is not illegal to receive pornography in the U.S. Mail, show it in nomes to minors, and 1 also understand that the Wilmington area already has an X-rated television viewing program in progress. When will the indecency end and morality become part of our heritage again? Please let the people of Raeford know that this pcobtetn is not a foreign one. We an not immune. By writing to oar Congress and Senate, we can change *n already ugly situation. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Mario Ares funds. With the arrival of the "great depression" with rural, farmers by the thousands unable to pay land taxes the state took over the operation of the public schools, with the counties continuing to provide the school buildings. There has been but little change in the responsibility for the opera tion to the schools since the arrival of the depression. It is permissible for the counties to provide supplements to the program if they desire and are able, but it's not mandatory. The man datory burden is on state govern ment. Schools, we regret to say have been getting away from their prime purpose, otherwise there would be no need for the "reading" program which had a high place in the educational program of Governor Hunt. The basics of reading, writing and arithmetic seem to have been overlooked; otherwise, why the extra millions of dollars which were appropriated for this pur pose? YARD SALES. ..Yard sales have grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. In Laurinburg we note that members of the Laurinburg City Council are eyeing a proposed* city ordinance which would place restrictions on yard sales held within the city of Laurinburg. # INSURANCE BATTLE... Con cerning the battle between Insur ance Commissioner John Ingram and the insurance lobby, the Laurinburg Exchange observes: "Whatever a policyholder con cludes, one certain point remains. The legislature has hardly en hanced its image among voters because it relieved a constitutional and elected official of part of his official authority, and neither has the insurance industry bettered its public relations among policy holders." BILLY GRAHAM. ..While many people are rising to criticize Billy Graham for the manner in which contributions to the Billy Graham Evangelistic program have been handled, we want to put in our two bits in defense of the man who we suspect has led more people to hit the "sawdust trail' than ever before. While a hefty surplus has .dS veloped, it ts far better to be able to pay bills than have a deficit hanging over your head. The surplus can be used when contribu tions are low. Also, it should b# remembered that Billy Graham is a human like other people and k subject to temptation and misguid ance just as was Simon Peter and the millions of followers of tfca "Man of Galilee" during the past nineteen hundred and forty-four years since the crucifixion.

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