1 The Hoke County News - Established 1928 VOLUME LXXII NUMBER 5 KAEFOtD. HOKE CQl Ml . \OK1H CUtOUN A - journal 25 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 $8 PERI EAR THURSDAY. MAY 2*. l*SO Nothing Decided Yet ' Preliminary Thoroughfare Hearing Monday Around Town BY SAMCWWRLS ^ The rains came and the rains have gone. How much il did rain I can not tell you. We will have to get a rain gauge if we want to report the rainfall to our readers. It seems that a certain gentleman who was nice enough to come bv the office every once in awhile and give us the weather data, has become awfully busy in the past few I weeks doing what? I will not use his " name, because it might embarrass him. Anyway we did have rain and it seems to be enough for the present. ? * ? A letter was received last week and arrived to late for this column. We print it this week and hope that everyone will cooperate with the Raeford Woman's Club. P The letter follows: Dear Sam. The Raeford Woman's Club project - CAMPERSH1PS - has made an adventurous dream a reality for many of our Hoke County youngsters. A dooaton of SbO.OO will assist us in providing clothes, physical examinations, a Bible and transportation for a Hoke County disadvantaged child pto spend a fun - filled week at Camp Monroe in Scotland County. The campers are selected by their teachers in grades four through six. Through individual, civic, in dustrial and business donations, we sponsored 24 campers last year. One cannot realize the excitement and delight of these youngsters until the "gee whines" and "oh goHtes** are heard upon their return. ? With your support this has been one of our most successful and rewarding projects. We hope, once a?ain. your readers will contact us with a contribution to sponsor a camper this year. Thank you. Sam. for helping us help others. Sincerely. Betty C. Knox President Raeford Woman's Club O No* if you feel inclined to help in the worthy cause you can mail a check to: Mrs. Howard Hust P.O Box iN8 Raeford. N.C. 2&3~"b Mrs. Hust is the treasurer for the Raeford Woman's Club and she will be sure that it is placed in the right place. 0 Several years ago a tamilv moved from Raetord to Clarksville. Va. llw family was Bill and Anne Smith and Bill was transferred by Burlington to the Virginia plant. Both were very civic minded and were good church members. In the Burlington Industries newspaper. "Burlington Look" a picture of Anne Smith appeared in CI he May issue. The caption for the picture is as follows: "Anne Smith, nurse at the Menswear Combing plant in Clarksville. Va.. has been named 'Occupational Nurse of the Year' by the Virginia State Association of Occupational Health Nurses lOHN). Anne is currently president of the Piedmont OHN association. She joined Burlington in 19^5 and husband. William Smith, is a systems analyst for the menswear division in Clarksville." Congratulations to Anne Smith ? ? ? The baseball players strike was , averted so maybe we can see a baseball game or two and not have to look at old mo* ws or reruns. Of ^ourse some folks wish the players ?ad walked out because they say the tube is taken up with sports programs now. ? ? ? School is about over for this school year and besides the graduation exercises along comes the numerous concerts at the I See AROCND TOWN, page 1 \ r in the PREUMIXAR > PLAJ\' -- TTus map i tf eke pnrifmytrmary Thttrcacgkrare Plan Plan is the subtext of a puNix hearing scheduled tor Monday night . fur the Raeford area skv*ts tke heavier b&tirk fan far the major traffic Rue ford City Council chambers- frothing about the preliminary plan has 'horvugh tares and the thin limes jitr tke immrtr irvnanes. The jieshed tmes ar>- been deitded yet. |A lap by Planning and Researxh Branch. State r>ropnsed nn*ds which would link murur rAwaoHtaflrvs im rhe pian. The Department of Transportation J, Ex-AirjM>rt Operator s Claim Dismissed^ Court Rules F or City Hoke County Superior Court Judge Arthur Lee Lane Thursday Jiuwutd former Raetbrd Airport operator Paul Rose's claim that a hangar he built on the airport property. ?h?ch is o?ned by the city, is his and the City of Raetoni should pay htm S15.000 which he termed the hangar's fair market value. The judge in a separate, though related action ordered Thursday the city "have and recover" from Rose $300 plus interest from Thursday. Ilic City in a counter In Superior Court datm tv> Kw?