? The Hoke County News - Established 1928 VOIUME LXXI NUMBER 29 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA - journal The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 S8 PER YEAR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1979 i Around Town BY SAM C. MORRIS The winter weather continues, Jkut along with the cold is also rain, snow is predicted for the western part of the state but let's hope it doesn't get down this far east, at least for the present time. * * * Football season is over at Hoke Hieh School and the Bucks did real well for the tough schedule that confronted them. The basketball season is getting ready to start and the Bucks should ^ave another good team. They have lost their coach and this is not good with the season so near at hand. We hope them the best in the upcoming season and they need everyone's support. * * ? I The Hoke County Booster Music Club is sponsoring their annual turkey dinner and bazaar at the Gibson Cafeteria on Friday night, Nov. 16 beginning at 5 o'clock. The band and chorus will per |brm during the evening and this should be worth your time, even if you don't like turkey. Hope to see you there! * * * VThe city election came off last uesday without any mishap. More people turned out than 1 expected, but there were less write-in votes. Usually when incumbents are unopposed it is a fine time for folks to vote for a friend who would not pun for office or to vote against ?someone who has cast a vote that wasn't to your liking. Only four write-in votes were cast during the election and this was surprising. * * ? I Joe Thompson was by (he office last Thursday and asked that a classified ad he had placed in the paper last week be stopped and not run this week. Joe said that he had sold all the items except one the Ifirst day the paper hit the streets. So if you want to sell something just advertise in The News-Journal. Don't believe me. ask Joe Thomp son. * ? * * Col, Joseph L. Piotrzkowski, (Ret.) of the U.S. Army died November 4 in Portland, Ore. He was the husband of Kav Piotr zkowski who was associate editor of this newspaper in 1973-74. g| They had moved to Oregon after ne retired in 1974 and he had been executive director of the Com munity Action Team, Columbia County. Ore. We extend our sympathy to Kay and her daughter and will list below her address in case any of her friends would like to write her. The address is: Kay Piotrzkowski 45/ N.E. Laurelhurst Place Portland. Ore. 97232. ? ? ? ^ We publish the following letter received this week: "Dear Sir: "Many of my friends who also receive The News-Journal weekly, the same as 1 do. have asked me Jfehy we always seem to be omitted Trom the news when we make a visit to North Carolina. "It has come to my attention that for the last two visits that we have made to see my sisters that we have missed being mentioned in the Rockfish News. I always made the liws when our good friend Mrs. Mary Mclnnis. and Louise Watson wrote the news. "In June we attended the Long street reunion and again in October we came home again. This time we ? tended the Monroe Clan Gather g at Bensalem Church in Moore County. "I have been doing extensive research on my family to complete my DAR membership invitation. This has been authenicated and I iave gone in on the Patriot of my paternal line Captain James Campbell, Revolutionary War Vet ran. While in North Carolina, my sitter, Mrs. Thomas McColl and 1 visited the site of both Captain Campbell and his father's (Rev. James Campbell) grave. These are ^kcated on the bank of the Cape (See AROUND TOWN, page 15) At School Board Meeting Evaluation, Graduation Discussed AAA ^ ^liAAAAAA i A A A A A a a a M MEMO: IT'S PRACT1CALL Y IN SIGHT - These are among the signs which appeared in Raeford in recent days telling us that Christmas is not far away. The decorated Christmas tree with Christmas-wrapped gifts are Raeford Minister's Association Sponsoring in a downtown store window. The outside decorations are among those which appeared on Main Street early this week. Others are on other streets downtown. Santa Ctaus even made a preliminary call at at least one of the Raeford stores. Union Thanksgiving Service Nov . 21 Elizabeth's Catholic Church. The Rev. Paul Strassle, pastor of St. Elizabeth's will be master of ceremonies and will give the welcome. The Rev. B.V. Childers will preach the sermon and give the Scripture reading. There also will be the singing of hymns by the congregation, with Mrs. Dixie Autry lead. A trio from Second Baptist Church and one from the Church of God will give special music. The Rev. George McKeithan of Second Baptist Church will give the benediction. A prelude and postlude will be played by Mrs. Autry. Everyone of any race, creed, and color in the community are invited to attend. The members of the association are Ephesus Baptist, First Baptist. Second Baptist, Sandy Grove ? The Raeford Ministers' Associa tion will sponsor the annual Thanksgiving Service, which will be held at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 21 at St. News-Journal To Go To Press A Day Early The News-Journal will go to press Tuesday, a day earlier than usual, because of Thanks giving. This means people with news and advertising for publication next week must have their copy in the newspaper office by early Monday afternoon. Parker Methodist, Evangelical Methodist, Raeford United Methodist, Shiloh - Bethel. Philip pi and Raeford Presbyterian, the Church of God. Four Square Gospel, and St. Elizabeth's. The officers are McKeithan, Second