<~Vlew6 The Hoke County News - Established 1928 VOLUME LXXI NUMBER 24 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA - journal The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 S8 PER YEAR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 1 , 1979 I Around I Town I BY SAM C. MORRIS g The weather now feels like winter will soon be on the way. One of these first mornings we will get up and find frost on the lawn. This is the kind of weather that most of us would like to have all the time. So everyone get prepared for *"frost on the pumpkins ' and get 'ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas for they are just around the corner. * * * ^ The following letter was received "this week and is self - explanatory: Dear Mr. Morris, Please notify your readers that they may request copies of "Progress Since 1903" from The Bank of Raeford, P.O. Box 548, Raeford, N.C. 28376. We will be |glad to mail copies for a $1.00 postage and handling fee. as long as the supply last. Thank you and Ann Webb for your co-operation and advice during our Grand Opening Cele bration. I would like to thank the gmany people who assisted with the preparation and publication of "Progress Since 1903." The original idea was Sue Davis's, who suggested to Jessie Bright Ferguson that she write the history of the bank. Josephine Hall helped to l) compile the material, and Neill A. McNeill Jr. made many photo graphs. Robert A. Dickson from "The Image Men" published the book. Bank employees and di rectors worked together to locate pictures. A very special thanks to iyou and The News 'Journal staff ^who assisted with pictures and material. It has been a pleasure working with you on this project. Sincerely, Joyce C. Monroe ? ? * ' Someone said to me Sunday that people must not want the job of City Councilman because there were no new names to be reported by the clerk of the board of elections when the filing closed last ^Friday at noon. This may be true 'but maybe it could be that most people are satisfied with the job that is being done at City Hall. Usually when you don't get any complaints against the city man ager or the chief of police the ^ouncil is in good shape as far as ^he people are concerned. Anyway this is my first free ride into City Hall. * * ? ^ Last Thursday I received a call Pfrom Chimney Rock that my brother. James, was not getting along too well. This meant that Friday I would have to make a trip to the mountains, and being over 200 miles, a trip by yourself is not for my liking, if Mary Alice went Awith me she would have to miss school and 1 didn't want that to happen. Just a few minutes after the phone call Sam Snead walked into the office and when he heard about my upcoming trip, he said that he _ would be glad to go with me. Now y this is what I call a friend indeed. We made the trip safely and left James in the clinic at Bat Cave and he was somewhat better than when I was called. Thanks Snead for your assist k ance. I * * * They have always said in Raeford that when you have one death you can expect two more. This came home to me this week with the ttdeath of H.R. McLean. Mrs. Jay Woodard and Mrs. Carl Norton. Mr. McLean was a close friend and Mrs. Woodard, Lena Blue." was someone I had known since our school days at the Raeford school beginning in the 1920s. Mrs. ^Norton was known to me through her daughter. Pam. who is the secretary here at The News Journal. Yes when the trumpet sounds in Raeford it usually blows more than once. ? The Hoke High Bucks dropped another game last Friday night at Rockingham. They will be away this coming week and will be k playing in Lumberton. The next ? home game will be Friday. Oct. 19 against Pinecrest. Old Family Home Destroyed T win Brothers Die In Fire REA UTY A DDK I) DO WNTO WN ? New shrubbery appeared in down l own Rue ford last week. These pictures were taken Thurs day as setting new plants was being completed. The photos show the new shrubbery on the west side of North Main Street around the West hlwood Avenue intersection: and at the front and West kl wood side of Southern National Hank. One of the recommendations made in the Townscupe downtown studv report is the business section be made attractive by such plantings. Mayor, Councilmen Only Candidates Incumbents Unopposed For Reelection There will be a Raeford city election Nov. 6, but the outcome is not in doubt, unless a person or people get a landslide of write - in votes. Mayor John K. McNeill. Jr.. and the five present members of the City Council have filed for election, and no one else has. Rose Sturgeon, executive secretary of the Hoke County Board of Elections, reported Friday afternoon, after the deadline for filing had passed. James (Benny) McLeod filed Friday morning, becoming the last candidate to enter the race. Bob Gentry filed the previous Wednes day. and Sam Morris, Mavor Pro Tem Graham M. Clark. and Vardell Hedgpeth. Jr.. entered the field officially Oct. I. Mayor John K. McNeill. Jr. filed for reelection to his sixth two - vear term Sept. 17. He also was un opposed in 1977 and 1975. The filing period started Sept. Bob Gentry James | Benny] McLeod 14. The period for registration for voting in the municipal election ended at 5 p.m. Monday. A daylong special registration period was held Saturday at Upchurch Junior High School. Gentry was appointed to the council in to serve the unexpired portion of the term of David Lovctte. He was elected to his first lull (two-year) term the following year. McLeod is running tor his sixth term. Clark also is running for his sixth. Morris tor his fourth, and Hedgpcth for his second. In the election, nine candidates ran lor the council seats. 