$ ocwnpUmt said Rise ow?d the dn ik amount m impaaj domMv mn erf SfrO for imrn tiarMgk Mav W7?. under the setm* seoMe the case." Thie oevier sw?ed that neither Rose aw has ai*crw> appeared in cwttl f?r the hearing of the iMtg-aeniw.. Rose's complaint, filed June 15. W . says Rose built the hangar on airport property with the city's approval and that it * as not permanently attached to the city ? owned land. The complaint says the city terminated the lease June 2. 19 . after Rose came in default under provisions of the lease agreement Rose, the complaint adds, noti fied the city of intent to rm>?< the hangar, in that the hangar was a "trade fixture and not part of reahv I~he city. the complaint says, informed Rose he was not to remove the hangar. The city's answer, filed Aug II. W~\ denies that the hangar is not permanently attached to the city - owned property. Fhe city counterclaim says the lease contract between the city and Rose was entered Nov. 4. W~4. Robert G. Drumnght. who was Raetord's cits manager at the time Rose operated the airport, testified tor the city ot last week s hearing Fines Imposed In Traffic, 'Pot' Cases Judge Arthur Lee Lane heard the following cases and issued the indicated judgments last week is the ooe-week crnl and crtmtnal term of Hoke Count* Superior Court. Robert Parrick Baker. 22. of Radford. ?as given a suspended sentence of 2 4 years presided he a fine of WOO and court costs, r possession of marijuana. The judge ordered that Baker tint serve *) dm. hut he ctgiNe immediate** for work -release, he fore starting 5 years probation The 2-4-wtr term was suspended for 5 vearv Baker had p*ended guilt* K> the charge. Kathleen Talbot. 5#. Rt. i. Bm 2^-D, Rat ford, phtiuitti $*in to three counts of worthless checks She received JO daws suspended for 2 years on cotaduwaa, she restitution for checks of SrX S20. and 120 50 to the o4flfke of derk of Syrw Court for Turtle s Ejuuu of Rarford Joe Louis Moore. 44. Rt I. Bra lift. Rarford. charged nth two counts of itniiug. under the ? fluence. thud otfSeuse. and speed tag "2 a * 55 : pleaded guilty ro the two owm of third-often sc W.1 He *J8 sewmctd to 2 years on 6?ch omm, *o nan cortsecu iwek. N( the sentence ??$ sus p**4eJ for 5 ywt md the defeti iiM pbctd m pmhttiM for 5 wolhfl ? M alcohol rehabt litatwa pro?ram maintained ikroafk the Hoke Cowtv Mental Health Cnwcr. the come to be cwfitMd w?hm 75 dnv and pay own costs and a S500 fine. " Amr Lee Ytmf. ?. Sandhills V?*k Center. McCain, pleaded gvitft to fchnhem nr .y ? 1 was same nerd to ft months., to Itfui at thteipnim?f the sentence he is mm wonf He atu pleaded faihv to tw> >cci?ti ?f breaking or it. an. i inf. and two ccwnts erf lar eeny. and was state need to 5-7 wars a*: each cew as a committed mathfnl igfltnier. lohneyGrower Woods, 31. Rt. 2. Red Sfnfv |hadtl no contra to two cm?H ? nmdtmeanor pos senam rf nehn pmyeny. was found pe*y. and |Mt 18 months to 2 years suspended tor 5 sears and probation for 5 sears. on conditions he not possess burglary took or dangerous weapons, be gainfully employed, and not ?o on the premises of Carolina t"urf Co. of Raeford without written consent of the owner, and pay costs and a S}00 fine. Emesl White. )5. of Rt 2. Box 4%. Raeford. was given prison terms for driving while his license was rooted permanently and for hts fourth offense of driving under the influence, but the terms were suspended on conditions he pay a S5""0 fine on each charge and court ' costs and serve 5 consecutive weekends in jail. Another condition was he not dme till he is property licensed. , The suspended sentences are 2 years for the fourth-offense DU1 and 12 months for the license violation, to run consecutive!? if a condition of suspension is violated. The judge ordered the terms sus pended for S years and White be placed on probation for 5 years. He also ordered continued the proba tion for a WTJ DUI conviction. White had pleaded guilty to the t*o charges in last week's cases. William ITtomas Jones. -Wv of Rt. 1. Godwin. after pleading guilty, was sentenced to b months for dinvtng under the influence and 2 years for d rising while his license was revoked, both sentences sus pended for 5 years and Jones placed on probation for 5 years provided he verve 3 consecutive weekends in jail, pay fines of S200 on the DL'l charge and $500 on the license charge, and court costs, and not drive till he ?s properly licensed. Robert Gary Former. 