Cox - Freeman Margaret Freeman of Raeford and Lonnie Cox of Nashville . Tenn. were united in marriage on April 8 in Dillon. S. C. Mrs. Cox is employed with J. P. Stevens in Wagram and Mr. Cox. with Kelly-Springfield in Fayetteville. They are residing at 612 N. Jackson St. in Raeford. ^National Volunteer Week' Highlighted With Luncheon In honor of the many fine Volunteers who give their time and talents to the hospital, Moore Memorial Hospital participated in "National Volunteer Week". The highlight of the week was a luncheon given by the department heads in the new cafeteria. Tuesday afternoon, the cafeteria became a banquet hall, featuring many kinds of food in a warm, pleasant atmosphere. The luncheon was given in appreciation of the more than 200 volunteers, who have this past year given more than 40,000 hours in 32 service areas of the hospital. We are quite proud of our many volunteers here at MMH. They RENTA rrcnmcx CARPET CLEANER Proven in tests to get carpets brighter in half the time New Low Rotes Raef ord Cleaners Ratford, N. C. perform many activities which add to our patient care. Volunteers work in a non- medical capacity complementing the routine activi ties of the hospital. Volunteers are men and women of all ages from the surrounding area who have a common interest: to serve others. Volunteers, we thank you for your time, your energy, and your help. Mrs. Sarah Howard has given more than 1.300 hours here at Moore Memorial Hospital in the Admit ting office during the past four years. WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ACCESSORIES Engraved & Beautygraved by National Engraving Company AMERICA S LARGEST ENGRAVER INCORPORATED 119 W. Elwood Ave. Raeford, N. C. Miss Norton, Mr. Frederick Pledge Wedding Vows f Mrs. Garry Allen Frederick Miss Pamela Jo Norton, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Norton, and Garry Allen Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frederick of Aberdeen, pledged their wed ding vows on Sunday. April 23. at 4:00 p.m.. at the Second Baptist Church. The Rev. George Mc Keithan officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Candace Gardner, organ ist. and Don Brock, soloist present ed a program of wedding music. Mr. Brock sang "We've Only Just Begun" and "Wedding Prayer". Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown fashioned with an empire waistline, white lace yoke trimmed in seeded pearls, and Mary Sturat sleeves. Her long veil was held in place by a headpiece of lace and seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of yellow pink roses. Maid of honor was Miss Agnes Wilkes and Mrs. Elizabeth Martin served as matron of honor for her sister. They wore floor-length mint green gowns with cap sleeves, layered neckline, and empire waist line. They also wore picture hats and carried large yellow mums. Kenneth Fredericks served as best man for his son. Ushers were Don Norton and Billv Norton, brothers of the bride, and Kenneth Frederick. Jr.. brother of the bridegri ?om. Flower girl was Lori Frederick niece of the bridegroom, who was escorted by Mark Norton, nephew of the bride. King bearer was Chris Martin, nephew ot the bride. Make Mom A Winner Win A Dress For Her Register In Our Store For A Nelly Don Dress ($60 Value). DRAWING IS MAY 13th AT 5:30 P.M. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN SPECIAL Just In Time For Mother's Day Select Group Dresses Reg. 19.98 - 29.98 NOW 14" - 18" Sizes 8 20 - 14Vi - 24 Vi Select Group Bags Reg. 5.98- 12.98 NOW 4" - 7" SEE OTHER GIFT / ITEMS FOR MOTHER / MAY 14 1 Graham's Dept. Store and The Highland Fling MAIN ST. RED SPRINGS The bride's mother wore a dress of pink Qiana knit with unpressed pleats and lace collar. The mother of the bridegroom wore a cream colored dress with jacket. For travel the bride chose a two-piece light green dress with lace cape and matching acces sories. After a wedding trip to the coast, the couple will reside at 14. Chilton Dr. in Raeford. The bride and bridegroom are graduates of Hoke County High School. The bridegroom is em ployed by Leach s Auto and Body Shop. RECEPTION The bride's parents entertained with a reception in the Fellowship Hall of the church immediately following the ceremony. The honored couple and their parents greeted guests. Mrs. John McLean. Jr., aunt ot the bnde. poured punch. Cake was served by Mrs. Debbie Norton, sister-in-law of the bride, and by Mrs. Jean McBryde. cousin of the bride groom. The bride's book was kept by Teresa Frederick, sister ot the bridegroom. Mrs. Debbie Frede rick assisted at the gitt table. REHEARSAL DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frederick entertained with a rehearsal dinner at the Southern Restaurant. The bride presented gifts to her attendants. OUT OF TOWN GUESTS Attending from out of town were Mr and Mrs. Tim Lee. Jackson ville; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Lee. Jr Miss Robin Rohleder. and Stanley Patrick. Rockingham; Mrs. D C. Norton. Mrs. Vernon Cliwis and daughters. Donna and Carla. Mr. and Mrs. John McLean and Johnny. Mike Baxley. and Miss Elaine West. Laurinburg; Mrs. Judy Soles and Mrs. Myrtle Monroe. Fayetteville; Mr. and Mrs Paul Watson. Santord; Mrs. Loraine Kesterson. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Love, and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Love. Durham; and Mrs. Lynn Tullock. Raleigh. Quack Diets Ten million Americans waste over S500 million a year on quack diets, fake pills, and food supple ments. Are you one of them? "Prevent or Cure heart trouble, diabetes, stomach trouble, tired blood, old age and other troubles with "Special Foods or Supple ments." Do you buy or use them? "Short Cut to Weight control" -- does it work? For how long? Will an apple a day keep the doctor away? Is it dangerous to drink milk while eating seafood. Today's quack is not the "medi cine man" of the past. Often he displays and uses impressive look ing but medically worthless equip ment. There is no scientific basis for his diagnosis or treatment, but he doesn't hesitate to use "scien tific" terms in his conservation or advertising in order to impress you. Dr. Nadine Tope. Extension Foods Specialist. North Carolina State University, will speak to these claims on Wednesday. April 26. in the Conference Room of the County Office Building. CLASS OF 1943 -- \left to right] 1st row: Thelma Ma\s Bayliff, Loretta Edge Young, Kathleen Freeman Flippenger. Marie Clark Ellis. Emogene Sinclair Huff, Betty Jo Wood Johnson. 2nd row: James Nixon. D.R. Hujf. Jr.. Julian Wood Monroe. Irene Peterson Smith. Kathleen Culbrethto Meadows. Donald Harvey. 3rd row : Rev. Zane Grey Norton. Ed Hasty. Margie Ashburn Mann. Audrey Cothran Bobbitt. Mamie Niven Smith. Ken McNeill. 4th row: John C. Ray. Eugene Maxwell. Bill McNeill. Bill Harmon tf r 1 V 1 1 CLASS OF 1944 -- [left to right | 1st row: Dan Campbell. Betsy A. Cole McNeill. Bennie McGougan Gardner. Louise Smith McDiarmid. Randall Moss. 2nd row: Tom Patterson. Edith Sanders Best. Juanita Cothran Coxe. Fave Baker Jordan. Christine Hodgin Bond. Miss Lucy Glenn Gill \teacher\. 3rd row: Mrs. Clyde Upchurch. Jr. \ teacher]. Percy McNeill. June Wright. George White. Mrs. J.C. McLean \teacher\. 4th row: Doug Nixon. Carol Odom Keilman. Charlie Pendergrass. Ketha Howell Lawing ^ Man ? McBryde. Elsie Upchurch McClesky. Leonora Curric McKay. row: Cornelia Davis Pritchett. Lamell Vanhoy Moss. Geraline Maxwell Adams. Allyne Smith Townsend. hack row: Eugene Currie. Joe Upchurch Mr. James Turlington [teacher]. Two Hoke High Classes Gather For Reunion Lenora Thompson The Elks Club. Southern Fines, provided a picturesque setting for a grand reunion of the 1943 and 1944 graduating classes of Hoke High School. Raeford, on Saturday night. April 15. The 105 present included more than 50 percent of the members from each class with their spouses and six teachers. Greeting the classmates who arrived shortly before the steak dinner at seven o'clock, were D.R.. Jr. and Emogene Sinclair Huff of Aberdeen, Ken and Betsy Ann Cole McNeill. Fave Baker Jordan and Edith Sanders Best of Raeford. They gave out "hello" cards on which were pictures of the classes at graduation. These were suppose to help the members "identify" their former classmates and. also, to show how much each had changed over the years. Edwin Hasty of the class of '43 gave the welcome and Joe Up church of the class of '44 had the introductory and read comments from classmates who were unable to attend, but sent their best wishes as well as "regrets" by post. The classes were very pleased and honored to have among them their principal. Mr. V.R. White of Fayetteville and teachers: Mrs. V.R. White; Mrs. Clyde Upchurch with Mr. Upchurch, Mrs. J.C. McLean and Mr. J.W. Turlington of Raeford; and Miss Lucy Glenn Gill of Burlington . Each made brief remarks. Ken McNeill brought rounds of applause as he presented the "fun" awards. Thelma Mays Bayliff of Aberdeen won the award for having been blessed with the most grand children and Tom Patterson of Tacoma. Washington, won the award for having traveled the farthest distance. Mrs. Leonora Currie McKay of Dunn delighted the group by reciting a poem she composed especially for the occasion. She reminisced of the past -filled with its "ups and downs" and looked to the future -foreseeing years of leisure living and doing all the "dream" things that parents forego while rearing a family. The Reverend Zane Gray Norton of Shelby, a member of the class of '43 asked the blessing, and after the delicious dinner and planned program, the party concluded with a social of "getting re-acquainted." For those who wished to dance, the walls were opened and they danced to band music provided by the club. Arrangements of dogwood blos soms and pink azaleas adorned the reunion tables. "It was a very good looking group -pretty young, not too bald and not too gray," said Betsy Ann McNeill, who added, "of course we were dressed in our best clothes." Everyone had an enjoyable and memorable evening. Bridge ? Mrs Johnson All members were present on Thursday evening when Mrs. June Johnson entertained her bridge club. Dessert and coffee were served when quests arrived, and nuts and punch, during progressions. High score prize was awarded to Mrs. Avery Connell. and Mrs. Earl Gordon received the consolation prize. Mrs. Berder Niven won the bingo award. Mrs McDonald Mrs. William McDonald was hostess to members of her bridge club and visitors, Mrs. Rick Eng lish, Mrs. Linwood Huffman, and Mrs. Jerry Jordan, on Thursday evening. Snacks and iced drinks were served during progressions. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Tom Burgess, club high scorer to Mrs. W.K. Morgan, second high, and to Mrs. English, visitor's high. Personals Mrs. J.T. Smith of Chester. S.C., visiting this week with her daught er, Mrs. Robert Calhoun, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McDuffie and Don Conoly of Fayetteville visited friends and relatives in Mt. Airy this past weekend.