75 Attack Brings Life Sentence Robert Lee King was sentenced last week to lite by Hoke Counts Superior Court Judge F.dwin S. Preston. Jr.. <>t Raleigh, after King pleaded guilty to kidnapping and assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, inflict ing serious injurs. Feb. 19. 1975. I'he court record says the guilts plea was made in exchange for a voluntary dismissal by the state prosecutor of charges of felonious breaking or entering, and felonious larceny. Jessie Winstead Nicholson, a public health worker, was shot when she came on men at the cabin of Mvrtlc S. Calloway in the Timbcrland 'Community. The break-in and larceny charges were filed in connection with the entry ol the home. King was indicted the following April but it wasn't till last June 4 that he was arrested. I his was in Camden. N.J. . and King waived extradition to North Carolina. Five other Hoke Counts men have been convu d of breaking into the house. Assistant District Attorney Jean Powell prosecuted the case against King and the other cases heard in last week's Superior Court lerm. Richard Lee Smith and his twin brother. Albert Lee Smith, 27, died early Thursday in a fire that swept their old, frame home a mile east of Dundarrach. Their brother Lawrence Mc Gougan Smith. 17, got out of the house in time to escape being seriously injured and reported the fire about 2:30 a.m. Men of the Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department, which received the alarm, were assisted by the North Raeford department's men in fighting the blaze. Firemen and Deputy Sheriff James E. Murdock found the bodies of the victims shortly after 3 a.m. in separate bedrooms. The cause of the fire has not been learned. The Hoke County Sheriff s De partment quoted Lawrence Smith as saying that about 1:45 a.m. "something told me I had better get up." He said he went to the door to the living room and "all I could see was smoke." Smith said he called for Albert and Richard "five or six times" and he could hear them coughing. He said he hoped they could hear his voice and come to him. So he called that he was going to get help. He broke a window at the side of the house to see whether he could see Richard Smith. Lawrence Smith added that the smoke was too thick for him to see his brother but he heard a cough. He told an officer he ran to his car to go to the fire department but found his clutch rod had come loose, so he ran to Finford Chavis's trailer, and told Chavis about the trouble. Chavis sent his wife to get the fire department, then he and Lawrence Smith ran back to the house. Smith said Chavis walked around the house, calling Richard and Albert Smith at the same time, to find a way to get in but "there was not." Smith said most of the fire was in the front two rooms. The bodies were sent to the state chief medical examiner's office in Chapel Hill by order of Dr. Robert G. Townsend. a Hoke County medical examiner, to determine the specific cause of death. Three brothers had been living in the house the past five years. Their parents are dead. The house was destroyed. Fire men fought the blaze for about 2 lA hours, before they could extinguish it. l he house once served as a home for principals and teachers of nearby Mildouson School, which is no longer open The funerals were conducted Sunday afternoon in Laurel Hill Baptist Church by the Rev. S.V. Melvin. Burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving in addition to Law rence Smith are another brother, Paul Smith. Jr.. of Shannon; and a sister. Mrs. Willie Lillie of Hampton. Va. Red Springs Funeral Home was in charge of the arranpements. Murder Charged Lawrence Sonny Bease, 34, of Ri. I. Box 41H. Raeford. is being held on a charge of murder in the fatal shooting of Allen Buie Shaw. 3H. ot Rt. 1. Raeford. the Hoke County Sheriff s Department re cords show . An investigation reports ^ays Shaw was wounded by a .22 claiber rifle bullet that lodged in his spine early Sept. 22 when a man fired at Shaw as Shaw was sitting in a car near the Brick House club on Jones Hill w itii vi'ii'.panions. Shaw was sitting on the rear seat with one of the three others in the car when the assailant came up to the car 3nd tired at Shaw, witnesses were quoted as saying. The warrant was issued Satur day after Shaw died of his wound, and was served on Bease Tuesday, the warrant <-hows. and Bease was put in the Hoke County Jail.