2**. of Fayettesille. was ordered to pay a fine of $650 and court costs as some of the conditions of the )udge suspending sentences for assaulting an officer, speeding over 55 wrhile fleeing, speeding W in a 55 /one. and failing to stop for a blue light and siren, and careless and reckless driving. Another condition was Former not drive within 60 days from the date the judgment was issued, which was May 20 The suspended sentences are (See SIPfRIOR COl'RT, page 12) A public hearing on a pre liminary Thoroughfare Plan tor the Raetord area will be held Moodtt at 7:30 p.m. in the Rxkml City Council chambers, but City Manager Ron Matthews en^u sind Tuesday morning that the preliminary plan is just that ? nothing has been decided yet. He said some people living on Jackson Street called him Mooda* and asked when they" were going to start tearing up the street. He said that, besides the fact that nothing has been decided, the Pan calls for Jackson Street to remain as it is - a minor thoroughfare for use principally by auto traffic, and local traffic at that. In fact, he added, widening Jackson Street hasn't even been discussed. Matthews said that even rf the City Council and State EVpartment of Transportation approve the Plan, it still would be open to changes. He \aid the work the ultimately approved Plan would call for would be done in stages, and that the work recommended m the prel>m?narv P'a'* drawn up this year wou'dn't be done if" sub sequent developments eliminated the need No area would be done unless the City Council requested ihe work. Matthews explained. City and State representatives worked together to draw up the preliminary Plan, which witt be shown to the public Monday night, and the City Planning Board recommended the public hearing be held Matthews said most of the recommendations contained in the plan were made by the state highway people. Participating m the hearing Monday night will be members of the staff of the Planning and Research Branch of the State Department of Trans portation. They will include Boh Booker, the head of the staff. Matthews satd a Plan was worked out with an eye to meet the needs expected for the Raetord area in the next 10 to 20 years. He said, however, that, contrary to ijeneral public opinion, the plan ning was done primarily with local traffic in mind. He pointed out that SO per cent of the traffic that uses Raetord streets is local. Matthews added that the planning also had automobile traffic primarily tn mind. Essentially, the plan aims to improve the flow of traffic through the area. The map shows tour connectors linking major thoroughfares are proposed I~he heav\ broken lines represent the proposed connec tions. The longest would link SR 1403 with L'.S. 401 north of Raetord at SK l.X>2. the Airport Road. This would make a through street of SR 1403 connecting N C 20 just beyond the southeastern city limits and L'.S. <01 . Another mat>?r addition *oulO link N.C. -11 and N C. 20 )ust bevond the v>uthern citv limits In the citv a short new road would connect the end of bast Prospect Avenue with SR I40.V The other connector would tie east end of Harris Avenue with South Mam Street at Central Venue. Part of the preliminary plan, as the map shows, would establish a general primarv route cirelmg the ot\ most ot the was beyond the cits limits The proposed plan covers the area within a mile of the ctty limits, the area governed bv the ciry's A>ning ordinances One ma?or value of a Thorough fare Plan. Matthews said, would be rights of way could be maintained as the cits grows, with subdivisions developing For example, the citv could pull out the Plan and tell .1 developer he can't build a house it this particular place because that is on the right of way tv>r a stret intersection. Matthews said. "Nobody is going to start changing anything." Matthews said, indicating the immediate future. As for truck traffic, he said the cits can designate streets fc? prevent their use by through truck traffic He said truck routes already have been designated In reference to truck traffic, a report made bv the Dtowru^owi* Revaluation Studs commtftce ot the Raeford - Hoke Chamfer* o* Commerce rwmiwiKW to tW Citv Council last vear that through truck traffic now running through the central busmen dKtnet be (See tit ARIMn. page