Baptist, president; Strassle, vice president; and the Rev. Thomas D. Hoogerland. Sandy Grove - Parker, secretary - treasurer. Farm-City Week Program At Arabia A program in observance of Farm-City Week in Hoke County will be held Monday, starting at 3:30 p.m. at Arabia Golf Club and continuing till 7 p.m. It includes a tour of A Growing Concern where the visitors will see among other things 8,000 poin settias growing in greenhouses; and a Pig Pickin' at the golf club. J PANCAKE SUPPER -- The Raeford Kiwanis Club 's annual Pancake Supper will be held Dec. 7 from 5 to 8 p. m. in Gibson Cafeteria at Hoke County High School to raise money for the dub 's civic projects. Here Vardell Hedgpeth, Jr., president of the dub, is giving Myrtle Miller for her business 's window a poster announcing the supper. The price per plate of pancakes will be $2. Presentations will be given during the program by Brown Hendrix. Jr., William Poole, and Billv Crawlev. In event of rain or other adverse weather, the Pig Piekin' will be held in the former Mildouson School at the intersection of Secondary Roads 1105 and 1434 near Dundarrach. The annual international Farm - City Week will open Friday and continue through Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. It is the week before Thanks giving every year. The special week is held to promote better understanding of farm and citv people of each other. The Hoke County observance is being sponsored by Parker Equip ment Co., Federal Land Bank, the Production Credit Association, the Raeford - Hoke County Chamber of Commerce, and the Farm Bureau, with the Agricultural Extension Service cooperating. More information can be ob tained from Willie Featherstone. associate Extension agent, at 875 3461. Music Club Dinner The Hoke County Music Booster Club Bazaar and Turkey Dinner will be held Friday, starting at 5 p.m., in Gibson Cafeteria at Hoke County High School. The high school band and chorus will perform. Members of the Hoke County Board of Education advised prin cipals Monday night to put more specific information into their written teacher evaluations, dis cussed a proposed high school graduation policy, and approved two teachers and a center super visor for employment. The matters were taken up during the board's regular meeting for November. Part of the discussion about information for evaluations was held during an executive session. Dr. Riley Jordan, the board's chairman told the principals to write into a teacher's evaluation all information, "no matter how in significant it is, good or bad," and have the teacher to sign it. He said at the outset of the discussion, "Principals are in a position to know the situation." Referring to insufficient informa tion, Jordan added that in the past few years, "We have been caught with teachers" the school system shouldn't have had. Board member Bill Cameron said the board wants to know whether a teacher is good or not. He advised the principals to put into a teacher's record "something positive" that, if the occasion arose, could provide the board ground for dismissal. Mrs. R.S. McNair, another member of the board, explained to the principals, "we don't have anything to go on in evaluation" when a teacher problem comes up. She was referring to specific in formation in the file. Board member Mrs. Mina Townsend told the principals during the executive session that it was important to give the teachers concrete suggestions, instructions for making improvements, not just criticism. She told reporters later during the open meeting of this and other suggestions she had made during the executive session. Mrs. Town send said she suggested principals name the problem when one arose, then give specific examples illus trating it. She also said she suggested they use a narrative form for documenting the subject. The proposed graduation policy discussed would provide that: --All students meeting all re quirements for graduation, in cluding satisfactory grade on the state competency test, be given diplomas at graduation. -All other students who com plete all requirements except passing the competency test be awarded certificates of attendance at graduation. At the graduation exercise, how ever. it would not be announced publicly whether the student being given a diploma or an attendance certificate. The proposal was submitted by County Schools Supt. Raz Autry. No official action was taken on it at Monday night's meeting but is to be taken at a future session. The board's regular meeting for December was changed tentatively to Dec. 4. a Tuesday, at 7 p.m., from the first Monday, the regular day for the monthly meetings. The change was made when Mrs. McNair informed the other mem bers of the board she would be unable to attend Dec. 3. In action on new personnel, the board adopted a motion to accept Autry's recommendations to em ploy Mrs. Donna Bernhardt, Mrs. Andrea Cox, and David Smith. Mrs. Bernhardt was added as a teacher of the second grade at West Hoke School because enrollment at the school has increased from last school year's. Mrs. Cox was as signed to teach the third grade at South Hoke, and Smith was named supervisor of the J.W. Turlington School Alternative Learning Cen ter. Mrs. Cox was chosen to fill the vacancy created by the suspension of Miriam Letie by the board last month for alleged neglect of duty. Autry said Mrs. Letie is to be given a hearing before a state Review Committee at her request. The meeting will be closed to the public, he said, in compliance with state law.

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